Ions and bonding

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Per. ____
Chapter 7 & 8 Study Guide
Ch 7) Ions – page 187-192
A. Valence electrons:
1. Define valence electrons:
2. Label the number of valence electrons for each column on the table below.
B. Most Common Ion formed:
1. Define octet rule:
2. All atoms will gain or lose electrons to have a filled valence shell of electrons. List the
most common ion formed for each column on the table below.
Na has1 valence electron, it is easier to lose the one electron then to try and gain 7
more. So sodium will form a 1+ ion.
Therefore, the Na ion has p= 11, e= 10 giving it a 1+ charge since protons are
positive and electrons are negative. All of the alkali metals have one valence electron so they
will all form a 1+ ion.
___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___Valence Electrons
___ ___ ___ ___ ___Most common Ion
Label the metals, non-metals and semi-metals location on the chart above.
3. Which of the above columns form cations and which form anions?
C) Ionic Compounds – pg. 194-198
1. Define ionic bond:
2. What types of elements form an ionic bond? Explain why and give an example of an ionic
3. What are three properties of ionic compounds?
Ch 8) Molecular Compounds – page 213
Part A)
1. Define covalent bond:
2. Define molecule:
3. Why is oxygen gas a diatomic molecule?
4. Why isn’t sodium chloride a molecule?
5. List three properties of molecular compounds.
Part B) Bond Polarity – page 237
6. Define non-polar covalent bond:
7. Give an example of a non-polar covalent bond.
8. Define polar covalent bond and give an example.
9. Define electronegativeity:
10. Complete the chart below:
Electronegativity difference
Most probable type of bond
> 2.0