
Servitude - 6
How did geographic, economic, and social factors influence the development of
slavery in the colonies?
 Best economic practice?
o Slavery ‘could be’ considered the best economic way to make the most money
o The owner has low overhead costs
 Does not have to pay the slave for his or her service
 Must keep the slave fed, clothed, basic shelter
o The owner keeps all of the profits for himself
 This does not consider the immoral nature of keeping a slave
 Hereditary Slavery
o Slavery in the Americas was known as hereditary slavery
o Explanation: If slaves had children – then they were slaves too
o In Africa, ancient Rome – slaves were not permanent
Native Americans
 Native Americans were the Europeans first labor force
 The Encomienda System forced Native Americans died of exhaustion and disease
 The Columbian Exchange caused disease to spread (the Native Americans did not have the
natural resistance)
Indentured Servants
 Coming to Virginia…
1. Definition: The Headright System: Colonists who paid their own way to Virginia received 50 acres
of land
 Usually rich Europeans could afford to pay their way over to America
2. Definition: Indentured Servants: Colonists who signed a contract to work from four to seven years
for those who paid their fare to America
 Those who became Indentured Servants were poor Europeans
 They were treated like slaves – a very harsh life
 40% of these young men (usually young men were indentured servants) died
 Bacon’s rebellion (1676)
o Nathanial Bacon was a wealthy frontiersman who befriended former indentured servants
 These former indentured servants lived in the Appalachian mountains (the cheapest land
with the poorest soil)
 They encroached (went on) natives’ land to farm and live
 The Indians attacked the former Servants
 The Virginian government did nothing in response to this insurrection
o Bacon led a small rebellion of indentured servants
 They burned Jamestown
o Bacon’s rebellion doomed the usage of Indentured Servants because the colonists were fearful of
another (indentured servitude) rebellion
So why was Africa chosen? (5 Reasons)
1. Similar, tropical weather to Central and Southern America
2. Africans were immune to European diseases (unlike the Native Americans)
3. Europe was very racist
4. Not Christian – If they were shown to be Christian, they were sometimes freed
5. No unity - Spoke a variety of different languages
 Native Americans and the poor of England were the first ‘slaves’
 When Africans were used as slaves, they were actually like indentured servants, they were freed
after a few years of working
o This was a tremendous financial mistake
o Full blown slavery offered a consistent work force