Momentum Fitness Discussion #3

The Cause Community Church Life Groups: Summer Quarter 2012 (May-July)
Session 3: “Fight to Eat Right”
Session Summary:
The purpose of this session is to remind people that God is the owner of our
bodies and we are the managers. Therefore, we need to honor God with our
bodies and be wise in what we eat.
Be Sure to Bring:
 OPTIONAL: Copies of Life Group Study Guide 3 for each member of your
Life Group (these are provided to help group members follow the
discussion, take notes, and have all of the additional content that would be
helpful for them)
 Pens
 Life Group DVD
 Bible
 Life Group Edition SCORECARD (yellow card)
 Listing of Momentum Fitness Workshops: free exercise classes and
food/health classes (included at the end of this discussion)
Additional Helpful Resources:
 = our church website lists info about Momentum
Fitness, including the Saturday Workshops. Go to:
 = website created by Saddleback Church (Pastor
Rick Warren’s church) that is full of helpful resources related to health,
eating, and exercise.1 Suggested references for this discussion:
Type the titles below into the “Search” tool in the upper right hand
corner of to view the articles below:
 7 Simple Tips to Get Healthy
 Curb Your Cravings and Lose Weight Quickly
 Whole Foods for Whole People
 Two-Week Meal Plan
 Recommended Foods & Definitions
 Vitamin Supplements
 Superfoods
 Recipes
There is an interview with Pastor Rick Warren and Dr. Mark Hyman on the
topic of functional medicine and how the foods we eat affect our bodies
negatively or positively. You may want to play this for your Life Group.
Go to
Copyright: The Cause Community Church 2012.
Go halfway down the page, click on the orange drop down box (it is
above the small screen), scroll down to “Session 3”, then click the
play button on the small screen.
The duration of the interview is from:
 This is a guide. Adjust the content used based on the needs of your
group. You do NOT have to use the entire discussion and ask every
 Take attendance and report to Kristyna Brusby ( or
 Special notes/reminders for H.O.S.T.s are in italics.
I. Group Welcome/Icebreaker, if needed (Suggested Time: 3-5
II. Life Sharing (Suggested Time: 10-15 min.)
Allow each individual or couple to share about how they are doing personally.
III. DVD Lesson (Approximately 20 min.)
Play the “Momentum Fitness” DVD Lesson (Discussion 3).
IV. Discussion Questions (Suggested Time: 30-45 min.)
What stood out to you from the DVD?
Read 1 Corinthians 6:12-20.
 What stands out to you in this passage?
What do you learn about how God sees your body?
How does the truth “your body is meant for the Lord” (v. 13) change the
way you think about how you treat your physical body?
Read verses 19-20 again. How do these verses change your outlook on
How does it impact how you make decisions?
Copyright: The Cause Community Church 2012.
There are 3 things that God says about our bodies that we can learn from this
1. God expects me to manage (steward) my body (v. 13).
 God will hold you accountable for what you did with your body. Are
you being a good manager of your body?
“You don’t have the right to just share your body with anybody.
Your body is not evil. It is holy and belongs to God (v. 13).”
Do you eat to live or do you live to eat?
Pastor Rick Warren: “Some things aren’t necessarily wrong.
They’re just not necessary.” How does this apply to the foods you
2. My body is God’s property (v. 19).
 Pastor Rick Warren: “God says how you manage your body is a
principle of stewardship. It is a spiritual discipline. That’s why
health matters. What you think you own is really on loan. That
includes your body. God owns your body, and you are just the
manager of it. You didn’t create your body, so you don’t own it.
God expects you to take care of the body He owns and He gave
 How does this truth impact you?
3. My body will be resurrected after I die (v. 14).
 In heaven, you will get a new body that is perfectly you.
Dr. Mark Hyman: “The things that make us sick also make us fat. If you fix the
things that are the underlying cause of disease, the weight loss happens
automatically. Choose the right foods and the right times to eat them. Don’t
drink your calories. Cut out soda, including diet drinks. Drink water.”
Read Daniel 1:3-5, 8-16.
 What decision did Daniel make regarding food?
What was the result of his decision?
How did Daniel obey and trust the Lord regarding his diet?
“For Daniel, what he ate was connected to his faith in God. He knew the
only way to honor God with his body was to refuse the rich food from the
king's table.”2
Adapted from “The Daniel Plan: Session 3”,
Adapted from “The Daniel Plan: Session 3”,
Copyright: The Cause Community Church 2012.
How does this passage challenge you regarding what you eat?
Why is it a fight to eat right? (Why is it difficult to eat healthy?)
 Are there any changes you need to make in what you eat? If so, what?
(Allow people to share.)
If you start to eat healthier, how will it affect you? Your spouse? Your
family? Your future?
Remind your group about the Saturday Momentum Fitness Workshops and
give them the details for the educational food classes.
Read Romans 12:1.
 How are our bodies connected to worship?
You can worship God by how you manage your body. Worship
sometimes involves sacrifice. Is there something you can sacrifice (i.e. a
habit, a behavior, a food item, a drink item, etc.) for the greater good of the
stewardship of your body?
How is God challenging you in the stewardship of your health?
 Is he pointing out anything that you need to give up? Share with the
V. Momentum Fitness Challenge (Suggested Time: 10-15 min.)
IMPORTANT: Remind everyone that Life Groups are a “guilt free” zone. People
can participate in Momentum Fitness however they choose. They do NOT have
to participate if they do not want to.
1. Momentum Fitness Personal Goals
Have you made any progress toward your personal fitness goal? (Allow people to
share and celebrate their victories.)
2. Momentum Fitness “Partners”
How have your Momentum Fitness “Partners” been helpful to you?
If you don’t yet have any Partners, do you need help finding some? (If so, talk to
them after Life Group and work with them on finding the right partners.)
3. Momentum Fitness Challenge: Life Group Edition
Refer to the Momentum Fitness Challenge: “Life Group Edition” description.
Copyright: The Cause Community Church 2012.
Discuss with your group how they would like to participate in this and
make some plans – set dates, etc.
Reminder: Each person who participates in the Golf Tournament on Monday,
June 11, will receive 100 points for their Life Group (so if you have 4 people
from your Life Group who participate, you will receive 400 points!). For more info,
go to
You may want to update everyone on the total number of points your Life Group
has in order to motivate them.
VI. Prayer (Suggested Time: 10-15 min.)
Pray for God to give you self-control in the area of eating.
Pray for your Life Group as a whole to become healthier over the next few
Pray for any personal needs.
VII. Important Church Announcements (Suggested Time: 2-3
Encourage your Life Group members to participate in the upcoming opportunities
and events at The Cause, including the Momentum Fitness Workshops.
VIII. Helpful Items from
Below are some healthy eating tips that you may want to share with your group
 Focus on meal timing and composition. Eat smaller meals 5 to 6 times per
day. For help, follow the first week of our “Two-Week Meal Plan.” Plan
ahead and always have healthy snacks on hand to avoid feeling hungry.
 Consider tracking your daily intake and exercise using a mobile
application or website such as , , or . Studies show people who track their food have greater
success with weight loss.
 Move towards vegetables being at least 50 percent of every meal,
followed by 25 percent lean protein and 25 percent grains. Explore the
variety of “Superfoods.” Begin replacing sugary drinks and juices with
water. When your taste buds rebel, read the article, “Curb Your Cravings”
for helpful tips.
 Add “Vitamin Supplements” to your routine, including Vitamin D, Omega 3,
and a quality multi-vitamin.
“The Daniel Plan” Small Group curriculum was used as a reference for this study.
Copyright: The Cause Community Church 2012.