Summary of websites

Summary of websites
After doing three analyses of three different movie websites of the same
genre. After analysing them I found that all three were very unique. For
example the website for “Sex and the city” had many different things for
example on the website the only video was not just of the trailer but also
videos of the apartments of the characters and a “HBO” shop where you can
buy the certain things itself from the movie.
Furthermore to this both the holiday and Valentines Day had a continuity of a
colour scheme going one which gives you the whole feel of the genre and
doesn’t make the page look tacky. All three of the websites looked elegant by
the colours that were used as they all stood out and the important images
were set cross to the viewers.
Another similarity all three had wad that at the top pf the page all three
mentioned about how you can get the movie on DVD and the different ways
you can get it for example “Blue-Ray” another way in which sex and the city
website was unique was by having the different tabs at the bottom of the page
instead of the top. By looking at all the images on the three website the genre
is easily noticeable especially on the website of Valentines Day,