Unit 7 Calendar

AP European History
Unit 7 Chapters 23 & 25 (Conservatism, Liberalism, Socialism, Nationalism and the Rise of Nation-States)
Describe the ways in which conservative political and social views shaped the peace settlement of the Congress
of Vienna. Explain the consequences of the peace settlement for the period 1815 to 1848. 14993
In February 1848, the middle classes and workers in France joined to overthrow the government of Louis
Philippe. By June the two groups were at odds in their political, economic, and social thinking. Analyze what
transpired to divide the groups and describe the consequences for French politics. 15990
Analyze the similarities and differences in the methods used by Cavour and Bismarck to bring about the
unification of Italy and of Germany, respectively. 24008B
Describe and analyze responses to industrialization by the working class between 1850 and 1914). 27003B
In Class
Day 1
Day 2
Lecture - The Age of
Read pp. 754-761 (up to Radical Ideas and Early Socialism)
1. Describe and define the concept "balance of power" in 1814-1815.
2. Describe the treatment of defeated France by the victors in 1814.
Why wasn't the treatment harsher?
3. Who were the participants and what was the purpose of the Holy
Alliance and the congress system?
4. How effective was Metternich's conservatism in creating peace as a
result of the Congress of Vienna?
5. As a result of Metternich's conservatism, how did Metternich and the
Quadruple Alliance suppress revolutionary activity in Italy and the
German Confederation?
6. Describe the makeup of the Austrian Empire. How and why were
nationalism and liberalism regarded as dangerous to those in power?
Read pp. 761-766 (up to The Romantic Movement)
1. The idea of liberalism included what type of freedoms?
2. Describe laissez-faire economic philosophy. Why did the laissez-faire
liberals see mercantilism as undesirable?
3. How did liberals differ from radical democratic republicans in what
they desired and how to achieve it?
4. Define nationalism. What were its links to liberalism?
5. What are the goals of socialism? How do the ideas of Saint-Simon,
Fourier, Blanc, and Proudhon illustrate socialist thought?
6. Why did French urban workers like the socialist ideology?
7. What was Marx's view of history? Who were the bourgeoisie and
proletariat? Why did Marx believe there would be a violent
Proletariat revolt?
Read pp. 770-777 (up to The Revolutions of 1848)
1. What were the causes and the outcome of the Greek revolution of
1812-1832? How was it a Romantic cause?
2. Who benefited from the Corn Laws? Who suffered? Why
3. Explain the importance of the Battle of Peterloo.
4. What were the goals of the Chartists? The Anti-Corn Law League?
5. Explain the Reform Bill of 1832, its necessity, and impact.
6. Much like the Factory Act of 1833 and the Mines Act of 1842, what
did the Ten Hours Act of 1847 accomplish?
7. Why was Britain able to peacefully evolve as a society and not fall
into a revolutionary predicament as many predicted?
8. What were conditions like in Ireland during the early 19th century?
9. How did the Great Famine in Ireland occur and what was its impact?
10. Was French King Louis XVIII a fair ruler? Explain.
11. Why did the French revolt against King Charles X in 1830?
12. Who replaced Charles X? How effective was this change?
Discuss Essay #1
Day 3
Lecture on
Metternich or discuss
reading from
previous night
Day 4
Discuss Essay #2
Day 5
Lecture – Revolution
of 1848 in France
Day 6
Discuss Italian
Read pp. 777-782 (to the end of the chapter)
1. Describe what happened in France in 1848. Why did the French
voters turn their backs on the Revolution and elect a strongman as
2. Why did the revolutionary coalition in Hungary in 1848 break down?
3. Why couldn't the middle-class liberals and the urban poor in Austria
cooperate in destroying their common enemies?
4. What was the role of the Archduchess Sophia in the preservation of
the Austrian Empire.
5. What was the purpose of the National Assembly (Frankfurt
6. How did Prussian King Frederick William IV react to the liberals?
Read pp. 823-829 (up to Germany Before Bismarck)
1. Why did the voters of France elect Louis Napoleon president in
1848? What were some of the benefits Napoleon bestowed on his
2. Why was Italy before 1860 merely a "geographical expression"?
3. Between 1815-1848 what were the three basic approaches to a unified
4. Why did Italians look to Sardinia-Piedmont to head the unification
movement in Italy?
5. Why did the papacy not lead the unification in Italy?
6. What was Camilo Cavour's initial goal and how did he achieve it?
7. How important were Garibaldi and his Red Shirts to Italy's
unification? Explain.
8. What problems faced the new country of Italy ruled by King Victor
Garibaldi article
Read pp. 829-833 (up to Nation Building in the United States)
1. What was the significance of the Zollverein in German history?
2. Prior to the arrival of Bismarck, what problems did Prussian King
William I encounter?
3. Why were Prussian citizens and Parliament upset with Bismarck?
How did they respond to his actions?
4. Why did Prussia fight Denmark in 1864?
5. Why did the Prussians have such an easy time defeating Austria?
What was the end result of the Seven Weeks War (Austro-Prussian
6. How did Bismarck's new federal government operate in the North
German Confederation?
7. Why did the Prussian middle-class liberals make an about-face and
support their old enemy Bismarck after 1866?
8. Why did Prussia and France go to war in 1870? What was Bismarck
hoping to gain?
9. What were the peace terms issued to France at the end of the FrancoPrussian War?
10. How did Italy benefit from Prussia's wars with Austria and France?
Day 7
Discuss Bismarck
and Prussian
Discuss Essay #3
Day 8
Lecture - Bismarck
and His Authoritarian
Day 9
Discuss previous
night's questions
Primary Source: Pankhurst - History of the Suffrage Movement
Read pp. 838-843 (The Responsive National State up to Great Britain and
1. By 1920, what groups had attained the right to vote and how did it
affect the governments of various countries?
2. Why did nationalism become a universal faith in Europe between
1850 and 1914 and why did it gain the support of the broad masses of
3. Was the new Germany a democracy? Where did power reside in the
Germany of 1871?
4. What was Bismarck's relationship (after 1871) with (a) the Catholic
church, (b) the liberals, and (c) the socialists?
5. Why was the Paris Commune formed? What happened to it?
6. How did the educational reforms of the 1880's affect France?
7. What were the causes and outcome of the Dreyfus affair in France?
Read pp. 843-850 (up to the end of the chapter)
1. What were the major political developments and issues in Britain and
Ireland in the late 19th century?
2. How did the dual monarchy in Austria-Hungary operate? Why was
the dual monarchy created?
3. What was the purpose of the socialist internationals? What were the
general arguments of the revisionist socialists?
4. How does one account for the rapid growth of socialist parties in
Europe in the last quarter of the 19th century?
Discuss Essay #4
Day 11
Collect Multiple
Choice Answers
Unit 7 Essay Test
(you will be given a
choice of two essays
out of the four that
we have discussed
this unit. You will
answer only one of
the questions. NO
Day 12
Day 13
Handout Manchester
Review Test
Discuss categories
Finish DBQ and Turn
Write DBQ