Aztec Explorer page

Aztec Explorer
Aztec Civilization
Aztec Origins
1. Who led the expansion of the Aztec Empire?
2. How did the empire expand?
3. Where did the Aztecs live?
1. Who ruled the Aztecs?
2. Describe the laws of the Aztecs.
3. How were criminals punished?
Culture and Society
1. Describe Aztec clothing.
2. How did the Aztecs make their clothes?
3. What were the primary professions?
4. What were the roles of men and women?
5. What was the role of their sport in their culture?
6. Describe the Aztec calendar and its significance.
7. Describe the significant art contributions of the Aztecs.
8. What were the major architectural contributions of the Aztecs?
9. Describe the class system found in the Aztec society.
1. What was the language spoken by the Aztecs?
2. Describe the written language of the Aztecs.
Aztec Downfall
1. What happened to the Aztecs?
2. Who was responsible for Aztec downfall?
3. Why did the Aztec Civilization fall?