Body Systems Notes What Are Body Systems? Your body is made

Body Systems Notes
What Are Body Systems?
Your body is made up of billions of ________ ( basic unit of living things)
Groups of _________working together are tissues
A group of tissues working together are ___________
Organs all have ____________ jobs (heart is to pump blood, but can the heart get blood to all other
body parts by itself?)
A group of organs working together to complete a task is a ________ ___________
Body Systems Work Together
Body systems play different roles in the body, but work together to maintain _______________
Homeostasis is the condition in which the body’s ______________ conditions are at a stable state
Example: Needing more oxygen during exercise. Which two systems work together to provide it?
Example: Running. Which two systems work together to provide it?
Body Systems Depend On Each Other
All of the body systems are ____________________
If one does not work properly, then it affects the others
Body systems are dependent on each other, so it is important to take care/ protect each system
Skeletal System
Skeletal system is an internal system made up of bones, joints, and connective tissue
A bone is an ___________ in the skeletal system
There are __________ bones in the body
Functions of bones:
Bones are hard because they store ___________- Calcium and phosphorus, for use when the body
needs it- mineral that maker bones strong and healthy
They protect ______ organs- Provide framework around internal organs
Support the body- Vertebrae has ______ bones, supporting head, neck, and protect spinal cord
Allow movement- muscles pull on bones to move
Form new blood cells- Inside the bones are bone marrow (soft tissue) that makes blood cells for the
Joints are a place where _______ or more bones meet
Bones are held together at joints by tissues called ___________- help hold bones in place
Joints allow the body to move in controlled ways
Tissues called ________ attach muscle to bones –Achilles tendon
When muscles move, they cause bones to ________ too
Different Types Of Joints
_________ joints -One direction movement only
Gliding joints - Enable bones to slide over one another
________ joints- Moves side to side, up and down, but for limited rotation
Ball and socket joint - Move in all directions, allowing rotation
Connective Tissues
Ligaments- connect bones to joints
Tendons- attach muscle to ________
Cartilage- strong, flexible tissue that provides ______________ at your joints
Problems with Skeletal System
Fractures- _________ in a bone
Dislocations- bone pushed _______ of joint
Sprains- stretching or ______________ a ligament
Osteoarthritis- breakdown of ______________, causing stiffness and swelling
Scoliosis- sideways curvature in spine
Osteoporosis- condition of brittle and ___________ bones (long term deficiencies in calcium,
Vitamin D and lack of exercise)
Caring for Skeletal System
Be ___________ active- walking and jogging increase bone mass
Eat foods high in ___________ and phosphorus- Dairy products, liver, beans, and whole grains
Sit, stand, and walk in ___________ posture- keeps spine healthy and protects spinal cord
Pay attention to your ___________- Should have correct arch support and should be able to wiggle toes,
this provides support of bones in your feet
The Muscular System
Group of structures that make your body parts ________
Most important muscle: the __________
Kinds of Muscles
Cardiac- muscle that forms the ________
___________- forms some internal organs
Skeletal- muscle _________ to bones
Muscles and Movement
When muscles _________ they pull two ends toward center
If the two ends are attached to bones, they are pulled too
Most body movements require effort from two muscles or muscle groups
Problems of the Muscular System
A pulled or torn muscle- _____ away from bone or damaged
Muscle strain- ___________ developed by overuse
Cramped muscle- remains ____________ instead of extending
Muscular dystrophy-disorder inherited, causing __________ weakening
Care of the Muscular System
_________ in regular physical activity
Warm up before physical activity
Eat foods containing carbohydrates and protein
_________ a healthy weight
Learn to lift properly
The Digestive System
Digestion is the _______________________________ you can eat into substances the body can use
Digestive system- is an organ system that _________ food to a form useful for the body
Digestion frees nutrients so they can be used by the body
Nutrients are substances that the body needs to work properly
Cells use nutrients to ________ , repair themselves, and ________ energy
Where Food is Digested
Digestion begins in the ___________
Teeth cut and grind food while saliva moistens it
________________ (fluid produced by salivary glands) is 99% water
Passes through pharynx and _______________
It enters the stomach- collected and churned like a food processor
Goes to small intestine- coiled __________ long tube, where it absorbs most nutrients, which are used
by the body for growth, energy, and repair. Digestion is __________ here
Food then enters large intestine and then excreted through the anus
Non-Digestive Waste Removal
Liver- a large gland where many ___________ functions occur. Produces __________ to get rid of fats
Gallbladder- small saclike organ that ___________ bile
Pancreas- organ that produces ______________ that assists in digestion. Releases enzymes directly into
the small intestine
Kidneys- Blood carries _____________ to kidneys, which mix it with water and excrete it as urine
Sweat glands remove salt and water from body
Lungs remove _____________ ______________ from body
The Excretory System
A system that _____________ waste from the body
Colon, Kidneys, and Bladder
Excretion is the process of removing wastes from the body
Remains that cannot digest___________ to the colon- large intestine
The lining of the colon _____________ most liquid forms of undigested material
The solids are deposited as______________
When the colon is full it sends a ___________ to the brain to contract and push out the feces from the
Problems with the Digestive and Excretory System
Indigestion- uncomfortable feeling in stomach from eating to ____________ or too much
Diarrhea- watery feces-may be caused by ______________ in food
Ulcers- sores on _______________ stomach or small intestine
Cirrhosis-destruction of _____________
Gallstones- mineral ______________ on gallbladder, block passage of bile
Kidney stones-like gallstones but block passage of ______________
Appendicitis- inflammation of _____________
Hemorrhoids-swelling of _________________ at the opening of the anus
Colon cancer –growth of abnormal cells in the _____________
Caring for the Digestive and Excretory System
Eat a variety of foods- low-fat and high-___________ foods
Eat complete meals- eating breakfast is _______________ important
Do not rush meals
Chew food _________________- do not wash big pieces down with a drink
Drink plenty of water- 6 to __________ glasses a day of 8 ounces of water
See your dentist regularly
The Circulatory System
Organs and tissues that transport essential materials to the body cells and remove their _______
Made up of plasma, platelets, ____________blood cells, and red blood cells
Plasma is ____________ where the body cells absorb water
Platelets help form ____________ where there is injury in a blood vessel
White blood cells fight off ___________________
Red blood cells carry _______________ throughout the body
Blood moves through blood vessels
Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart are ________________
Blood vessels that carry blood ___________ the heart are veins
Capillaries carry blood ______________ veins and arteries
Parts of the Circulatory System
Pulmonary circulation- flow of blood from the heart to the lungs and back to the___________
Systematic circulation- flow of blood to all the body tissues except the ______________
The Heart
Contracts and _____________ blood through blood vessels
Heart (with 4 chambers)
Right ventricle pumps blood to lungs, where it exchanges carbon dioxide for oxygen
Blood flows into the _________ ________________
It pumps blood to the _________________________
The left ventricle pumps to the entire body
The body absorbs oxygen and releases carbon dioxide
Then it flows to the __________________________
Right atrium pumps it to the ______________________
Problems with the Circulatory System
Hypertension- blood pressure is consistently higher than normal
_____________- results from blood clots that block vessels to brain or rupture of one
Heart Attack- blockage of the flow of blood to the heart
Arteriosclerosis- arteries harden, reducing the amount of blood that can flow through them
______________- abnormally low level of hemoglobin, protein that binds to oxygen in red blood cells
Leukemia- disease where extra white blood cells are produced
_______________- disease where plasma does not contain substances to block or clot
Care of the Circulatory System
Limit __________ in your foods- can deposit on artery walls, narrowing them and increasing blood
Get regular __________________ activity- strengthens heart muscles, allowing it to pump more blood
with each beat
Avoid ________________- tobacco contains nicotine, which narrows arteries, requiring higher blood
Manage ______________- under stress the body secretes adrenaline, which increases blood pressure
How the Respiratory System Works
Supply oxygen to _________
Remove carbon dioxide from the blood and release it _________ the body
Air enters through the mouth and _________
Travels to ___________
Moves from the throat to the larynx or voice box
Then to the trachea- a pipe that carries air deep into the body
Then it splits into two branches at the ______________
Carries to the ____________- sponge-like organ that allows gases to pass between blood and air
Your _______________ separates the lungs from the abdomen
Gas Exchange
The air you exhale contains more carbon dioxide and __________ oxygen than what you inhale
Air is exchanged at the ____________, microscopic air sacs in the lungs, to oxygen
Breathing Process
Moving air in and out of the lungs- ______________
Air entering the lungs is ________________
Air leaving the lungs is __________________
Inhalation occurs when the diaphragm contracts and rib cage _________________
Problems with the Respiratory System
Influenza- colds caused by viruses
______________- swelling of the bronchi due to infection
Allergies- immune responses to foreign substances
Asthma-inflammatory disease causing the bronchi to become narrowed or blocked
________________- lung infection caused by viruses or bacteria
Emphysema- disease where alveoli becomes damaged or destroyed
Tuberculosis-bacterial lung infection
__________________- disease where lung tissue are destroyed by the growth of a tumor
Caring for the Respiratory System
Avoid smoking and second hand smoke
Reduce your risk of respiratory infection- wash hands regularly with soap and water and avoid touching
your nose and mouth
The Nervous System
Specialized _____________ make up nervous system are ____________________
Neurons carry ______________________
Controls all body ______________________
Two types of neurons: sensory- send message to spinal cord and ____________- receive messages from
the brain and stimulate muscles to respond
Parts of the Nervous System
Major organ is the _________________
Movement, memory, learning, speaking, and the five senses are controlled by the brain
Brain is attached to the spinal _____________-carries messages to and from the brain
Messages travel through nerves- bundles of cells that conduct messages from one part of the body to
There are two main parts of the Nervous Systems:
______________________________________ (CNS)- brain and spinal cord
Controls voluntary (walking) and involuntary (heart beating) actions
______________________________________ (PNS)- nerves that connect the CNS to all parts of the
Somatic system (actions controlled) and autonomic actions ( actions don’t control) breathing
Problems with the Nervous System
___________________________- caused by a blow to the head or violent jarring of the head
Spinal cord injury- can result from damage of head, neck, or spine
Nerve inflammation- follows a _________________ injury
Get enough sleep
Avoid alcohol and other drugs
Obey all traffic rules
The Endocrine System
A _____________ communication system that regulates many body functions
A gland is a group of cells, or an organ that secretes a chemical substance
They are _____________ into the bloodstream
Glands of the Endocrine System
Endocrine glands take _________________ from the brain or other glands
The brain receives chemical and ________________ messages from the body to the presence of
substances in the blood
The pituitary gland signals other glands to _____________ hormones when needed
Body’s Response to Stress
When you stress your palms get _____________ and heart beats _____________
Your adrenal glands respond by releasing __________________-which prepares your body to respond
to stress
Heart rate and blood flow________________
Blood sugar levels and blood pressure __________________
Air passages expand and sweat production increases
Other body parts ________________ to conserve energy (digestive system)
When the stressful stimulus ____________________, the body returns to normal state
Problems of the Endocrine System
______________________________- caused by inadequate insulin production
Overactive thyroid- ______________ in neck
Underactive thyroid- dull facial expressions
Growth ___________________- abnormal amounts of growth hormones
Care of the Endocrine System
Get enough sleep- period of reduced awareness where body slows down
Keep things in perspective
The Reproductive System
The Male Reproductive System
Male reproductive cells are called ___________________
Males produce sperm at puberty- age __________________
Sperm is produced in _______________ and mature in the ___________________
Travel through vas deferens where they are mixed with seminal fluid
The mixture is called ______________
Muscular contractions force semen though the urethra and out the body called _______________
Problems of the Male Reproductive System
____________________- inability to produce healthy sperm to reproduce
Enlarged ____________ gland- associated with _______________
Sexually transmitted Diseases- ________________ spread during sexual contact
_____________- uncontrolled cell growth that destroys healthy tissue
Care of the Male Reproductive System
Practice of self-examination- check for __________
Bathe regularly- ensure ______________________
Avoid wearing _____________ underwear- wear protective cup
Practice __________________- until married
The Female Reproductive System
The Menstrual Cycle
As a female reaches puberty, ______________ cause eggs to mature in the ________________
_____________________ is the release of one mature egg each month
The uterus _______________________ in preparation to receive and begin to nourish a fertilized egg
If fertilization does not occur, then the_______________ is broken down and expelled
The flow of the lining out of the body is ________________________________
Most females begin menstruation between ___________________________
The times of ovulation may vary and degree of cramps and fatigue may vary, ______________________
Problems of the Female Reproductive System
Premenstrual Cycle- __________________________ changes before and during menstruation
Toxic Shock Syndrome- bacterial infection associated with incorrect use of _________________
Infertility-inability to ______________
Ovarian cysts- ____________________ on the ovary
Sexually Transmitted Diseases- diseases spread through _________________________________
Cancer-uncontrolled _______________ growth
Care for the Female Reproductive System
Examine your breasts- check for _______________
Bathe _________________- change tampons and pads frequently too
Record your menstrual _________________
Practice abstinence- until _______________