
Unit 1 Timeline:
1763 - Treaty of Paris; Proclamation of 1763
1492 - Columbus arrives in the Americas
1764 - Sugar Act
1565 - Spanish build fortress at St. Augustine (FL)
1764 - Paxton Boys march on Philadelphia
1607 - Jamestown - first successful English colony
1765 - Quartering Act; Stamp Act; Stamp Act Congress organized
1608 - France colonizes Quebec
1766 - Declaratory Act
1619 - Virginia House of Burgesses established
1767 - Townshend Acts
1620 - Pilgrims arrive at Plymouth Bay in Mayflower
1770 - Boston Massacre; all Townshend Acts repealed except tea
1630 - Puritans found Massachusetts Bay Colony
1768-1771 - Regulator protests in NC
1637 - Pequot War
1772 - Committees of Correspondence formed
1639 - Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
1773 - Boston Tea Party
1643 - New England Confederation is formed
1774 - "Intolerable Acts"; Quebec Act; First Continental Congress; The
Association established
1650 - First Navigation Laws passed by Britain to enforce mercantilism
1675-76 - King Philip's War (N.E.)
1676 - Bacon's Rebellion (VA)
1775 - Lexington and Concord; Second Continental Congress; Bunker
1680 - Pope's Rebellion
1776 - Paine's Common Sense is published; Declaration of
1680s - slavery becomes more important than indentured servitude
1777 - Battle of Saratoga
1689-91 - Leisler's Rebellion
1692 - Salem Witch Trials
1781 - British surrender at Yorktown; Articles of Confederation
1712 - New York City slave revolt
1783 - Treaty of Paris
1730s - Great Awakening BEGINS
1785 - Land Ordinance of 1785
1739 - Stono Rebellion (slave revolt in SC)
1786 - Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom; Shays's Rebellion
1740s - Great Awakening DECLINES
1787 - Northwest Ordinance; Constitutional Convention in
1754-1763 - French & Indian War (Seven Years' War)
1789 - Constitution effective