District Leadership Steering Committee

District Leadership Steering Committee
June 2, 2010
Jeff Patterson reported that we are required to complete the IMM tool for the district before Grant
Elementary can complete theirs. Rod Lake and Mark Gleichauf will work with Anne Nolan and Kathe
Stack to complete the district IMM in June. Then, Roxann Ramsey and Mark Gleichauf will work with
Kathe Stack in developing the Grant IMM by June 30th. Over the course of the next school year, there
will need to be training for all buildings as to how to enter their IMM data. There was some discussion
about access and who will have editing privileges.
Structure Flow Chart
Two flowcharts were passed around depicting the organization of various committees (DLT steering,
DLT, BLT, TEC, Communications Forum, etc.) as they functioned for the 09-10 school year, listing both
the members by title and responsibilities, and depicting the organization for next school year based on
the suggestions made at the May 19th DLT meeting. Discussion highlighting various changes and further
revision occurred. Some of these points included:
 Reduction in the number of members on the DLT Steering Committee to 9
 All departments and committees would have standing agenda items for their meeting with a
“report back” of what occurred at DLT steering/DLT meetings
 As subcommittees are formed, additional members not on DLT could be brought in
 If a member is unable to attend a meeting, a proxy representative would be asked to attend
 The DLT would meet more frequently, six times per year, for a half day meeting
 Further suggestions discussed:
o Teacher representation at DLT steering committee?
o Superintendant as DLT member?
o Include Coordinator of State/Federal programs as member?
o More elementary school representation at DLT Steering?
o More high school representation at DLT?
Meeting minutes from DLT will now be posted on the district website under the Staff Tools link.
Coordination of Data Collection
There was discussion as to who will coordinate the collection of the data that will be entered into the
IMM. For the district level IMM, this is specified under person responsible and will be updated by Rod
Lake with input from DLT Steering members. There was discussion as to who will enter this data into
the IMM and that this may be done at DLT Steering committee meetings for the district. However, at
the building level, who will coordinate the collection of the data and then enter it? Building principals or
BLT’s will need training in using this tool. Jan Soeder suggested that this responsibility lie with the
principal at each building to allow for more control over the technology and review of data, as well as
the fact that the principal remains the same over time as opposed to various BLT members.
McNulty Event
Mark Gleichauf reported that he is working on the logistical details of the McNulty presentation on June
11th. Jan Soeder reported that the district was able to provide some compensation for teachers that will
be in attendance from various funding sources.
DLT Steering Committee Minutes
June 2, 2010
General Updates
Jeff Patterson announced that the district is still waiting for state approval of waiver days and this may
take a while until we hear back from them. The board has approved the days.
SST-3 and CSU are sponsoring an RTI Summer Institute August 3- 5th. Diane Moyer, Mark Walter and
Keith Ahearn will be presenting at one of the breakout sessions. A team from Grant Elementary may be
going and using the Grant allocated money. In addition, the SST will pay for 3 people to attend from
DLT Steering Committee Minutes
June 2, 2010