Harocks Revenge

Harocks Revenge
The name of the Civilization is Harockas. The civilization uses mechanical
exoskeletons that let them jump a hundred feet in the air and have ground to air missiles
inside the shoulder pads. Each suit can take out dozens of darts.
They have developed much like our own civilization with one exception. They
have developed cloaking technology for their flying cities. They got the cloaking devices
from a puddle jumper. They copied the technology from the puddle jumper. It is our
fault that they are under attack. We prematurely awakened the wraith and their cloaking
tech activated a little too late when the wraith dialed their planet. The city ships have
been hiding behind their cloaks for five years.
The entire bottom side of the city has huge hatches that open up and drop the jets
right into the air. The jets have an uncanny resemblance to our F-22 Raptors. The
viewing hud is like a tv screen and it is equipped with lasers.
The wraith are frustrated because each time the planes come from a different
location and destroy all the darts with minimal casualties. Sometimes a dart will crash
into their metal flying cities and the mechanical exoskeletons are responsible for killing
the wraith inside the dart before it can activate the dart’s self destruct.
The Wraith have glassed the surface but because of subterranean springs and
massive underground food storage facilities they have another couple decades for about
15.5 million people. Their technology is not superior to the wraith it is just below it in
fact but constant vigilance and a desire to better themselves makes them a future serious
threat to the wraith; which also makes them the second largest target in the galaxy next to
the Atlantean Expedition.
Because of all the weapons fire on the surface most of the atmosphere is almost
completely toxic.
Four times a year the wraith come to the planet to kill as many as possible. They
cull only a dozen or so soldiers each time. Each time they come to the planet they kill all
the plant life on the surface. It doesn’t hurt them too much since the ships are almost
completely self sustaining.
About two hundred years ago the harockans knew the wraith were coming and
they began constructing space ships they were only able to get a cloak because of the
puddle jumper they found on a remote planet deep in a cave. The propulsion systems
were a vital component as well because it enabled them to build the floating cities using
the configuration of the hover mode in the puddle jumper. The ships were originally
designed for interstellar travel but over the years more and more people have needed the
ships and they have had to make adjustments but each ship is designed for space. With
about four months experienced workers can convert the cities into interstellar ships.
Their fighter ships have one major disadvantage. Their fighters are designed
much like our F-22 Raptors and have the same weakness; They cannot operate in
vacuum. That is the main reason the impulse engines cannot take them to other planets.
Without the protection of their planes and the mech warriors are what keeps the cities
alive. The cities are powered by Fusion. The Harockan soldiers are just as good as our
However they have been searching for the key to Interstellar travel for the past
three decades and they are willing to do almost anything to get their hands on that kind of
information. The wraith have been very careful not to allow their hive ships into the
atmosphere for the jets to take them out. We are willing to trade 30 of their cloaking
devices and four of their military suits for four months worth of manpower and our
expertise and the Interstellar star drives. We know we are getting the short end of the
stick on this deal but these people could come in very handy down the road. It will take
them four to five years in order to completely finish all 32 of their ships, or so we think.
Two hundred years ago there were as many as fifty-two of their flying cities. Some have
been hit by the wraith hive ships with lucky shots but most have just been too old but we
are also setting up trade relations between the genii and themselves and several other
Rodney goes off with their other scientists and begins to fill in the gaps to
interstellar travel for them while the rest of the group goes to negotiate for some of their
military suits and other various toys.
While he is deep in thought in the belly of the ship Rodney notices one scientist
that seems to have a grasp of things a little too well. Ignoring his gut feelings he
continues to work with the scientists and lays his computer on a desk on the far side of
the room. Five minutes later he notices the particular scientist has his hand inside the
Rodney yells over the radio they have a big problem in the city and the man
literally disappears.
“Yes, Rodney this place is full of problems could you be more specific, Wraith
problems, medical problems, geek problems…
Rodney then pulls out the life signs detector and follows the thing.
“No, John replicator problems should sum it up for you.
John sends Ronon to the stargate to get the ARGs and Teyla and John try to catch
up to Rodney.
He is deep in the underbelly of the ship and the team has caught up to the being
and they are in a wide room and the man literally comes up from the floor.
John wastes no time and fires and kills the biological replicator. It falls to the
floor and bleeds. The team is puzzled and approach cautiously.
“You didn’t have to kill the thing it wasn’t hurting anybody,” Rodney angrily
“Rule of thumb, with replicators shoot first, shoot often and just for fun shoot
some more,” John says.
“I like those rules,” Ronon chimes in.
The bullet holes heal quickly and the team steps back.
“Please don’t shoot, I am vulnerable to such weaponry.” The team points the
guns the Harockans give us back at the human replicator. Ronon is to the left John is to
the right and Teyla is in the rear of the creature. Rodney is taking scans.
“Give me a good reason not to.” Sheppard says leveling his gun at the replicator.
“I am what you would call the enemy; but I am biological in nature and we are
about to be on the run, again.”
“In my personal opinion the only good replicator is a dead one so you have one
minute, start talking.”
“We are replicators but not too long ago a section of the replicator civilization
realized that the path to ascension in a biological form made the transformation smoother
than if we were in our metallic state. We broke off from the rest and created a planet on
the outskirts of the galaxy.”
“Thirty seconds,” Sheppard says.
“We are constantly hunted by our former breatheren and the fact that we had to
trade our perfect bodies for these frail substitutes has pushed us nearly to the breaking
point. The bones can be broken and the body itself is incredibly weak.
“You’re missing the best part we can kill you with these things,” John says this
while brandishing his P-90
Also with this change came unwanted baggage, emotions, feeling, love, and anger
are in constant turmoil and we have been—for lack of a better word—spying on these
people to see how they deal with the day to day struggles that we are finding difficult to
contain. One of us is about to be ready to start his journey and he has found/made a/his
sanctuary. But the eight keys that will be necessary to take his place will need time to
take over the shielding. I was spying on your friend here because quite frankly we will
require a second and third sanctuary afterwards and your people may be able to protect us
during the second ascension.”
The ancients are allowing replicators to ascend?
“If it looks like a rat…” says Rodney.
“Finally common sense…” John says.
Sheppard asks his team what they think, Teyla is cautious, Ronon wants to kill it
and Rodney for once is in agreement with Ronon.
The replicator drops to his knees and prepares for his judgment.
“I just have a few more questions before we end this,” Sheppard says.
“Have you ever killed a person?” Sheppard asks.
“Once,” answers the replicator.
“You’re still alive.”
“When our consciousnesses were downloaded into these biological bodies we
killed our former selves. We each personally were responsible for creating our own what
you call, Anti Replicator weapons and when we copied ourselves, we killed our former
“Did your former selves have consciousness?”
“Why didn’t you create a biological collective?”
“We don’t know how to go about mastering that level of technology in biological
form just yet.”
“What was the other part of your mission here?”
Slightly taken aback by the question the replicator pauses. “As I said we were
searching for sanctuary.
“Do not lie to me…” John threatens.
“If we had taken sanctuary here these brave people would not be able to last five
minutes against a replicator armada. But I am afraid they would have been the only ones
we could have put our trust in at least that we know of.”
“I am also sad to say that if we had sought you out you would not last much long
than these people.”
“Did you come here to kill the ________(insert whatever they call the leader).
“Is there anything else you wish to add?”
“Only that if you kill me I die forever. When we rebelled our programs were
erased permanently. Apparently the collective did not find favor with our actions.
The biological human form replicator is still down on his knees and one single
tear slips out of the side of his eye. He is clearly shaken up and Sheppard is taken aback
as well.
At that moment several guards and personnel arrive and take up flanking positions
around the being.
Sheppard vouches for the being as long as it removes its backdoor into their secret
military computers; there should be a no harm no foul situation feeling amongst the team.
At the end of the episode we see the leader and the highest military commander
standing there watching the team leave and the second they leave the leader in a very
dark voice says, “Get every man capable of working on these engines to overhaul them
immediately we are only going to get one chance at this.” At that moment have the fade
out. Two months later the harockans have cut all communication and ties with us and
anyone who has ever heard of them. They connect all of their city ships and any
corvettes they have inside the city ships and transport their entire civilization at once in
order to escape the wraith.
Once on the other side Rodney tells everyone plainly enough that the Harockans
are going to be gone in two months. He knows their technology and their urgent need to
get off the planet. He gives it two months tops before their newfound friends disappear
In the end isn’t that kinda like switching seats on the titanic. If we don’t unite and
fight the wraith all at once then we’re all screwed in the end.
The great raid.
The wraith civil war has suddenly stopped. But there is one wraith queen that is
becoming the most powerful by offering her species food they are pledging their
allegiances to this female queen and many have begun to fanatically follow her small
empire she is creating.
We see the Daedalus, Apollo, and the Odyssey attached to an asteroid headed for
the planet. They boost the power of the beams when they get close enough and are able
to beam down weapons and supplies. Once the asteroid passes behind one of the three
moons they will detach and get behind one of the moons.
Towards the center of the galaxy in the expedition’s quadrant there is one world.
The wraith use it as their main feeding ground. They grow them three times faster than a
normal human in stasis pods. Still this is not enough to feed every wraith in the galaxy
and all humans over the age of 30 are automatically culled in these cities. There is a
wraith religion that exists here too. Rebellions are put down with ferocious force and the
wraith guard each of these worlds with as much as a dozen ships each. Not to mention
the stargate itself is guarded by 10 to twelve wraith as well. Of course the benefits of this
are that their main food supply is concentrated and it makes herding easier. The humans
believe that they are living in an advanced society and they call themselves Geracians.
Their religion revolves around the wraith of course this wouldn’t be the first time. It is
propaganda though that the wraith are their protectors and in some bastardized sense this
may or may not be the case. They may be protecting them from other wraith that would
wish to cull them or they just may be protecting them from the other humans of the
galaxy. There are only a few elite people who worship the wraith who act as population
management or police. These planets were probably created in the first place to solve the
problem of food shortages when they woke up early from their hibernation. The wraith
are a patient race they may have foreseen the possibility that these planets may one day
be necessary.
Sheppard drops in on Rodney and his team before the meeting and tells Rodney
they are already late.
“Are the Genii here yet?” Rodney asks.
“They’re already in the meeting room.”
During the briefing Rodney comes up with a brilliant but brutal plan that if we are
willing to put the human casualties into context as only food for the wraith and stopping
the food supply no matter what, then they could just blow up the sun and let it consume
the planet and kill all the hive ships that are inevitably guarding the planet.
“Do you people really have a way to blow up a sun?” Ronon should be the one to
ask that.
“Yes” Weir answers.
These episodes are probably going to turn into a two part episode. The intel
comes from a wraith data device that was lifted off the ship from one of Shepherds teams
when the Genii and atlanteans worked together to escape from a ship. The nanites that
accelerate growth in these people are able to be wiped out with a serious emp. Preferably
a Genii nuke; naquada generators are not that easy to come by. The Genii offer to help
on this mission and are more than willing to help these people escape as long as we
uphold our end of the bargain and provide them with a little bit of our Earth technology.
The genii have established another city in a very large cavern about 20 miles from their
original city and would welcome the bodies for labor and to provide sanctuary. This may
be able to turn into another episode when these people are trying to assimilate into the
Genii culture. There is a major briefing at Atlantis and the Genii attend so that they are
A representative from the Geracians is also there and he is willing to do whatever
it takes to ensure the freedom of their people.
There is of course one major catch we don’t know about. The planet is
surrounded by Wraith satellite weapons. Either they took ancient weapons satellites and
control them or they made their own by copying the satellite technology of the ancients
and there are about 30 satellites per planet. Whenever a threat to the planet emerges and
there may be a fight three hive ships around each planet deploy satellite weapons for
protection. The satellite weapons reside in the middle crevice of the ship.
The base of operations will be set up in a major cave system that is outside the
city. As of now there is one puddle jumper on one of the major planets now and they are
attempting to turn the population towards rejecting the wraith. Eight puddle jumpers are
sent to the planet and they set up operations near one of the most populated towns.
Puddle jumpers could just go through the stargate but since the plan requires the use of
another stargate and they need to strap a gate to the bottom of a jumper then the Daedalus
will get them just outside the solar system where they will cloak and proceed towards the
mission objective. They strap a stargate to one of the puddle jumpers and put the dhd
inside another. This city is located right next to the planets stargate so the team sets up a
watch post in the woods nearby and they don’t use the gate when the wraith activate
theirs and when the wraith gate is down they are evacuating people. They evacuate them
first to the alpha site so that they can kill the nanites that are accelerating their growths
and the tracking beacons using a massive emp generator. Then they send them to the
Genii homeworld. They have been slowly diminishing the population but soon they will
have to take as many people with them as possible all at once, do one night of evacuation
of as many people as possible. The end of the first episode they are almost discovered;
patrols of wraith are walking through the woods and the team sees them and everybody
gets into a defensive position. If the wraith turn towards the caves then they will have no
choice but to kill them and possibly alert the rest of the wraith to their presence. Ronan
feels a breeze coming through one of the tunnels and requests two other men to come
with him. Deep beneath the city they discover that there are millions more people they
are growing in tanks. Apparently once a year they cull the people then move the people
from the tanks where they are in stasis up to the surface to live for a year before they are
culled again.
The next episode they continue to move people through the gate and Staite and
the actor who plays Carson Becket are at the alpha site busily eliminating the nanites.
The wraith are still oblivious so far the Genii and atlanteans have evacuated seven
thousand people. In a city of a million so far, it is not much. Apparently 260 days is the
amount of life the wraith grant the grown human population. Every two hundred and
sixty days they cull the population and concoct the same story to the next generation they
bring out of the growing vats they have beneath the surface.
There is a small population there that is fanatically loyal to the wraith. They
worship them and lie to their fellow human beings about the intentions of the wraith.
Seven thousand people have been successfully evacuated and there are still
millions of people in the city and most are loyal to the wraith. But the underground has
been working on getting as many people to the caves as possible. The night they begin
major evacuation on the other side of the planet they begin to set off Genii nuclear bombs
and a couple naquadah generators. This diversion has a bonus effect. The entire wraith
network on the ground gets a massive dose of electro magnetic energy in the system and
they can no longer track everyone in the city. This is a diversion while the wraith are
concentrating on figuring out what is going on, people in the city are dropping into
tunnels below that are made by tokra crystals or by the sewer system. If you don’t want
to evacuate them like that you could always just have them running on open ground.
Right before the rebel’s evacuation is almost complete the Daedalus, Odyssey, Apollo,
drop into the system and begin beaming people out of the city and storing them in the
holds of the ship. Through this process most of the people are evacuated from the planet.
At this moment the hives deploy the satellites the first six of the dozen ships that
are guarding the planet are destroyed in the ensuing battle and the other six are in no
condition to fight. Twenty ships from the solar system are approaching to destroy the
small fleet that is evacuating the people. With the ships bearing down on the vastly
outnumbered human fleet the attention is off the planet and we now have to find a way to
get the 304s past the blockade.
other four planets are completely defenseless and out of nowhere four regular
azgard (mother ships not o’neills) ships drop out of hyperspace over each planet and
begin beaming the inhabitants off the planets. They simultaneously start shooting the
satellites down since we are getting shot by them.
Millions of people are saved from the wraith and they will be heading to the
Milky way galaxy or they will stay and fight the wraith we will of course leave the
decision to them. Fifty thousand will be going to the Genii homeworld. These are the
people who helped with the evacuation and are part of the resistance. They want to fight
the wraith. Millions more die on the ground in their tanks. We cannot afford to let the
wraith continue to use this solar system as their buffet.
Ronan has John and Teyla come up to the mouth of the cave and see all the vats
that go down and up. Rodney comes and behind them and swears.
They make a call to Caldwell requesting that he scan about forty meters beneath
the surface and tell us the subterranean life signs count. 2.37 billion unconscious people
are in the growing tanks.
Shepherd asks Caldwell what he thinks he should do. They can beam as many
people aboard as possible on the surface and they can experiment with trying to get a few
of the people in the vats on board but there is nowhere near enough room for them all.
Rodney informs the team that the people in the vats are completely vegetative.
They have been grown in the canisters and will have a consciousness downloaded in due
Sheppard asks Caldwell to send down a Naquada generator. Rodney points out
that the single bomb cannot destroy the entire complex.
“I shouldn’t have to remind you of all people what happens when TNT is shoved
into the ground. This generator is the equivalent to the TNT.”
Shepherd takes a naquadah generator and with teyla and ronan they go down
beneath the city and set the generator to overload. Billions of unconscious people die but
they do manage to rescue the other six million people who were what they came for in
the first place.
All through these episodes we must explore the morals of starving an entire
species to death. This is of course not very far off from ridding the entire Pegasus galaxy
of the wraith. Basically, this was the Galaxy’s biggest smash-and-grab robbery ever
committed. So Shepherd and team realize that their entire operation in the end was a
diversion so that the rest of the fleet that was with them could rescue the other four
planets. In the beginning of the episode we see the team walk through the gate and then
Weir asks Caldwell if this plan can succeed and he hesitates and finally answers a not too
positive, it depends.
“It had better work,” Weir should say this with an absolute and strong voice.
We could keep the people with the Athosians on the mainland. Put the people on
the opposite end of the continent. They could set up a major ship yard on the planet and
they could build 304s out the wazoo.
I don’t know if we will have accomplished defeating the replicators by then but if
most of the wraith are knocked out we can focus our attempts on doing this or we could
just have delayed their plans and they could have another solar system or two in this
galaxy that is doing the same stuff they were doing in the initial galaxy we just raided.
Not to mention they can continue culling worlds at their leisure. So the solar system we
just saved there is another one out there just like it so we just didn’t put a big enough dent
in their plans but we did save 6.3 million people. I also realize that these two episodes
are cool for me but they would probably be incredibly expensive because of the computer
work necessary. In the end we must discover that they have more solar systems out there
exactly like the one we just raided so we only made a minor dent the only reason we
didn’t know about it sooner is that the data device took a long time to go through all the
translated data. There is a third option. We could move them to the Abdulans’ new
homeworld and help them rebuild when we meet the Abdulans of course.
After this episode I want the wraith to drastically improve their cloaking
technology detection.
Of course now I find out that you have made another major change that I would
never have predicted you writers of having the balls to do. You killed the asgard. Our
304 can still do the trick. Killing 24 hive ships at once will be considerably easier with
asgard tech. However instead of all the extra room from the O’neills we are going to
need the wraith beaming technology and compress the people into Wraith storage cells
and then transport them back to atlantis which means we are going to get stuck with a
hell of lot of refugees. We are only able to evacuate several thousand through the gate
but the Daedalus carries an entire civilization and we have to get them out of the culling
beams and the Athosians are going to have their hands full. So all the stuff about the
Asgard just ignore.
Out, out …
John endures a court martial because he was responsible for killing billions. They
may not have been conscious but the military cannot ignore the action. Overnight John
Sheppard has become the first man from Earth to commit mass genocide against a species
in another Galaxy. It is possible to do a clip show here or we could have a problem with
the Athosians while Weir, Rodney and John are gone. John should be feeling self, guilt,
doubt, and revulsion at the atrocity he has committed. John Sheppard has to endure all
the nice things said about him and the tribunal has to watch him sit on the bench and
recount the actions that were committed. I think at some point he has to escape from jail
and no one knows where to find him. He goes to the tallest building around and they peg
him on the roof of a building using satellites from outer space. He not only is on top of a
tall building but he has a gun. If we are going to pursue the possibility of a weir /
Sheppard relationship then she needs to be the one who somehow gets him down.
In this scene maybe we could pull a matrix type view where Weir is trying to talk
Sheppard down from the edge of the roof and he has a gun strapped to his side. The night
is dark and lighting flashes overhead. John has his hand on his sidearm. She is slowly
walking forward and John pulls his sidearm out and while slowly turning levels it at her.
“You won’t kill me,” Weir plainly almost challengingly says.
“How do you know? I am responsible for the deaths of an entire civilation that
numbered in the billions, How is one more life any different?”
“You followed your orders to the letter and Caldwell knew just as well is I did
that we can leave no enemy strong hold intact in this war. This war will be a long
drawnout battle but we have to win.”
“Win? What do you know of winning?”
“You know what I have gone through in order to stay the leader of the expedition.
If the international community was ever pushed out of the expedition we would have
major enemies not allies. We must continue our work and continue fighting.
I am the one that is always in the field I and my team are always the ones who
must fight the battles and it is people like me that have to kill billions in order to land a
suckerpunch that we never should have tried in the first place. I am not even going to
start with the way this court martial has been handled. Political process will be the death
of us all so why don’t I just choose my own way to go.”
“I am an ambassador and I make damn good decisions ask anyone on the
I may never get back to Atlantis so why should I care.
With that John quickly lifts his gun to his head and tries to commit suicide. At the
last moment a helicopter drops below the clouds and a sniper rifle with a Zatnikatel
charge shoots and knocks john out, the gun though went off and grazed the top of his
skull. He is in a medical ambulance and is headed off to a hospital to have a chunk of his
head put back on.
When Sheppard gets back to Atlantis I was thinking that he would have some
major competition. Have a new guy try to show him up or just to keep him on his toes.
John is almost completely unaware that Weir has manipulated him right back up to the
top position and he somehow has a new sense of purpose. (I have no idea where I am
going with this one.)
The team steps through the gate and the world looks like paradise. They go up to
a cliff and look over it and a ship comes down from out of the clouds to scan them and
beam them up. They are introduced to the Triadores.
Rodney needs to point out something about the name. It sounds familiar. It
comes from Spanish meaning traitor and john knows that he his just playing the fool. He
looks sideways over to Ronon during the first contact negotiations. These people claim
they have great technology. They live on the moon that orbits their planet. They are in
fact wraith collaborators and they intend to capture atlantis and all the allies they have
come to know over the years. What they don’t know is that the team has been onto them
from the start.
The moon is basically a military fortress. It is equipped with approximately 640
cannons that with six direct shots can take out a wraith hive ship. We give them ten
worlds with people willing to trade with them and in exchange they are giving us the
cannon technology.
They were sent on a mission to rescue the inhabitants of another world that the
triadorans have captured for the wraith to feed upon. In the negotiating tables John hands
over a copy of five worlds that are mining colonies. The colonies have been notified of
what is going on and the triadorans want proof so they send some teams to these worlds
and there are people there that the wraith can feed upon. As john points out certain
similarities that the triadorans have with the wraith for example they wear the same shoes
and their cannon Technology is very similar. Fortunately we have the technology and
Zelenka is trying to find the virus that will eventually erase all of the data from the canon
technology. He is able to find it and the Athosians begin building the canons on the
mainland immediately with the help of the Geracians. Meanwhile John and team are now
trapped. They are put in a holding cell and they escape with some C-4 they stowed away.
They take out the guards with some small guns with mini silencers. They take the
stunners and head towards an exit hatch that a cloaked jumper is supposed to be waiting
for them. John should say something like, “ok, moment of truth and do or die.”
“Not literally I hope,” Rodney says. They pry open the exit hatch and escape.
The jumper is equipped with two Horizon bombs strapped to the sides. They fly into the
guts of the moon ship and drop the bombs and fly as fast as they can away from the
explosion to come. They make it to the end of the engines and swerve out of the way of
the explosion that is breaking up the moon.
They get to a safe distance and watch as the moon slowly, literally comes apart
and begins to die. There are explosions along the surface of the moon as the cannons
Two wraith hive ships try to make it into space one is destroyed by a vent that
opens up beneath them and expels molten rock and big chunks of rock. The other one is
intercepted by the Daedalus and the ship opens up on one side of the hive ship and shears
a hole through one side of the ship.
We report back to the few survivors of the initial attack of the wraith just after
they had made contact with the Triadorans. We were only able to rescue five of the fifty
people, the rest were already dead but the Triadorans will not harm another world.
At the end Weir gives instructions to be sent to all of our off world allies and send
the layout also back to Stargate Command. Also we call the ten worlds where I decoys
are lying in wait for possibly an ambush if the wraith decide they want to feed on some of
the worlds.
The canon itself is fairly easy to create and since you would need a canon like this
to manufacture that would be capable of defeating the Ancients. It is portable, easy to
produce and very deadly. We also give the specs to all of our allies on Earth. They are to
keep this information secret though. It is slightly less powerful than an ion cannon of the
Tollana people.
Jesters of a deadly court
A boy of fourteen is running through the forest with a long knife and shoes that
are one size too big. He knows the wraith are coming and he tries to look up through the
canopy and see above the trees. Maybe he will find some wraith tonight that have
beamed out of their darts. He takes two steps toward his next destination and is thrown
out of the way of a culling beam.
A female figure is standing just beyond the light that would reveal her face but the
silhouette is clearly female.
No matter the reason you should not proceed into the forest during culling
“Thanks but I am going to kill some wraith tonight so if you don’t know where
they are I will leave.”
“Why do you want to kill the wraith?”
“They killed my family so if I can at least get one of them I will have avenged
Are you capable of acquiring shelter for a year?
“One year from now meet me on this mountain. I will show you, if you wish, in
one years time how to kill a wraith…and live.”
“I want to learn now.”
“You are still young and your heart is filled with much hate, rest assured little one
your family this night has been avenged.”
When the boy agrees we go behind her and in a long line of strewn bodies lay in
every direction and some are even nailed to a tree by a sword. The woman was without a
doubt smeared with the blood of the wraith.
One year later
The team goes to a planet that the wraith visit often. They run across a village
idiot and she has eyes kind of like a wraith. She has a silver pendant that Ronon
recognizes but cannot place and around her shoulders is draped a black ragged cloak.
She mutters incoherently and talks to the wind. She gets up just as they enter the village
and she stumbles across their path.
The woman pretends to stumble over her own two feet but Ronon notices this and
looks at her oddly. Seeing that she carries no weapon and the pendant at her neck gives
him pause and he doesn’t react as she clutches John’s shoulder and whispers to the group.
“The sands of time slip past faster than water on glass seek shelter from the wraith
or tonight you will be the bait.
They meet with the leader of the people as he shoos away the street woman and
even though he is loathe to admit it they say the wraith appear often to attempt to cull
them. Sometimes their darts even make it through for brief moments. The entire village
is protected inside a fifty mile range of automated weapons. Outside that range there is
forest and animals but people can’t live there because of the constant culling attempts. .
Something the villiage idiot woman said about them coming and whispering in
her ear makes Teyla extremely uneasy. The woman is half wraith. The woman’s mother
was human. One day long ago a wraith cargo ship came it was carrying human cargo.
The people were afraid and most fled to the shelter. After a week in stifling conditions a
woman snuck out and went to the river. A wraith saw her mother bathing in the moon
light. Wraith are naturally hive like creatures and follow the will of the queen but this
wraith followed a human because he felt drawn to her. She was like Teyla she could
sense the wraith in the woods. The wraith cargo ship and crew stayed on the planet for a
month. They were to meet up with a wraith hive ship but it never came they eventually
decided to feed off some of the townspeople. The woman tried to persuade the wraith
male to help her people he said he could not. She became distraught and he and his
fellow crew mates fed that night. But as he was feeding he suddenly went ballistic. He
had a vision of him feeding off of the woman. He violently killed all of the wraith that
were attacking the village and went to the cargo ship. When his fellow crew mates asked
what was wrong he killed them too. Later she shows up and calms him they have sex and
that is when she is impregnated. He leaves schematics on how to build defensive
weapons. That night he slips away and mourns what he has done. He has killed his
fellow mates and is overcome with guilt he throws himself off a cliff.
The mother of the woman wakes up in the morning and finds the male. When she
inevitably gives birth the baby has eyes like a wraith. Teyla takes a particular interest in
this woman.
The woman is wraith but long ago she encountered a group of people called the
Genii and they made some contacts for her to wear and now she wears them on a regular
basis. There are two scars going down each cheek where wraith pits once were. Her
clothing may be old but she wears it like a second skin and she almost walks like a wraith
but with much more grace.
That night the wraith come. Automated weapons fire on the darts and one giant
laser fires at the hive ship. The first shot takes out the shield and the second destroys the
hive ship. Some of the darts deploy soldiers. Just as they are emerging from the woods
some unforeseen foe attacks them and takes a half dozen soldiers down one wraith’s head
rolls out of the forest and stops a few feet away. There is an awful scream that sounds
very much like a battle cry and that is when the hive ship blows up above them.
John and Ronan ask some of the villagers what has happened and they are inside
their dwellings. They say that soon the ship will be gone and it will be safe to go outside
but for now it is dangerous. Most of the villagers have gone to the center of town into the
John radios atlantis and asks that a puddle jumper go up above the atmosphere to
see if there are any dead hive ships that may be repaired. As luck would have it there is
one hive ship that may be of use and they could repair it. It would of course take several
months and Rodney can’t do it but we could have John and the rest of the team watch
over it. It isn’t much but it is something.
The next day a woman’s foster son is missing and he just took all of his things
and left this morning.
Teyla says that she has felt a wraith presence once they stepped through the gate
and should head East. The boy went to the crazy woman’s house and has pledged
himself to the teachings of her art of death.
The four advance toward the front yard and she tells the boy to go inside.
The next day they go to the woman and she begs them to leave her alone.
The woman doesn’t know that the team saw the boy enter the house so she
attempts to play it stupid and act as if she were in the streets of the town.
“You protect these people,” Teyla says.
“no,” the woman says.
“You protect these people,” Teyla repeats. She also includes the facts about the
missing boy and she relents.
“With my life” the woman replies.
“Yet you do not seek companionship from them, you act as a fool in order to save
them time and time again from the wraith”
“Better to be thought a fool than feared as a monster.”
“Why not seek friendship amongst your own people?”
“For the same reason I wish you to leave. I am a hunter, like him,” She says this
while pointing slightly to Ronon. “It comes like breathing does to you.”
“I have not truly fed in four years. I hunt in the forest and eat vegetables out of
my garden, but my physiology wants more. When I deny what my body wants, I have a
tendency to act a little crazy. But last night I feasted on distant brethren. They attacked
my people. Long ago when the defense network was almost completed the wraith arrived
in two hive ships the defenses were able to eventually destroy the ships but the automated
defenses for the darts had yet to be fully activated. We got the components from the
wraith cargo ship.”
What about when the hunger becomes too great? What do you do when you can’t
hold out any longer?” Teyla asks. “I hunt other wraith,” Dashwa says.
“Shirkmas hall, have you ever been there?” Ronon asks again.
She responds only with a nod. Four years ago wraith were hunting a man
through the forest and I took them out one by one. You were that man?” He nods and
she says he has changed much.
She begs for John to leave. He asks why. He smells good.
Ronon has a little trouble with it she is a wraith and she is not a wraith. He is
impressed by her fighting skills but the fact that she is part wraith still gets in the way.
She says that she was told by her mother, that the smell of Atlanteans was of a
higher caliber and her genetics scream at her to feast upon him. Since he has experienced
feeding before he steps out immediately.
“What about the boy?”
“I must train him to hunt and kill wraith.”
“I know I don’t look it but I am well over two hundred and am getting too old for
the rigors of combat. He swore to me that he would come to me and so he has. I made a
promise therefore I must perform, I gave my word.”
At the age of sixteen our village idiot girl finished what her mother had
constructed relocated the ships reactor to a set of caves and powered everything up. She
studies the art of combat on a relentless basis and has a progeny but the orphaned boy
child doesn’t know it yet. The village woman vows not to spread the wraith DNA in her
blood stream onto the next generation. There needs to be an old picture of a daughter
and mother somewhere within the dwelling. Her cottage needs to be on the outskirts of
town. Each automated battery has sensor shields around it so the wraith cannot pick them
up on scanners.
The stunners and the automated turrets get an upgrade and a power boost by
Rodney and they all agree to come back and visit on regular occasions. Ronon will
return one day with another apprentice for the woman.
When they get back to Atlantis and tell Weir she looks at them stunned into
silence for a moment at the story and says very slowly, “Are you sure?”
John says, “we know its just plain creepy.”
Mustard seeds/ Seeds of Rebellion/Faith sowing its own seeds
Land of the moving mountains. Just as secretive as the Genii, if not more. They
call themselves mountain folk. They do not live on the mountain they live in it. About 8
mountains lined up in a row move about 400 miles every three months.
The team approaches and several men with hand weapons ambush the group and
they are separated. John and Teyla make it back to Atlantis. Ronan and Rodney are not
so fortunate. It is the first time anyone has outwitted The mountain guards (except for a
One of the most acclaimed scientists amongst the mountain people is practically
worshiped. Each time the wraith scan the planet they see the mountains but they cannot
see through all the earth to the subterranean sections that sit on top of a massive railway.
The railway itself is made up super condensed rock to support the weight of the
mountains heavy weight. The problem is that after a hundred years the rock can no
longer support the mountains and it is breaking. The balance the people have developed
over the years leave them solely dependent on this form of transportation.
The people call it the balance because half of their food comes from a hunting
village in the far mountains and the other half of their diet comes from a sea village and
another half comes from a village halfway between them.
The people themselves are in the process of constantly trying to ascend. The ones
further along the path than most are able to produce a shield that stops them from
receiving commands from the replicator subspace transmissions and it also prevents the
rest of their race from pinpointing where they are in space.
It takes a month and a half for the mountains to move themselves to the sea and
another month and a half to return from it. The population has been growing rapidly and
they need the food the oceans and forests provide for them. Since the two towns have
about fifty people in them each time unless they are loading supplies into the cities the
wraith have completely ignored the planet for the past couple years.
They bring both Rodney and Ronon back to a laboratory. It is highly advanced
and they are escorted inside. Rodney’s eyes light up at all the equipment. Mini particle
accelerators and Rodney begins to ask way too many questions.
“Your civilization looks relatively primitive but these tools and your instruments
are astounding. I would be willing to give you my laptop for some of the tools and
devices in here. How do you keep the secret that you have this technology from the
The boy puts a finger to Mckays head and Rodney is taken inside his mind to a
possible future that could happen. It shows the wheather forecast and teams still going
through the gate exploring but there are businessmen and ambassadors now in Atlantis.
Making deals with other governments. There are 80 Daedalus class battle carriers in
Pegasus and another 200 back in the Milkyway. There are 80,000 people living in
Atlantis and the wraith and the replicators have been destroyed. Then the youth turns
Rodney around and shows him what will happen if he, his people and the Pegasus galaxy
fail to repel the wraith and replicators. Earth becomes the greatest battleground of the
known universe. The Ori, replicators, wraith and the Lucian Alliance are all fighting
over it.
While Rodney is in a virtual reality of what the future may hold the child explains
a few things to Ronan. Ronon is pretty pissed and has the gun pointed towards the childs
head. What they are, who they are and what they are running from is made abundantly
clear. They always knew this day would come; they would have to fight, flee, or die,
Ronan offers the kid the opportunity to have an ARG but the kid says that if they tried to
incorporate a weapon solely designed to kill replicators into a replicator ship it would
possibly destroy them when they fired the first shot. The ship would come apart and their
frail human bodies they inhabit would die.
Rodney comes out of his daze and he has now figured out that they are all
biological replicators. Rodney is also caught up on the ecological matter of the whales.
When Caldwell drops out of hyperspace in his 304, the person who controls the
scanners says, “oh my god.”
Caldwell says, “what?”
The entire planet is made up of replicator blocks and the battleship goes to full
alert. Mckay radios up and says everything is fine for the moment you need to leave us
down here.
Caldwell radios Rodney and Rodney says, “I know, I need you to proceed to the
coordinates I am sending to you and use the wraith matter converter and pick all of the
whales up. Get the adults first and then the young. You may need to flood the extra bay
so that it can be used as an aquarium.
The planet is busy converting itself into an intergalactic ship the entire ecosystem
has been transported off world through the stargate. Every animal for the past 8 years has
been converging on the stargate and going through it. The animals have a small implant
in their heads that help them survive and these biological replicators can tap into the
implant. Unfortunately the largest animals on the planet are whale like creatures. There
are 4700 of these massive creatures and the boy genius is working on a solution. Security
issues prevent the human replicators from releasing Rodney and Ronon. Once the
transformation is complete they will be released unharmed… hopefully . We still have
the matter converters from the wraith darts in the hangar bay on the other side of the
daedalus from the Great Raid. We are going to have to lock onto the chips that are inside
the whales’ brains in order to do that we need to earn the trust of the people. These whale
like creatures we could make them just like the ones in Atlantis.
The people live on the crust of the surface and the boy genius is the resident
celebrity because of all his scientific breakthroughs. Unfortunately like the people he is
also a replicator. These replicators have slowly moved away from the philosophy of
killing people in fact they are the opposite of the Asurans.
The first clue the team got that they were all replicators was the eyes. The entire
pupil is grey. The people were once replicators but the only way for them to deprogram
themselves was to transfer themselves into flesh and blood bodies. They clone
themselves like the azgard only they don’t have genetic degredation. Each time their
consciousness is transferring into a body that is held in stasis. The stasis pods unlike the
ancient pods don’t allow the contents of the stasis pod age at all. They will always have
fresh bodies to transfer into.
Needless to say when they transformed themselves to become more like their
creators they had to process emotion and feelings. It almost overwhelmed many of them
and there was a serious discussion about abandoning the path they had chosen.
For the past 375 years the asurans have been zeroing in on them and are currently
attempting to break past their biological mental barriers. The only thing holding the
scans back is the child scientist that is their leader. Unfortunately he is about to ascend
and when that happens the asurans are going to zero in on this planet and know exactly
where they are and will kill everyone. They hide from the galaxy instead of letting others
know who they are.
The very fact that they are number one on the Asurans hit list should speak
volumes in itself. For some reason becoming flesh and bone has gotten them much
closer to ascension. They have made contact with several ascended beings not so much
as asking for their help as letting them know they would like to follow their creators on
the path.
Unfortunately when there is just a half a day to go before the planet has
successfully transformed itself the boy convulses and tries not to ascend. His effort is
Herculean and instead of ascending he teleports to the Asuran ship that is ancient in
design. Rodney realizes that they are not doing anything to make the conversion process
go any faster he has to solve this problem because the replicators are already on the way.
He jumps on it right away.
Right before the replicators jump into the system Rodney has increased the
conversion and Caldwell has all the whales inside the matter converters on the Daedalus.
They also had to fill the extra bay with water to support a couple of the babies that
couldn’t fit in the wraith culling beams.
The boy teleported to the Asuran capital ship and the captain holds the boy
against the wall and attempts to shove his hand into the boys head. The boy’s eyes light
up golden as the boy shoves both his hands into the captains arms and through the captain
sets the self destruct. While they are still connected he accelerates the count down time.
The bridge officer reports that the self destruct has been activated and right after that the
timer goes from ten minutes to zero it about ten seconds. The capital ship blows up and
in between all of the debris an ascended being emerges and the other ships know that they
were too late. They wanted to capture the key to ascend and they knew that none of the
others were ready. They called the boy the key.
The good replicator ship makes it out of the system just as the Daedalus runs from
the evil replicator fleet that just jumped into the system.
One of the replicator officers of the fleet that arrived in the system asks why they
are not pursuing the replicator world ship.
“Because they would not have to run if they had what we needed, and we would
not have found them if they still had the key on board it is gone and we have missed our
very small window of opportunity. It was undoubtedly cut short by one of the humans.
“No matter, our battle with them is soon; but not today.”
After the monologue another city ship made by the aszurans comes out of
hyperspace along with thirty other Ancient warships.
At the end of the episode we could show the daedalus dropping whale like
creatures into the ocean and they are making huge splashes in the water and someone
says the deck is going to need a thorough scrubbing after this is done.
Hell’s sidewinder
The wraith are torturing the captain from Barter and beer. The wraith said they
would destroy the melded wraith ships his people depend on for their survival. They had
no interest in the traders they just wanted the captain. The wraith intercepted a message
and they know that the captain knows where the team will be. They do not know that the
planet John is going to is the Harockans home world.
When the team changed the entire ring world into humans we created a powerful
enemy of the wraith. The jury of judges sent out four hive ships to hunt down and kill
John Shepard and his team. The primary target though is John Shepard. When we
changed all the wraith on the ring world their species lost billions. Now they
acknowledge that the atlanteans are a serious threat and must be dealt with. Our most
powerful ally in this galaxy needs to be attacked not destroyed. Right before John is
about to step through the gate it lights up and activates.
The harockans call from the stargate begging for our help. The planet they moved
to was uninhabited and they brought their stargate with them. There is a cylindrical hole
deep in the planet they have chosen to call home. They created it using Tokra crystals.
Oxygen is drawn from the surface down to the ships but they have interconnected them
and there are 15 levels where the ships stick out from the wall. Apparently the wraith
were able figure out where they were. The cloaking technology is working but before
they moved into the hole there was a lot of movement on the surface and some wraith
devices detected life and sent out a deep space communiqué. The harockans have
committed their entire force to destroying the four hive ships that are resting on the
planets surface. Their only hope is that the wraith are overconfident and are unprepared.
On their way into the solar system the harockans blew up 5 planets on the outer edges of
the solar system. It creates havoc with wraith communications. The end result is a giant
radioactive asteroid belt. They are hoping the wraith will not send any more hive ships if
these four are never heard from again.
John goes up to the control room and says over the intercom for all soldiers to
report to the armory. John just looks over at her and she nods. He exits and the next
thing we see is the team coming out the other side of a stargate and a battalion of men
following them out.
John sends Rodney up to the surface to jam all of the wraith’s communications.
Even though they are surrounded by an asteroid field it would be very bad if they were
able to call for reinforcements.
One of the minor characters drags Teyla aside and asks for her to come with him
and see a weapon she may be interested in.
“I believe you are familiar with Sanacers, or as you call it stick fighting,” he says
“Yes, I and my people train with them.” Teyla answers.
“Then in that case I have something to give you.” He pulls down an ornate box
from a mantle piece and pulls out what looks like a black rod. She pulls it out of the
sheath and it is light and maneuverable.
“Your people have been instrumental in our continued survival and since you
have helped to defend us before I thought a weapon should be specially made for your
fighting style.” He also tells her to grip it as if she were about to do combat and the blade
part springs to life as black and purple lightning runs up and down the blade. It is not a
blade though it looks like a bar. It has a bond with the holder. It can tell when the person
wants to kill the opponent and it can tell when it should only stun. There is also an
overload for the weapon that will be experienced at the end of the fight with the wraith.
“My thanks, Drakam” Teyla said. Teyla gets two swords and they did not have
enough material to make any more.
The hives are just on the planet running scans but they won’t detect the Harockans
because they have cloaking tech and they are deep underground.
The wraith have nothing to lose, they also know that John and his team helped
these people and all they would have to do is kill his team when they appeared. The
wraith also had an idea that if open conflict ensued we would be there.
There is one other elite class of ass kicking wraith. There needs to be something
that sets these warriors apart. They are the guards of the royal wraith. Their numbers are
twenty and they have remained twenty for the past ten thousand years. They have two
swords that rest on their backs and two knives in their belts. The knives also double as
stunners. Their missions never fail because if they do the operatives die. That has yet to
happen. Their self destruct is linked to their brain and it knows if they fail. When they
were children they were stolen from their homes and raised on another planet. The
training was brutal. The challenges were impossible for everyone except the best of the
best. One thousand wraith children went into the project. There would only be 20 to
come out. The final challenge after being tortured almost to death was to kill your fellow
classmates. There were no greater opponents. The program was a success. The 20 that
won the day had their conscious transplanted into a robot wraith. The only absolute
about them though is that their calling card is a v of scratch blood marks from collar
bones to sternum.
John and everyone prepare for the storm to come. Harockans sit inside their
battle suits and swing out their guns that rest against the back of the forearm. The
Harockans are masters of ground and air combat and war is like regular day business for
them. I think of these people as ancient Spartans with advanced technology.
On that note I think the best way to do this is to only have 20 harockan battle
suits. John and Ronan take two of them. Most of their hundreds of battle suits were
damaged while making the ships fit in the chasm. Digging tunnels and precision work
took a heavy toll and there are only 20 suits for the some 600 total that should be there.
The good news is that air support is plentiful. Weir is back at the control center. Our
marines are going to come through the gate to back the mech suits up.
The wraith only defend when the Harockans attack. John and his team are up on
the ridge poping jokes while they pick off wraith from several hundred yards with the
sniper rifles that use fifty caliber shells. The wraith make no aggressive moves to over
take or repel the Harockans when they attack. I think that during the first battle we
survey the battle field and then slowly zoom in on the wraith robot. The fact that the
wraith are only defending the ships only enrages them to do more daring and dangerous
stunts as the wraith only defend their position. The Harockans are firing missiles left and
right and the first thing they do is take out the engines so that they cannot take off. Soon
after that their general decides to pull them back.
We have a group of five marines on the cliff and they are just picking off wraith
with their fifty caliber sniper rifles and one of them turns to the other and says, “You
know this is like a video game only the graphics are way better.”
The wraith never act like this. Whenever they have been attacked in the past they
have responded with overwhelming force. When John and his team go up with the
leaders the next morning they survey the damage of yesterday. The Harockans have had
a lot of free time on their hands and have built several artillery devices they begin to try
out on the wraith since they have decided to stay on the ground and continue to defend
their position.
Then above the lead white wraith hive ship the captain from barter and beer is
brought out and the leader slits his throat. His red blood runs down the front of the ship
and John and Ronan can’t take it any more. They leave the snipers up where they are and
tell them to retreat at the first sign of danger.
John and Ronan decide they are not going to sit idly by today. They get in the
suits and the blood of the wraith flows freely. Ronan and John are working together like
a true team. They are able to anticipate some of each others moves for a more effective
killing process.
The planes the Harockans have that look strikingly similar to our F-22 Raptors
with lasers. The planes launch from the ships under ground.
This time the battle does not go to plan. The wraith leader is dressed in a white
robe like a Samurai. He surveys the battle and then zeroes in on John and Ronan. He
gives a bone curdling scream and the wraith begin to open up and throw grenades. Then
the hive ships charge their weapons and many jet fighters go down along with a lot of
mechanized soldiers. The leader leaves the command deck and proceeds onto the battle
field. He kills six mechanized soldiers and then reaches John and Ronan. At that
simultaneous moment the ship ejects several combustible canisters and they act like a
fuel air bomb. They are launched far beyond the wraith lines and incinerate the
landscape. A few of the canisters are intercepted as they leave the ships by the snipers
and explode early. The wraith points to the ridge and a couple snipers disappear due to a
dart coming overhead and culling them. They retreat to the subterranean city.
For some strange reason the wraith starts up a conversation on the battlefield with
john and Ronon the rest of the wraith are ignoring the two and concentrate on taking the
fight to the Harockans. It should be obvious that the wraith are intentionally shooting
around the three on the battlefield.
“Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard, I have come with greetings from the Jury of
light, you know it as the high council. You and your team have become most vexing to
John looks around at all the fighting and back at the leader and asks who he is.
He just smiles and says, “My name used to be a part of me, it used to mean
something; just like every other wraith. We are known by many names. Over the years
we are known by the greatest missions we have accomplished. Before my conversion I
was known as Hell’s sidewinder. The ancients never found out about us because the few
who did died quickly and quietly.”
“Wow, I don’t know why I am so surprise I never get a straight answer out of any
of your kind anyways. But that was more words than any one wraith has ever said to me.
I have an annoying habit,… Jack. You don’t have a problem with Jack considering you
don’t even know your own name.”
“Call me what you wish but it has been such a long time since war was in this
galaxy that I feel a thrill throughout my entire being. Such feelings suppressed for so
long by this burdensome shell my kind carry.”
“Well you see me and my friend here are going to take away all your troubles.”
“We’ll take care of your burden,” Ronon says.
At that moment John and Ronan attack in tandem and the wraith just jumps up in
the air and almost floats down to the surface ten feet behind them. The wraith hasn’t
even pulled out his second sword yet. John attacks first and the wraith feints to one side
and ronan attacks and knocks the wraith back several feet. He attacks Ronan and disables
his mechanical suit and john shoots the wraith several times to get its attention and have
it chase him instead of killing Ronan.
John jumps up a rock wall and yells at one of the puddle jumpers overhead to
shoot the guy that is on his tail. The puddle jumper shoots and veers back towards the
fight. The wraith is standing there looking as if he didn’t have a care in the world. The
missile bears down on him and the wind rustles his clothing. He pulls out the sword and
just as it is about to hit him he swings and the torpedo is cut cleanly in half.
John jumps in the metal cage that will take him down to the ships in the
subterranean hole. The wraith shoves his sword down through the ceiling of the cage and
severs the front chest plate right in half. John had moved out of the way at the last
possible millisecond as the sword passed by. John cuts the cable halfway down and
hopes the suit will suppress the shock of the landing at the bottom of the shaft. The
wraith is above him still dropping down but he is hovering right above the cage and John
sees this. He gets out of the elevator as the wraith crashes through the metal cage ceiling
of the elevator and runs down the hall. The wraith promptly gives chase. John pulls out
two of his own grenades throws them at the wall as John rounds a corner. The Grenades
bounce off the wall and are about a foot in front of the wraith when both of them explode
at head level.
Somewhere between all of this fighting Weir should probably get seriously
injured somehow so in the next episode with this particular enemy so that we can have
her be the first one to fire on the mechanized robots when they attack atlantis directly. I
don’t want her to be put into a coma or almost killed but a serious concussion would be
preferable. Maybe she could raise her gun and try to focus on John and the wraith
running down the hall and she can’t get a clean shot so john runs by her and tells her to
hide in the side corridor. The robot continues to chase john and that is when he does his
throwing grenade trick.
They fight on the command deck and John loses one of the mechanical arms. He
uses his last grenade that is inside the other working arm and blows a hole in the roof of
the command deck on the ship. John jumps through and the wraith isn’t far behind. John
punches him in the face with his good mechanized hand and the wraith looses about half
the skin on his face. That is when we see a terminator like face with vampire canines and
Golden wriath eyes. In retaliation the wraith knocks john across the deck and he
struggles for a brief instant to get up. I think we should make it abundantly clear that he
is playing with john.
Above the wraith have cornered the warriors into a circle and one of the warriors
is equipped with a shield generator on his back and it lasts only 10 minutes but the shield
is impenetrable to whatever the wraith throw at it, it will drain slowly. Their metal
shields form a solid wall of metal that will hold up for a few more seconds after the shield
is depleted. The men seeing that they are beaten gather in a circle and the commander
says something profound.
“Men it has been the greatest honor and privilege of my life to serve with you,
fear not for as we die today tonight we will dine with the Ancients above. Fear not their
weapons and their dark scowls. Today we are victorious. Give no quarter but steal from
them their souls. Or Give no mercy and steal as many black souls as you can.
Back in the subterranean levels have the wraith smile and thank John for giving
him the chance to feel pain again. The training of one of these warriors demands they
avoid pain because it offers up the opportunity that they may be damaged. Receiving
damage is unacceptable because if they are damaged valuable information could be
downloaded from their internal possessors.
Out of nowhere a wraith dart comes through the hologram above the ships and
passes through it down to where John is out of the Mechanized suit and fighting for his
life with two knives. The dart deposits Ronan and Teyla on top of the ship between John.
Rodney lands the dart at the back of the ship where it meets the wall and pulls out his P90. They both circle the mechanized wraith. John is struggling to get up and that is when
Ronan and Teyla start to fight the wraith and they damage the head assembly. At that
moment we see him pull out his second sword. Teylas knife is broken when it comes in
contact with the blades of this mechanized wraith. She then drops her p-90 that has
expended all of its ammunition. She pulls out the black bars with the glowing lightning
and Ronan smiles but it is short lived because the wraith turns toward Teyla and with a
deadly gleeful smile grips his swords harder and both of his swords light up with the
same color lightning. Ronan’s smile disappears at that instant. Ronan also swings his
sword and it melts through it at the middle of the sword.
There is about five seconds of sparing and the robot has knocked both of them out
for a few seconds. He goes over to john and john shoves a grenade into the belt loop and
falls down to another level where another group of ships is sticking out of the wall. It is
only a thirty foot drop the problem is that the robot follows.
John should say something like, “You’re like a damn cock roach,” and take a
swing at it and it grabs him and throws him against the cliff wall twenty feet away and
knocks him out. He has to commend John at that moment because he has surpassed the
time a fight has lasted with him when on a mission and he has beaten the max by 13
seconds. He picks him up and scratches one hand from collar bone to sternum and then
proceeds to kill him. At the last second Teyla and Ronan both drop down as well and
Ronan just plays defense but Teyla lands behind throws the knife down and it sticks into
the metal hull plating and she grasps both black weapons and they light up like a light
saber and she swings it diagonally at the robots back and it screams. She leaves two
scorched black marks across its back. At that moment the robot drops Sheppard. While
the robot is in pain Ronan should stick his half sword through the mouth and out the back
of the neck and the killing blow is its own self destruct. As the robot goes down it issues
a self destruct and blows up. Half the ship falls into the abyss as the team dropped down
to the next level and survive.
Cut back up to the Harockans and they fall back they climb a cliff about a quarter
mile back and the Jet fighters come down from out of the clouds and drop bombs every
where most of them concentrate on a hive ship or two and they blow up. The darts take
their toll and we take some casualties. There should have been a build up of music until
then and do slow motion shots of the air combats.
When John fought the robot there were engineers that evacuated the level and told
everyone to get out two stayed to shut off the reactor so that when the rest of the ship was
destroyed it would not destroy the entire city. The sacrifices they made should be made
At that moment the men that were cornered burst forth and kill as many wraith as
they can and a few loose their lives but the battle is finally going in the humans favor.
Maybe there could be one more trick up our sleeve. Have Apollo or Dadalus
deliver the creature from Cold Cocked behind the four hive ships that are on the ground
and it just feasts on the wraith. I would really like to see some more of the devastation
that creature could cause. Or better yet use it to cull 13 Aegis cruisers and three
Aircraft Carriers from our world and uncull them 16 miles from the battle and our
low tech against their high tech wins due to surprise and as the F-22s race overhead
we see a wraith looking up in horror as hundreds of our aircraft descend and the
entire battlefield is blown to bits. Have the suits powered by generators like that of
Nicola Tesla. Their suits don’t need power packs leaving more room for more
The first strike with our planes should be a dual attack. We need to use all of
the F-15 bombers to swing from the south and strike at the wraith engines and we
need the F-302s and the F-22s to begin hitting the wraith darts.
Harockan war Song- We stand before the wraith undone to shed our tears
before the sun the night shall have its vengeance too tomorrows heroes shall be true
They will be true That which we hold deeply dear falls beneath the ancient’s tears Tree
and rock will bleed red blood before the wraiths’ crushing flood. Bullets sing and
missiles blast darts descend to destroy the past. Eternal warrior worry not your
memory cannot be forgot The starry nights will forever see the courage shown in your
mighty deeds We fight for land and epic story we seek not life but eternal glory.
This song should be sung above the graves of the 7 warriors who gave their lives
defending their homes. The Harockans are told that Teyla has a singing voice and they
would be honored if she would sing the war song of their people over the graves of the
dead. During the song I would like to replay the graphic of the wraith just blasting away
at that shield and it just holds and then cut to the several guys on the cliff edge snipping
and when the singer says red blood a wraith beam comes over and culls the men and
when she says flood one of the rifles falls over to the side. Their last trick is the seven
soldiers that died. They got into that shield cocoon and when it fails they all smile and
look to the heavens.
How are we going to hide the fact that the wraith were killed by the Harockans.
They jokingly ask if they could borrow a couple nukes. After the fight Atlantis is
contacted and a wraith in an 8 by 13 ft. monitor pops up and tells john that for ten
thousand years they have fought for the wraith, upheld their laws and defended the
highest of high leaders of their race. They may be androids but they have never had a
cause to fight for. Every one of the holy guardians felt the void left by the fallen warrior.
They have never had a reason to hate someone. As of right now they are all searching for
you John and your team and they are going to find you and kill all of you.
“I think that makes me special,” John replies.
“Yes, it does” the wraith robot replies.
Fortunately they were in the end able to destroy all four hive ships that landed
along with their darts. It will be a while before they are ready to, but the Harockans will
live to fight another day and they will rebuild their underground city.
Maybe in the next episode we can have Rodney FLIPPING OUT that he is going
to die and he risked his life to save everyone and now a blast of the past from some bad
terminator movie is going to skewer him and stick him on a pole.