Rock music: culture, aesthetics and sociology

Notes for Classwork Topics Fall 2010
Intermediate English Conversation Topics Fall 2010/10/06 Jessie Ho (To be
updated throughout this semester) Jan. 20, 2011
Name Lists 各組名單 Fall 2010 Calendar 99 Citation Machine
Daily 1
Daily 2
Cb Mid-term Guided Topics 2010/11,
Cb Please look for topics from Ideas & Issues or news.
FAQ for Intermediate English Conversation
Cb Final Guided Topics 2010/12
Amy Tan: Where does creativity hide? How do we create?
This is a good site.  Novelist Amy Tan digs deep into the creative process,
journeying through her childhood and family history and into the worlds of physics and chance,
looking for hints of where her own creativity comes from. It's a wild ride with a surprise ending.
nature, nurture, and nightmares.
Do Schools Destroy Creativity? - Ken Robinson Innovation and Creativity
學校教育扼殺創意嗎?(中文) no subtitle
If you are not prepared to be wrong, there won’t be any creativity.
肯.羅賓森爵士(Sir Ken Robinson)以生動活潑的案例來談教育制度。他深切希望教育制度
A Complaint Free World: How To Stop Complaining And Start Enjoying
The Life You Always Wanted by Will Bowen Chinese trans
Corporal punishment and bullying on campus 校園體罰與霸凌
Reporting—paraphrase, summary and synthesis See USFAP or see my note. 全國英語大賽亞軍 China
English Speaking Contest of national college students--She rocks 10:55 Isn’t this too long?
The champion of the 2007 CCTV CUP English Speaking Contest 1
If you were the government of the country, how would you solve the water problem?
Are people educated overseas entitled to a higher salary? (She never let the
debater lead her away. She stayed focused.)
What’s more important in a leader –- specialist knowledge or people management
skills? CCTV-9 English
Speech Contest Q: Meeting challenges, pleasure and pain
2010 年全國大專院校英語演講比賽 (R.O.C.)
1. What actions should society take to address the needs of people with
2. How is social media changing the world?
1. Volunteer work - how society can be improved through volunteer work
2. Global warming - its impact and remedy
3. Moral standards - how my moral standards make a difference in my
教育部全國大專英語演講比賽實況 比賽花絮 95 96 98
Speech Topics Topics 2010 Selected Topics for Speech Practice
How to write a study plan
How to write a resume Free samples YouTube
Practice how to delivery a speech can make you a good speaker.
10/28 2010
Topics for Speech Contest
The Meaning of Intellectual Property 智慧財產的意義
(What is XX? What makes intellectual property being taken for illegal use? Why
is it important? What are you going to do? Publication of books, CDs, MP3,
Designs are copy-righted or patented. They should be respected and not to be
assessed without limits. You can study them by obtaining those products, but that
doesn’t mean that you are legitimated to reproduce without permission. Learning
from good work you should pay the money required. If you are to use it without
pay, use the public library for the books and mass media for your convenience.
Pay when you can afford to show your support to the producers. )
Energy Conservation is Vital in Order to Prevent the Threat
to Our Planet 能源保護的重要避免地球受到溫室效應威脅
(Why and how to do it? We enjoy all the convenience and comfort by the use of
energy, but how will we suffer if we come to serious global warming problems?
You want to have a beautiful hair-style by the use of spray, but do you have the
idea that the ozone layer is broken. The sun that benefits the world can bring
harmful radiations to the world. Temperature is on the rise and so as the rise of
sea level. We have already suffered from occasional rain-storms in the mountains
and Kaohsiung. And we couldn’t but blame it because of global warming. How to
prevent the threat to our planet? Energy conservation is vital. First of all, try not
to rely on electricity, gas, fire, water, soil too much. …)
Ways to Conserve Energy in Taiwan 能源保護之道在台灣
(electricity, gas, fire and water, not wasteful; create more energy from wind and
water, etc. plant trees, build up green houses, use lukewarm water instead hot
water in bath, bathing with pail rather than shower, car pool or take public transit
system like HRS, school bus, or train.)
Role of Media in Efficient Energy Use 有效能源應用上媒
(News, spokesman like Al Gore, teaches people ways to use energy efficiently.)
Why is intellectual property important?
If you were the head of the energy-efficiency student
association here at Providence, what are some of the strategies
you would implement in order to reduce energy use and
greenhouse gas emissions? 在靜宜減低能源和溫室排氣量的
節能減碳保護環境 綠色大學 99 年經濟部優傑出大學
(How much does it cost for the school in electricity bills? Shut down computers,
TV. Air conditioners, use recycle water for flush in toilets, plants, use solar
energy, etc. Three “R” and three “G” are reduce, reuse, recycle and green
building, green transportation, and green energy.)
What is Intellectual Property? simple
intellectual property crime
crime involving counterfeiting and copyright piracy illegal activities
involving the manufacture and distribution of counterfeit and copyrighted
Key Concepts
The concept of intellectual property (IP) is designed to provide legal
protection for creative assets, both of the artistic and commercial variety.
Intellectual property law provides legal protection over intangible assets
such as musical, literary, and artistic works, ideas, discoveries, and
inventions, as well as words, phrases, symbols, and designs
Energy conservation
to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions
spent more than $24.5 billion on electricity and fuel in 2008 alone.
“As the largest energy consumer in the United States, we have a
responsibility to American citizens to reduce our energy use and become
more efficient,” said President Obama. “Our goal is to lower costs, reduce
pollution, and shift Federal energy expenses away from oil and towards
local, clean energy.” Listen to Me
Kirk Cameron on The View - 5/28/08
Siskel & Ebert - Listen to Me (1989)
World Expo
Watch Video: Fueling Jordan's Economy News@Cisco Enterprise
Fueling Opportunity in Jordan
Cisco provides converged network
Organize your speech UT Toastmasters University of Tennessee
Toastmasters speech 2 organize your speech
When you speak, does your audience get it?
Also organize your speech
***Why do people think Nepal (Tibet) is the happiest country in the world?;photovideo
The Swiss The pursuit of happiness
Robert Frost Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening - lecture
Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken" Lecture High school students read this.
Kevin Murphy, Professor of English at Ithaca College, examines the discrepancy between
Robert Frost's popularity during his lifetime and the darker implications of his poetry, as
exemplified by one of his most cherished poems. 2 3
"Leaves of Grass" by Walt Whitman (poetry reading)
James Malinchak’s College Speaking Success
New 如何將Word檔轉為 PDF See here pdf
If you want to save your word file into a pdf, you have to download two things. CutePDF
Writer: Create PDF file free and PDF Converter (PS2PDF Converter 元件). After you
complete the installment, you will see two icons Cute Writer and Converter. After you
create a file with Word, you then press print by choosing it from the scroll under file.
Then in your printers choose Cute PDF Writer and save the file in a new name. It will
become a pdf file. The pdf file looks like a document, very formal. For a letter you can use
school logo as heading with our address.
台中縣沙鹿鎮 43301 中棲路 200
200 ChungChi Rd., Taichung 43301, Taiwan
Louis Vuitton How to pronounce these brand names?
Harvard Institute for Public Forum Debate
Stefan Bauschard See the Video
Hot Property: The Stealing of Ideas in an Age of Globalization featuring
Pat Cho
What role does the media play in the rush towards globalization?
98 年進來學生畢業學分 132 若畢業門檻英檢沒過 加選以下一門「高階英語」課程 四學
分:高級英語會話 Advanced English Conversation, 大四論文與寫作 Thesis Writing,高
階英語閱讀與寫作 Advanced Reading and Writing, 檢定英文 English for Proficiency
Test (2-2), 但不列入畢業總學分. 若學生有必要加選,成績單會有但不加總算入 total
credits. 98 年以前進來學生畢業學分 137,沒規定不能算那四學分.
論文寫作指南 (follow the steps to learn how to write a thesis.)
MLA Guidelines for writing a literature review
APA by Helen Mongan-Rallis. Notes
Listen to Me (Abortion)
Roe vs. Wade Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), a landmark case
decided by the United States Supreme Court on the issue of abortion, is
one of the most controversial and politically significant cases in U.S.
Supreme Court history.
The Court held that a woman may abort her pregnancy for any reason, up
until the "point at which the fetus becomes 'viable' at about seven months
(28 weeks) but may occur earlier, even at 24 weeks."[
The Court rested these conclusions on a constitutional right to privacy
emanating from the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment,
also known as substantive due process.
Due process is the principle that the government must respect all of the
legal rights that are owed to a person according to the law.
Roe v. Wade prompted a national debate that continues today, about
issues including whether and to what extent abortion should be legal, who
should decide the legality of abortion, what methods the Supreme Court
should use in constitutional adjudication, and what the role should be of
religious and moral views in the political sphere. Roe v. Wade reshaped
national politics, dividing much of the nation into pro-Roe (mostly
pro-choice) and anti-Roe (mostly pro-life) camps, while activating
grassroots movements on both sides.
Q&A: Student Fees BBC News One-minute world news
Debate: University Tuition Fees (UK)
Richard Mott
Should students in higher education be charged tuition fees?
Mobile phones, use by children
Should children be allowed to own and use mobile phones (cellphones)?
Week 3 Poetry Recitation Handout from last term, Relating to Robinson Listen
Relating to Robinson
Reciting from the United States Declaration on Independence
Internet Resources from National Taiwan University
西洋文學理論與批評 英國文學史 美國文學史 中國文學史 英美文學史 歐洲文學史
Taiwan Snapshot 行政院新聞局外語期刊
Listening practice
中外文學 Chung Wai Literary Quarterly
Wednesday Class
Daily 1
Ca Daily 1
Week 4 10/13
Group 6 Arrivals (Unit 1) Group 6 brought us the dialogues on the text and
their own creative dialogues about meeting people at the airport. While
introducing, remember to say the situation before each dialogue demo.
There are something like going through the passport control, custom duty,
luggage reclaim, immigration office, etc and booking for the ticket for
Please check my I E C no t e s (5) English for Traveling
Learn English 72 - Travel Learn English 48 - Checking In
Learn English 28 - Office Phone*** Telephone English: Transferring a
Call*** Effective Telephone Techniques Video 8: Service First
Business trip Traveling English for travel: booking for the ticket, reserve a
hotel room
Language for Check in and Check out
Meeting people at the airport, train station, Customs duty, claim luggage
Week 5 10/20
Group 5 Battle of Sheridan Street (Unit 7)
If you were Mrs. Florence Hamilton, a 83-year-old widow with 20 stray
dogs, would you move away without condition? Or on what condition,
would you want to move away?
The housing authority wants to relocate you to the new apartment in the
If you were Martinez, in such a difficult situation, how would you convince
Mrs. Hamilton to let other dogs to go to the ASPCA (American Society for
the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)?
I want a house where I can keep my dogs, not an apartment for senior
Civil right vs. public right
If we don’t want so many stray dogs in streets, we may sterilize them to
reduce the number of stray dogs. If you love dogs, do not abandon them.
Group 3 Marriage Counseling (Unit 9)
Josh did the part in the light way and asked two questions when sending
out gifts.
Amber wanted me to talk about my marriage and asked if I had argued
with my husband. Nothing serious had happened. We had different
opinions about how to teach our child when he was a child. We still have to
worry for his family now. Perhaps I have to spare sometime for them.
One term to describe how tolerate you are is “adversity quotient” 挫折指
數. Sometimes we have to communicate to get to know each other better.
Sessions, how to be a counselor, how to solve marriage problems, what
are some problems in a marriage; language to persuade, argue
If you have marriage problem, where would you turn to for help?
Week 6 10/27
Group 4 Inside Story (Unit 16) pretty good
This group did a wonderful performance in kidnapping and demonstrated
the way to avoid kidnapping. Caroline, Maggie, Jean and Ashley are doing
wonderfully light acting. Ashley did the narrating quite properly. I think the
structure, the content, and audiovisual aids are working together to
present the best they can.
Kidnapping, kidnapped, case, motivation, solution, ransom
Someone reads the news. A general account of the kidnapping should be
given as a summary that gives the main trait. Billy Simpson was lucky to
play and the kidnappers hurt themselves. Finally they gave up the
kidnapped by turning him to the police. How do people usually do in our
society when kidnap happens? Do they turn to the policeman for help? Or
they would rather help themselves because they might be threatened if
they turn to the police, the victim would be killed. How to protect the young
from being kidnapped?
Do you like to read story about this? Social column is full of tragedy of this
kind. What can we or the government do about it?
How to survive kidnapping?
Remember, you are only of value to them alive, and they want to keep you that
The common hostage responses of fear, denial, and withdrawal are all
experienced in varying degrees. You may be blindfolded, drugged, handled
roughly, or even stuffed in the trunk of a car. If drugs are administered, do not
resist. Their purpose will be to sedate you and make you more manageable; these
same drugs may actually help you to get control of your emotions, which should
be your immediate goal. If conscious, follow your captors? instructions.
A hostage-taking situation is at its worst at the onset. The terrorists are nervous
and unsure, easily irritated, often irrational. It is a psychologically traumatic
moment for the hostage. Violence may be used even if the hostage remains
passive, but resistance could result in death.
Kidnapping, kidnapped, case, motivation, solution, ransom
First-degree kidnapping occurs when a person abducts another person to obtain
ransom (N.Y. Penal Code § 135.25 [McKinney 1996]). First-degree kidnapping
also occurs when the abduction lasts for more than 12 hours and the abductor
intends to injure the victim; to accomplish or advance the commission of a
felony; to terrorize the victim or a third person; or to interfere with a
governmental or political function. An abduction that results in death is also
first-degree kidnapping. A first-degree kidnapping in New York State is a class
A-1 felony, which carries a sentence of at least 20 years in prison (§ 70.00).
A person who is convicted of a class B felony in New York State can be
sentenced to one to eight years in prison (§ 70.00).
Two key elements are common to all charges of kidnapping. First, the
asportation (unlawful removal of goods from where they are deposited or stored)
ordetention must be unlawful. Under various state and federal statutes, not all
seizures and asportations constitute kidnapping: Police officers may arrest and
jail a person they suspect of a crime, and parents are allowed to reasonably
restrict and control the movement of their children.
Group 2 Call-in. You're on the Air (Unit 26) Pretty good
The way Peter talked shows his skills, manner and maturity in presenting.
This group broke up into pairs to deal with different call-in issues, noisy
fireworks, noisy neighbors, sanitation trucks. Fred and Edward also did a
good job in leading us to the main interest.
Caroline talked about a neighbor who always plays his musical instrument
at midnight. Peter suggested to write a complaint note and slip it through
the door seal.
Deborah also explained the term “curfew in the dorm” and I learn that it’s
12. Is it too late or too early?
Any complaints and look for a change: mid-night garbage truck, repairing
the roads, fire station, curfew in the dorm, noisy neighbors
Complain about the constructions going on at the alternate routes at the same
time. I’m fed up with the sanitation trucks that come in the middle of the night
and make all that noise. A nurse feels crazy when the air conditioner is dripping
the water from above her window. The radio you bought won’t work.
Week 7 11/03
Group 1 Making Complaint (Unit 27)
On my IEC notes
Top 6 Ways to Get An Angry Customer to Back Down
apologize (be carefully worded), kill them softly with diplomacy, go into
computer mode, don’t have emotional reaction, don’t take the bait, delay in
service, have I done anything personally to upset you? Show empathy, If I
were in your shoes, I would feel just the same as you. Thanks for taking the
time to give us feedback. It’s a shock factor. Stay calm and regain control.
How to end a conversation gracefully
Have you complained about a new item you bought to the salesclerk?
Dealing with complaints
Be calm and relaxed when dealing with a complaint.
Let the person explain their problem. Let them talk until they’ve released their
anger. Don’t interrupt them tuntil they have finished.
Speak friendly.
Be sympathetic. Use attentive listening techniques. (I understand, I see.) Take
notes. Use reflective listening techniques. (You must be very annoyed about this.)
Offer to investigate the problem.
If your company is wrong, admit it and apologize.
Don’t waste time defending your company, or blaming someone else. Never
make excuses. (It isn’t my fault. We’re having problems with the computer
system. Someone else was responsible for this. )
Stick to the point. Don’t make personal comments. Don’t start an argument.
Ask the person what they think the asswer is.
Explain what you’re going to do about the problem. Make sure that you do it.
Return a purchase like a radio, receipt, ask for solution, writing letter
Wednesday Class 3~4
Cb Daily 1
Week 4 10/13
Group 7 Arrivals (Unit 1) Group 7 did a good job in bringing the visual aids
and dialogues completely to class. They did it like they are confident in
conducting a class. The transitional sentences and phrases can be used connecting
dialogues and bringing situation to the main interest. Also, involving the audience
to the topic and for responses is also important.
Please check my I E C no t e s (5) English for Traveling
Learn English 72 - Travel Learn English 48 - Checking In
Learn English 28 - Office Phone*** Telephone English: Transferring a
Call*** Effective Telephone Techniques Video 8: Service First
Business trip Traveling English for travel: booking for the ticket, reserve a
hotel room
Language for Check in and Check out
Meeting people at the airport, train station, Customs duty, claim luggage
Week 5 10/20
Group 4 Getting a Job (Unit 6)
Zemi has good pronunciation and shows her confidence in the arranged
interview. Veona counts on her note too much until the last moment.
A cover letter is brought up not a resume. A resume contains your address
and phone number, thesis statement for the job, your educational
background and working experience, your skills, your honors, reference,
I once gave up a teaching job in junior high school, but I don’t regret much
because I like to teach young adults.
Do you have any job experience?
How to write a resume Free samples YouTube
How to write a cover letter here dress
How to Communicate Your Strengths in a Job Interview (confident but not cocky,
overconfident); connect your company’s needs to your skills How To Ace a Job
Interview 5 Secrets to a Job Interview Classic Job Interview Questions
(Your weakness, why should we hire you, why do you want the job? Your
goals to the company’s goals, … )
Ideal jobs, how to apply for one, resume, letter of recommendation,
Advice On Finding A Job In Taiwan Six Months In Taiwan by
Daniel Wallace
ThingsAsian How to get a job and a life in Taipei
Taipei Times and China Times
Group 5 Battle of Sheridan Street (Unit 7)-- good
Group 5 Petsy also introduced a CNN iReport on 大埔事件, please check
out this site to watch the report “When the Excavators came to the rice
If you were Mrs. Florence Hamilton, a 83-year-old widow with 20 stray
dogs, would you move away without condition? Or on what condition,
would you want to move away?
The housing authority wants to relocate you to the new apartment in the
If you were Martinez, in such a difficult situation, how would you convince
Mrs. Hamilton to let other dogs to go to the ASPCA (American Society for
the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)?
I want a house where I can keep my dogs, not an apartment for senior
Civil right vs. public right
If we don’t want so many stray dogs in streets, we may sterilize them to
reduce the number of stray dogs. If you love dogs, do not abandon them.
Week 6 10/27
Group 1 Marriage Counseling (Unit 9)
Think back to your parents relations and see if they are model couple or if
they have any problems. When it comes to the money, well make more
money. Then, how? Adding more skills to oneself may promise better jobs.
Having children old enough to work part time may reduce the burden of
finance within a family. Looking for scholarship will help too, if possible.
***Couple who has serious problem and not knowing how to deal with daily
life matters may seek for professional help from marriage counselors.
Some may look for advice from friends rather than parents, because
friends have the similar age. But don’t you think they tend to yield similar
answers to your question which might not be helpful at all. Sometimes,
different age group may come out with different opinions which may be
more mature.
Mike: what makes two persons with different opinions get married?
Jessie Ho: Maybe superficial love, fall in love for the first sight, see only the
outside beauty, etc. So if you make friends, try to date, and talk to each
other for common interests, observe the way he talks with others, the
things he does to others, if he can meet your family for your parents to talk
to him and see if you two matched to each other.
Petsy: the two persons must love each other.
Jessie Ho: Yes. But how long does love last?
Jessie Ho: 3 to 4 years. In tradition our marriage last long because the
couple works on marriage and children after getting married. Yes, love
and background for communication are the best qualities for an ideal
Sessions, how to be a counselor, how to solve marriage problems, what
are some problems in a marriage; language to persuade, argue
If you have marriage problem, where would you turn to for help?
Group 2 Inside Story (Unit 16)
How to survive kidnapping?
In recording you may make the voice sound softer not jerky to harm the
ears. When and where and why are kidnapping taking place?
Do you know how to protect yourself against kidnappers? Martial arts?
Karate? If you show strong manner, or scream loud enough, kidnappers
might be frightened. Leave signs for help. Try not to irritate the kidnappers.
Remember, you are only of value to them alive, and they want to keep you that
The common hostage responses of fear, denial, and withdrawal are all
experienced in varying degrees. You may be blindfolded, drugged, handled
roughly, or even stuffed in the trunk of a car. If drugs are administered, do not
resist. Their purpose will be to sedate you and make you more manageable; these
same drugs may actually help you to get control of your emotions, which should
be your immediate goal. If conscious, follow your captors? instructions.
A hostage-taking situation is at its worst at the onset. The terrorists are nervous
and unsure, easily irritated, often irrational. It is a psychologically traumatic
moment for the hostage. Violence may be used even if the hostage remains
passive, but resistance could result in death.
Kidnapping, kidnapped, case, motivation, solution, ransom
First-degree kidnapping occurs when a person abducts another person to
obtain ransom (N.Y. Penal Code § 135.25 [McKinney 1996]). First-degree
kidnapping also occurs when the abduction lasts for more than 12 hours
and the abductor intends to injure the victim; to accomplish or advance the
commission of a felony; to terrorize the victim or a third person; or to
interfere with a governmental or political function. An abduction that results
in death is also first-degree kidnapping. A first-degree kidnapping in New
York State is a class A-1 felony, which carries a sentence of at least 20
years in prison (§ 70.00).
A person who is convicted of a class B felony in New York State can be
sentenced to one to eight years in prison (§ 70.00).
Two key elements are common to all charges of kidnapping. First, the
asportation (unlawful removal of goods from where they are deposited or
stored) ordetention must be unlawful. Under various state and federal
statutes, not all seizures and asportations constitute kidnapping: Police
officers may arrest and jail a person they suspect of a crime, and parents
are allowed to reasonably restrict and control the movement of their
Week 7 11/03
Group 6 Earth Day
How to protect water, wild life, insects, fish, get good mileage, avoid
Why and how do we protect the environment? Rain forest conservation,
wildlife, quality of air, water
An Inconvenient Truth: former United States Vice President Al Gore's
campaign to educate citizens about global warming
Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" Movie: Fact or Hype? But how accurate are
some of the scientific claims made in the documentary?
Scientists Debate The Accuracy Of Al Gore's Documentary 'An Inconvenient Truth'
the main message of the film, which explains the theory that increasing carbon
dioxide causes a warming tendency in the lower atmosphere.
Group 3 Making Complaint (Unit 27)
On my IEC notes
Top 6 Ways to Get An Angry Customer to Back Down
apologize (be carefully worded), kill them softly with diplomacy, go into
computer mode, don’t have emotional reaction, don’t take the bait, delay in
service, have I done anything personally to upset you? Show empathy, If I
were in your shoes, I would feel just the same as you. Thanks for taking the
time to give us feedback. It’s a shock factor. Stay calm and regain control.
How to end a conversation gracefully
Have you complained about a new item you bought to the salesclerk?
Dealing with complaints
Be calm and relaxed when dealing with a complaint.
Let the person explain their problem. Let them talk until they’ve released their
anger. Don’t interrupt them tuntil they have finished.
Speak friendly.
Be sympathetic. Use attentive listening techniques. (I understand, I see.) Take
notes. Use reflective listening techniques. (You must be very annoyed about this.)
Offer to investigate the problem.
If your company is wrong, admit it and apologize.
Don’t waste time defending your company, or blaming someone else. Never
make excuses. (It isn’t my fault. We’re having problems with the computer
system. Someone else was responsible for this. )
Stick to the point. Don’t make personal comments. Don’t start an argument.
Ask the person what they think the asswer is.
Explain what you’re going to do about the problem. Make sure that you do it.
Return a purchase like a radio, receipt, ask for solution, writing letter
Midterm Guided Topics 2010/11, your group may find the latest topics from Time.
Raise questions after each session and put your questions on your blank sheet to
turn in when it is all done. Please modify your title before you complete your job.
3Cb Wed. 11/10, 17, 24 at T. 242
Please check the computer in T. 242 when you arrive to see if there is the 2007
Office system compatible software downloaded. 開始控制台新增移除 是
否有 2007 Office system 相容性套件. If no, please ask the work student to help.
Or go to school portal (文件管理 全校授權軟體) to look for the software and
click on .exe to download.
Group 1 You are what you eat A= 87~85 An interesting cover, good pictures, and
references, some new names of food, organized, a broad area, but lacked eye
contact, the introduction and conclusion. This topic gives us something more to
talk about.
Point out what are good ways of selecting healthful food and what seem not good
to choose for diets. You suggest the organic food.
How do you choose the right organic food? They might be contaminated by GM
food growing in the open field because of the wind, insects and animals.
How do you clean vegetables to get rid of chemicals like malathion 馬拉硫磷
an insecticide of relatively low human toxicity?
Do you think o3 Ozone cleansing machine will help or bring other damages to
human health?
7-eleven provides all kinds of food for convenience. How do you like lunch box
being heated by microwave oven? Or you would rather choose warm food
When is the best time to eat fruit, in the morning, at noon or in the evening?
Wrapping paper polyethylene 聚乙烯保鲜膜 is often used to keep food fresh.
It’s said that it will not be good to the food. 可利用在化工行買的「次氯酸
鈉」或「次氯酸鉀」,將其溶於水中,調配出兩百 ppm(百萬分之兩百)以上的濃度,再
將蔬果浸泡其中二十至三十分鐘,利用「次氯酸鈉 sodium hypochlorite 中文名称 2:漂
白水;漂水 英文名称 2: hypochlorous acid-cilu: suanna」與「次氯酸鉀
中華民國消費者文教基金會: 臭氧機的臭氧並不能清除殘存蔬果內部農藥
臭氧(O3 Ozone)是氧受到高壓放電產生的能量撞擊而成,由三個氧原子構成的氣體物質,濃
The notion that to be fit and healthy you need to eat good food. Phrase
Anthelme Brillat-Savarin: Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what
you are.
BBC Nutrition, Irene Part II Overeat, overweight, over drink, fat
New food, need good fat,
Can we eat to starve cancer?
John Cloud Eating Better Than Organic" or
"My Search for the Perfect Apple";
NEWSTART Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sun, Temperance, Air, Rest, Trust
Group 3 The Wonderful Journey of 3D Movies Eye B+ 86~84 catching topic,
original, short, and easy to understand. Encourage us to enjoy these 3D movies.
What kinds of skills should the producers need to make 3D movies? They need
computers and digital cameras.
In the past decade, there are more 3D movies emerging. Do you see a large
market in these movies? What is your favorite one? Which release accepts the
great popularity in the world? Can you describe some experiences wearing
polarized eye-glasses in theatre?
The Illustrated 3D Movie List
Beauty and Beast trailers
Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue - Clip 1
Alice in Wonderland on iTune
A 3-D (three-dimensional) film or S3D (stereoscopic 3D) film is a motion picture
that enhances the illusion of depth perception. Derived from stereoscopic (體視
鏡拍出產生三維空間有立體感的圖像 giving a three- dimensional effect )
photography, a special motion picture camera system is used to record the
images as seen from two perspectives (or computer-generated imagery
generates the two perspectives), and special projection hardware and/or
eyewear are used to provide the illusion of depth when viewing the film. 3-D films
are not limited to feature film theatrical releases; television broadcasts and
direct-to-video films have also incorporated similar methods, primarily for
marketing purposes.
To present a stereoscopic motion picture, two images are projected
superimposed onto the same screen through different polarizing filters 偏振(滤光)
片,极化滤波器.. The viewer wears low-cost eyeglasses which also contain a pair
of polarizing filters oriented differently (clockwise/counterclockwise with circular
polarization or at 90 degree angles, usually 45 and 135 degrees, with linear
polarization). As each filter passes only that light which is similarly polarized and
blocks the light polarized differently, each eye sees a different image. This is
used to produce a three-dimensional effect by projecting the same scene into
both eyes, but depicted from slightly different perspectives. Since no head
tracking is involved, the entire audience can view the stereoscopic images at the
same time.
3-D 3-D Vision
Group 4 Music – Country, Gospel, Jazz, Rock and Music in Films A--~B—88~78
In the introduction, the intention of the talk is expressed explicitly. There could
be warming up interaction between the speaker and the audience before plunging
into your introducing the elements of music. The question about how one feels
about music while listening to it can be raised for discussion. It’s good for Nicole
in “music in films” introduces sound track, including dialogue track, sound
effects track and music track which is called composite track.
Try to pronounce words clearly (century, record) and use transitional phrases to
give sign post for what comes next.
When playing a song, tell us the title, the lyric, and your feeling about this song.
What does the singer or song writer want to convey in that song? (The Beatles’
In what ways Gospel music is good?
Questions for discussion.
Concerts held in Jing-Kuo Parkway, Taichung have attracted many people to
listen. Why do people like to listen to music in the open place?
What is more important, music or language in songs?
Popular Music, Classical music (from Johann Sebastian Bach to Beethoven as a
golden age) or art music (Western liturgical and secular music, the 11th century to
present times) and traditional music, Indian classical music and Japanese
traditional music
Instruments: electric guitar electronic instruments such as the synthesizer,
electric and digital techniques such as the use of sampled or computer-generated
sounds, and the sounds of instruments from other cultures such as the gamelan
Form: the song form, classical music can also take on the form of the concerto,
symphony, sonata, opera, dance music, suite, étude, symphonic poem, and others.
Many of the most esteemed works of classical music make use of musical
development, the process by which a musical idea or motif is repeated in
different contexts or in altered form. The sonata form and fugue employ rigorous
forms of musical development.
Medieval music and Renaissance music
the harp, lute, vielle, and psaltery, while wind instruments included the flute
The Common Practice Period is when many of the ideas that make up western classical music took
shape, standardized, or were codified. It began with the Baroque era, running from roughly 1600 to
the middle of the 18th century. The Classical era 1750 to 1820 (established many of the norms of
composition, presentation, and style, and was also when the piano became the predominant keyboard
instrument.) followed, ending roughly around 1820. The Romantic era (Richard Wagner's Ring cycle)
ran through the 19th century, ending about 1910.
the Baroque era Bach,
20th-century classical music, Contemporary classical music, and 21st-century classical music
Modernism (1905–1985)
***Throughout history, parents have often made sure that their children receive
classical music training from a young age. Some parents pursue music lessons for
their children for social reasons or in an effort to instill a sense of self-discipline.]
Some believe that knowledge of important works of classical music is part of a
good general education. What do you think of this belief?
the "Mozart effect": an observed temporary, small elevation of scores on certain
tests as a result of listening to Mozart's works. The approach has been
popularized in a book by Don Campbell, and is based on an experiment published
in Nature suggesting that listening to Mozart temporarily boosted students' IQ by
8 to 9 points.
listening to Mozart actually makes you smarter
music education programs
music education
keyboards or recorders, sing in small choirs; some type of musical ensemble,
such as a choir, orchestra, or school band: concert band, marching band, orchestra.
or jazz band. music appreciation
Popular music is a generic term for music of all ages that appeals to popular tastes,
whereas pop music usually refers to a specific musical genre.
Pop music oriented towards a youth market, usually consisting of relatively short, simple love songs
utilizing technological innovations to produce new variations on existing themes. Pop music has
absorbed influences from most other forms of popular music, but as a genre is particularly
associated with the rock and roll and later rock style.
Pop music charts Cambridge Journals Online - Popular music
Taiwan Culture Portal
Group 7 Group 7 Shanghai World Expo 2010 A=88~85 A very beautiful
booklet, without the introduction and conclusion, and reference. Emma has to pay
attention to pronunciation. There are the themes and highlights introduced to each
pavilion. In the US pavilion the core concepts are sustainability, teamwork,
health, spirit of striving for success. In what ways you see these four concepts
important to city dwellers?
What is the main theme in this world expo? Better City, Better Life.
What symbols are often used in the expo?
Why do countries want to host the expo? Japan? Do they learn from such kind of
activities? Technology, culture, nature, structure and art, etc.
What have you learned from this presentation?
上海 世博
What are some benefits by the expo?
Compare the two expositions and the costs of different expos in the world.
Why do the DPP express their counterpoints in holding the flora exposition?
Do you like to go and see it? When? Why or why not?
Better City, Better Life
Theme pavilions
Pavilions All links in this world expo are on the page.
(Chinese Version)
Taiwan Pavilion
(Chinese Version)
Taiwan Pavilion Official Site Guided Tour
Taipei International Flora Exposition
Taiwan Pavilion at Expo 2010 Shanghai II, I
Part 1] 2009 Taiwan Presentation @ Pardubice (Taiwan History)
By the end of the expo, over 73 million people had visited, a record attendance
and 250 countries and international organizations had participated. On October
16, 2010, the expo set a single-day record of having over 1.03 million visitors
enter the exhibition that day. The site of the event is the Nanpu Bridge–Lupu
Bridge region in the center of Shanghai along both sides of the Huangpu River.
The area of the Expo 2010 covers 5.28 km2,
Shanghai has announced plans to build a world expo museum with the intention
of conserving typical expo exhibits and popularising world expo history.
Among the controversies surrounding the Shanghai Expo were criticisms from
human rights groups which alleged the wrongful or forced displacement of
18,000 families from their homes and claims that Expo served as pretext for the
suppression of dissidents and religious believers, including Falun Gong adherents.
The Congressional Executive Commission on China reported that Chinese
authorities seized upon the World Expo as an opportunity to conducted
propaganda campaigns deriding Falun Gong, and detained and imprisoned over
100 practitioners. The Commission also noted that some who refused to disavow
Falun Gong were subjected to torture and sent to reeducation through labor
Fading America Must Face China Rising on its Own Terms
China Rising Investment Conference
上海世博 Shanghai World Expo 2010 Opening Part A
上海世博 Shanghai World Expo 2010 Opening Part B
上海世博 Shanghai World Expo 2010 Opening Part C
上海世博 Shanghai World Expo 2010 Opening Part D
Opening Part E
Part G
Part H
Part I
The pavilion design is a transparent cube housing a giant ball in its center. It is mainly made of
steel and glass, with the outlines of the island's Mount Morrison and Mount Ali painted on the
facade. The main part of the pavilion was built with stone from Jade Mountain and soil from
Yin-Ko Town. Taiwan will invite people to fly lanterns for good luck - a traditional island custom and view its beautiful mountains and lakes at its pavilion. The pavilion showcases the island's
scenery, its kind-hearted people and culture with the theme "Mountain, Water, Heart and
Highlight 1: Movie about Taiwan's Culture and Scenery.
The globe, 12 meters in diameter, houses a theater, where a four-minute movie about Taiwan's
culture and scenery will be shown. The globe doubles as a screen to show the island's
Highlight 2: Lantern-flying Ceremony.
The globe will be suspended over a pool of water, which will reflect the images shown on the globe.
Visitors will be invited to take part in a multimedia lantern-flying ceremony on a platform above the
pool. If 40 people make a ring on the platform, each of them will trigger a beam that will light the
Public/Civil Services
services provided by government to its citizens, either directly (through the public sector) or by
financing private provision of services. The term is associated with a social consensus (usually
expressed through democratic elections) that certain services should be available to all, regardless of
income. Even where public services are neither publicly provided nor publicly financed, for social
and political reasons they are usually subject to regulation going beyond that applying to most
economic sectors. Public service is also a course that can be studied at a college and/or university.
It is also an alternative term for civil service. fundamental human rights hairdressing .The Volunteer
Fire Dept. and Ambulance Corps. are institutions with the mission of servicing the community
A service is helping others with a specific need or want. Here, service ranges from a doctor curing
an illness, to a repair man, to a food pantry. All of these services are essential to people's lives.
In modern, developed countries the term public services often includes:
Fire service
Health care
Police service
Public transportation
Social housing
Town planning
Waste management
Water services
Public information and archiving, such as libraries
Social services
Environmental protection
Public Service UK
Group 6 Education A= 90~85 Mike begins with the need for education, continued
by Spencer’s elaborating on the three kinds of education, namely behaviorism,
cognitivism and constructivism. What do you support in educational theories? By
combining all the advantages of them and get rid of the deficiency of them?
Irene tries to compare Taiwan with America; Dean uses movies to point out the
right attitude toward education. Overall, this is an original and creative
presentation to arouse the attention of the audience. One is to know having the
passion for learning, learning with efficiency can bring the learners true
happiness. 3 idiots from YouTube 學校教育扼殺創意嗎?(中文)
If you are not prepared to be wrong, there won’t be any creativity.
肯.羅賓森爵士(Sir Ken Robinson)以生動活潑的案例來談教育制度。他深切希望教育制度
When I was a child, if you have degree, you have job.
Jobs go to master degree.
Diverse, intelligence is dynamic, intelligence is wonderfully interacted,
Creativity is original idea.
Women can do some things at the same time.
Epiphany: how people discover their talents
Cats and Phantom of the Opera a choreographer, Juliet when she was at
school, she was hopeless. Has a learning disorder. ADHD can’t concentrate.
She can dance. Send her to a ballet school. People who have to move to think.
Somebody else might give her pill and tell her to calm down.
Adopt a new conception of human ecology. Human capacity. Educate
children to see the future. We might not see the future, but they will. Our job
is to help make something of themselves.
Behaviorism: developmental theory that measures observable behaviors produced
by a learner’s response to stimuli. the behaviorist theory includes; classroom
management, rote memorization, and drill and practice.
The cognitivist paradigm essentially argues that the “black box” of the mind should be opened
and understood. The learner is viewed as an information processor (like a computer).
The cognitivist revolution replaced behaviorism in 1960s as the dominant paradigm. Cognitivism
focuses on the inner mental activities – opening the “black box” of the human mind is valuable
and necessary for understanding how people learn. Mental processes such as thinking, memory,
knowing, and problem-solving need to be explored. Knowledge can be seen as schema or symbolic
mental constructions. Learning is defined as change in a learner’s schemata.
Constructivism is a theory of knowledge that argues that humans generate knowledge and meaning
from an interaction between their experiences and their ideas. During infancy, it is an interaction
between their experiences and their reflexes or behavior-patterns. Piaget called these systems of
knowledge schemata. Piaget's theory of constructivist learning has had wide ranging impact on
learning theories and teaching methods in education and is an underlying theme of many education
reform movements.
online education (a type of distance education).
Technology offers powerful learning tools that demand new skills and understandings of
students, including Multimedia, and provides new ways to engage students, such as Virtual
learning environments. PowerPoint and interactive whiteboard is capturing the attention of
students in the classroom. Technology is also being used in the assessment of students. One
example is the Audience Response System (ARS), which allows immediate feedback tests and
classroom discussions.
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are a “diverse set of tools and resources
used to communicate, create, disseminate, store, and manage information.”
School of the Future is a member of the Coalition of Essential Schools, a league of schools
dedicated to small class sizes and student centered learning.
Why do Taiwanese students get higher scores in math?
In the future, will you let your child study in Taiwan or other country?
What is the most important purpose for higher education?
Cultivate intelligent person for providing better service to the society.
Have you measure how much your parents have spent on you for education?
Do you think education is an important investment?
What educational systems do you like better, European or American?
Do you think creativity should be stressed more in school rather than
memorization? What do you think about memorize a poem and recite it to the
Do you think we need to open courses like translation and oral interpretation to
increase student’s competence at work?
Education in Taiwan Minister of Education
Ministry of Education of Republic of China The system produces pupils with
some of the highest test scores in the world, especially in mathematics and
science. It has been criticised for placing excessive pressure on students and
eschewing creativity in favour of rote memorization. Recent educational reforms
intended to address these criticisms are a topic of intense debate in Taiwan.
The literacy rate in 2003 was 96.1%.
Primary education, secondary education, higher education.
Public school, private school
When you are summiting your paper to a journal for publication, be sure to write
down your address clearly as The Republic of China (Taiwan).
Group 5 Dog A= 88~84 You need to give your objective and conclusion in your
talk. Introduce all kinds of dogs in a tender way, similar to the introduction of
world expo. Have a good choice of pictures. Use videos in action to show how
cute it can be. Do you have a dog at home? Who walks the dog?
Do you believe dogs humans best friend?
Have you the experience of raising any animals at home as pets? Why? How?
Dogs and cats have their animal instincts. What do you marvel the most in these
How about a frog? Cricket? Mu-hsu 木鬚龍?
How do we solve stray dogs in the streets? Castration?
Dog, dogs, dog breed, dog training, dog supplies, smart dog, veterinarian
Group 2 An exotic food paradise – Little Italy A—B 90~82 This group did a light
and controlled presentation about their personal experience of a gourmet at Little
Italy in Taichung with nice pictures and a video for checking out and a look to the
Princess Room. They felt it costly, but they were willing to sacrifice for this
report. The script is done from personal experience in original work. Ivy’s
reading sounded like she was eating something juicy and delicious.
How can you eat pottage and feel that it tastes like “childhood” ?
When you say something true about it, you use present tense. But when you shift
to your personal feeling or experience, you may use past tense if you indicate the
time in the past.
There are some tints of humor in it, esp. in the ending, when they were afraid that
they might be addicted to it. This sense of guilt comes to anyone who knows how
to splurge in good food. I feel the same each time when I eat out.
1 2 3 4 food good for the allergic.
What do you look into the dishes you have in an eatery?
Are the location, the interior design, customer’s manners, services much more
important than the food served?
What makes you to go back to Little Italy?
If you were offered a job as manager, how would you plan for Little Italy to boost
its business?
Time management, hygiene, smile, communicative, good service, royalty
If you were the boss, what would you offer to your staffs?
Good salary, off-duty days, insurance, bonus, etc.
Mid-term Guided Topics 2010/11, your group may find the latest topics from
Time. Please modify your title before you complete the job.
Raise questions after each session and put your questions on your blank sheet to
turn in when it is all done.
Please check the computer in T. 242 when you arrive to see if there is the 2007
Office system compatible software downloaded. 開始控制台新增移除 是
否有 2007 Office system 相容性套件. If no, please ask the work student to help.
Or go to school portal (文件管理 全校授權軟體) to look for the software and
click on .exe to download.
3Ca Wed. 11/ 10, 17, 24
Group 6 Fashion (Clothes) A=87~85 rich photos, but has no captions. It’s good to
use transitional sentence to signal the proceeding part.
What is the importance of New York in products of innovation like fashion in the
world? How do you see New York, Paris, and Tokyo in the leading role of
Why do Hippie clothing models use peace symbol?
There is a famous saying, “Fashion comes back in full cycle every 10 years.”
How do you interpret it and how do you think about it?
What kinds of fashion styles do you like the most?
Why don’t you include Taiwan fashion in your talk? Fashion Magazine Fashion TV Fashion Design Jason Wu 吳季
Fashion girls, models, buyers, market, textiles (fabric and cloth), materials
Textile refers to any material made of interlacing fibers. Fabric refers to any material made through
weaving, knitting, spreading, crocheting (making fabric by looping thread into a pattern of connected
stitches, using a hooked needle called a crochet-hook 鈎針編織), or bonding. Cloth refers to a
finished piece of fabric that can be used for a purpose such as covering a bed.
Tailoring and dressmaking
Group 1 Travel A— 90~83 Informative speeches, with lots of carefully chosen
maps and pictures to highlight the spots. Taiwan, Cebu, Tokyo, Japan, Dubai,
Italy, France are introduced with lots of key spots. Deborah presents fluently
Dubai and Grace talks about her experience in France. Traveling should involve
cultural activity, observation on not only the spot but also its people to give an
enlightening presentation. It can also be the chance for you to talk about your
experiences on the convenience and inconvenience in traveling, and why people
like to go travel.
When you talk about Philippine and Filipinos, do you know their relation with
Taiwan people?
I like to visit Tokyo someday. Can you give me some tips about where to shop,
see Japanese performance, and eat? (Flora)
Words to pronounce carefully include Ninõ, Parade.
Recently Taiwanese are not required to apply for visa before they leave for
Europe on vacation. With the devaluation of Euro, do you think it is an ideal time
to travel in Europe?
How can the Pisa tower stand leaning against earth gravity?
How long do you think it good to travel a place? One week, one month, or a few
Why is Tarsier monkey an endangered species? I like the white sandy Alona
Beach in Barangay Tawala, Panglao. What can people do there? 霧 ‧ Panglao
海 島 遊 。 Amorita Resort (Peggy)
What important lessons have you learned in your stay in France?
Do you speak all French in France even with your classmates? Who is your tour
guide? How did you prepare for your trip? What curses did you take there? Have
you written it down in French for your French class? (Grace)
Dubai a global city and a business hub, oil industry, tourism, real estate, and
financial services;
Dubai's property market experienced a major deterioration in 2008 and 2009 as a
result of the worldwide economic downturn following the Financial crisis of
World's tallest building opens in Dubai BBC News
Monday, 4 January 2010
The Burj Khalifa was revealed to be 828m (2,716ft) high, far taller than the
previous record holder, Taipei 101.
Clad in 28,000 glass panels, the tower has 160 floors and more than 500,000
sq m of space for offices and flats.
However, investors are facing losses even before the tower is completed
because property prices in Dubai have slumped amid the global economic
LEYTE DANCE THEATRE-- ITIK-ITIK folk dance of the Philippines
Let's Dance in Bohol (Experience Philippines! Ep.2) Bohol Bee Farm, Chocolate Hill
Your personal experience; ex 1;
Do you think it good to travel a place for a week? Or for how long would be best
to understand its culture and people?
Why is Tarsier monkey an endangered species? (Peggy)
What is the relation between Philippine and R.O.C. and the peoples in these
Welcome to Taiwan 行政院青年輔導委員會 National Youth Commission
Check your Itinerary 行程規劃
Sabre® Virtually There®
* Check the status of any flight including delays, cancellations and gate info
* Book ground transportation, travel extras and travel protection to complete your trip
* Find out what's happening in the city you're visiting including weather, maps and
more with our city guides
* View your past and current trips from one page upon completion of a simple profile
* Email your itinerary to friends, family and colleagues right from your mobile or PC
* Register for flight notifications for any flight in your itinerary to notify you of gate
changes, delays and cancellations
Your first trip to Taiwan: A suggested itinerary
Delve into the island’s culture, history, and natural beauty. Taroko Gorge, see fewer
things but spend more time at each sight if you are crunched for time.
One week—the capital Taipei, many of the sights are accessible via the MRT system.
Chiang Kai-shek Memorial and Sun Yat-sen Memorial , National Theater and National
Concert Hall, night market, the National Palace Museum, Yangmingshan National
Science Area
Two weeks—
Three weeks – Alishan, Sun-Moon Lake, Kenting Beach, Fokuangshan Monastery,
museums, temples, cultural centers, National scenic areas
Group 2 Music – B 90~78? The booklet came in late, which made it hard to know
who took up which part in this presentation. However, there is a lot of music
demonstration from YouTube in a broad general introduction to music according
to nationality, and it seems diverse in color. Fred’s part is missing and should be
covered. It seems that you have a good selection of sample music.
John Keats “To Autumn”
John Keats (read by Michael Stuhlbarg)
Where are the songs of Spring? Ay, where are they?
Think not of them, thou hast thy music too,—
While barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day,
And touch the stubble plains with rosy hue;
Then in a wailful choir the small gnats mourn
Among the river sallows, borne aloft
Or sinking as the light wind lives or dies;
And full-grown lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn;
Hedge-crickets sing; and now with treble soft
The red-breast whistles from a garden-croft;
And gathering swallows twitter in the skies.
Ode to the Grecian Urn by John Keats
Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard
Are sweeter: therefore, ye soft pipes, play on;
Not to the sensual ear, but, more endear'd,
Pipe to the spirit ditties of no tone:
Why are there a lot of songs becoming popular in Taiwan?
Some singers made fame in Taiwan before they went back to do more in Hong
Kong. Why is it so?
What makes Jay Chou’s music well-received?
Enka, Taiko folk music, Okinawan folk music, court music, theme songs. Ba-yin,
mountain songs, aboriginal songs, ballads, natural sounds, shouts, teamwork
Do you see what kinds of musical instruments are used in producing a song?
Do you see much influence come form Japanese songs in early time of Taiwan
pop songs? Also influence coming from China in Mandarin songs and folklore?
Western music has also influenced on composers in Taiwan due to education.
Tibetan 6-word chants, Sanskrit, Shakira, salsa, reggae, tango
art music and traditional music,
Popular music is a generic term for music of all ages that appeals to popular tastes,
whereas pop music usually refers to a specific musical genre.
Pop music oriented towards a youth market, usually consisting of relatively short, simple love songs
utilizing technological innovations to produce new variations on existing themes. Pop music has
absorbed influences from most other forms of popular music, but as a genre is particularly
associated with the rock and roll and later rock style.
Pop music charts Cambridge Journals Online - Popular music
Taiwan Culture Portal
Group 4 Human’s best friend—Dogs A~B 92~80 It’s a good presentation about
dogs in its kinds and functions as companion and assistance to humans. It is
wrapped with a conclusion persuading people not to abandon dogs.
The assistance of animals
It combines the expertise of basic animal care and treatment with the administrative
responsibilities of running an office. An able veterinary assistant must be comfortable
around animals, whether they are injured, sick or aggressive. They should also be able to
deal with animal owners in an efficient manner.
Work, seeing-eye dogs, healing power as pets and in hospital, milk, transmissions
as in dove,
Assistance animals for the disabled: guide animals, hearing animals (dogs for the
deaf), service animals, seizure alert animals, social/therapy animals
Companion animals
Canada Veterinary Assistant and Animal Care Career College Programs
A career as a veterinary assistant is the perfect job opportunity for those who
love animals.
Do you think pets become so comfortable when their owners are rich or in
Do you believe that dogs are human’s best friend?
Have you the experience of raising any animals at home as pets? Why? How?
Dogs and cats have their animal instincts. What do you marvel the most in these
How do we solve stray dogs in the streets? Castration?
How about a frog? Cricket? Mu-hsu 木鬚龍?
Dog, dogs, dog breed, dog training, dog supplies, smart dog, veterinarian
Group 5 Animation B+ 87~83 Introduce the production of animations.
When you introduce MuLan, I hope to see you talking about martial arts, loyalty
to family and honor, etc.
Why is it good to introduce it to kids? Or western world? What do you see about
Chinese culture in Mulan?
Girl goes to the army instead of father to show love, to come back with honor,
and to exercise like man.
How does a girl find her Mr. Right in Chinese Culture? By match-making?
What does a beauty look like in China? Having single-fold eyelids, phoenix eyes?
Megamind description: Megamind (Ferrell) is the most brilliant super-villain the
world has ever known, though after several unsuccessful attempts to conquer
Metro City, a new foe sees him attempt to use his powers for good -- for the first
time in his life.
A rapid display of a sequence of images of 2-D or 3-D artwork or model positions
in order to create an illusion of movement.
Full animation refers to the process of producing high-quality traditionally
animated films, which regularly use detailed drawings and plausible movement.
Fully animated films can be done in a variety of styles, from more realistically
animated works such as those produced by the Walt Disney studio (Beauty and
the Beast, Aladdin, Lion King) to the more "cartoony" styles of those produced by
the Warner Bros. animation studio. Many of the Disney animated features are
examples of full animation, as are non-Disney works such as The Secret of NIMH
(US, 1982) and The Iron Giant (US, 1999), Nocturna (Spain, 2007)
Rotoscoping is a technique, patented by Max Fleischer in 1917, where animators trace
live-action movement, frame by frame. The source film can be directly copied from actors'
outlines into animated drawings, as in The Lord of the Rings (US, 1978)
Puppet animation Clay animation Computer animation encompasses a variety of techniques, the
unifying factor being that the animation is created digitally on a computer.
Why do you want to talk about this topic?
How to be Animator on The Simpsons: Interview with*** Chance Raspberry
Interview with Pixar Animator Glenn McQueen (Part 1 of 2)
with Ken, McQueen discusses how CGI technology has changed over the last
few years, what it takes to get in the door at a place like Pixar, and contemplates
how increasingly advanced technology is enabling animators to focus more
heavily on the characterization and "performance" of their characters.
animation college up in Canada, After that, I went to PDI [Pacific Data Imaging], and I
was there for about four or five years. Again, I was doing commercials and film effects
with the character animation group. Then I came to Pixar in about 1995.
PLUME: Ah – so you're Canadian...
McQUEEN: Yup. "Frostback, huh?"
PLUME: Would you say that your background is primarily in character animation, or in computer animation?
McQUEEN: I would say, probably, computer animation.
for the first six or seven years of my career, there wasn't a lot of character animation to be done out there. You'd do
sort of effect-y things...or commercial-y things...and whatnot, so I would say my background is in computer
The nice thing is that the software has gotten more sophisticated. When I started, you needed to be able to storyboard,
model, animate, shade, light, render. Everything you did, you had to build every model and render it yourself and put it to
PLUME: It's far more intuitive...
McQUEEN: Yeah. There are tools that are created for artists…
PLUME: What led to your interest in computers at a time – in the early 80's – when they were relatively few
and far between? Was it just a matter of finding yourself near one?
McQUEEN: Yeah, it was just a great opportunity.
PLUME: And you started doing this in college...
McQUEEN: Yeah. I took a summer course in computer animation at Sheridan. The only thing it really taught me was
how potentially time-consuming and difficult computer animation is.
PLUME: At that time, what did they term it as being computer animation?
McQUEEN: It was 3-D computer animation
At least now, you can set a key pose at frame 1 and a key pose at frame 40, and the computer will in-between all the
frames between 1 and 40.
PLUME: It sounds like you almost had to have degrees in both mathematics and physics...
PLUME: How would you describe your transition out of college and into the industry? Was there a
recruitment program for computer animators at the time, or did you have to find your own way?
McQUEEN: It was a scholarship program, whereby Sheridan sent students down to New York Tech under the
auspices of going down to study.
Everyone there was absolutely brilliant. It's great being around people who you're constantly learning from. That's
one of the reasons that I really like working at Pixar, because everybody you work with you can learn something from.
Project Offset Animator Interview/Video
Interview with Animator Willi Waizenegger
My stuff tends to be more down-to-earth, not as "artsy," creating animations and
graphics for TV commercials, TV shows and other video productions, as well as
visualization stuff, such as in the medical or architectural areas. A lot of my work ends
up as elements in print and web design, too. As a freelancer, I found it limiting to
make a freelance career out of just 3d animation, so I became an expert on all
sorts of multimedia skills. Flash animation, web design, CD authoring, etc.--I find
it extremely rewarding.
Group 3 Movie B+ 87~83 Late for the booklet.
The movie Oliver Twist is introduced, including the novelist Charles Dickens, the
director Roman Polanski, its plot, main characters. It is good to focus on one
work for a case study about the society, poor children, and how these children
were exploited in hard labors. A good choice. I’d like to go back to it again.
Humour in Charles Dickens. scathing satire
Social commentary and political discourse are good themes for a novel to have, as it
addresses a more topical issue, but there is nothing like humor and more importantly, satire
to appeal to the mass audience. This is one characteristic that Dickens undoubtedly
mastered as seen by his immense popularity, and Oliver Twist is one in a series of his
novels where his satire has free reign.
The satire in Oliver Twist focuses on two aspects. The caricaturization of the characters
and social commentary. This last category encompasses the class conflict, and the venality
and incompetence of the law and the political system. Through the novel Oliver Twist,
Dickens speaks out against the Poverty Laws of 1934, and against the general state of the
legal system. Towards the beginning of the novel, Dickens casts a satirical eye over the
child welfare system and the workhouses that were established…
What movies are you going to talk about?
------------------------------------------------------Health Body Shape and Healthy Eating
Fitness for women
feeling great, having more energy, and keeping yourself as healthy as possible
The notion that to be fit and healthy you need to eat good food. Phrase
Anthelme Brillat-Savarin: Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what
you are.
BBC Nutrition, Irene Part II Overeat, overweight, over drink, fat
New food, need good fat,
Can we eat to starve cancer?
John Cloud Eating Better Than Organic" or
"My Search for the Perfect Apple";
NEWSTART Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sun, Temperance, Air, Rest, Trust
Daily 2
For daily 2, please look for topics from Ideas & Issues or news.
FAQ for Intermediate English Conversation
The new mayors-elect and the perspectives of Taiwan
Gunman and Election in Taiwan: Chen Sui-bian and Sean Lien two case studies
North and South Korean War and Its Impact on World Foreign Policy (or
Economics in Asia)
President Election 2012: The Possible Candidates from KMT and DPP
3Cb 12/8, 15, 22, 29
Group 1 Internet Hell My Internet Hell 41/13
This group talks about some tracks young people might fall into and how can
one prevent it from happening.
RSI Repetitive Strain Injury 電腦手
also known as repetitive stress injury, repetitive motion injuries, repetitive motion disorder (RMD),
cumulative trauma disorder (CT), occupational overuse syndrome, overuse syndrome, regional
musculoskeletal disorder) is an injury of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems that may be
caused by repetitive tasks, forceful exertions, vibrations, mechanical compression (pressing against
hard surfaces), or sustained or awkward positions. Different sections of this article present
contrasting perspectives regarding the causes of RSI.
…it's not completely related to the article "My Internet hell" in the book Ideas & issues. We
may talk about the trap and the bad influence of surfing Internet. Tweens and chat rooms
In today's Internet world, there are dangers awaiting children. There are predators that look
specifically for tweens in chat rooms.
There are so many predators out there just waiting to pounce on children
communication is instant
a tween is so young, she may not have the intuition to be careful with whom she is talking, and
quickly fall into a trap.
A predator locates victims by using Internet chat rooms.
if the tween he has chosen is having fun or if nobody is talking to her.
a predator tries to get the unsuspecting child into a private conversation
to lure this tween into meeting with him by pretending that he is a tween as well
sex, kidnapped, abused
Often times a tween is very vulnerable online, thinking nothing bad can happen
Many interactive games make it possible for people to chat, and even though kid-friendly sites are
making leaps and bounds with making chat rooms safe, there are loopholes that predators find in
order to lure young children.
It is the responsibility of parents and custodians to teach a child about the dangers of strangers on the
Internet. The web is a huge socializing tool in this modern age of technology, so it is more important
than ever to talk about Internet safety. Some topics to discuss with a tween concerning chat rooms
Avoiding chatting with anyone she doesn't know
Setting up private chat rooms where only friends are invited and not outsiders
Logging off an account before leaving a website
Explain to a tween the need to understand that personal information such as name, address, and
phone number should never be given out over the Internet
Teach a tween what danger signs to look for while chatting online. These include such danger signs
Chatting becomes too personal or obscene
Something doesn’t feel right
The person requests to meet
A promise of expensive gifts for favors is made
The person bluntly asks for personal information
PA (parent alert)
WTGP (want to go private)
NIFOC (naked in front of computer)
There is nothing wrong with a parent checking to see what sites a tween has been on or
blocking certain sites from entry Singles dating online and finding love
after loss
Teenagers walk into the trap of deception
Be cautious of the rebound type of relationship effect, many people get caught up in
People who have experienced a loss, either from a death, divorce or a partner that has just
completely abandoned you, are singles that are left in a devastating situation experiencing
feelings of being lonely, grieving and totally disoriented with relationships overall. Many times
singles then start searching too quickly for a match in an attempt for a relationship rebound that
will help them move forward in life.
taking any relationship very slowly and working through your past feelings cautiously
Protect your heart and feelings.
the person you are dating does not end up having the qualities that you had hoped and
expected for. As you move through the dating process, always keep your relationship options
open until you are absolutely sure this match is for the long term, making an exclusive
commitment too early can lead to a relapse of those same feelings that you are working on
moving forward from.
Give your confidence and self esteem a boost
Group 2 The Brave One
The movie clips were shown briefly with perfect timing. Jack asked questions
about the turning points in this heroine’s first shot and the last chance when she
killed the murder of her husband.
It’s worth of thinking more about crime in the city like New York.
Hi Jack,
Thank you for your prompt response. Attached is the ppt you worked out with only few
So you will post some questions for discussion.
I found the trailers on YouTube which you may have already seen. They can help somewhat for
the discussion.
Some questions concern how one can stand for the loss of a dear one,
is it legal to kill criminals before they are judged,
how you, a viewer, feel when she kills a criminal,
isn’t there the judicial system, and so forth.
Jessie Ho
Group 3 Fashion Statement good ppt
Fashion designers in wardrobe and sports shoes to magazines, movies and
advertisements are introduced. What do you think about spending a great fortune
in pursuit of fashion?
Do you see those magazines at Luking Library?
Fashion or uniform, which do you prefer.
Do you think dress code is important? In these occasions, how would you dress
to attend a wedding, to go to office, to go shopping, to meet friends, and at home?
Group 4 Beauty 11*/4
Improve a lot, with lots of information about beauty pegeant.
If beauty contest is good for the nation and for the contestants, what are the
Why do we seldom see Miss Taiwan in Miss Universe Contest?
If you were the contestant, how would you respond to those questions?
Do you think there should be beauty pageant in the world?
Are you in or against it? How do you see beauty?
Group 5 Coffee
The following stores sell delicious muffins. Just taste it with a bit, not too much.
1. AGIO Chocolate :
台中市西屯區環河路 37 號 1F
13:00 open 每週一與週二店休
2. Oui, Jennifer :
台中市五權西路一段 221 號
11:00~21:00 週一公休
3. French Kiss :
台中新光三越 B2
4. Colette :
台中市大業路 398 號
Petsy demonstrated coffee beans, toasted beans, kinds of beans and how to brew
the coffee properly so it may taste good. They offered small cups of coffee she
made to the class. Petsy has been trained 3 months and she presented her part like
professional full of contents.
Starbucks 星巴克 Starbucks Coffee Company
the United States of America is the largest single market for coffee products, but it may surprise you
to know that the second largest is Germany.
the nation of Finland consumes the most coffee per head of population in the world today.
In areas of the Middle East, Africa, South America and Asia, coffee is seen as something more like
cigarettes, where you drink it while doing other things, or socializing, rather than as a form of
entertainment unto itself.
In areas of the Middle East, Africa, South America and Asia, coffee is seen as something more like
cigarettes, where you drink it while doing other things, or socializing, rather than as a form of
entertainment unto itself.
Around the world, large coffee buying companies sponsor events in small countries, to determine
which growers have the ‘best tasting’ coffee. Competition for the top prize at these events is
fierce, because victory can mean not only a regular contract to sell the beans, but also other farmers
wanting to purchase that variety of seeds for their own fields.
United Kingdom Coffee Culture – In the United Kingdom, where tea has traditionally been the
drink of choice, coffee has overtaken the distinctly British beverage as the favorite hot drink of
the population. Tea remains the drink of choice, however, in India, which was formerly
colonized by Britain.
Group 6 Coffee Cultures
Mike emphasized the advantages and functions of a coffee shop like Starbuck,
85° C and compared them to Starbuck.
Do you prefer coffee to tea? Jack and others drink coffee, but two ladies suffer
stomach ache when drinking coffee.
Where do you feel like to go with your clients or friends to chat?
Do you like to interview people in a coffee shop? Like to interview a homeless
interviewee? Would you choose to go to a coffee shop or a private place?
Coffee Culture Around The World – Coffee Ceremonies | Coffee
Coffee Culture In Asia
In Asia, the coffee of choice is a lighter sweeter coffee.
The favorite coffee in Hong Kong, for example is cappuccino, preferred by about thirty percent of
those who purchase ready to drink coffee outside the home. In second place is mocha, also a sweeter
coffee preferred by one quarter of the coffee drinkers at coffee shops. Regular coffee comes in at 17
percent for the third place finish.
Traditionally, the people in Asia prefer tea, but the presence of chains like Starbucks have created a
large and growing coffee culture in Asia. Over half of Asian coffee drinkers surveyed in Hong Kong
felt that the flavor of the large international chains products was better than that of the independent
small businesses. In other countries surveyed there was tension between the global company’s
product and the local business. In the United States, for example, only 14 percent of those surveyed
picked the global company’s products over local businesses.
In Hong Kong a full sixty percent of the survey respondents said that the best coffee around was
from Starbucks.
A growing coffee culture in Asia has been fueled in part by young urban professionals who may
have studied in Europe or the United States. They have returned to such cities as Beijing, Shanghai
and Guangzhou and are continuing the habit of a cup of coffee and a light breakfast at the
international chains such as Starbucks that they are familiar with from the time overseas. The coffee
drinking habit is seen as sophisticated and more Westernized than the more traditional tea.
Coffee is imported to China from about 50 different coffee producing countries. There are
companies as large as Arabica and companies small enough to carry beans into the country by hand.
China itself has a small but growing coffee producing area.
Starbucks and Nestle are two of the major U.S. companies with a presence in Asia. Several
European coffee companies compete for the Chinese market, including Illy, Lavazza and Jamaica
Blue Mountain Coffee which is also very popular in Japan.
…the large brewing equipment
Most of the fresh coffee is consumed by the older generation who has grown up using the
product and enjoys the taste. The younger generation typically uses instant coffee for its
benefits in helping one stay alert.
…coffee has made its way into the coffee culture in Asia by adding ginseng or more recently ginger
to the regular coffee to attract the older generation. The seniors will drink the beverage for its health
benefits even though the taste is less desirable.
At Coffee Culture we select only the finest Arabica beans and roast them to perfection every
morning to bring you the highest quality espresso coffee. Our mission is to create luxurious,
welcoming stores that provide a haven from the cut and thrust of everyday life.
Group 7 Barbie Doll
Do you collect dolls? Toys? Coins? Women?
Barbie collector
Why do people collect dolls? baseball cards or art
the most common reason people collect dolls appears to be nostalgia.
fashions of a particular era
Some people collect infant and newborn dolls because of their resemblance to real babies.
People of all ages collect dolls, smart, busy career women. teenagers. grandmas and
aunts, but they are the type with a passion, and they often travel far and wide and
have many interesting and far-flung interests. It’s true that many women don’t
discover doll collecting until their 30s, which is a very common decade to discover
collectibles based, at least partially, on playthings of youth.
men are starting to let their interest in dolls show—as antiques, as objects of history,
as beautiful sculpture and as representations of the costuming arts.
Myth: Antique and Vintage doll collecting is just for the rich.
Myth: All collectible dolls increase in value.
buy what you love, and buy to enjoy your dolls. Perhaps your dolls will increase in
value over time, but perhaps they won't.
Babydoll short, sometimes sleeveless, loose fitting nightgown or negligee intended as
nightwear for women.
The making of a doll
a fashion doll manufactured by the American toy-company Mattel, Inc. and launched in March 1959.
American businesswoman Ruth Handler is credited with the creation of the doll using a German doll
called Bild Lilli as her inspiration.
Barbie has become a cultural icon and has been given honors that are rare in the toy world. In
1974 a section of Times Square in New York City was renamed Barbie Boulevard for a week.
In 1985 the artist Andy Warhol created a painting of Barbie.
In 2009, Barbie celebrated her 50th birthday. The celebrations included a runway show in New York
for the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week. The event showcased fashions contributed by fifty
well-known haute couturiers including Diane von Fürstenberg, Vera Wang, Calvin Klein, Bob
Mackie, and Christian Louboutin.
She has an on-off romantic relationship with her boyfriend Ken (Ken Carson), who first appeared in
she promotes an unrealistic idea of body image for a young woman, leading to a risk that girls who
attempt to emulate her will become anorexic.
For the last day Dec. 29, I introduced Prof. Liu Ying’s lecture about motivation of
learning in higher education.
Prof. Liu Yin’s ppt in the Internet: Click here.
Mind Map Rubric: Click here.
Excellent by Teaching see here.
How to Improve Student’s Motivation in Learning in Higher Education
See Notes with links and key points made by Mu-Lien Ho
How to Learn Idioms and Speak like a Native
Read Articles in Business and Management Journals
Group 3 Test-tube Babies
In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is a process by which egg cells are fertilised by sperm
outside the womb, in vitro. IVF is a major treatment in infertility when other
methods of assisted reproductive technology have failed. The process involves
hormonally controlling the ovulatory process, removing ova (eggs) from the
woman's ovaries and letting sperm fertilise them in a fluid medium. The fertilised
egg (zygote) is then transferred to the patient's uterus with the intent to establish a
successful pregnancy.
Artificial Insemination is a process by which egg cells are fertilised by sperm
outside the womb.
How many test-tube babies are there in our society? Who is the oldest? If you are
to choose a gender/ sex, are you going to have a boy or girl?
How are test-tube babies grown up into manhood and womanhood? Louise
Brown. NPR listen to July 24, 2003 age 25, she is 32.
We do not know very well those who in our society are born test-tube babies.
How are you going to tell your girl friend or boy friend that you are one?
If you happened to date someone a test-tube grown-up, what would you do?
If you do not have the child you want, would you want to ask the doc to make
you one?
For daily 2, please look for topics from Ideas & Issues or news.
FAQ for Intermediate English Conversation
The new mayors-elect and the perspectives of Taiwan
Gunman and Election in Taiwan: Chen Sui-bian and Sean Lien two case studies
North and South Korean War and Its Impact on World Foreign Policy (or
Economics in Asia)
President Election 2012: The Possible Candidates from KMT and DPP
3Ca 12/8, 15, 22, 29
Group 1 Single Parents 51 16 Glass Menagerie (Tennessee Williams) A
Curtain Up Berkshire Review
Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network/ National Sexual Assault Hotline 2 3
This group did three performances to pose three situations and thoughts about
first, the problems negligence between daughter and father, second, early
pregnancy, and thirdly, financial problems for single parents. It’s difficult for a
father to take care of his own daughter alone; therefore, he can ask some relatives
to help. He should also spend more time with his own daughter. But the daughter
has to talk to her own father about her loneliness. Precaution is important for
unprepared pregnancy. Contraception and knowing about one’s period can help.
About children’s desire for gifts, just do arrange some other activities, instead of
going shopping. Hard for single parent, isn’t it? They often become parents
young and breed their own children like them.
Do you think the government should take care of single parents more? How?
Group 2 Making Money 33* Career Consultant Dr. Yeung Ka-ching; NCDA
National Career Development Association
Words to share: from Dr. Yeung
You can't let the failure outside you get inside you. You certainly can't control the length of your life
- but you can control its width and depth. You can't control the contour of your face - but you can
control its expression. You can't control the weather - but you can control the atmosphere of your
One who graduated yesterday and stop learning today is uneducated by tomorrow.
Do you grudge when people make a lot of money?
Do you trust money to the government?
How do you want to do to make money? Why?
Fred said maybe to work in the army is a good choice. What do you see these
kinds of job? It is safe with steady income. It could be hard in time of natural
disasters or war.
Peter and Edward said that interview is important to find a better job.
Do you value salary more important or esteem?
How do you prepare for, show up, go through and aftermath in an interview?
What quality or requirement should you have to meet certain career opportunity
such as a teacher or a management? Do you consider a license, certificate,
training important to be a competitive candidate in the future?
Do you think higher education is good for personal image or better job?
Group 3 Conflicts parents-child relationships
Listen to child is what the parents should learn to give respect and teach children
to respect others. It can help build up mutual trust and win confidence.
distinction between puberty and adolescence
rebellious, different opinion, individual, controlling parents,
Educate Yourself
Talk to Your Child Early Enough
answer their questions
Are you noticing any changes in your body?
Are you having any strange feelings?
Are you sad sometimes and don't know why?
Share memories of your own adolescence
Put Yourself in Your Child's Place
Preventing Kids From Picking Up the Habit of smoking
The impact of disagreement and conflicts on children
Children not only learn from what they do, but they also learn from what they see their
parents doing.
Children who are fortunate enough to have two parents will need and love both parents.
The emotional bonds formed between parents and children cause children to notice
and adopt the values, attitudes and behavior of their parents. Children trust, imitate and
try to pay attention to the people they bond with.
Younger children are more likely than older children to "take in" the perspectives of
both parents. When parents express their conflicts, the psychological impact on
children can produce uncertainty, emotional instability, erratic thinking and hyperactivity.
How do children cope with conflicted parental views of what is right or wrong? The
answer is, "They don’t do it very well." Uncertainty and emotionality is the result and
that leads to erratic (unreliable) and volatile (fickle) behavior.
…children will begin to ignore their parents’ wishes, values and attitudes when their
parents argue and express their conflicts in their presence.
Children tend to think, "If my parents can disagree, then I guess I’m free to believe and
do what ever I want." Both parents lose credibility when they argue in front of children.
Disagreements and conflicts can lead to even more problems. For instance, if one
parent ends up losing the argument, then a child may end up taking sides with one
parent over the other. Children can develop problems when they end up valuing the
parent who simply gives them what they want. The notion of right and wrong can
disappear when children focus on getting what you want and not what they need.
Even though it might feel good to be the favorite parent when you give your child what
they want, it doesn’t help your child in the long run.
Well-researched areas in health care describe the impact of angry, aggressive and
violent behavior on the human body. The resulting stress creates high levels of
agitation and ultimately it can compromise a child’s health. Long or frequent exposures
to arguments and conflict can "program" or "condition" children with perpetual anxiety,
depressive response tendencies and a poor tolerance of frustration. The
personality of some these children will become "cranky", easily frustrated and irritable.
they tend to engage in competitive escalation. They try to out do their parents. In this
way, children learn to express themselves with a similar tone, volume, pitch and rate.
This explains why so many children end up acting like the very parent they have
conflicts with.
the failure of parents to discuss their approach to parenting before the need arises
The third trigger involves past experiences in which parents react to each other and to
their children based on what happened in their respective pasts rather than what "is"
happening in the moment. Painful memories and fears can drive parents to over react
and under react. Young children have a hard time understanding reality when a parent
lives in the past. A parents behavior and values should fit reality.
Decide what you expect from your children before they raise issues that would result in
a parental disagreement or conflict.
The frequency of conflict appears to be linked with child development. For example,
the highest number of conflicts—mother-child interactions—occurred with
two-year-olds versus children who were eighteen months or three years old (Dunn and
Munn 1987).
Among adolescents, conflict interactions tend to increase until about the age of fifteen,
and then subside in later adolescence.
children do not pick their parents. Like marriage partners, parents and their offspring
develop considerable intimacy. More so than spouses, however, parents and their
children are "bound" in a family relationship, which can serve to intensify serious
conflicts between them, and family disputes often represent underlying relational
struggles regarding power or intimacy (Emery 1992).
childhood conflict interactions can contribute positively to personal and social
two basic skills for conflict management: flexibility versus rigidity and the ability to
manage conflict without escalating the severity of the problem.
Group 4 Helpful tips in life
They recommended the use of soda as detergent to get rid of bad smell in
sneakers, easy way to get rid of egg shells and fold up clothes to tidy up your
The topic of lecture can be found in the content of the speech.
7 Helpful Tips To Immediately Increase Your Confidence
1.) Ask yourself, “What’s the worst that could happen?” Too often, we place excess
importance on potential problems. We all have a certain amount of energy so let’s apply it
to creating extraordinary relationships, advancing our careers and meeting our goals
INSTEAD of wasting that energy worrying. Take action on what you have control over and
minimize risks for what you don’t. Then invest your energy wisely. In doing something for
the first time, imagine that you have already done it in the past.
2.) Find someone who is already confident in that area and copy them.
3.) Use the “as-if” frame. I literally love this frame of mind.
If you were confident, how would you be acting? How would you be moving? How would
you be speaking? What would you be thinking? What would you tell yourself inside? By
asking yourself these questions, you are literally forced to answer them by going into a
confident state.
4.) Go into the future and ask if what you’re faced with is such a big deal.
Imagine yourself on your deathbed looking back over your life. You are surrounded by
your friends and family
5.) Remember that you lose out on 100% of the opportunities that you never go for.
6.) Disarm the nagging, negative internal voice.
Group 5 Homeboys P. 28
Homeboy discusses the psychology of the young to find out their yearning for
freedom by moving out. However, we found that some still want to move back
when parents get old.
Josh said that man and woman should be growing up as Virginia Woolf’s view on
beauty—man womanly and woman manly. To mingle the quality of gentleness
and strength of ability is the trend of modern young man and young woman.
1. Do you like to be homeboy and homegirl? Do you know that in America
young people are moving back home to live with parents to save money?
They are called Boomerang kids. What are NEETS? In Japan, they call
young people who has no education, no employment, no training as
NEETS. 尼特族
The number of 16 to 18-year-olds who are not in education, employment or
training - or Neets - has fallen, official figures show.
The figures, published by the Department for Education (DfE), also show a rise in
the number of teenagers choosing to stay on in education.
In total, nearly seven in 10 (68%) of 16 to 18-year- olds stayed in full-time
education in 2009, compared with 64.7% the year before.
The total number of 16 to 18-year-olds in education or training last year rose by
39,000 to 1.65m.
From September 2013, all 17-year-olds in England must stay in education, training
or an apprenticeship scheme.
And from September 2015, this becomes compulsory for all 18-year-olds.
"This government is committed to narrowing the gap between the richest and
poorest and we are working to give all young people, regardless of their
background, the best opportunities to progress their careers.” Boomerang kids refill the nest
2. What could you do if you live with your parents in their old age? How do you
take care of your parents? Probably they need home care.
3. What could you do if they are healthy?
What could you do if they are not so healthy?
4. Would you like to leave home after marriage?
5. How could you keep a close relationship with your parents?
6. What responsibility would you take upon as sweet burden?,266315/yid,5333
Absent Fathers, Lost Sons by Guy Corneau a Jungian analyst 欠缺父愛男生對性有不安
An experience of the fragility of conventional images of masculinity is something many
modern men share. Psychoanalyst Guy Corneau traces this experience to an even
deeper feeling men have of their father’s silence of absence - sometimes literal, but
especially emotional and spiritual. Why is this feeling so profound in the lives of men of
the postwar "baby boom" generation - men who are now approaching middle age?
Because, he says, this generation marks a critical phase in the loss of the masculine
initiation rituals that in the past ensured a boy’s passage into manhood.
In his engaging examination of the many different ways this missing link manifests in
men’s lives, Corneau shows that, for men today, regaining the essential "second birth"
into manhood lies in gaining the ability to be a father to themselves - not only as a
means of healing psychological pain, but as a necessary step in the process of
becoming whole.
Customer reviews
Corneau argues that all men live in a kind of hereditary silence and that we fear that any
man who speaks out about pain is a threat to male solidarity. The result of not speaking
out is that men suffer alone and in silence,… Corneau argues that for a man "to not have a
father is to not have a backbone," and that the resulting lack of structure often results in
anti-social behavior; men with absent fathers (emotionally absent will suffice) often turn
to what Corneau terms the "dark father complex," the clinging to extreme…
Corneau argues that men who have not felt close enough to their fathers, will often be
insecure in their sexuality
[I]insecurity they feel [is] from never having been "confirmed" by their fathers, i.e., never having
felt that their fathers accepted them as men. 不安全感來自沒受父親確認 接受他們是男人
The author discusses the various roles men find themselves in: the Hero, the Good Boy, the
Eternal Adolescent, the Male Feminist, the Seducer, and the Homosexual.
Corneau argues that homosexual men are often obeying the unspoken command that they
should never belong to any woman but their mother. 男同性戀服從於不能說的要求 就是他們
Many men suffer from the pain of not having felt close enough to their fathers. 很多男人因不能
"This is a clear and thought-provoking book, a synthesis of much recent literature on masculine
identity that should appeal to a broad readership—women as well as men."—Jim Boothroyd, The
Montreal Gazette
***Our mission is to assist men in finding male positive resources, information, and
support. We seek to empower men to lead healthy, productive and fulfilling lives. This
will ultimately be beneficial to all men, women and children.
The Male Affirmative Resource Network
Journal of Men’s Studies
The Men’s Center
Do you feel that feminism is outworn? Masculinity is important for you as you
are growing up young man.
Group 6 An Exotic Restaurant 香草 藍舍
Going to Vanilla Blue House was a great joy to Class C girls for the Christmas
party. They exchanged gifts and chose proper delicious food for themselves.
Where did you spend your Christmas Eve?
For the last day Dec. 29, I introduced Prof. Liu Ying’s lecture about motivation of
learning in higher education.
Prof. Liu Yin’s ppt in the Internet: Click here.
Mind Map Rubric: Click here.
Excellent by Teaching see here.
How to Improve Student’s Motivation in Learning in Higher Education
See Notes with links and key points made by Mu-Lien Ho
How to Learn Idioms and Speak like a Native
Read Articles in Business and Management Journals
Final Guided Topics 2010/12
3Ca Wednesday 1/5, 12, 19 2011
Group 1 Indian Food –The Flavor of India 93~82
A better modified topic by adding the subtitle –The Flavor of India has made the
topic more enticing. Deborah is an oversea Chinese from India and is always
being a member in food industry. The way they arranged chosen pictures are
meaningful proper for the illustration.
The boss of the Indian Restaurant they went to in Taichung came from India and
has earned a great fortune in Taiwan, though there are many foreign eateries
opened and competition is high. He still can earn some money. I think he knows
how to cook food for Taiwanese.
What are some ingredients good for health? Curry is good for the prevention of
Ghee is not good because of saturated fat it contains.
spices, herbs and other vegetables
widespread practice of vegetarianism
Hindu beliefs and culture have played an influential role in the evolution of Indian cuisine.
subcontinent's large-scale cultural interactions with Mongols and Britain making it a unique
blend of some various cuisines.
The spice trade between India and Europe is often cited as the main catalyst for Europe's Age of
Discovery. The colonial period introduced European cooking styles to India, adding to the flexibility
and diversity of Indian cuisine. Indian cuisine has influenced cuisines across the world, especially
those from Southeast Asia and the Caribbean.
Coconut oil is used widely along the western coast especially in Kerala; gingelly oil is common in
the south as well. In recent decades, sunflower oil and soybean oil have gained popularity all over
India. Hydrogenated vegetable oil, known as Vanaspati ghee, is another popular cooking medium.
Butter-based ghee, or desi ghee, is less used than formerly.
Group 6 Rock Music 87~83
They talked about music but did not show they were happy with it.
Do you consider it an art form?
It seems that rock 'n' roll music has seldom been given its due as an art form, that
it is somehow relegated to a category of less "mature" or "serious" artistic
pursuits by the media and the intellectual community…the ideas and feelings and
beliefs expressed and reflected in rock songs tend to be dismissed by non-fans, by
the Establishment as a whole, as quaintly naive at best, childish and irrelevant at
(Cathy felt that the rock singers and band combine fashion, make-up, music
together to reflect their feeling is taken as an art form.)
Be careful with transitional phrase to make it go smoothly.
Be careful with the verb tense.
Changing the World: Rock 'n' Roll Culture and Ideology by David N. Townsend
a cultural revolution of tremendous immediacy and intensity in the mid-1950s.
the decline of rock 'n' roll by the early 1960s
the rebellious strain that soon found its way to American shores in the wake of
the Beatles.
the 1960s anti-War movement as epitomized by the Woodstock festival, and then
moves to a more general contemplation of the relationship between rock artists
and War from an ideological perspective. It points out the anti-War themes that
have pervaded the music even in peacetime, and the implied pacifist philosophy
that has dominated the rock culture for most of its existence.
Rock music: culture, aesthetics and sociology
作者:Peter Wicke,Rachel Fogg
‘Roll over Beethoven’: new experience in art; ‘Love Me Do’: the aesthetics of
sensuousness, the ideology of rock, ‘We are only in it for the money’ the rock
business, the punk rebellion, ‘Wild Boys’: the aesthetic of synthetic
Do you want to become a music journalist? What do you usually do to become
one? By staying up on present research and on music being produced. No matter
whether a person reviews classical music or hard rock, he must be able to
compare and criticize all the new things that are occurring in music.
What kinds of musical instruments are used?
taiwan rock music fay 黃妃 非常女 more clip
Mayday 五月天 1997
Rock music is a genre of popular music that entered the mainstream in the 1960s.
It has its roots in 1940s and 1950s rock and roll, rhythm and blues, country music
and also drew on folk music, jazz and classical music. The sound of rock often
revolves around the electric guitar, bass guitar, drums, and keyboard instruments
such as Hammond organ, piano, or, since the late 60s, synthesizers. Rock music
typically uses simple unsyncopated rhythms in a 4/4 meter, with a repetitive snare
drum back beat on beats two and four.
Guitar solos feature prominently in rock music; however, keyboard, saxophone
and blues-style harmonica are also sometimes used as soloing instruments. In its
"purest form", it "has three chords, a strong, insistent back beat, and a catchy
Elvis Presley Memphis The Beatles drawing on a wide range of American influences including
soul music, rhythm and blues and surf music.
"I Want to Hold Your Hand" was the band's first #1 hit on the Billboard Hot 100 chart
"rock and roll" is a genre of popular music originating in the 1950s; ; a blend of black
rhythm-and-blues with white country-and-western
rock is a generic term for the range of styles that evolved out of rock'n'roll.
Pop Rock Music The low-fi style, epitomized by bands like Sonic Youth and
Pavement, features an unpolished sound and frequent distortion.
Hard Rock Music Some classic rock music stations also include popular hard rock
and metal bands from the 1980s, such as Guns 'n Roses and Metallica. It’s hard to
become a music journalist without staying up on present research and on music
being produced. No matter whether a person reviews classical music or hard rock, he
must be able to compare and criticize all the new things that are occurring in music.
90s Rock Music During the late 1980s and early 1990s, a derivative of punk rock
known as “grunge” music started a movement that featured plaid flannel shirts
prominently in its repertoire.
Group 5 The phenomena of facebook; Facebook: The Phenomena, The Power
and The Pitfalls; The Facebook Phenomenon
A—89~85 A common topic familiar for college students to talk about.
How does facebook keep going financially? Thinking about the criticism it might
bring along, do you think facebook has the ability to stop such issues as posting
criticisms, spammers, stalkers and bad publicity seen by MySpace?
Who support facebook? Users? Ads?
How much does it earn? By setting it up on stocks?
There is an interesting video about a dad asking his son to add him in friend’s list.
***Can you give a speech on the tipic the phenomena of facebook?
Jesse Hirsh on CBC News Today discussing the facebook phenomenon with host
Nancy Wilson. Facebook places the surveillance society in the hands of the
average user. Well, sort of... ;)
The Year of Facebook
Peer pressure to get online
The Appeal and Implications of the Facebook Phenomenon social pressure
Technology panel
I've been doing a number of panels, seminars, and appearances
discussing facebook. Here in Toronto and generally in Canada, facebook
use has exploded, so much so that the municipal and provincial
governments have banned employees of the civil service from using it
while at work.
In this panel, host Andrew Nichols interviews Nora Young and me (Jesse
Hirsh) regarding the appeal and general implications of the facebook
Safer Social Networking
What's So Great About Online Social Networking? (panel discussion)
Baby clothes in Twitter
What Your Facebook Profile Says About You - Sam Gosling Prof. Psychology
Idiotic, no, psychological meaning to be met.
Complete video: (a good one)
***Sam Gosling - Snoop: The Secret Language of Stuff
Photo is important.
Group 4 Taipei Flora Expo A 91~85 A very informative and meaningful report
with pictures and guided lines to the tours to the expo. As English majors
students should learn to introduce our Chinese and Taiwanese cultures to
foreigners so they can know what kind of people we are.
It is good to promote to the world and to our people about Taipei and how the
authority in support planned for such an expo to serve as kaleidoscope which
combine nature with high tech, science, art altogether.
Do you like to volunteer in this expo? What can you do?
Which one of the three areas is the best way to enter to see the pavilion of
Dreams? Dajia Riverside Park Area, Xinsheng Park Area, the Fine Arts Park Area,
or the Yuanshan Park Area? You may go to the expo dome at night. It’d be
There are activities going on in the park areas.
Sponsored by the Far-eastern Group
Xinsheng Park Area; Dajia Riverside Area
3d stereo film mega effects!
2010 臺北國際花卉博覽會介紹 3D 影片
花現台北 向世界綻放
2010 臺北國際花卉博覽會-熱力花博指定曲-SHERO MV 演唱: S.H.E.
Ten Must-See Outdoor Gardens
1.Global Garden Area
2.Floral Tunnel
3.Flower Base under Trees
4.Sea of Flowers
5.Flora Rainbows
6.Fujian Style Garden
7.Flower Landscape
8.EXPO Orchard
9.Serenity Garden
10.Eco Pool
Groups. Summary of Performance Contents
Paper Windmill Theatre
Happy Caterpillar
Jean-Louis Cortès (French pianist and street entertainer) a street performer
Ming Hwa Yuan Arts & Cultural Group
Group 2 Working Holiday B+ 85 89~83 with ppt but no booklet. Irene and
Melissa carried on a dialogue talking about how to apply for a job in Australia.
They both look at each other and Irene remembered very about the details. They
can therefore guide the class into talking about what they want to bring along on
a trip to working abroad on holidays. When it comes to discussion, it is better that
all members try to answer the questions together without leaving Peter to answer
all questions or bring up questions.
The first class opened in a shocking situation like not knowing to shut down the
computer and reopen it in order to function well. Or I have to ask the students
to get it ready for us. Next time, we will know how to run the computer. Open the
power in the monitor to run it again. It probably will be able to get online. It is
the same as notebook we borrow to use in SP 114. In 114, the cord should be the
one with a love heart stuck right on the head of the plug.
Do you like to take a “working” or a relaxing holiday?
The idea of a working holiday is that you can offset some of your travel costs by
picking up a job while abroad. For students this sounds like an excellent way to
see the world and learn about local culture and customs. After all, travel can be
expensive and students usually don’t have any leftover cash after their school
year. I like the female student’s plan of taking this type of holiday. The only
negative about this type of holiday is she will not have as much time to travel
around and see the country, as she will be working during the week and only has
her weekends free to sightsee. However, it still makes sense to me. She can still
see a lot and if she’s smart she will return from her vacation with some savings
for next term. (Longman iBT TOEFL Speaking 2006, p. 339)
Do you mean that these kinds of traveling are suitable for young people?
What can people learn from traveling? How about patience?
What seems to be the fun way in getting around the island? By bike, motorcycle,
car, or by train?
It’s a good idea to get online to your blog, space, or yahoo and gmail to leave
messages when you are abroad.
Have you been to any places you mentioned in your speech?
What do you think about google map?
What language and words or phrases are often used in regards to traveling?
Money, safety, work for food and lodging, equipments like camera, ipad or ipod
to post your messages and articles like Bradley Winterton, traveling log, etc.
What do you hope to learn from this topic?
Learn How to Travel the World
Do you read magazine or e-Zine to learn about traveling?
How do you choose a right place to go?
How much money do you think will be enough for backpacking in America,
Australia, Canada, or India? Budget
Where are the cheaper places to stay? Hostels? Some ole hotels? What do you
think about homestay accommodation in Taiwan?
Some topics: TIME Travel Watch has some good topics for traveling logs
Learn to write a good title like the following:
What’s so great—and cheap—about Tokyo
Memories and More in Magical Kyoto
Mongolian Marvels: Of Cents and Sensibility
Finding Peace in a Himalayan Hideaway
Crossing Sands and ‘Stands on the Silk Road
Seeking Out Kunming’s Hidden Charms
Bear Necessities in Ancient, Spicy Chengdu
A beginner’s guide to cruising and carousing in Kuala Lumpur
Killing Time: a guide to Asia’s Airports
Hong Kong’s Palate Pleasure
Take a hike in Hong Kong
Making tracks in China is the best way to go
Do-it-yourself luxury on Thailand’s Railways
New Depth: Taking the Plunge in Asia
NASA Kid’s Club
Uh-Huh! - Just for Fun!
Days of the Week - Sing It!
Days of the Week
Let’s Count Counting Numbers 1 – 10
ABC Song
Group 3 Taichung National Museum of Natural Science A—90, 89~83 Booklet
arrived at my office late. Should revise wording in reflection and question parts.
You still have to pay attention to grammar and pronunciation of short words.
Josh did a good job by introducing the scientific equipments displayed in great
detail and in a professional manner. I liked the way he did it this time. From him I
can see his stretching his potential to the highest level he can at this moment.
Electroencephalography is a new word and said it unhurriedly as if he had
already adopted the word and made it his own.
Have you
If you are to conduct a guide tour to see this museum, how are you going to plan
for it?
After the visiting, write down an essay about this tour.
What would you do if you conduct a field trip to National Natural Museum?
If you were with them, a group of students, and required to write a composition,
what would you write about it?
Have you ever been there? What have you seen in the display? How do you think
about the museum regarding its site, building, display and items exhibited?
How do you like its large garden and its neighboring plantation botanical garden?
Hong Kong; Boston; National Museum of Natural Science;
Botanical Garden Age of Dinosaur Gallery 921 Earthquake Museum
The Museum utilizes more than nine hundred volunteers. They are from
diverse backgrounds --- teens, college students, professionals, housewives,
and retirees.
Volunteering (for adults aged over 18)
Work experience (for school students aged 15-18) in natural science
Work placements (for college students)
Across 22 exquisite acres, the Museum is a six-venue complex housing the
Space IMAX Theater, Science Center, Life Science Hall, Human Cultures Hall
(the original Chinese Science Hall), Global Environment Hall and the
Botanical Garden, excluding the Earthquake Museum in Wufong.
Across 22 exquisite acres, the Museum is a six-venue complex housing the
Space IMAX Theater, Science Center, Life Science Hall, Human Cultures Hall
(the original Chinese Science Hall), Global Environment Hall and the
Botanical Garden, excluding the Earthquake Museum in Wufong.
3Ca Top
Final Guided Topics 2010/12
3Cb Wednesday 1/5, 12, 19 January 2011
Group 1 Cats 87~81 Informative; should not rely on notes too much;
How did your drama of fairytale help you in performance and presentation?
PPT background blurred the words on some slides.
Objective—three of the members keep cats. Cats can create fun and keep
company with the feeders.
Have they ever taken a bath?
How do you describe a cat? Gentle, tender, mysterious, cute, sensitive
I am surprised to learn that a cat can live up to 38 years.
Can you feed leftovers to your cat? Maybe fish.
Switch between English and Chinese could be prevented if possible.
Veterinarian is a doctor who treats non-human animals.
Have you read Edgar Allen Poe’s short story, The (e-text) Black Cat? If you can
connect the story of horror to cats, you touch on the issue of this genre, stories of
It is a horror story. A man likes to keep pets. However, his disposition changes
with time. He begins to maltreat his animals when they come his way.
An excerpt 摘要
One night, returning home, much intoxicated, from one of my haunts about town, I fancied that the
cat avoided my presence. I seized him; when, in his fright at my violence, he inflicted a slight wound
upon my hand with his teeth. The fury of a demon instantly possessed me. I knew myself no longer. My
original soul seemed, at once, to take its flight from my body and a more than fiendish malevolence,
gin-nurtured, thrilled every fibre of my frame. I took from my waistcoat-pocket a pen-knife, opened it,
grasped the poor beast by the throat, and deliberately cut one of its eyes from the socket! I blush, I
burn, I shudder, while I pen the damnable atrocity.
He cuts one of Pluto’s eyes after returning home intoxicated. And the cat was
afraid of him. He was remorse for his deed. Later one morning he hung up the cat
for several reasons. But he was caught in flames on the night of the day.
When reason returned with the morning - when I had slept off the fumes of the night's debauch - I
experienced a sentiment half of horror, half of remorse, for the crime of which I had been guilty; but it
was, at best, a feeble and equivocal feeling, and the soul remained untouched. I again plunged into
excess, and soon drowned in wine all memory of the deed.
In the meantime the cat slowly recovered. The socket of the lost eye presented, it is true, a frightful
appearance, but he no longer appeared to suffer any pain. He went about the house as usual, but, as
might be expected, fled in extreme terror at my approach.
One morning, in cool blood, I slipped a noose about its neck and hung it to the limb of a tree; - hung it
with the tears streaming from my eyes, and with the bitterest remorse at my heart; - hung it because
I knew that it had loved me, and because I felt it had given me no reason of offence; - hung it because
I knew that in so doing I was committing a sin - a deadly sin that would so jeopardize my immortal soul
as to place it - if such a thing wore possible - even beyond the reach of the infinite mercy of the Most
Merciful and Most Terrible God.
On the night of the day on which this cruel deed was done, I was aroused from sleep by the cry of fire.
The curtains of my bed were in flames. The whole house was blazing. It was with great difficulty that my
wife, a servant, and myself, made our escape from the conflagration. The destruction was complete. My
entire worldly wealth was swallowed up, and I resigned myself thenceforward to despair.
On the day succeeding the fire, I visited the ruins. The walls, with one exception, had fallen in. This
exception was found in a compartment wall,…I approached and saw, as if graven in bas relief upon the
white surface, the figure of a gigantic cat. The impression was given with an accuracy truly marvellous.
There was a rope about the animal's neck.
remembered, had been hung in a garden adjacent to the house. Upon the alarm of fire,
For months I could not rid myself of the phantasm of the cat; and, during this period, there came back
into my spirit a half-sentiment that seemed, but was not, remorse.
(He came back with another one day. In his attempt to kill this cat, he killed his wife. He built
up a wall in the cellar to hide the body. When the officers came to investigate for his
disappearing wife, upon leaving the cellar, they heard the screaming of the cat that led him
to this murderous deed.)
One day she accompanied me, upon some household errand, into the cellar of the old building which
our poverty compelled us to inhabit. The cat followed me down the steep stairs, and, nearly throwing
me headlong, exasperated me to madness. Uplifting an axe, and forgetting, in my wrath, the childish
dread which had hitherto stayed my hand, I aimed a blow at the animal which, of course, would have
proved instantly fatal had it descended as I wished. But this blow was arrested by the hand of my wife.
Goaded, by the interference, into a rage more than demoniacal, I withdrew my arm from her grasp and
buried the axe in her brain. She fell dead upon the spot, without a groan.
This hideous murder accomplished, I set myself forthwith, and with entire deliberation, to the task of
concealing the body. I knew that I could not remove it from the house, either by day or by night,
without the risk of being observed by the neighbors. Many projects entered my mind. At one period I
thought of cutting the corpse into minute fragments, and destroying them by fire. At another, I
resolved to dig a grave for it in the floor of the cellar. Again, I deliberated about casting it in the well in
the yard - about packing it in a box, as if merchandize, with the usual arrangements, and so getting a
porter to take it from the house. Finally I hit upon what I considered a far better expedient than either
of these. I determined to wall it up in the cellar - as the monks of the middle ages are recorded to have
walled up their victims.
Upon the fourth day of the assassination, a party of the police came, very unexpectedly, into the house,
and proceeded again to make rigorous investigation of the premises.
I may say an excellently well constructed house. These walls are you going, gentlemen? - these walls
are solidly put together;" and here, through the mere phrenzy of bravado, I rapped heavily, with a cane
which I held in my hand, upon that very portion of the brick-work behind which stood the corpse of the
wife of my bosom.
No sooner had the reverberation of my blows sunk into silence, than I was answered by a voice from
within the tomb! - by a cry, at first muffled and broken, like the sobbing of a child, and then quickly
swelling into one long, loud, and continuous scream, utterly anomalous and inhuman - a howl - a
wailing shriek, half of horror and half of triumph, such as might have arisen only out of hell, conjointly
from the throats of the dammed in their agony and of the demons that exult in the damnation.
Of my own thoughts it is folly to speak. Swooning, I staggered to the opposite wall. For one instant the
party upon the stairs remained motionless, through extremity of terror and of awe. In the next, a dozen
stout arms were toiling at the wall. It fell bodily. The corpse, already greatly decayed and clotted with
gore, stood erect before the eyes of the spectators. Upon its head, with red extended mouth and
solitary eye of fire, sat the hideous beast whose craft had seduced me into murder, and whose
informing voice had consigned me to the hangman. I had walled the monster up within the tomb!
Group 5 Our Favorite Speaker89~81
This topic is simple and instructive. Jessie can be careful about pronunciation of
words like nervous, extemporaneous. When Rita talks about why they chose to
introduce Peters, she could give examples in Petsy’s video selections. While
Petsy showed a video, she could add some key ideas why Peters gave that talk
show to the audience. What kinds of audience does he aim at? As is shown in one
of the video, he talks about cultural difference in the way parents beat children in
Indian family. He expressed the manners a father acted to threaten children. What
do you think parents in oriental society want from children, respect and
obedience? Why don’t western parents beat their children? What do you think
about corporal punishment at school and home?
As to speeches, the extemporaneous speech is considered the best in professional
world because speakers can speak fluently from knowledge and background.
Presidents often read from manuscripts from a monitor because they want to not
make mistakes.
Impromptu speech is often practiced in classroom when a student is called to give
Memorizing a script is not a good idea because you can forget lines.
There are also informative speech, persuasive speech and argumentative speech.
The speaker Russell Peters and characteristics of a great speaker are explored.
Russell Peters - Beating Your Kids 請打你的小孩 (中文字幕)
Russell Peters - How to become a Canadian Citizen
russell peters: be a man Chinese can not give you a bargan Great speeches
Martin Luther King, Jr., John F. Kennedy, Ronald Regan, Oprah Winsley great women speakers
Barbara Sher: How to Be a GREAT Speaker
4.html the 10 greatest speakers of 2006
What characteristic traits do talented speakers posses that set them apart?
brave men and women, who are not afraid of telling the truth or of being
rejected for their opinions. They are fearless; they are not trying to survive they just tell the truth as it is. They use humour wisely and their speeches are
strong yet not forceful. Gifted speakers resonate with audiences and are
downright professional.
"Great orators have an ability to captivate, teach and entertain their
audience at the same time." - Unknown
A good memory is essential in public speaking
Great speakers realise the gift of having a unique voice
To be a great orator/speaker, you need to have a good self-esteem
Top 7 Characteristics of Great Speakers
Paul Evans is the creator of Instant Speaking Success and the Speaking Success Zone. He helps
over 20,000 speakers each month through his free newsletter.
1. Solid Content. Even a person lacking charismatic gifts can develop solid
content. Always share something the audience finds valuable to their lives.
2. Humorous. It's hard to hate someone you laugh with. The best speakers find
a way to get people smiling early in the program. It opens hearts and makes
the group receptive. You don't have to be hilarious, just humorous.
3. Organized. There's no excuse for rambling through a presentation. Have
your notes structured in way that keeps you on pace and on target. Listeners
should feel they received a message that made sense and was easy to
4. Approachable. Some speakers try to get in and get out as fast as possible,
but the audience likes to know the speaker is available an approachable. One
of the best ways to make a good impression is to get to the event early and
meet people as they come in.
5. Authentic. It's said that honest arrogance is preferred over false humility.
We all want to know people are being honest with us and that what we see is
what we get. Be true to yourself and others by being the same around
everyone. That way you don't feel like one person in front of an audience and
another person at other times.
6. Natural. Last night I actually watched BookSpan (on CSPAN) for the first
time. I've flipped by before and mostly viewed it as a cure for insomnia.
However, Walter Isaacson author of Benjamin Franklin An American Life was
speaking. Having read the book I wanted to see how well he presented the
material. He did a great job. I got the impression that he would be the same
off the podium as he was in front of the microphone. A great example of
natural expression.
7. Passionate. Speaking transfers energy with words. The more passion passes
through the message the greater the chance of it being remembered and
applied. No one has ever said, "I sure hope the speaker is boring." Instead
they like to say things like, "Wow! She sure was excited about her message."
Group 7 Top 10 Richest Person in the World A—87~83
***This group did a thorough study about the ten rich men but takes up too much
time for details. Maybe a cutting short by paraphrasing and analyzing the
information will save time. The focus is not the history in great details but rather
how each of them makes money, what kind of career does each have, why they
are the best in that field. Are they all philanthropists giving money away to
certain organizations, and charity houses? What do you think about Buffett who
is trying to rise up the value of New Taiwan Dollars? Do you think it might
over-estimate NTD? Will it engender Taiwan economy? Do you think President
Pung was making the right policy for the currency?
Do you/your parents buy stocks? Why or why not?
Forbes list of billionaires
Carlos Slim Helú (Mexico) Telecom, Recently received regulatory approval to merge
his fixed-line assets into American Movil, Latin America’s biggest mobile phone
Bill Gates (United States) Net worth still up $13 billion in a year as Microsoft shares
rose 50% in 12 months, value of investment vehicle Cascade swelled. More than 60%
of fortune held outside Microsoft; investments include Four Seasons hotels, Televisa,
Auto Nation. Stepped down from day-to-day duties at Microsoft in 2008 to focus on
Warren Buffett (United States) investor, shares
Mukesh Ambani (India) Petrochemicals, oil and gas. India. Reliance Industries
Lakshmi Mittal (India) Steel, London’s richest resident oversees ArcelorMittal, world’s
largest steel maker.
Lawrence Ellison Oracle, U.S.
Bernard Arnault Luxury goods, France. fashion icon
Eike Batista Mining, oil. Brazil
Amancio Ortega Style maven lords over Inditex; fashion firm
Karl Albrecht Supermarkets, Germany Aldi Sud
What do they hold at work?
What are some characteristics or personalities common in these rich persons?
In industry like Telecom (mobile phone), ICT, investor in stock market,
petrochemicals, oil and gas, steel, oracle, fashion or luxury goods, mining,
fashion, supermarket.
What make them so successful in making money?
How do they keep their money growing? Investing properly?
How do they use their money? Better housing? Go to charity? Younger
generation? Education or religion? Prevention or healing of certain
How would you do to bring in career success? Do you consider personal
interest more important than the money you made?
If you were a rich person, would you share it with others? Who are the
lucky ones?
How would you spend your money as a rich person?
If you can bring one thing along upon the time you are gone, what would it
be? Which person would you want to take with you? How would you
arrange the things you earn the whole life before you die?
What do you think about the second generation health insurance? Where
should the money come from? Tax to the rich? Performers? Retired
person? Stocks?
There are 1,011 names in this year’s list. United States currently has the most billionaires amongst
the world's top 10 but India is expected to soon overtake the United States to gain more billionaires
among the world’s top 10 than any other country.
Group 2 Farting Culture A—91~85 A humorous presentation on farting culture,
clear ppt. a successful study of the kind.
Why do you want to talk about this? Maybe they did this out of curiosity.
Jack made a research on where fart gas comes from, what it is made of, what
makes it stink, why farts make noise, how far a fart travel, what make people fart
more often, as to whether it is harmful to hold up, etc.
Do you know a person after operation should wait for farting before taking a
What would you do in the public place if you can’t hold it up?
What are some foods not to take in if there is too much gas irritating you?
Flatulence humor Flatulence humor refers to any type of joke, practical joke device, or other humor
related to flatulence.
Walter the Farting Dog
is a children's book that reached No. 1 on the New York Times's Best-Seller list.
Who Cut the Cheese? is probably the most comprehensive history of flatulence
in literature, humor, religion, films, et al.
In the translated version of Penguin's 1001 Arabian Nights Tales, a story entitled
"The Historic Fart" tells of a man that flees his country from the sheer
embarrassment of farting at his wedding, only to return ten years later to discover
that his fart had become so famous,
Japanese farting fanatics Japanese girls simply fart for fun
A practice that sadly doesn’t decrease after marriage either, with this in-depth and
presumably scientific study finding that a staggering 43% of Japanese husbands had to
suffer the sound of their partner’s pumping in just the first year of marriage alone.
Donald Richie notes in ‘Discover Japan vol.2 Words, Customs and
Concepts’, Kodansha, 1983, p.192-193) that the fart – 屁 (he) or おなら
(onara) – is omnipresent in Japanese literature and the arts: From Edo-period
scroll paintings to Ozu Yasujiro’s Ohayou (1959). Nothing to be ashamed
about. Donald Richie writes:
Group 6 Convenience Stores B 80; 89~83 Have ppt but no booklet. Spencer is
dropped out.
Uni-President chain store
Family Mart
Do you think convenience store is a good choice to get food, beverages,
newspapers, magazines, stationery, sending packages for express delivery, paying
your phone bills, etc?
Do they earn money? They earn some from selling cooked eggs.
What do they do with outdated supplies?
Do you want to work in a convenience store?
Group 3 My favorite painter A--89~84 should introduce the reasons why
choosing the list of painters as your favorite. Each speaker talked clearly the
strategies of the painters and their masterpieces. More basic areas about painting
can be explore such as the colors, the light, and the sceneries and how to select
the objects for still life, women or characters in literature for portraits, how
elements in painting can also be reflected in writing essays literature.
If the song “Starry, starry night” sung by the Beatles can be played, it would be
wonderful. I like the interesting selections of beautiful art work done by this
Would you spend NT$1500 to see Cloud Gate performance?
I also like the way the art student walked into the world of Van Gogh.
We should train to analyze painting well.
What is Fauvism?
What kind of training does a painter need to become one?
Can they earn their living by selling their art work?
Do you know the type of painting like symbolism, impressionism, cubism,
realism? Who are your favorite painters?
Do you see any relation between art and literature?
What does the painter want to convey to the viewer by the art? Can you give an
illustration on any particular work?
What writer used to write novels reflecting painting skills from Matisse? To the
Light House, and The Waves by Virginia Woolf
Group 4 The Lord of the Rings A—92, 89~84 It is a topic worth of doing in
research and study. It shows a good group and cooperative spirit. Your booklet
shows a coherent thread binding parts with much effort. Though the way she
spoke is not energetic, Cindy made a good opening by giving us the beginning of
fantasy literature and how the elements appear in modern time in various forms
such as films, television programs, graphic novels, video games, music, painting
and media. She pointed out the expressive way in the novels and the movies and
showed the contrast between the two in time, slow and fast. Zemi can focus on
the trilogy and elaborate the sequel and integrate relations in the three books.
However she pointed out the world ‘Arda’ which is important in the forming of
the fictional world. The main characters are all high-lighted in Frodo (hero in his
journey), Sam (friendship), Gollum (vices), Aragorn (Ideal king), Gandalf (savior
of people), Saruman (talks like a politician, corruption of the power, conquered
by pride and hatred, refuses redemption). What does the Ring represent in The
Lord of the Rings? (The Ring represents the craven lust for power. It corrupts all.
A person wearing the Ring would enter a shadowy world from which physical
objects were harder to see. The Ring dimmed the wearer’s sight, while at the
same time sharpening the other senses.) The destruction of the Ring represents
the destruction of evil in Middle Earth. Well, it aimed at the planned goals. If
presentation can be more lively, it would be very enticing indeed.
Describe Frodo Baggins as a hero. Does he accomplish his job—his quest to
destroy the malevolent, impervious Ring into the pit of the volcanic Mount Doom
where it had originally been forged? What is the role of the ring and ring-wraths
in the story? Do it serve as the testing ground for the hero in his becoming of a
hero? (The Ring slowly but inevitably corrupted its bearer, regardless of the
bearer’s intent. Whether this effect was specifically designed into the Ring’s
magic or simply a consequence of its evil origins is unknown.)
If you were Frodo, would you follow the Wise’s words like Gandalf who refused
to wield it but determined that it should be destroyed?
Frodo prefers to act alone. The main job falls upon his shoulders. Frodo Baggins,
like Jesus, bears his cross throughout all the three parts of the fantasy adventure,
not trusting anyone with his heavy and dangerous burden.
Is it a great fortune to own a loyal friend like Sam?
What do you think about Gollum as representing greed and self-centered in
Do you believe men and women could be intrigued in love for thousand of years
like Aragorn and Arwen? What does Tolkien want to show in the character,
Aragorn? He is an ideal king who should sow the seeds of rational, good and
eternity. A natural leader. He has the mortal strength to resist the pull of the Ring.
Gandalf knows the history of the Ring. He took the leadership in the Fellowship.
He helped others to escape from the Bairog and his spirit traveled beyond the
time limit. He resurrected by Eru and returned as Gandalf the White. After the
ring was destroyed he went to Undying Lands. His great task is saving Middle
Earth from Sauron. So the world could be saved as long as there are heroes caring
about it.
an epic fantasy novel written by philologist and University of Oxford professor J. R. R. Tolkien. The
story began as a sequel to Tolkien's earlier, less complex children's fantasy novel The Hobbit (1937),
but eventually developed into a much larger work. It was written in stages between 1937 and 1949,
much of it during World War II.
The three volumes were entitled The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of
the King. the most popular and influential works in the field of 20th-century fantasy literature and
the subject of several films.
the Dark Lord Sauron, who had in an earlier age created the One Ring to rule the other Rings
of Power as the ultimate weapon in his campaign to conquer and rule all of Middle-earth.
The Lord of the Rings in its turn is considered to have had a great effect on modern fantasy.
The novel begins in the Shire, as Frodo Baggins inherits the Ring from Bilbo. Frodo leaves,
taking his gardener and friend, Samwise ("Sam") Gamgee, and two cousins, Meriadoc
("Merry") Brandybuck and Peregrin ("Pippin") Took, as companions.
Encounter the Ringwraiths
The Lord of the Rings developed as a personal exploration by Tolkien of his interests in philology,
religion (particularly Roman Catholicism), fairy tales, Norse and general Germanic mythology, and
also Celtic and Finnish mythology. Tolkien acknowledged, and external critics have verified the
influences of William Morris and the Anglo-Saxon poem Beowulf. The question of a direct
influence of Wagner's The Ring Cycle on Tolkien's work is often debated by critics.
In one of his letters Tolkien states, "The Lord of the Rings is of course a fundamentally religious and
Catholic work; unconsciously so at first, but consciously in the revision. That is why I have not put
in, or have cut out, practically all references to anything like 'religion', to cults or practices, in the
imaginary world. For the religious element is absorbed into the story and the symbolism."
The Shire and its surroundings were based on the countryside around Stonyhurst College in
Lancashire where Tolkien frequently stayed during the 1940s. The work was influenced by the
effects of his military service during World War I.
W. H. Auden, an admirer of Tolkien's writings, regarded The Lord of the Rings as a "masterpiece",
further stating that in some cases it outdid the achievement of John Milton's Paradise Lost.
…criticized the "pedantry" of Tolkien's literary style,…his mission as a literary preservationist,
which turns out to be death to literature itself."
In 1957, The Lord of the Rings was awarded the International Fantasy Award.
Tolkien insisted that the One Ring was not an allegory for the Atomic Bomb,
racial elements in the story
how Tolkien's imagery depicts good and evil, characters' race (e.g. Elf, Dwarf, Hobbit,
Southron, Númenórean, Orc);
social class rather than race as being the determinant factor for the portrayal of good and evil.
The book has been read as fitting the model of Joseph Campbell's "monomyth". the hero's
journey Campbell in The Hero with a Thousand Faces (1949).
An enthusiast of novelist James Joyce,[2] Campbell borrowed the term monomyth from Joyce's
Finnegans Wake.
Campbell held that numerous myths from disparate times and regions share fundamental structures
and stages, which he summarized in the introduction to The Hero with a Thousand Faces:
A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural
wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero
comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his
fellow man.
Campbell and other scholars, such as Erich Neumann, describe narratives of Buddha, Moses, and
Christ in terms of the monomyth, and Campbell argues that other classic myths from many cultures
follow this basic pattern.
A chart outlining the Hero's Journey.
The Call to Adventure
destiny has summoned the hero and transferred his spiritual center of gravity from within the
pale of his society to a zone unknown
Refusal of the Call
Supernatural Aid
The fantasy is a reassurance – promise that the peace of Paradise, which was known first
within the mother womb, is not to be lost;
The Crossing of the First Threshold
Belly of The Whale
The Road of Trials
The Meeting With the Goddess
Woman as Temptress
Atonement with the Father
The Ultimate Boon
Refusal of the Return
Having found bliss and enlightenment in the other world, the hero may not want to return to the
ordinary world to bestow the boon onto his fellow man.
The Magic Flight
Rescue from Without
The Crossing of the Return Threshold
"The returning hero, to complete his adventure, must survive the impact of the world. Many
failures attest to the difficulties of this life-affirmative threshold. The first problem of the
returning hero is to accept as real, after an experience of the soul-satisfying vision of
fulfillment, the passing joys and sorrows, banalities and noisy obscenities of life. Why re-enter
such a world?
the poet and the prophet can discover themselves playing the idiot before a jury of sober eyes
Master of Two Worlds
This step is usually represented by a transcendental hero like Jesus or Buddha. For a human hero, it
may mean achieving a balance between the material and spiritual. The person has become
comfortable and competent in both the inner and outer worlds.
Freedom to Live
Biblical application: Christ returns to the ordinary world after his resurrection, but not as an
ordinary man.
as a metaphor for personal spiritual and psychological growth, particularly in the mythopoetic
men's movement.
Scholars have questioned the very validity of the monomyth, its usefulness as a tool for critical
investigation and interpretation of narrative, and its male bias.