Summer Assignment A.P. Government and Politics 2012

Summer Assignment A.P. Government and Politics 2012-2013
Your primary source book will also contain some of your summer work, so PLEASE make sure you see me
before you leave for the summer.
The summer assignment will be on the Wesley Chapel High School homepage. Please wait until June 5 to
access the specifics.
Analyze the Federalist Papers-Find each of the Federalist Papers in the Woll Reader. Read each one,
and write a summary, about a half of a page, on each. I recommend doing a web search on each of
them, to compare your analysis to others.
A series of court cases that must be summarized. There are three important components that must
be included.
Main points of the case
I recommend 2 sites for this assignment. and Both of these
websites are credible to use.
3. For the Acts and Law, a bit more research may be involved.
A paragraph for each should suffice. Quality is NOT quantity! Do not take information word for word. It must
be summarized IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
This assignment will be checked the first day of your class. At this point, it is not known if A.P. Government is
1st or 2nd semester. My advice to you is to complete the assignment over the summer, just in case.
Court Cases
Necessary and Proper Clause
McCulloch v Maryland 1819
Commerce Clause and Supremacy Clause
Gibbons v Ogden 1824
Federalism and Commerce Clause
United States v Lopez 1995
Article II
Clinton v City of New York 1998
Article III
Marbury v Madison 1803
Non-Incorporation Doctrine
Barron v Baltimore 1833
Right to Privacy
Mapp v Ohio 1961
Griswold v CT 1965
Roe v Wade 1972
New Jersey v TLO 1985
Due Process/Right to an Attorney
Escobedo v Illinois 1964
Gideon v Wainright 1964
Miranda v Arizona 1966
Powell v Alabama 1932
Betts v Brady 1942
Eighth Amendment
Gregg v Georgia 1976
Furman v Georgia 1972
Undefined Rights
U.S. v Lopez 1995
14th 15th Amendment-Civil Rights
Plessy v Ferguson 1898
Brown v Board of Education I and II
Gitlow v New York 1925
California Board of Regents v Bakke 1978
Romer v Evans 1996
Reed v Reed 1971
Craig v Boren 1976
Lawrence v Texas 2003
Establishment Clause
Engel v Vitale 1962
Lemon v Kurtzman 1971
Lee v Weisman 1992
Santa Fe Independent School District v Doe 2002
Freedom of Speech/Assembly
Buckley v Valeo 1976
Gitlow v New York 1925
Reno v ACLU 1997
Tinker v DesMoines School District 1969
New York Times v Sullivan 1964
New York Times v U.S. 1971
Slavery and Property Rights
Dred Scott v Sanford 1857
Free Exercise Clause
Employment Division of Oregon v Smith 1991
Reynolds v United States 1879
Church of Lukumi Babalu v City of Hialeah 1993
Freedom of Association
Democratic Party of Ca. v Jones 2000
Laws and Acts
Judiciary Act of 1789
Judiciary Act of 1791
Women’s Movement
19th Amendment
Equal Pay Act 1963
Women’s Equity in Employment Act 1991
Rehabilitation Act 1973
Education for All Handicapped Children Act 1975
Americans with Disabilites Act 1990