20122013Poli Sci 12

Yarmouth Consolidated Memorial High School
146 Forest Street Yarmouth, N.S. B5A 0B3
(902) 749-2810 (p) (902) 749-2811 (f) ycmhs@tcrsb.ca
Communication Plan 2012-13
Course Name: Political Science 12
Teacher Name: Cleveland
Course Overview:
This course will be an introduction to the fundamentals of politics. The basic needs of humanity will be
examined through a variety of psychological and philosophical perspectives in order to understand the
theoretical process of instituting government. Students will be encouraged to reflect on the ideas of the
great thinkers of the Western political tradition. In-depth analysis of the historical and moral implications
of political systems, from Marxism to democracy, that arose as a result of the ages of ideology will be a
central component of study. Knowledge of the Canadian political system will also be a central feature of
this course. This course will require intense and critical introspective reflection.
Political Systems (15%)The Canadian System (15%)
Comparative Politics (15%)
International Relations (15%)
The Global Citizen (10%)
Exam (30%)
Ruypers et al.. Canadian and World Politics. Toronto: Emond Montgomery Publications Limited, 2005.
Various News Media
Supplies Needed:
Binder with loose leaf, dividers, pen, pencil, and eraser.
Expectations of the students for learning success:
In order for us to create a positive and safe environment to learn, students must have respect for
themselves, others and the classroom environment. Arriving to class on time and being prepared for class
are critical. Responsibilities for learning include participating in class, passing in work and asking for help
when needed. Also, a positive attitude can make a world of difference.
Please review our school behavior code for additional information that will guide your child’s success in
learning. This can be found on our website at www.ycmhs.com
Yarmouth Consolidated Memorial High School
146 Forest Street Yarmouth, N.S. B5A 0B3
(902) 749-2810 (p) (902) 749-2811 (f) ycmhs@tcrsb.ca
Formal and informal communication methods
Student reports are issued 4 times during the school year: November, February, April and June with
parent/teacher meetings to follow the 1st and 3rd reporting periods (November and April)- Please check
www.ycmhs.com for exact dates.
Please feel free to e-mail me at tammy.cleveland@tcrsb.ca or phone me at the school at 749-2810 if you
have any questions and/or concerns.
NOTE: If you have an email address by which the school can contact you, could you please send it to the
main office with your child. We also encourage all parents to sign up for Parent Portal, which will give
you 24/7 access to your child’s attendance and grades. You can sign up for Parent Portal by sending an
email to dlesser@tcrsb.ca with your child’s name, your name and your home phone number.
Political Systems- September- November
 Small group & whole-class discussions
 Short persuasive essay or presentation
 Test
The Canadian System- November- February
 Small group & whole-class discussions
 Political Parties presentation
 Test
Comparative Politics- February- March
 Small group & whole-class discussions
 Short persuasive essay or presentation that compares & contrasts the systems of both Canada and
the United States and gives an opinion on which one you think is better (500-750 words)
 Test
International Relations- April & May
 Small group & whole-class discussions
 Short persuasive essay on the role of social media on the Arab Spring (500-750 words)
 Test
The Global Citizen- June
 Independent Research Paper on a topic of your choice (related to Political Science, of course.)
Should students miss time for any reason they are responsible for getting any assignments and class work
that is missed. Missed assessments will be written the next day the student is in attendance at lunch or
after school, unless other arrangements are made with their teacher. Students who miss an assignment
due date must have a discussion with me so that supports can be determined and a final due date will be
negotiated to complete the assignment. If it is still not submitted by that date, the student will receive a
mark of zero. We encourage all parents to keep in contact with the school and to check parent portal to
ensure your child is attending on a regular basis.
Also, please be aware that many outcomes are assessed by observation of student learning. If students are
absent, they are unable to show their learning of outcomes. Observation assessments can only be
completed if students are present; thus, if students are absent, it may not be possible to make these
assessments up. Of course, if a student is absent due to extenuating circumstances, they should see the
teacher to arrange to a way to make these assessments up.
Yarmouth Consolidated Memorial High School
146 Forest Street Yarmouth, N.S. B5A 0B3
(902) 749-2810 (p) (902) 749-2811 (f) ycmhs@tcrsb.ca
Extra help:
Extra help is available by appointment.
Teacher Webpage:
My webpage is under construction, but can be found at:
Student Signature: _________________________________
Date: _______________
Parent Signature: __________________________________
Date: _______________
Teacher Signature: _________________________________
Date: _______________
Principal Signature: ________________________________
Date: _______________
**Refer to TCRSB Student Assessment and Evaluation Policy #722 for greater details around