Name Study for test on: October 22, 2010 Review Sheet #3 – Tests

Name __________________________________ Study for test on: October 22, 2010
Review Sheet #3 – Tests in science are cumulative.
Please also review study sheet #1 and #2
Magnetism Review Sheet
Magnet – an object that can push or pick up materials made of iron, steel, or
nickel. A magnet is made of these same materials
Magnetic field – the force around a magnet
Attract – to pull towards
Repel – to push away
Poles – a place on a magnet where the push or pull is strongest. Magnets
have 2 poles (North and South)
Interesting Facts
 Magnets can push or pull things thru solids, gases, or liquids
 When the opposite poles of two magnets come near each other, the
magnets will pull together.
 When the alike poles of two magnets come near each other, the
magnets will repel, or push away.
 The Earth is a magnet because of its iron core.
 Magnets come in different sizes and strengths.
 On a circle magnet one side of the magnet is the south pole and the
other side is the north pole.
Different kinds of magnets:
 Bar magnet
 Horseshoe magnet
 Disc magnet
 Tape magnet
 Circle magnet
Some uses for magnets:
 Holds notes
 Pick up things
 Helps with directions
 Medical equipment
 Household items (telephones)