scholarship overview

The following information is provided to assist with understanding
the vast number of opportunities your child has in obtaining
financial assistance for his/ her post-secondary education.
Scholarships can be broken down into 4 broad categories:
Canada Wide
School Specific
Program Specific
Churchill Specific
The following awards represent some of the scholarships/ awards
and other forms of financial assistance available to students
across Canada. They are not attached to specific provinces;
however, some awards have criteria that apply to certain student
groups. In some cases, only the name of the organization and
their website is listed. If you plan on applying to any of these, it
is very important to contact the sponsor to verify the application
process and timelines.
4-H Scholarships
Co-operators Scholarships
FCC 4-H Scholarship Program
Available through 4-H; download applications
from website; applicants must be 4-H members
10 awards of $1000.00 each based on personal
background, goals, ambitions, community
involvement & interest/knowledge of accident
prevention on the farm/home; essay required;
deadline June 20th
1 award of $1500.00 awarded to 1 student from
each province(1 national winner at $2000.00);
selection based on project plans that improve
safety, reduce hunger or enhance their
communities; deadline April 1st
Ivomec 4-H Scholarships
TD 4-H Agriculture Scholarship
AMMSA- Aboriginal Multi-Media
Athlete Assistance Program
AUCC Scholarship for Students
with Disabilities
Basilicata Cultural Society
Burger King Scholars Program
Valued at $1000.00; available based on
community & volunteer involvement; applicants
must submit an original work with documented
originals (typed essay, video, website, speech on
audio; apply by May 1st
Up to 10 valued at $2000.00 each available to
students entering agriculture/ agri-business
programs; selection based on academic
achievement, career plans & 4-H involvement;
Large variety of bursaries & other forms of
awards are listed through the AMMSA; see
$6000.00- $13 200.00 annually + tuition; for
athletes already (or potentially) among the top
16 athletes in the world for competition at
major international sporting events; high
performance athletes are identified by the
Provincial/National Sport Organization in their
applicable sport & must meet sport-specific
requirements as outline by them; see
10 awards of $5000.00 each (may be
renewable); Canadian citizens or have lived in
Canada for at least 2 yrs. As permanent
residents who are disabled; apply online at
2 awards of $3000.00; must be of Basilicata
origins (at least one grandparent) & residing in
Canada; essay part of application; deadline April
30th; (905) 850 1070
Approx. 1500 awards of $1000.00 each (Canada,
U.S., Puerto Rico); cumulative average of 67% or
higher; works part-time an average of 15
hrs./week 40 weeks/yr.; participation in
community and/or extra-curricular activities;
financial need; receive written nomination &
signature from school official& employer
recommendation; one nomination/school; due
December 15th;contact
CAB Canada Scholarship Program $2500.00 value; strong leadership qualities,
willingness to assist others in the industry &
Jim Allard Award
CAB Canada Scholarship Program
Ruth Hancock Award
CAL Callahan Memorial Bursary
Canada Student Loans Program
Canada Millennium Excellence
Canada Millennium Bursaries
Canada- Official Language
genuine enthusiasm for a career in Canadian
broadcasting; application + 500 word essay; due
June 30th;
3 awards of $1500.00; strong leadership
qualities, willingness to assist others, genuine
interest in broadcasting career, community
involvement &/or volunteer work; application +
500 word essay; due June 30th;
$6000.00 (bursary/ bursaries); must be a
son/daughter or legal ward or persons who
derive their principal income from the Pipeline
Industry & whose employers are members of
this association; due Sept. 30th; download
application at
60% of assessed need to a max. of $210.00/wk
or $275.00/wk. for students with dependents;
also Canada Access Grants for dependent
students from low-income families( covers 50%
of tuition to a max. of $3000.00 without
exceeding federal assessed assistance; must be
taking at least 60% of a full-time course load;
courses at least 12 wks. Long within timeframe
of 15 consecutive weeks;
711 local awards of $4000.00; 241 provincial
awards of $4000.00; 100 national awards of
$5000.00 renewable for up to 3 additional
years; demonstrated leadership & motivational
skills, commitment to serving & improving
community, ingenuity & talent for implementing
new ideas, ability to maintain solid academic
record; application includes several short essay
questions, letter of reference & official
transcript; due January 19th;
Represents 95% of the awards distributed by
the Foundation; valued from $1000.00 to
$4000.00 with $3000.00 being the average;
demonstrated merit & financial need (as
determined through the Canada Student Loan
Assessment process; due Feb. 15th for fall
entrance & Oct. 15th for January entrance;
Up to $2000.00; available for students who are
taking at least 60% of their courses in French;
Fellowship Program
Canadian Armed Forces Plans
Canadian Association of
Principals Leadership Award
Canadian Federation of
Independent Grocers Nation
Scholarship Program
Canadian Hard of Hearing
Canadian Hospitality Foundation
Canadian Medical Hall of Fame
Great-West Life, London Life &
Canada Life
Canadian Merit Scholarships
also bursaries available for students taking a 5
week summer immersion course; download
application from or (807) 343
Dept. of National Defense sponsors programs of
university education for selected young
men/women who have potential of becoming
officers in the Canadian Armed Forces;
21 scholarships of $500.00; based on
demonstrated outstanding leadership
(school/community); must be in top 20% of their
class academically; essay part of application; due
March 31st;
8 awards ranging in value from $1500.00 to
$8000.00; for students entering specified
university programs; candidates must be
sponsored by independent Grocery Store that is
a CFIG member; selection based on academic
achievement, awards & extra-curricular
involvement; due May 31st;
2 awards of $1000.00; for students who are
hard of hearing, deafened oral deaf; selection
based on academic achievement, determination
to cope with hearing loss & community
involvement; due January 31st;
Valued at $1000.00- $3500.00; for students
enrolling in a select group of universities
offering hospitality-tourism or food servicehospitality related degree programs; awards
based on aptitude & interest in the food
services & accommodation industries, financial
need, scholastic record, interpersonal skills,
leadership & potential future in industry; due
April 1st; online application at
2 awards valued at $1000.00 (renewable for up
to 4 yrs.); for students entering a health or
medical sciences program; selection based on
academic achievement (minimum 85%), financial
need & the interest in a career in medicine or
health sciences; due June 15th; application forms
Up to $75 000.00 (over 4 yrs. Of study) with up
to 30 National Award recipients; finalist awards
of $2500.00 for approx. 40 finalists not
Canadian Paraplegic Association
Canadian Printing Industries
Canadian Sanitation Supply
Association Scholarship Program
Canadian War Museum History
Canwest Mediaworks System
Broadcasters of the Future
CIBC & Youthvision Scholarships
Dominion Institute Great
Canadian Questions Essay
Epilepsy Scholarship Awards
selected for National award, & provincial awards
of $1500.00; must be attending selected
universities; due Oct 20th for sponsored
applicants & Nov. 4th for direct pool applicants;
2 awards of $2500.00; available to students
with spinal cord injuries; selection based on
academic standing & financial need; due August
$1250.00 (variable # of awards); applicants
must be enrolled in the 1st year of printing
management or technical program; minimum 80%
high school average + commitment to pursuing
career in printing industry; due June 30th;
8 awards of $2000.00; high level of academic &
leadership standards; due June 1st; download
application from
5 awards of $1000.00; candidates must be
entering a degree program in history; application
+ 2000 word essay; due March 31st;
3 awards available: Aboriginal: up to $10,000.00
+ 4 month internship at a Global TV studio;
Physical Disability: up to $15,000.00 + tuition
for 1 yr. of radio/TV broadcasting or journalism
program + 3-4 month internship at a Global TV
station; Visible Minority: up to $4500.00 for 1
yr. of educational assistance toward a
broadcasting career; 1 800 387 8001
30 awards of $35,000.00; up to $4000.00/yr.
of tuition for up to 4 yrs.; summer internship
support of up to $2000.00 while in high school &
up to $4000.00/yr. while in university; for
grade 10 students enrolled in a mentoring
program with Big Brothers/ Big Sisters or the
YMCA; due September;
$2000.00 award; completion of 1500 word essay
on specified topic; due May 15th;
30 awards of $1000.00; for students under care
of a Canadian physician for treatment of
Foundation for the Advancement
of Aboriginal Youth Bursaries &
Girl Guides of Canada
Greyhound Canada Scholarships
House of Commons Page Program
Harmony Scholarships
Imperial Oil Higher Education
Harry Jerome Scholarships
Kin Canada Bursaries
39 bursaries of $750.00 & 64 scholarships of
$2000.00- $2500.00; for aboriginal students;
based on contributions to community & family,
academic performance, career goals, leadership
qualities; download application from; includes teacher recommendation
+ reference letter from community member; due
October 14th
10 awards of $1500.00; well-rounded person
who is active member of Girl Guides of Canada;
selection based on contributions to community,
citizenship & involvement in variety of activities;
application + 2 letters of reference;
10 scholarships of $2500.00; graduating high
school students with minimum average of 80%;
provide transcript to nearest Greyhound Depot;
due May 6th;
40 positions valued at $12,000.00 + travel costs;
accepted into selected universities; ability to
speak both official languages; due December 5 th;
10 awards of $1000.00; demonstrated
leadership in organizing activities to promote
social cohesion & diversity in Canada; application
+ 2 reference letters; due June 30th;
Fill tuition & other compulsory fees; renewable
for up to 4 years; must be son/daughter of
Imperial Oil Ltd. Employees, annuitants or
deceased employees; minimum 70% high school
average; due September; contact Higher
Education Awards Administrative Management
Services, 412-829 Northwest Rd., Kingston, ON
K7P 2N3
6 awards of $2000.00; black African or Black
Caribbean student who is Canadian citizen or
permanent resident; selection based on high
academic achievement, financial need &
recognized contribution to the Black Community;
application + references; due May 30 th;
Variable # of bursaries of $1000.00;
demonstrated qualities of citizenship; due
Learning Disabilities Association
of Canada (Carol Thomson
Memorial Fund Scholarship)
Lemaire Co-operative Studies
Leonard Foundation Financial
Carol Anne Letheren Leadership
& Sport Scholarship
MADD Canada Bursary Fund
Mattinson Endowment Fund
Scholarship for Disabled
Students (AUCC)
McDonald’s Employee
February 1st;
$1000.00; must be diagnosed with a documented
learning disability; application + 200 word
outline describing impact of disability,
involvement in activities, future goals; due May
$1000.00- $3000.00; students who have been
involved with co-operatives & who can
demonstrate reasonable knowledge &
understanding of co-operative principles & their
applications; eligible candidates must take a
minimum of 1 course of studies about cooperatives; due March 31st;
140 awards of $1000.00- $1500.00; preference
will be given to sons/daughters of ordained
clergy, licensed elementary or secondary school
teachers, Canadian military personnel, grads of
Cnd. Military College, members of Engineering
Institute of Canada; applicants are expected to
obtain employment during free time & must
participate in athletic, fitness or military
activities; application + nomination; due March
$1500.00 for 3 years; female student entering a
program in Business, Sports Management,
Marketing or physical education fields; selection
based on academic performance (min. average of
85%), demonstrated leadership & personal
values; application + letter of reference; due
March 30th;
Up to $2000.00; Canadian students who have
had a parent/ guardian killed in an impaired
driving related crash; due May 31st;
1 award of $2500.00; for students who are
Canadian citizens diagnosed with a documented
permanent disability; due June 15 th;
9 valued at up to $5000.00/ yr. for 2 academic
years totaling up to $10,000.00; for hourly paid
employees of McDonald’s (must continue working
minimum 15 hrs./wk. during non-academic
periods throughout the 2 year scholarship);
must have at least 6 months continuous
employment at McDonald’s at time of
Mensa Canada Scholarship
Monsanto Canada Scholarships
Lindsey Morden Claim Services
CN Educational Awards Program
Petro Canada Education Awards
for Native Students
Special Bursary AwardsAboriginal Health Careers
Bursary Awards- Business,
Science & General Education
Bursary Awards- Fine Arts
application; applications available from store
managers; due April
2+ awards from $750.00 - $1000.00; selection
based on essay that outlines your goals & steps
taken to achieve them; due Jan. 31 st;
applications at
50 awards of $1500.00; applicants must be
entering program in agricultural sciences or
forestry; award based on academic excellence,
leadership & keen interest/ involvement in
communities; application form + 2 reference
letters. Transcript, acceptance letter from
university & essay; due July 15th;
1 award of $1000.00; applicants must have a
parent or immediate relative employed in the
insurance industry; selection based on financial
need, scholastic attitude & athletic promise; due
July 31st; (780) 424 3320
5 awards of $1500.00 available to Inuit, status
or non-status Indians or Metis students
entering a program that leads to a career in
transportation; deadline June 1st;
5 awards of $5000.00 available to native
students of Canadian or Inuit ancestry entering
programs where studies can be applied in an
industrial setting in the oil & gas industry;
selection based on financial need, academic
performance & potential;
Available to Canadian resident Aboriginal
individuals who are either of First Nation status
or non-status, Metis or Inuit; applicants must be
studying a branch of health sciences; application
form, statement of financial need, proof of
Aboriginal ancestry, current transcript, 2
assessment reports, letter of introduction,
resume/ CV, recent photo & confirmation of
admission into the post-secondary program; due
Feb. 17th;
For Aboriginal individuals who are studying in
the fields of business, science, law, engineering,
info. tech., education, social work & social
sciences; due June 1st;
For Aboriginal students studying visual/ media
arts, music, theatre, dance; due March 31st;
National Aboriginal Special
Youth Award
National Union of Public &
General Employees Scholarships
Navy league & Royal Canadian
Benevolent Fund Scholarship
Padgett Business Services
Phi Delta Kappa International
Petro-Canada Olympic Torch
Athletic Scholarship Fund
Public Service Alliance of
Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for
the Top Scholarships
RBC Aboriginal Student Awards
RBC Royal Bank Financial
Lifeskills Scholarships
Valued at $10,000.00;
5 awards of $1500.00; must be a child/foster
child of a member; application + essay; due June
Varying value; for serving & former Royal
Canadian Sea Cadets; applications due June 30th;
From $500.00 - $2000.00; for dependent child
of a business owner who employs fewer than 20
people, owns at least 10% of the stock or capital
in the business & is active in day-to-day
operations of the business; selection based on
academic record, extracurricular/community
activities, future scholastic/career plans; due
March 1st;
Varies from $500.00 to $5000.00 (payable over
4 years); for students who are members of PDK;
selection based on academic standing, essay,
letters of recommendation& leadership
activities; due February 1st;
Tuition support of $1500.00/year; member of a
Canadian national team in a Pan American,
Paralympic, winter/summer Olympic; due May 1st;
download applications from
12 awards valued from $1000.00 to $4000.00;
available to PSAC members & their children;
selection based on scholastic achievement,
community and/or union involvement & union
involvement of parents; application + essay; due
August 15th;
Max. $3500.00 annually; designed to recognize
students who have shown academic excellence at
the high school level & to assist them with
financial needs; amounts determined based
university application & you must apply for
OSAP to be considered;
5 awards of$4000.00 annually (to a maximum of
4 years); open to all status & non-status Indians,
Inuit or Metis; should express interest in
pursuing a banking career; due Jan. 31st;
10 awards of $2008.00; must maintain minimum
grade average of 65% in high school; must
RCGA Foundation Scholarships
Scotiabank “Rock The Bottom
Scouts Canada Scholarships
Soroptimist Foundation
St. John Ambulance Bursary
TD Canada Trust Scholarships
Terry Fox Humanitarian Award
illustrate some involvement some/all of:
community leadership, extracurricular activities,
special endeavours or circumstances, volunteer
service; application + transcript & sample work
you’ve done in the past year; due May 12 th;
Variable amounts (may be renewable); golf
proficiency & academic achievement; application
+ official transcript for past 2 years, reference
form completed by principal, 3 letters of
reference, typed personal letter outlining
academic & golf achievements, goals & career
objectives; due June 30th ;
5 awards of $1000.00; play a game on-line,
creatively design new rock band member; due
December 15th;
Up to 25 awards valued at $1500.00; must be
currently active & registered member of Scouts
Canada; selection based on Scouting history,
leadership in scouting, community leadership,
scholastic achievements, attitude, aptitude &
letter of reference; due April 1st; download
application from
Various awards available to women; due Dec.1 st;
Variable amount; must be a Community Services
volunteer or an instructor with St. John
Ambulance, or earned Grand Prior’s Badge; must
be entering a program in nursing; due March
20 awards of up to $60,000.00 (payable over 4
years); demonstrated outstanding community
leadership & possess the academic skills to
successfully enter & complete university; for
someone who tackles local challenges & works
hard to make a difference; application + 500
word essay, 3 letters of support, letter of
recommendation from school, transcript, 250
word essay describing personal circumstances;
due Oct.31st;
20 awards of up to $7000.00 (renewable for up
to 4 years); involvement in voluntary
humanitarian work; must maintain satisfactory
academic standing & continued involvement in
voluntary humanitarian & community work; due
Miller Thomson Foundation
Top 20 Under 20 Awards
Toyota Earth Day Scholarship
Wal-Mart Canada Community
Scholarship Program
Wendy’s Classic Achiever
Scholarship Awards
Xerox Canada Aboriginal
Zonta International Foundation
Young Women in Public Affairs
Feb. 1st;
200 awards of $1000.00; high level of academic
achievement, positive contribution to school
through extracurricular activities & community
involvement; application + letters of
recommendation, school recommendation form,
transcript & letter detailing why you are a
suitable candidate for receiving one of these
awards; due March 31st;
20 awards of up to $2000.00; must be under
age of 20 as of December 31st prior to applying;
significant level of achievement, innovation &
leadership; due Jan. 20th;
15 regional awards of $5000.00 each;
demonstrated outstanding environmental
commitment, community services & leadership
(cannot be an employee or immediate family
member of an employee of Toyota & its dealers);
application + essay, school reference, community
reference & transcript; due Jan. 31st;
3 awards of $4000.00 (payable $1000.00/year
for 4 years); application + essay; due Jan. 31st;
10 awards of $2000.00; 20 awards of $1000.00;
180 awards of $500.00; demonstrated
commitment to academic achievement (minimum
average of 70%), extracurricular involvement &
community service; due December 29th;
8 awards valued at $3000.00 each (renewable
for up to 4 years); Canadian citizen & resident;
must be Treaty, Status or non-status Indian,
Metis or Inuit & entering a program in
technology or business; academic achievement,
community involvement; application + 2 letters
of reference; due June 30th;
(select “Community Relations”)
1 award of $1000.00; 2 awards of $500.00;
evidence of active commitment to volunteerism,
leadership & dedication to advancing the status
of women worldwide; application + 2 letters of
Canada Millennium Scholarship
Canada Millennium Bursaries
Garfield Weston Merit
Scholarship for Colleges
Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for
the Top Scholarships
Scotiabank “Rock The Bottom
711 local awards of $4000.00; 241 provincial
awards of $4000.00; 100 national awards of
$5000.00 renewable for up to 3 additional
years; demonstrated leadership & motivational
skills, commitment to serving & improving
community, ingenuity & talent for
implementing new ideas, ability to maintain
solid academic record; application includes
several short essay questions, letter of
reference & official transcript; due January
Represents 95% of the awards distributed by
the Foundation; valued from $1000.00 to
$4000.00 with $3000.00 being the average;
demonstrated merit & financial need (as
determined through the Canada Student Loan
Assessment process; due Feb. 15th for fall
entrance & Oct. 15th for January entrance;
25 national awards of tuition waiver +
$8000.00 stipend; for Canadian citizens
finishing high school & entering a 2 yr. or more
long program; minimum average of 75% in
courses required for college program; due
April 3rd;
Max. $3500.00 annually; designed to
recognize students who have shown academic
excellence at the high school level & to assist
them with financial needs; amounts
determined based university application & you
must apply for OSAP to be considered;
5 awards of $1000.00; play a game on-line,
creatively design new rock band member; due
December 15th;
Adapted from: Harris, Brian. Scholarship: 10th Edition, 2007.
Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data,
Burlington, Ontario, 2006.