SPCH 111 – PUBLIC SPEAKING Speech assignment descriptions:

SPCH 111 – PUBLIC SPEAKING Speech assignment descriptions:
Personal Introduction Speech (10 points)
Each student will interview another member of the class. You will introduce this person
to the class and tell us what makes this person unique. Unless this person has an unusual
job or major, these two topics cannot be discussed for this speech. This speech should be
at least 2 minutes long and no longer than 3 minutes.
Storytelling Speech (40 points)
For this assignment you are to learn a story with the intent of retelling it to the class. The
story can be a myth, legend, folktale, fairytale, historical biographical sketch or parable.
You cannot read the story to the class. However, you can cue yourself with notes. The
story should be at least 5 minutes long, no longer than 10 minutes.
Demonstration Speech (50 points)
You will inform and empower us about how to do something. Therefore, this speech
should explain a process in such a way that the audience learns how to do that process.
You must use visual aids, and you cannot use food or drink in the speech (no recipes).
While an outline is not required, students are still expected to present an introduction,
body, transitions, and conclusion. This speech should last at least 5 minutes, no longer
than 10 minutes.
Informative Speech (80 points speech/20 points outline)
This speech will educate us about a topic you find interesting. I must approve all topics.
You are expected to cite at least one outside source of information for each main point
you make. An outline, in proper form according to your guidelines, must be submitted
the class session prior to your speech performance date. You are expected to use at least
one visual aid to accompany your speech. This speech should last 6-10 minutes.
Persuasive Speech (80 points speech/20points outline)
This speech must present a socially conscious topic that addresses a question of policy or
value. You cannot use a topic you have spoken about previously, and I must approve all
topics. You are expected to cite at least one outside source of information for each main
point you make. You also are expected to be able to discuss opposing viewpoints to
those presented in your speech. For topics that seem more common, try to find a new
twist on that topic. Outline requirement is the same as given in informative speech
information. One visual aid is required. Speech must be 6-10 minutes.
Commemorative Speech (40 points)
You will pay tribute to a person, a group of people, an institution, or an idea. This is a
speech of praise or celebration. Eulogies and dedications are types of commemorative
speeches. Your goal is not only to inform but to INSPIRE! This speech should be 4 - 6
minutes in length.
Impromptu Speech (10 points)
Procedure will be discussed in class. Speech definitely should have an introduction, body
and conclusion and last 1 ½-3 minutes.
Speeches lose 5 points for each 30 second block they fall short or exceed defined time