
To: Miss Wong
The Principal
From: Brenda Khoo
Student Representative of Organising Committee
Proposal on suitable destination for the Global Immersion Programme
After much consideration, I have come to a conclusion that Option Two- Russia
would be the most suitable destination for the upcoming Global Immersion
Programme in June.
Firstly, visiting the school with student population of ages between 15 and 17 would
be the most ideal choice for this trip as the students who are going for this
immersion programme are mainly from the secondary three and four. Hence,
students from the respective school would be able to communicate better as there is
no age barrier between them. Furthermore, one of the aims for this trip is to allow
the students to learn about the education system overseas. As all the students are
from similar age group, students from our school would be able to fit perfectly in the
classes to learn about the education system of the overseas students of the same
ages as them. On the same issue of school visiting under Option One, a five-day
attachment at a high school might be a little short for the students to fully learn and
understand the education system and culture of the country. Under Option Three,
visiting a university might be irrelevant to our trip this time, as what we are focusing
on is the secondary education. Although Option One and Three are suggestions
worth considering, I still feel that Option Two for the school visiting would be the
most appropriate choice.
Secondly, staging a concert item for overseas peering during a school event would be
a great honour for our peers. We could use this opportunity as a cultural exchange
so that students in Russia can also learn more about Singapore’s culture. This is a
win-win suggestion for all the students including the students in Russia. Under
Option One, which is to attend one cultural event at a renowned concert hall during
the stay, I feel that students would not be able to appreciate the performance and
might even find it boring. Moreover, the cost of the tickets of such a cultural event is
quite hefty and not all the students would be able to afford it. Although the
opportunity to visit numerous places under Option Three is an enticing suggestion
for most students, I feel that it does not fulfil the aim of this immersion programme,
as we are going for a learning journey not a holiday. Hence, Option Two would be
the most suitable choice.
Thirdly, a home-stay with Russian host would be a great idea. As two students are
attached to one host, the students would not feel awkward or lonely. A home-stay
would be one of the fastest ways to learn about the Russian’s culture and their way
of life. This also fulfils the aim of this immersion trip which is to provide the students
with the opportunity to experience the way of life of their peers overseas. During
their stay, the host might also bring the students to places of interest in Russia,
hence, students would also be enjoying their free and easy time. Under Option One,
hostel accommodation within school compounds is a suggestion worth considering.
However, we have to bear in mind that students would be spending their whole
immersion trip in school, hence many of the students would find it boring and not
worth it to attend this trip. Although hotel accommodation in the heart of town
sounds appealing to students, it would be unsafe for the students and troublesome
for the teachers. Some students might sneak out of the hotel in the middle of the
night without the teacher’s permission. This would be dangerous as we are in a
foreign country. Students might lose their way and the school will be held
accountable for the student’s safety. Therefore, I think that the home-stay under
Option Two would be most appropriate.
Lastly, although the weather conditions in Russia are not that favourable, students
would still be enjoying themselves as we would not get to enjoy such cold weather in
Singapore. Furthermore, students prefer the cold weather rather than hot weather.
Although the weather conditions under Option One and Option Three are much
more stable, the itinerary in Option Two is much better. Besides, the weather
condition does not affect the immersion programme greatly.
After the trip, students are supposed to share their experience with the rest of the
school when school resumes in July. Therefore, I suggest that students who are
going for the immersion trip are to bring a camera along with them so that they are
able to snap some shots to aid them when they are sharing their experience. They
can also present their experience in either a video or power point slides during the
very first assembly once school reopens. In view of the above mentioned merits for
Option Two, I hope you would consider my proposal favourably. I thank you for your
kind attention.
Brenda Khoo
1 June 2011