Lent and Easter Seasons

Lenten and Easter Seasons
Family Activities
Cycle A
Diocese of Ogdensburg, NY
Taste And See
The Goodness Of The Lord
Theme: We find dust almost everywhere. It can come from ashes from wood burning furnaces, stoves,
or burned leaves. Dust from the ashes needs to be swept away. On Ash Wednesday, ashes are traced in
the form of a cross to remind us that we, too, will pass away. Lent gives us an opportunity to repent and
to reform our lives thinking of the good we have failed to do. This conversion process takes time to go
from the darkness in our lives to the experience of the light. We begin with ashes which prepare us for
the lighting of the fire at the Easter Vigil where Christ, the Light risen among us, promises to stay with us
until the end of time.
Joel 2:12-18 - The Day of the Lord
2 Corinthians 5:20-6:2 - Ministry of Reconciliation
Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18 - Purity of Intention; Prayer and Fasting
What attitude of your heart would you like to change during Lent this Year?
How will you pray together as a family?
What does it mean to have a change of heart?
What could you change in yourself during Lent this year?
Sign of the Cross
With a bowl of ashes on your table, once a week sign each member of the
family with the Sign of the Cross to remind you of Jesus’ presence within
your family.
Forty Day Practice
On Ash Wednesday, write the numbers 1-40 on small pieces of paper. Write things to do, e.g. put away
your clothes instead of leaving them around, complete your homework on time, pray that God will bless
each person in your family, set the table for dinner, etc. Put them in a container. Each day until Easter,
draw one of the pieces of paper from the container and do what the paper suggests.
Feed the Poor
From the money saved by not eating meat on Fridays during Lent, make a donation to an organization
that helps feed starving people e.g. Propagation of the Faith, Catholic Charities, St. Vincent DePaul
Society in your parish, Rice Bowl, Food Pantry or a charity of your choice.
Back to Church
Invite someone you know who has been away from the Church to go to Mass with you, or go to the
Stations of the Cross in your parish church.
Breaking Bread Together
On Sunday, or once a week, have a large loaf of bread on the table. Take the bread, break it to share with
each other, bless the food you are about to eat, and pray for those less fortunate. Close the meal with
grace in gratitude.
Body of Christ
I can be the Body of Christ for others by
Theme: The gracious gift of the one man Jesus Christ...
Scripture Readings
Genesis 2:7-9; 3:1-7 - The Fall of Human Kind
Romans 5:12-19 - Humanity’s Sin Through Adam
Matthew 4:1-11 - The Temptation of Jesus
On one level, the stories of the temptations in this Sunday’s gospel are about the choice between good and
evil, between self-will and the will of God, between obedience and disobedience. But there is more at
stake. The face-off between the devil and Jesus reveals temptation as a conflict between “the kingdoms
of the world” and the rule of God. Ultimately temptation asks all of us, “Whom will you serve?” Lent is
a time of discernment – our scripture readings on this First Sunday of Lent speak to us of choices made
for good or ill in the biblical tradition. They also call us to reflect on our own choices and the place to
which they have taken us. In the course of his earthly life, Christ Jesus repeatedly made choices in favor
of the Father’s will, and the fruit of his gracious gift allows each of us to “Taste and see the goodness of
the Lord.”
 What helpful advice could you offer someone faced with a temptation?
 What helps you do the right thing when you want to do something wrong?
Take a few minutes to sit quietly and meditate on the following questions. How will I, this Lent, be an
example of the goodness of our God to others? Will Lent come and go with no change in my life or
attitude? Is this the moment for me to choose a new and better path?
Let Your Light Shine!
Have members of your family each draw a candle with their names on it. Then invite them to write their
own gifts/talents that they can share with others as rays coming from the candlelight.
Called By God!
Write a short story how you can better serve Jesus.
Body of Christ
I can be the Body of Christ for others by
Theme: It is through faith in God that we become transfigured
in love.
Scripture Readings
Genesis 12:1-4 - Call of Abraham
2 Timothy 1: 8-10 - Exhortation to Faithfulness
Matthew 17:1-9 - Jesus Transfigured
In a society such as ours, it is easy to accept the negative messages we hear everyday..."families are in
crisis; kids today are no good; things are going down hill fast and there is nothing we can do". Yet, there
is good news for families today and everyday. We have each received a special gift from God in the
form of our family. There are daily challenges, but there are daily blessings too. The influence of the
media in our lives is pervasive. We begin to look at our lives (and families) as the glass which is always
half full, not perfect.
If we look at today's gospel reading, we hear God saying, "This is my beloved son on whom my favor
rests.” God did not say, "This is my son who is perfect in all things," or "who is living up to all my
expectations." God says, “This is my child whom I love, not because of what He is accomplishing but
because He is my son.”
 How has your faith in Jesus transformed you, or helped you become a better person and
 What difference does your faith in Jesus Christ make in your life?
 What does it mean to you to be a holy person?
Family Affirmations
At a family meal, have each member of the family go around the table and say a word of affirmation to
each other. This is also an opportune time to share with one another what each person’s gift is to the
Special Person
Do something special for a family member, e.g. make some food to share, send a note saying you are
praying for him/her.
Break Bread
After attending Mass together, invite a senior citizen to join your family for
breakfast. It is good to break bread and share stories.
Body of Christ
I can be the Body of Christ for others by
Theme: God has faith in us even when we do not.
Scripture Readings
Exodus 17: 3-7 - Water From the Rock
Romans 5: 1-2,5-8 - Faith, Hope and Love
John 4:5-42 - The Samaritan Woman of the Well
Every parent has probably had the experience of reassuring a child that he or she is bright or pretty, or
handsome, or a good friend. Does the child believe us? Not usually. When this happens in our home, we
normally smile and think, “This is what God experiences consistently.” God tells us that we are good
parents, loving spouses, caring children…do we believe this? Not usually. How patient our Creator is
with us! The next time your child or parent or spouse tells you, “You are the best!” -- believe them, it is
God speaking to you.
 Where have you found a source of “living water” for your own journey of faith?
 Name some times when your belief in Jesus helped make you stronger.
Family Blessing
Get a small bottle of Holy Water from your church and use it in family rituals. Put some holy water in a
small bowl and take the opportunity to bless each family member. Have your children bless you. It helps
all to recognize the holy in the ordinary.
Family Invitation
Invite your priest, religious sister or brother to your home for dinner. Often we take those who serve us
for granted; it is good for them and for your family to include them in your family times.
Give Out
Lent is a time when typically we "give up" something. This Lent, resolve as a family to "give out"
something to a needy person or organization in your parish community. This could be a time, as
a family, to give canned goods each week to a food pantry. When you buy one item and get
one free, give the free item to the food bank. This lesson of "giving out" will stay with
your children their entire lives.
Body of Christ
I can be the Body of Christ for others by
Theme: The Light of Christ shines in the darkness of all.
Scripture Readings
1 Samuel 16:1, 6-7, 10-13 - Samuel Anoints David
Ephesians 5: 8-14 - Duty to Live in the Light
John 9: 1-41 - The Man Born Blind
In our fast-paced life amid the barrage of messages telling us to look good, there is the quiet presence of
God. Our reading from Samuel invites us into a deeper dimension of life. We are invited to look beyond
the appearances of people. We are to look at people as God does, “…the Lord looks into the heart.”
 How do I, or we as a family, look past the physical appearances of lifestyle or dress to see the
kind heart of a person?
 How can you let the light of your faith in Jesus shine for others to see?
Mirror, Mirror
Remember, God created you. Look in the mirror and think about how beautiful/handsome you are in
God’s eyes. Whisper a prayer of thanksgiving for your life.
Look into the Heart
Think about someone in your family who has a “big heart.” Why? You may wish to draw a heart and
give it to the person. Write a note of thanks or tell the person why you know he/she has a “big heart”.
Celebrate Eucharist Together
Plan to attend Mass together as a family. Ask the question, “For what shall we pray?” On the way to
church mention your intentions so that, as a family, you can ask for God’s blessings.
Eucharist for You
Who has shown you care and respect? Write the names of those people on paper and tell what they did
for you. Put the paper on your refrigerator until Easter Sunday. This will be a daily reminder of
the people in your life who have been Eucharist for you.
Body of Christ
I can be the Body of Christ for others by
Theme: The Spirit of God abides in us!
Scripture Readings
Ezekiel 37: 12-14 - Prophecy of Restoration
Romans 8: 8-11 - The Flesh and the Spirit
John 11: 1-45 - The Raising of Lazarus
Today’s Gospel reminds us that when Jesus saw Mary weeping at the death of her brother, Jesus began to
weep. When tragedy touches the lives of our loved ones, we often ask, “Where is God at this time?”
While we are grieving, God is grieving with us. When families feel the pain of loss, God is with them in
that pain.
 When did you last experience God’s presence in a time of need?
 How did someone show you God’s love through compassion?
 Is it possible for you to be that presence to someone in need?
God’s Presence
Turn off the TV for a while. Play some soft music. Close your eyes. Think about a time when you could
feel God’s presence in your life. Inasmuch as you are comfortable, share your experience with your
family. Be grateful for God’s presence in your life and celebrate with your favorite treat.
Desert Times
Sometimes we may feel that God has abandoned us or is angry with us. While it may be difficult to stay
“connected” with God, God still believes in you. God is there with you. Talk about those times with a
family member. Make up a prayer that you want to remember when you have “desert times,” e.g. Jesus
be with me.
Challenge to Feed the Hungry
The Eucharist is a challenge for us who participate in the Mass to feed the hungry people and to work for
peace. As a family, write a letter to your members of Congress urging them to help reduce global hunger.
Weekend Liturgy
The Eucharist is a special way that Christ is present in the community. As you plan to attend
Mass in your parish, discuss how you will make the Eucharistic Celebration meaningful, e.g.
offer to be in the Offertory Procession, and don’t be afraid to sing and pray out loud.
Remember, God likes to see everyone using his/her gifts.
Body of Christ
I can be the Body of Christ for others by
Theme: Jesus is greeted with palms when he arrives in
Jerusalem. Holy Week begins.
Scripture Readings
Isaiah 50: 4-7 - Salvation Only Through the Lord’s Servant
Philippians 2: 6-11 - Imitating Christ’s Humility
Matthew 26: 14-27,66 - The Passion of Jesus
On Palm Sunday, the crowd, waving palm branches, welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem. The celebration turned
into a time of Christ’s suffering His passion and death on the cross. Matthew tells us in today’s reading…
“Jesus took bread, said the blessing, broke it and gave it to His disciples”…so they would not be alone. Jesus’
presence in the Eucharist today assures us that we are not alone.
 If Jesus were to come to your home, what preparations would you make to welcome Him?
 If Jesus said the blessing at your table, broke the bread and said, “This is my body,” how would your
family respond?
Palms in your Home
Bring home a palm from church and place it in a favorite place in your home as a reminder of your love for
Jesus and your many blessings . You may want to be creative and make a palm cross by simply cutting the
palm into an appropriate size and cross shape. Have the placing of it in your home part of a short ritual or
prayer. There may be someone in your parish who knows how to make more intricate cross shapes with the
palm. Perhaps they will share that creative gift with you.
Prayer at Your Home Table
Join in saying a prayer that you have learned for before and after meals. You may wish to take turns making
up a prayer of blessings for your meals. Remember, God never tires of listening to our prayers.
Faith Community Gathering
Lent is a special time of parish services. In addition to weekend liturgy, plan on attending Stations of the
Cross, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament or the parish penance service. Remember that God loves to hear the
prayers of two or three gathered together. He promises to be in our midst if we but ask.
Giving “In Memory of Him”
The Eucharist is what Jesus told his followers to do to remember Him. The Eucharist offers a
challenge to us to feed the 1.3 million people who live in poverty. How will you as a family be
the Eucharist to the hungry? Suggestions: donations to St. Vincent de Paul
Societies, Neighborhood Centers, Operation Rice Bowl, Holy Childhood
Association or your favorite charity.
Body of Christ
I can be the Body of Christ for others by
Holy Thursday
Theme: Remembrance
Scripture Readings
Exodus 12:1-8, 11-14 - The Passover Ritual Prescribed
I Corinthians 11:23-26 - The Lord’s Supper
John 13:1-15 - The Washing of the Feet
Reflection on Beginning the Triduum
On Holy Thursday, the celebration of the Mass of the Lord’s Supper marks the end of Lent and the
beginning of the Triduum. The time of reflection on the forty days Christ spent fasting and praying in the
desert closes, and the preparation for Easter begins. As we move through these three days in the Church’s
liturgies, it is important to remember that what we are celebrating is not about the historical events that
took place, but rather, the Paschal Mystery that brings meaning to our lives today.
It is at the evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday that we commemorate how the Eucharist
began. We also commemorate the institution of the sacrament of Holy Orders. The Washing of Feet
takes place to remind us of Jesus’ command that we serve others. The altar is stripped bare to remind us
of how Jesus was stripped of his garments. The Blessed Sacrament is then moved in procession to a place
of repose for adoration by the faithful. This is the beginning of the three very special days of the
 What sacrifices did you make out of love?
 What is the difference between doing something for someone out of love, and doing it because
someone makes you?
What Does God Want?
What is it that Gods wants you to do with your life? Set aside time to go to Mass this evening at your
parish. Spend some time praying before the Blessed Sacrament. Pray and listen carefully. It is often in
these silent moments in Christ’s presence that our answers become most clear to us. When you return
home, share with family members what you prayed about, and ask them to add your prayer concerns to
their own throughout the Easter season.
Think about some of the extravagances that could be stripped from your life and turned into ways that
might help those in need. Recommit yourself to doing more to love one another. As a family, find
some way to help others this Easter Season and through the coming year.
Spring Cleaning
Spring cleaning is often associated with the Lenten and Easter seasons because it is a
time to clean out what is old and make room for what is fresh and new. Hide some
coins around the house in places where they might be overlooked during normal
cleaning. Ask the family to gather together and spend just an hour cleaning. Tell them
that when they find a coin, they are to take a minute and say a prayer for someone and put
the coin in a container which you have provided for this purpose. When you
go to Church on Good Friday, donate the coins for your parish’s Good
Samaritan fund.
Body of Christ
I can be the Body of Christ for others by
Good Friday
Theme: In Christ’s death there is hope.
Scripture Readings
Isaiah 52:13-53:12 - Suffering and Triumph of the Servant of the Lord
Hebrews 4:14-16;5:7-9 - Jesus, Compassionate High Priest
John 18:1-19;42 - The Passion of Jesus
Good Friday is a day for meditation and reflection on the Passion and Death of Christ. On this day of
mourning, fasting and prayer, we gather at the Church to experience the Good Friday liturgy. The priests
wear red vestments to remind us of Jesus’ sacrifice. We venerate the cross, read the Passion from John’s
Gospel, we pray general intercessions for the Church, world leaders and people from all walks of life, and
join together for a Communion service. Mass is not celebrated on Good Friday. We quietly leave the
church where the altar is bare, the tabernacle is open and empty and there are no lights left on in the
 Can you say that you have grown through your experience of physical or emotional suffering?
Why or why not?
 How can the story of Jesus’ suffering make it easier for you to face something painful or
Make time to go to church to hear the Passion read, or make time to read it together as a family. Talk
together about a time when you gave up something you really wanted to do so someone else could
benefit. Rather than think only about how sacrifice hurts, share with your family about the ways in which
it actually felt good to do something nice for someone you love. Say a prayer of thanks for being able to
make such a sacrifice of love.
Stations of the Cross
Recall the difficult path Jesus had to walk as you and your family pray the Stations of the Cross today.
Pay particular attention to those who helped Him along the way. Think about the most difficult
thing you have ever had to do in your life. Take a few moments to thank God for giving you the
strength to be able to do what you needed to do. If you received help from someone, make it a
point to thank that person for being there for you.
Body of Christ
I can be the Body of Christ for others by
Holy Saturday
Theme: Out of the darkness and into the light...
Scripture Readings
*Genesis 1:1-2:2 - First Story Of Creation
Genesis 22:1-18 - The Testing Of Abraham
*Exodus 14:15-15:1 - Crossing The Red Sea And Destruction Of The Egyptians
Isaiah 54:5-14 - The New Zion
Isaiah 55:1-11 - An Invitation To Grace
Baruch 3:9-15, 32-4:4 - Prayer Of Wisdom In The Law Of Moses
*Ezekiel 36:16-17a, 18-28 - Regeneration Of The People
*Romans 6:3-11 - Death To Sin, Life In God
*Mark 16:1-8 - The Women At The Tomb
*The readings marked with an asterisk are required. The proclamation of the others is optional.
Holy Saturday was a day originally set aside for quiet, fasting and meditation. By late in the fourth
century, the day was determined to be the one on which those desiring to come into full communion with
the Church would offer a full public profession of faith before initiation at the Easter Vigil. The Triduum
ends with the celebration of the Easter Vigil when we rejoice and give thanks for Christ’s resurrection. It
is not until after dark that the celebration of Easter begins with the lighting of the Paschal candle and the
recounting of our salvation story.
 What benefits have the new life of baptism brought you so far in your life?
 If someone who was not a Christian asked you what difference it makes to be baptized, what
would you say?
Easter Vigil Celebration
Go to the Easter Vigil celebration. Be sure to get a candle and take it home. Put all the family’s candles
on your Easter table and let their light remind you of how the darkness
was absorbed by the light at the Easter Vigil. Talk and rejoice with
your family about ways in which each of you walk in the light of Christ
every day.
Easter Card
Make a Catholic Easter card and send it to one of the newly initiated
Catholics in your parish.
Offer your family’s prayers and
Prayer Egg
Create a prayer egg to put in each family member’s Easter basket. Use
a pretty piece of paper to write a special prayer intention for each
member of the family. Put the prayers into plastic eggs and tuck each
one into the appropriate family member’s Easter basket. Remember to
include each intention in your daily prayers throughout the Easter season.
Body of Christ
I can be the Body of Christ for others by
Easter Sunday
Theme: Alleluia! Alleluia!
Scripture Readings
Acts 10:34, 37-43 - Peter’s Discourse
Colossians 3:1-4 - Mystical Death and Resurrection
1 Corinthians 5:6-8 - Unleavened Bread of Sincerity and Truth
John 20:1-9 - Peter and the Disciple at the Tomb
Jesus Christ has risen from the dead. We say, “Alleluia! Alleluia!” on this glorious day and rejoice in our
salvation. A new Paschal candle stands tall in the church telling us of the light that has led us out of
darkness. Lilies and other beautiful spring blossoms evoke thoughts of new life. The cool and refreshing
waters of the baptismal font hold a prominent place to remind us that through Jesus’ death we have been
cleansed of our sins. The community of faithful gathered for Eucharist at this Easter celebration will
become the living Christ, the living Creed, and the arms that will reach out to others offering comfort and
hope this coming year. Alleluia! Alleluia!
 How can you show this week that you truly believe in the resurrection of Jesus?
 To whom could you tell the story of Jesus’ rising from the dead?
Easter Prayer
Take a few minutes after Mass today, as a family, to write a prayer that can be used as your Easter dinner
blessing. Be sure to include thanks for all those who have been Eucharist to you this Lenten season.
Resurrection Rolls
This is a wonderful day to celebrate and feast together as a family. Like the women who went to the tomb
to find it empty, we rejoice that it means Christ has risen from the dead. What better way to remind
everyone at your Easter dinner celebration of this than to make Resurrection Rolls? Recipe: Roll up a
large marshmallow in a refrigerator crescent roll. Sprinkle the marshmallow with cinnamon and then add
a little more cinnamon and sugar to the outside of the roll and bake as the package directs. This sweet
treat represents the white burial cloth used to wrap Jesus’ body, the spices used to anoint him, and the
empty tomb that tells of his resurrection.
Loving Others
Remembering that today is only the beginning of the Easter Season, make a promise to do something kind
for others every day for the next fifty days. Save a plastic Easter egg and keep it on your night stand as a
reminder to yourself that each day you are given an opportunity to bring new life to yourself and to others
through living Jesus’ call.
Body of Christ
I can be the Body of Christ for others by
Ascension of the Lord
Theme: I have much more to tell you ...
Scripture Readings
Acts 1:1-11 - Jesus’ Final Instructions and Ascension
Ephesians 1:17-23 - Exaltation of Christ
Matthew 28:16-20 - I Am With You Always
Forty days following Easter, we celebrate the Ascension of Jesus into heaven. Jesus instructed
the apostles to baptize and teach all that he commanded them. He promised, “I am with you
always until the end of the age.”
 With whom have you shared the good news of Jesus in the past month?
 What good news about Jesus could you share with someone?
The time between Ascension and Pentecost is a time of preparation for the coming of the Holy
Spirit. Consider how difficult it is to make some of the decisions that face you every day. Do
you pray about life’s choices? Do you ask for guidance? Find one new way in which you could
open your heart more fully to direction by the Holy Spirit. Make this new discipline a daily
Body of Christ
I can be the Body of Christ for others by
Pentecost Sunday
Theme: We are strengthened by our Baptism in the Holy
Scripture Readings
Acts 2:1-11 - Descent of the Holy Spirit
1 Corinthians 12:3-7, 12-13 - Many Gifts, One Spirit, and Analogy of the Body
John 20: 19-23 - Appearance to the Disciples
Fifty days following Easter, and ten days after the Ascension of the Lord, we celebrate the
coming of the Holy Spirit. It is the time when the apostles were baptized with the Holy Spirit, as
Jesus had promised them. They were given the help they needed to go out to spread the Good
 What important work does Jesus ask of you at this time in your life?
 How would Jesus want you to treat your friends and family this week?
Promptings of the Holy Spirit
During your family meal today, share with one another the times in your life when you have
been sure the Holy Spirit was with you and guiding your words and actions. At the end of your
meal, pray a prayer of thanksgiving for guidance and ask God to help you use the continuing
gifts of the Holy Spirit so that you may always be Eucharist for others.
Hearts on Fire
Mindful of the eternal flame within us, share an experience of how the Spirit of God transformed
your heart.
Body of Christ
I can be the Body of Christ for others by