SCL AGM Minutes 19th June 2010

Held on Thursday 19th June 2010
Scarman House, University of Warwick
Tony Durcan: Chair (Newcastle), Simon May (Southend), Jenny Poad (Bedford
Borough), David Gill (Solihull), Julie Spencer (Bolton), Julie Bell (Lancashire), Neil
MacInnes (Manchester), Janet wood (Stockport), Antonio Rizzo (L B Lewisham),
Joan Davis (Wiltshire), Jen Brittain (Middlesbrough), Jan Holden (Norfolk), Nigel
Thomas (Leicestershire), David Ruse (Westminster), Stephanie Crossley (Bolton),
Maggie Falla (Guernsey), Sharon Smith (Telford & Wrekin), Laurayne
Featherstone (Stockton), Ann Borthwick (Gateshead), Chrys Mellor ( North
Yorkshire), Ian Dodds (L B Richmond), Hilary Ely (Surrey), Jackie Menniss
(Slough), Katie Lusty (Torbay), James Anthony-Edwards (Shropshire), Caroline
Taylor (Oxfordshire), Hugh Paton (L B Bexley), Mark Heaton (Rotherham), Pat
Davis (Jersey), Roger McMaster (Suffolk), Steve Hardman (Swansea), Dylan
Hughes (Wrexham), Paul Brough (Cornwall), Alec Kennedy (Hampshire),
Elizabeth Lee (L B Hounslow), Kathryn Green (Barnsley), Sue Grainger (Walsall),
Kate Millin (Dudley), Pam Usher (L B Southwark), Christina Dyer (Nottingham
City), Natalie Sellears (Nottingham City), Claire Alleguen (SCL), Don Gibbs
(Derbyshire), Margaret Simpson (Sunderland), Mike Clarke (L B Camden), Rhona
Drever (East Sussex), Irene Campbell (East Sussex), Rob Jones (Isle of Wight),
Mark Freeman (South Tyneside), Mark Taylor (R B Windsor & Maidenhead),
Martin Palmer (Essex), Barry George (Central Bedfordshire), Nicky Parker
(Manchester), Ciara Eastell (Devon), Sally McMahon (Brighton & Hove), Julia
Burton (Bath & NE Somerset), Alasdair MacNaughtan ( Plymouth), Cath Anley
(Kent), David Pearson (City of London), Deborah Cooper (Milton Keynes), Ruth
Burgess (Bracknell Forest), Allyson Jordan (Swindon), Kate Murray (Bristol), Andy
Harrison (Wigan), Tanya Pearson (Wigan), Barry Clark (Sandwell), Hilary Jackson
(Staffordshire), Janet Thursfield (Stoke), Alison Bramley (SCL)
Andy Brisley (N Somerset)
Minutes of 2009 AGM
These were accepted as a true record.
Proposed: James Anthony- Edwards
Seconded: Cath Anley
Matters Arising not on the Agenda
Presidents Report
Tony presented Fiona’s report as she was unable to attend the AGM. This report
summarised another busy year where many strands of work, put into place in previous
years, have come together. The delay in the publication of the DCMS Modernisation
Review of Public Libraries was disappointing but SCL have taken up new opportunities
to make the case for public libraries. Good relationships with SCL Wales and Northern
Ireland continue and the Universal Membership offer initiative was highly successful.
Strategic partnerships continue to be vital; the SCL/BBC partnership is on-going and
SCL’s work with MLA will develop as the new government outlines its plans. Links with
the LGA and CLOA will progress during the coming year and our well established
partnership with the British Library has again proved extremely valuable as their work
on the Digital Economies Bill demonstrates.
Bookstart’s Strategic Forum includes representation from SCL. On behalf of Fiona Tony
thanked Linda Saunders for who has represented SCL on this Forum over the past few
years. Linda has now stepped down from this role and Bookstart has sought another
representative from SCL.
A review into the SCL Executive’s work processes has been completed. This has also
examined the business planning process and more work will be carried out on this in
the coming year. The governance of the Society will also be reviewed in 2010/11 and
proposals brought to the next AGM.
The future will be challenging but SCL remains in the best place to meet these
challenges and will continue to offer support to all members.
On behalf of Fiona Tony thanked all those who have given their time to participate in
the SCL working groups. He also thanked retiring Executive members, in particular
Rob Froud and Barry George, and welcomed new members. He also echoed Fiona’s
thanks to Nicky Parker for agreeing to take over as SCL President one year early.
Tony remarked that it is tragic that Fiona has had to step down but he hoped that she
will soon be able to return as Past President to support Nicky. A gift from SCL will be
sent to Fiona to thank her for all her work over the past year.
Treasurers Report
Simon presented his report.
The AGM approved:
 The audited accounts for 2009/10 submitted with this report.
The draft budget for 2010/11 submitted with this report.
The AGM agreed:
That the general subscription for English Authorities will be £375
That the general subscription for Welsh and Northern Ireland Authorities will be
There will be an additional precept of £25 for those Authorities in Wales and
the SW of England
To increase the overnight rate to £70 per person per night
Simon endorsed Fiona’s thanks to Tony for his continuing hard work on behalf of the
Report from Wales
The report from SCL Wales was accepted.
Report from N Ireland
The report from N Ireland was accepted
Results of Voting for SCL Executive Committee members 2010/12
As Fiona Williams has had to step down as SCL President, Nicky Parker was confirmed
as President for the period from June 2010 –May 2012
It was also confirmed that the new National Officers on the SCL Executive Committee
for the same period are James Anthony-Edwards, Stephanie Crossley, Tony Durcan,
Marguerite Gracey, Sally McMahon, Mark Taylor
Tony then handed over to Nicky Parker, the new SCL President.
Nicky thanked Tony remarking that she is honoured to be appointed as the new
President of SCL, she is looking forward to the forthcoming months which present not
just challenges, but significant opportunities for public library services. She is looking
forward to discussing what real benefits and services that public libraries can offer
with partners and the new coalition Government in the context of evolving economic
conditions. SCL remains valued by its members and its partners, it is the lead body in
the sector but given the difficult times ahead entering into new coalitions may be the
best way forward. We must do more with less and highlight change, efficiency and
transformation. Smarter and more collaborative working and forging new alliances will
be vital as will the need to focus on our customers. SCL must be the voice of libraries,
the representative of the customer and the leader of change.
Nicky paid tribute to Fiona for her work as both President Elect and President and she
is sure that the thoughts of all SCL members are with her as she faces this personal
Report on the SCL’s Advocacy work
Claire Alleguen presented a report and updated members on progress over the past
year. A good relationship has been forged with Ed Vaizey; it is hoped that SCL Officers
can meet with both him and other relevant Ministers to discuss how libraries can
contribute to their particular agendas.
The new SCL website was launched this year and it is hoped to increase the amount of
information available especially on the members section of the site. New ways of
communicating with members are planned for the coming year.
Any Other Competent Business
Share the Vision
Mark Freeman updated members on recent activity. He highlighted the new website designed for library staff supporting blind and partially
sighted readers, the IFLA P3 Conference and the work of David Owen and Helen
Brazier and her team at RNIB.
As there was no other business the meeting was closed
At the end of the AGM Tony thanked Alison for her work over the past eight years as
SCL Development Officer. She has provided administrative and technical support to
SCL in such a timely fashion with great tact, good humour and patience. She has
made difficult things seem easy, administered six seminars all of which have made a
surplus for the Society and overall has made a great contribution to the success of the
Society. He wished her a long and happy retirement.
Tony presented Alison with a gift from the membership