Mrs. McKay – High School Math Class Syllabus (mckay.lynne

Mrs. McKay – High School Math Class Syllabus (
Welcome to Mrs. McKay’s Math Class! I am looking forward to working with you this quarter.
Your grade is based on your performance on your A+ class.
The grade that appears on A+ Connector may not be your current class grade. If your status is green or yellow, your A+ grade is your
current class grade. If your status is red (far behind schedule), your A+ grade is 50% F.
Your current class grade will be updated in Infinite Campus on Fridays during the term.
Class Organization:
You will have two options available to help you be successful in your math class this term. You may proceed independently through
your class on A+ (see requirements below) or you may participate in a modified A+/direct instruction class (see requirements below).
Get a folder for this class. Keep it in this room. You will not be allowed to go to another classroom to get your math folder. Your folder
should always include your current chunking sheet and class notes.
Independent A+ Class:
Go through the Study Guide lesson on A+. Take notes on each lesson. Your notes should include any new vocabulary words and
formulas. You should also include example problems as appropriate. Make sure your notes are legible and labeled with the lesson title
at the top.
Take the Practice Test. If you have any questions, please ask.
Take the ten-question Mastery Test. If you score 70% or higher, you have completed this lesson. If you score less than 70% on the
Mastery Test, try the test again. If you score 70% or higher the second time, you have completed this lesson.
If you score at least a 60% on one of your Mastery Test attempts, let me know and I will manually move you on.
If you fail to earn a 60%, you will be given another attempt. Please go over any missed questions with a teacher before attempting
another Mastery Test.
You can use your notes for the Review Tests and Final Exam. When you have questions about a problem on a Review Test or Final
Exam, I will help you find the appropriate information in your notes. If necessary, I will give you similar example problems, but I will not
work out the problems for you.
Modified A+/Direct Instruction Class:
I will provide direct instruction classes on selected A+ lessons for any interested students. During these lessons students will be
expected to take notes and to participate in a paper practice test.
Once the student has completed the paper practice test, I will configure the student’s A+ lesson so he/she can skip the Study Guide
and online Practice Test and proceed directly to the online Mastery Test.
If you score 70% or higher, you have completed this lesson. If you score less than 70% on the Mastery Test, try the test again. If you
score 70% or higher the second time, you have completed this lesson.
If you score at least a 60% on one of your Mastery Test attempts, let me know and I will manually move you on.
If you fail to earn a 60%, you will be given another attempt. Please go over any missed questions with a teacher before attempting
another Mastery Test.
You can use your notes for the Review Tests and Final Exam. When you have questions about a problem on a Review Test or Final
Exam, I will help you find the appropriate information in your notes. If necessary, I will give you similar example problems, but I will not
work out the problems for you.
Class Completion:
Your class will be completed when you have taken sufficient notes, finished all Mastery Tests and Review Tests, and taken the Final
Exam. If any of the above is missing, your classes will be considered incomplete and will not be graded.
When you are finished with your class, it is your responsibility to inform the teacher and turn in your folder with your notes.
Expectations (and things that make me crazy):
Show respect to all students, teachers, staff members, and guests.
Come prepared with a pen or pencil.
No sleeping. If you are too tired to do your work, you are too tired to be at school and you will be sent to ISS. If sleeping continues to be
a problem, a written referral will be issued and parents will be notified.
You must ask for permission to leave the room. Before leaving sign out on the clipboard, take a pass, and sign back in on your return.
No one will be allowed to leave during the first 10 minutes of class or the last 10 minutes of class.
Electronic Device Policy:
All electronic devices must be put away when you enter the classroom, unless previous arrangements have been made with the
Any unauthorized use of an electronic device will result in loss of that device for the rest of the class period. Repeated unauthorized use
of electronic devices will result in the devices turned over to Mrs. Hanna. Refusal to give up the device will result in removal of the
student from the classroom. Continuous violation of this policy will result in a written referral.
NOTE: Please sign the back of this syllabus and return to me.
I agree with the classroom procedures and expectations and will do my best to follow them:
Student Signature: _____________________________
Date: ____________________
Parent Signature: ______________________________
Date: ____________________
Parent Email: _________________________________
Parent Phone:_________________________