June 25, 2011 - St. Mary Magdalen Parish and School

Due to a lack of priests, we will only have 6:30 AM
Mass during July and August on Tuesdays,
Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Mass intentions
scheduled for Mondays and Fridays will be
transferred to other available 6:30 AM Masses.
Body and Blood of Christ, Year A
I am the Bread of Life - June 26, 2011
Deuteronomy 8:2-3, 14-16 - 1 Corinthians 10:16-17
Gospel: John 6:51-58 Eat and live Forever
Gospel Summary – As much as Jesus’ listeners didn’t
understand how Jesus could really mean that they were
to eat His Body and drink His Blood, Jesus made it very
clear that it was precisely what he did mean. Once
again, it was hard for the people of Jesus’ day (and still
hard for us today, too) to understand what Jesus tried to
say because they only thought in earthly, literal terms.
This Gospel passage gives us one of our firm
foundations for the institution of the Eucharist so that, in
faith, we will eat the bread that will give us everlasting
life. Reflection for Families – Many times we prepare
our children for the “big” events in their lives forgetting
how much of life takes place in the ordinary moments.
For example, first communion is often a big production
either at the hands of the parish or how families choose
to dress their children and celebrate after Mass. The
really important message of this Gospel reading,
however, is how joyful and thankful are we when we
receive our one hundredth or one thousandth
communion. Our goal might be to help our children
continue to be thankful and joyful each time they receive
communion. This can happen when they see how happy
we are to receive communion ourselves.
8:30AM Stanley A. Bodalski
5:30PM George Goglia
SUNDAY, June 26
7:30AM Carol Wichser
10:00AM Stanley A. Bodalski
11:30AM Margaret Cavanaugh
5:30PM Michael Ciavardini
MONDAY, June 27
6:30AM Ints. of Nicky Verna
8:30AM Philip McKeon
TUESDAY, June 28
6:30AM Ints. of Nicholas Grzeczkowski
8:30AM Bob Russell
6:30AM Teresa Holden
8:30AM John G. Adams
6:30AM Eleanor Capista
8:30AM Charles Miller
FRIDAY, July 1
6:30AM Concetta & Panfilio D’Amore
8:30AM Ints. of Msgr. Ralph J. Chieffo
8:30AM Connie Allison
5:30PM Ints. of Pauline Walsh
SUNDAY, July 3
7:30AM Florence Fincke
10:00AM Padrig Keane
11:30AM Frances Dougherty
5:30PM People of the Parish
Bringing the Gospel Into the Family – After an
evening meal this week, talk together about how your
family was fed at the meal. Did you affirm one another?
Did you listen to the stories told, the events of each
person’s day?
Think about how each person
individually and together as a family was nourished by
the food and conversation. See if your family can come
up with any similarities to the nourishment of your meal
and the nourishment offered us at Mass and in
community with others.
HOPE MEAL PROGRAM will resume in
September. Hope you all have a nice summer.
Flowers in the Chapel- In memory of Robert Sanders
Adoration will be closed from Friday, July 1st after
the 8:30 Mass until Tuesday, July 5th after the 8:30
AM Mass.
To commit to a Holy Hour please contact Monica 610891-9483 or Shelly 610-353-7739. We are in need of
Adorers on Tuesday @ 2AM. & Saturday @ 1AM. We
are grateful to all our adorers and all who pray for us
Rerun of Little Red Riding Hood
by Monsignor George Grima
Matthew 7:15-20: Jesus said to his disciples: "Beware
of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing,
but underneath are ravenous wolves. By their fruits you
will know them. Do people pick grapes from thorn
bushes, or figs from thistles? Just so, every good tree
bears good fruit, and a rotten tree bears bad fruit. A good
tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a rotten tree bear good
fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut
down and thrown into the fire. So by their fruits you will
know them."
Conversation with Christ: Lord, I am surrounded by
views of the world -- so many opinions, so much
information. I sometimes feel overwhelmed. Let me see
in your vicar on earth, the Pope, the safe and sure path to
follow in the midst of confusion.
Introductory Prayer: Lord, before I can produce anything
lasting in my life, I need to be united to you in prayer.
Aware of my weakness and inclination to sin, I trust all
the more in your forgiveness and mercy. I believe in
your presence in the Eucharist. It gives me the
assurances that you really are with your Church until the
end of time. Petition: Lord, help me to see more easily
the goodness in people around me.
Resolution: I will compliment someone for the hidden,
but lasting, work they are doing for the Kingdom.
The Holy Spirit transfers us from the kingdom of Satan’s
spirit of sin, selfishness and death and transforms us into
the precious children of the kingdom of life and love
through Christ Jesus.
Take time to renew your
commitment to developing a personal friendship with
Jesus by practicing daily prayer, weekly worship, study
of the faith, and performing acts of charity. The Holy
Spirit promises you the grace and guidance to run the
race of fidelity, fight the good fight of faith, and achieve
the eternal reward of life and joy with the Communion
of the Saints, our loved ones who have gone before us.
1. Wolves in Sheepskins: Today we abound with
information, but are short on guidance. The media tell us
that abortion is OK, that stem-cell research on human
embryos is compassionate, that same-sex marriage
equals tolerance. Wayward faithful ignore or insult papal
teachings. "The time will come when people will not
tolerate sound doctrine but, following their own desires
and insatiable curiosity, will accumulate teachers and
will stop listening to the truth and will be diverted to
myths" (2 Timothy 4:3-4). How do I judge what I hear
day by day? How do I gauge what the media tell me? Do
I absorb everything I hear like a sponge? Or do I try to
find out what the Church says on issues? Am I aware of
how much the media can steal my interior peace? That it
can leave me thinking in a very worldly way?
As we celebrate the blessing of the Eucharist, the
spiritual communion that nourishes all believers, pray
that we may pass on the gift of faith to our children. Is
your life with Jesus helping you become a more loving
The wheel diagram: The
Christian life can be
pictured as a wheel. The
rim of the wheel
Christian’s daily life.
The hub of the wheel is
the source of power and
direction for the whole
wheel. It holds the
wheel together. The hub
of the Christian life is
Christ himself (on the throne, the center). In order to
transmit the power and direction from the hub to the rim,
spokes are needed. Some spokes in the Christian life are
prayer, study, service, and community. These are
means to put our whole life in contact with Christ, so
that he can transform it with his power and directions.
2. See The Fruits: Our Lord gives us a good criterion for
gauging the work of other people: We are to look at
what they produce. The people we see daily on
television -- do their lives seem peaceful and happy? Are
their families stable? Often, the most stable among us
are those who live low-key lives. God often chooses to
work outside of the spotlight. He works in those families
that quietly raise their children in the faith. What lasting
fruits am I producing for God? If married, have I been
open to new life? If single, do I dedicate a fair amount of
time to serving others? Do I help my friends learn about
Christ? Do I help worthwhile charities?
3. Misjudging: The problem of judging can go the other
direction. We might think that someone isn’t a good
person, or that he isn´t very talented. Yet we are
surprised, sometimes years later, to find that same
person living in a near-perfect marriage, raising a happy
family, or producing a thriving work of charity. Was our
initial judgment faulty? If so, why? Do we recognize and
appreciate virtue in others? Or are we fixated on the
externals: Their looks? Their wealth? Their bubbly
personality? What does that say about my hierarchy of
Friday 7-8-11 from 2:30PM – 8:30PM in the Parish Hall.
Appointments preferred. Call 800-RED CROSS or sign
up at redcrossblood.org. Enter sponsor code: 2
We want to thank all our STAFF, VOLUNTEERS AND
A time to be baptized: Patrick James Hamill, Kiara
Ricciardi, Luke Augustus Wright.
interested in visiting our new families to share about our
parish activities, contact Joanne Hinkle at 610-892-3998.
Call Peter or Mary Zurbach to sign up for Baptismal
class for all parents. Sponsor Eligibility Letters from the
parishes are needed three weeks before the Baptism. We
ask you to come for instructions before you give birth so
that you can be prepared in choosing your date and
sponsors. We remind all parents and Godparents that
they must be registered and practicing Catholics.
Godparents must be 16 years of age and have received
the Sacrament of Confirmation.
WEDDINGS need to be arranged 6 months ahead. You
need to be a practicing Catholic and registered. At least
one partner must be a practicing and active member of
our parish or their parents. Please call Msgr. Ralph.
We congratulate our members who were inducted
into the Fourth Degree of Patriotism: Grand Knight
Steven Visek, Dr. Barry Tortella, Lee Gardella, Al
Newman, James Newman, and Msgr. Ralph Chieffo
A time to die… George A. Goglia, Brighid Brooks
and Norma D. Hepp Our sympathy and prayers are
extended to the families of our SMM Faith Community
who have died and all the victims of war, and the 4,100
daily abortions.
A time to heal: PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK &
OUR SOLDIERS in harm’s way: Fr. James Hughes,
Flo Albrecht, Baby Vaughan, Nina and Alfonzo Baldi,
Farnsworth Bisbee, Jean Brennan, Bernie Brill, Giana
Campbell, (cousin) Ralph Chieffo, Dave Clark, Nancy
Clay, Fran Cook, Sean Cosden, Regis Cronin, Paul
Daniels, Chris DeFino, Michael Delaney, Carol Desko,
Anna DiDonato, Gennela D’Orazio, Gina DiMarino,
Carla Donato, Tim Dowd, Kathleen Durham, Bobbie
Edwards, Stephanie Egan, Bernadette Farrell, Robert
Franklin, Rev. John Freeman, Katie Gallagher, Bill
Greto, Helen Hartman, Joan Husted, Junka Husted,
Elliott & Henry Johnson, Lucille Konecny, Caren
Pappano Ladd, Lucy Lanzellotti, Joe Malloy, Leo
Maloney, Joseph Manion, Joe MacDonald, Debra
Marcoux, Peggy Matthews,
Rev. James Melle,
Carmella Messina, Al Mestichelli, Cheri & Larry
Minisci, Anne Miniszak, Pat Miniszak, Eustace Mita,
Jr, William O’Brien, Denis O’Brien, Andrea Orsini,
Carolyn Paulson, Bryana Perea, Thomas Preising, Bill
Purner III, Bob Ruggieri, Adeline Ruggieri, Carol
Schwartz, Phyllis Scott, John Shea, Dan Shellington,
Mark Storti, Laura Tomasetti, Joann Trolio, Anthony
Truscello, Louise Veit, Tom Ward Sr., Larry Weathers,
Dr. John Weigele, Francis Wesner.
Call Msgr. Ralph, if you need a priest to offer the
Sacrament of God’s Healing Love – cell 610-389-9541.
We meet the third Thursday of the month at 7:30 PM in
the St. Francis Room. Contact our Grand Knight Steven
Visek at 610-565-0231 or visit our parish website. We
were happy to sponsor the Easter Egg Hunt and assist at
the parish picnic. We look forward to our Pancake
Breakfast on October 2. Come and be a Catholic Knight
practicing faith and building a stronger culture of life.
Thank you so much for all your support with this
Sunday's casserole collection.
We received 27
casseroles this weekend. That is a good number
considering this was a beautiful weekend in June when
many families are away. My thanks to all who cooked
and all who helped with the collection and transporting
of the casseroles over to the school freezer. Your help
to this wonderful Ministry is certainly appreciated.
Thanks also to Mary Ann and Bob Schriver who
delivered over 40 casseroles. The next casserole
Sunday is July 16th & 17th. If you have the energy to
make a casserole but not the time to deliver, please email me at j2215c@aol.com and arrangements will be
made to pick it up. – Joanne Hinkle
No one who desires a Catholic education for their child
should be left out. Catholic families should be able to
receive our share of our tax dollars to educate our sons
and daughters as we so choose. The Opportunity
Scholarship Act (Senate Bill 1) will help thousands of
families make that choice. The Advocates for Catholic
Education in Pennsylvania or ACE-PA is an extensive
network of concerned parents, educators, board
members, alumni and taxpayers who will speak with one
loud voice on behalf of Catholic school students. Signup at www.pachatholi.org/ace-pa and learn more about
what you can do to help pass Senate Bill 1 and make a
brighter future for all children in Pennsylvania.
David & Karen Monastra & Family and Mr. Philip
Luckshire, David & Megan Moore & Family.
See Msgr. Chieffo for a Registration Form after Mass or
stop in our Parish Offices in the lower level Mon
through Fri 8:30AM-4:30 PM. Offices close for lunch
Noon-1PM. If you would like your family and home to
be blessed, please call the parish office. If you are
Let Msgr. Ralph know, if you would like to help.
Bastian: A partial scholarship to Archmere Academy:
James Finnegan: A partial scholarship to Archbishop
Carroll, to Archmere Academy and to Malvern
Preparatory High School: Avelina Gargano: a partial
Scholarship to Country Day School of the Sacred Heart.
Brendan Inglis: a partial Scholarship to Archmere
Academy, to Malvern Preparatory High School, and to
Salesianum High School: Sarah Jensen: an Academic
Scholarship to Merion Mercy Academy: Anh-thu Le:
an Academic Scholarship to Merion Mercy Academy.
Jacqueline Magnarelli: a partial scholarship to Villa
Maria Academy and half scholarship to Archbishop
Carroll. Jason McLarney: a partial scholarship to
Archbishop Carroll High School: Casey Robinson: A
partial Scholarship to Academy of Notre Dame de
Namur, a merit scholarship to Villa Maria Academy, and
an academic scholarship to Merion Mercy Academy.
Bryan Taylor: a partial scholarship to Bishop Shanahan
and to Salesianum.
We are grateful for your generous donations to Catholic
Charities this month. Know you touch many lives by
your kindness. Our SMM Charity Board distributed
$76,634.00 to a variety of charities from the 5% taken
from our weekly collections and special gifts for
Orphanage in Kenya, BVM School, Darby, Mother of
Sorrows School, Philadelphia, Interfaith Hospitality,
Sisters of St. Francis, Bethesda and future SMM
St.Vincent DePaul Conference
June 19th - $19,687.24
Last Year –$16,048.00
The Endowment benefits our school, PREP, Youth
Ministry, and adult formation class.
Mrs. Burke’s Desk…
Have a safe and peace-filled summer!
Celebrate God each week at Mass…we will
see you in September! Registration
information: 610-565-1822 OR 610-5668821. Celebrate our vision for
learning…moral awareness, academic excellence,
responsible citizenship, and cultural development. WE
Presidential Academic Award - The President of the
United States and the Department of Education present a
pin, certificate, and a letter from the president to the
students who have achieved academic excellence by
maintaining a final 8th grade average of 95 or above:
James Finnegan, Jason McLarney, Sarah Jensen,
Casey Robinson, and An-thu Le.
Danielle E. Arra, Corin Renee Barker, Matthew John
Bastian, Jr, Ciara N. Bauwens, Erica Biancaniello,
James V. Covello, Lauren G. DiRenzo, Michael J.
Doyle, Daniela M. Faux, William F. Fediw, Kerri A.
Finley, James M. Finnegan, Nicholas J. Fizzano,
Avelina M. Gargano, II, Matthew A. Gianchetti, Eric
Joseph Goldhorn, Megan H. Halt, Brendan J. Inglis,
Julian G. Jamgochian, Sarah R. Jensen, J. Patrick
Kirk, Brooke E. Lambert, Anh-Thu Le, Taylor N.
Leonhardt, Fiona I. Magnanini, Jacqueline P.
Magnarelli, James A. Maguire, Zachary A. Maylish,
Jason E. McLarney, Kerri Anne Mountz, Carly M.
Naselli, Jack M. Nolen, Conor G. O’Brien, Arianna
M. Orsini, Anthony L. Pacitti, Casey C. Robinson,
Megan Rose Rogers, Shannon C. Rogers, Alexandra
J. Rushton, Marissa A. Spallucci, Michael R.
Szipszky, Bryan E. Taylor, Laurel M. Trevlyn,
Brendan J. Welsh
Altar Servers Award: Matthew Bastain, Jason
McLarney, Avelina Gargano, Jack Nolen, Eric
Goldhorn, Casey Robinson, Sarah Jensen, Michael
The following students excelled academically and
were awarded scholarships: Ciara Bauwens: A partial
scholarship to Merion Mercy Academy: Matthew
Distinguished members of Challenge Program: Ciara
, Fiona Magnanini, James Finnegan,
Szipszky, Anh-thu Le, Laurel Trevlyn, Zachary
Maylish. Altar Server Award, a plaque, a
certificate, and savings bond is presented to Jack
Nolen for his exemplary service.
Citizenship pins are awarded to the following
graduates who have given service to the school by
being members of the Student Council for the
2010-2011 school years: Casey Robinson, Corin
Barker, Bryan Taylor, Jack Nolen, Marisa Spallucci,
and Michael Szipszky.
A Principal’s Award for their cooperation and concern
for others: Corin Barker, Sarah Jensen, Michael
Doyle, Megan Rogers, Kerri Finley, Bryan Taylor
A certificate of Perfect Attendance and a pin is
presented to Matthew Gianchetti.
throughout the year, exemplified moral awareness,
academic excellence, responsible citizenship, and an
appreciation for cultural development. These students
gave service to the parish and community and
cooperated with all school personnel. They are true
examples of a SMM graduate. These scholarships are
awarded to: James Finnegan and Casey Robinson.
Jason McLarney, Anh-thu Le, Casey Robinson,
Marissa Spallucci.
Delaware County Science Fair awards: Danielle
Arra, Third Place Taylor Leonhardt: Second Place in
Consumer Science Jason McLarney: Honorable
Mention in Botany Laurel Trevlyn: Honorable
Mention in Behavioral Science
SMM ALUMNI NEWS: Ann Marie Di Pietro, SMM
Class of 2001, recently received her Master of Science
Nursing Degree from the University of Pennsylvania.
She was a member of Phi Beta Kappa national honor
society throughout her undergraduate and graduate years
and recently Penn honored her with the Sigma Theta
Tau Award of the Graduate School for her academic
achievements, professionalism and leadership during the
Penn graduation. Ann Marie will be licensed as a
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner.
Stephen V. Di Pietro, SMM Class of 2006, was
recently inducted into the Phi Eta Sigma National
Honor Society at Drexel University. Phi Eta Sigma is
the nation’s oldest honor society for first year students
and was founded by Phi Beta Kappa. Stephen was also
named to the Dean’s List at Drexel throughout his
freshman year which he just completed as an
Information Science major. Dan Henry, SMM Class of
2008, and Jonathan Ghaul, SMM Class of 2009, will
row for St. Joe's Prep at the Henley Royal Regatta, and
Elissa Jensen, SMM Class of 2008 will row in the
Merion Mercy Academy Varsity-4 at the Henley
Women's Regatta in late June, all representing the
United States in this international regatta. Another
member of the SMM parish, Emily Buongiorno, will
join Elissa in the MMA boat. SMM has quite a history of
producing nationally ranked rowers. Ryan Fulmer,
SMM Class of 2008, a junior at Devon Preparatory
School, achieved the rank of Eagle Scout on May 25th.
Special Recognition was given to our students for
their participation and leadership on our first
Reading Olympics. Michael Doyle, Anh-thu Le,
Avelina Gargano, Casey Robinson
The Department of Economics of Temple University
in the Stock Market Game: Ciara Bauwens, Megan
Halt, and Casey Robinson.
Math Olympiad Competition: Corin Barker,
Zachary Maylish, James Covello, Bryan Taylor,
Daniela Faux, Brendan Welsh, and Megan Halt.
SMM Math Olympiad highest team achievement:
William Fediw, Anh-thu Le, James Finnegan, Jason
McLarney, Sarah Jensen, and Casey Robinson.
92nd percentile in the Math Olympiad: Matthew
Bastian, Jacqueline Magnarelli, Ciara Bauwens,
Anthony Pacitti, William Fediw, Casey Robinson,
James Finnegan, Marissa Spallucci, Brendan Inglis,
Michael Szipszky, Sarah Jensen. 98th percentile: Anhthu Le, Jason McLarney.
Out of 1,700 students who participated in the
Immaculate Heart of Mary Math Competition,
awards are presented to: Jason McLarney and for
fourth place is presented to: James Finnegan
SMM Home & School present a Citizenship Award
to the students who have displayed an active
involvement in school activities and a spirit of
cooperation with fellow students and faculty to:
Danielle Arra; for Diligence in Study is presented to:
Daniela Faux, and Anh-thu Le
I am grateful to our SMM Class of 2007 who are
graduating from various high schools and responded to
my e-mail to hear about their future plans.
accomplishments! Zachary Adams is graduating with
distinguished honors from Devon and after receiving
many scholarships and admission into the Honors
Program in several schools he selected the University of
North Carolina-Chapel Hill! He knows that not only
does he have his teachers at Devon to thank, but all the
wonderful dedicated teachers and principal at SMM as
well. Samantha Aman will be going to Northeastern
University in Boston. She was accepted into their
Honors College as a political science major, with a
$20,000/year scholarship. . She was also designated as a
Presidential Global Scholar which is a scholarship that
A certificate, a medal, and a savings bond from the
SMM Senior Citizens for being examples of his faith in
practice. The Religion Award: Eric Goldhorn
A medal and a savings bond from SMM School for
General Excellence in Studies: James Finnegan
The Pastor’s Christian Stewardship Scholarships for
$500.00 are awarded to a Catholic High School. These
scholarships are awarded to two students who,
covers expenses for an international internship. Colin
Barker just returned from a service project in Kingston,
Jamaica where he served with four other Malvern
graduates at the Bustamante Children's Hospital and the
Mother Teresa House for the Homeless. Colin is a 2011
graduate from Malvern Prep and will be attending
Gettysburg College this fall. Michael Belczyk will be
going to Temple University in the fall for Applied
Mathematics. Right now, he is interested in becoming
an Actuary. Christian Canavarro writes “I am happy
to inform you that my college plans have been made. I
will be attending the University of Miami in Coral
Gables, Florida where I will be enrolled in the College
of Engineering. I am also planning on becoming a
runner for Miami's Track & Field Team.” Stephanie
Fratoni chose Lehigh University for her future studies.
Skyler Garrison will be attending William and Mary
as a Monroe Scholar (the top 5% of the admitted
class). Tara Halt from Merion Mercy class of 2011 will
be attending Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in
Daytona Beach Florida. Tara will be studying
Aerospace engineering and received a half academic
scholarship for all 4 years from the university. To
continue his education Peter Henson chose Penn State
University. Ian Kelleher is returning from Honduras
after serving on a medical mission with twelve of his
Malvern classmates/teachers. They visited an orphanage
and medical clinic. Conditions were less than acceptable
according to our standards but the boys were happy in
service. Ian is going to attend Lehigh University in the
fall. He was admitted to a very selective program called
IDEAS and will have an integrated major of Biomedical
engineering and biology with hopes of going on to
medical school some day. He is extremely excited about
his choice. Kelsey Kirk will be attending Syracuse
University in the fall. She received a Dean’s
Scholarship and will be studying Pre Medicine. Also,
she recently made the Cheerleading squad so she will
have the privilege of cheering in front of the largest
NCAA home basketball crowd in the country. She is
very excited to get started! Mary McIlvaine has
selected the University of Tampa and will be studying
Danielle Morro chose Villanova
University. Brian Murphy writes: “Next year I will be
attending Saint Joseph's University. I've really enjoyed
the past four years at St. Joseph Prep, but I've always
missed SMM.” Brittany Richards will be attending the
University of South Carolina for Engineering.
Courtney Rowe decided on James Madison University
for her future education. Alexandra La Monaca will be
attending University of Pittsburgh. Alex Westby was
Salutatorian at Cardinal O’Hara High School and be
joining her brother, Luke, at the University of Notre
Dame where she will major in civil engineering.
Congratulations to these former graduates and their
parents! We are very proud of you!!!
Alumni remember to save the date: November 12, 2011
for an All Class Reunion for those who attended SMM
School from 1963 to 2003. Information will be emailed or mailed to those who we have registered in the
association. If you wish to stay in contact simply e-mail
presidentsmm@verizon.net or call Miss Miniszak at
610-566-8821 at ext. 122. Also, we would love to hear
about our former students about what is happening in
their lives. Please e-mail us!
On Pentecost, we celebrated the birthday of the Church
because the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles in
the upper room, giving them the gifts and power to bring
all people into the Church. In the Archdiocese of
Philadelphia, Pentecost Sunday is celebrated at the
Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul with the Cardinal
administering the Sacrament of Confirmation. That same
Holy Spirit which descended on the Apostles also
descends on the Confirmation Candidates, strengthening
their commitment to God and the Church. St. Mary
Magdalen’s own parishioner Anne Croquette was one
of hundreds of Candidates who received the Sacrament
of Confirmation on June 12. Congratulations to Anne
and her family in receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Registrations forms for the 2011-2012 Prep Program
have been mailed to all current Prep families.
Registration forms are also available in the Church
Narthex. Prep families are asked to check for an e-mail
from Deacon James about home visits. Please call with
any concerns or questions at 610-565-5782. Have a great
We welcome Sister Mary James to our parish as our new
PREP director this July 1. We thank Deacon James and
team for their service and they will be helping Sister.
Deacon James will be visiting the PREP Families, so
that we can better serve our children as they partner with
our teachers to make sure our children are formed as
Christians. I will also be visiting our new families so
that we can invite you to join our many ministries. Call
Deacon or me at the Parish offices for a prayerful visit.
Sister will begin her service July 15th. You can welcome
her at her E-mail: prep@stmarymagdalen.net
Interested in joining the fun? Have a donation? Just want
to learn more? Contact: Marie Keith, chairman, 610-5667964, mariekeith@comcast.net.
SMM Employment Network presents:
Linkedln is the world’s largest professional network
with over 100 million members and growing rapidly.
Linkedln connects you to your trusted contacts and helps
you exchange knowledge, ideas, and opportunities with
a broader network of professionals. Come learn how you
can use LINKED IN to improve your network, learn
about potential opportunities and even find a job.
Companies are actively using Linkedln to find talent and
hire employees to help grow their businesses.
you’re not on Linkedln… you’re missing the boat!
Looking for a job? Contact Paul & Barb at 484-4204246 0r e-mail them at smmemploy@gmail.com.
and times of meetings are listed below. Please call
Bonnie Clark (610-353-7930) or one of the facilitators.
Mon 1:00PM: Betty Mulhern 610-353-5035.
Twice monthly: Sue Mita 610-566-4819
Tues 7:30PM (2x a mo): Mary Ann Foster, 566-1399.
Wed 7AM Men’s Group: Don Saleski 610-566-3492 in
Church Gathering Room.
Monthly, Wed: 9:30AM, toddler’s welcome: Jeanne
Barker 610-627-1009.
Thurs. 3 PM: Eleanor O’Rourke, White Horse Village
Thurs 7:30PM: Bonnie Clark (2nd& 4th wks) 610-3537930. If you would like to start a group, call Msgr.
We are grateful for the many volunteers. Pray and
participate and enjoy the blessings of sharing your love.
Please email or call the Healing Ministry and the HOPE
Program and volunteer. Step out in Faith that He is
Leading you. Your Sister in Christ, Anita Morro R.N.
B.S.N. Healing Ministry: anitasmm@verizon.net 610566-8821 ext #121 HOPE Meal Program:
nvernahope@comcast.net. Blessings, Anita Morro
Join us every Tuesday in the chapel at 7:15PM to pray
the Rosary. What a wonderful way to enjoy the blessing
of Jesus & Mary through all our joys, sorrows & glories.
All are invited to attend every Tuesday evening at 7 PM
in the lower BVM Ministry Room. Call Karen Kelly at
Used durable medical equipment for your loved ones:
We have a motorized wheelchair, wheelchairs,
commodes, showers chairs, walkers. Please contact the
Healing Ministry first for any donations, as we only
accept the items that we need and have space enough to
store: anitasmm@verizon.net 610-566-8821 ext. 121
SMM CYO in need of coaches. We are in need of
JV field hockey coach and JV volleyball coach. If
interested, please contact Maureen Rennie
mwardrennie@gmail.com or 610-405-2407.
Father Murphy found a dead mule on the front of the
church and called the local police chief who was antiCatholic. “Chief Jones, can you take care of a dead mule
in the front of our church,” asked Fr. Muphy. Chief
Jones responded sarcastically: “Father, I thought you
priests take care of the last rites.” Father Murphy
quickly answered: “We do, but it is our obligation to
notify the next of kin.”
Delco IHN now has a website!
Please go to
www.dcihn.org and check it out. The website contains 2
informative videos and includes a Pay Pal site for
anyone wishing to make a donation. Find out more
about this ministry and ways you can help. The families
will be back at SMM the weeks of July 17 and August
28. If you would like to help out, go to
www.mysignup.com/smmihn. The sign up sheet for
August will go up later. Feel free to drop off your
donation at any time if Sunday is a hardship. Please
VACATION. Donations by mail can still be sent to
DCIHN PO Box 2384, Chester, PA 19013.
Saturday, July 2
5:30PM – D. Crosson, J. Szipszky
Sunday, July 3
7:30AM –J. Biancaniello, M. McFadden
10:00AM –R. Morro, D. Morrow
11:30AM –A. & J. Lombardi
5:30PM – R. Lairdieson, O. Patane
Our small Faith Sharing group is more a discussion
group with your fellow parishioners using the current
Sunday Mass readings as a kick-off point. Meetings are
kept to an hour in a relaxed, sociable setting. Facilitators