Attendance 100 Letter - Diamond Hall Infant Academy

Date: 16th December 2014
Our ref: att100/welcome
Dear Parent or carer,
We have recently begun working with Diamond Hall Infant Academy with regards to
improving the school attendance level.
Attendance 100 work with numerous schools across the city with a view to improving
school attendance, enabling each child to achieve their academic potential.
Attendance 100’s main priority will be to monitor attendance. However, we are also
here to assist and support you with any issues that may arise which could negatively
affect your child’s attendance at school.
If you do have any queries in future in regards to attendance, please contact
Attendance 100 on the contact details below, and a member of the team will be happy
to assist in any way possible.
Yours sincerely
Steve Hodgson
Service Manager.
M: 07585 123 853