CBC NEWS - Corstorphine Bowling Club

Dear Member - Happy New Year
Clubhouse Development
I am pleased to confirm that the development work began on the first working day of the new year. Site
clearance has been completed and also work on the foundations is underway. There were no ancient
artifacts or bowlers for that matter discovered when the foundations were excavated so the site is of no
further interest to the archeological department. This is good news for us as the club would have been liable
for the cost of any archeological excavations. However, the builder had to dig considerably deeper than
anticipated to reach solid ground and suffice it to say the amount of concrete required for infill will ensure
that come tempest, earthquake or Armageddon, our foundations will not budge.
Members should note that as the work has started a little later than expected the builder will need to truncate
the work schedule. Consequently work on the inside of the building will be done earlier than originally
intended. In fact, substantial progress has already been made. The new disabled toilet and storeroom has
been formed and a temporary security barrier has been installed half way into the gent’s locker room. The
committee is delighted with the speed of progress so far. Despite the ongoing work the committee hopes to
honour all the commitments for use of the premises. People who have booked use of the facilities have been
advised that they will be kept informed as appropriate.
In the meantime members will wish to note that the Monday evening games night will continue as normal.
You will also be happy to know that normal bar opening times will be maintained.
Old Year goes out with festive fun
Over 70 club members and guests enjoyed our last organised event of the year - a festive cabaret with an
uninhibited comedienne. New Year`s Eve also attracted 60 plus revelers determined to see the old year out
with convivial company and a well stocked bar.
All members are urged to attend the AGM scheduled to take place at the clubhouse on Wed 6 Feb
commencing at 7.30pm. Hon Secretary, Ian McLaren, will forward the appropriate correspondence shortly.
To reduce the borrowing requirements for payment of the new facilities in the clubhouse, the committee is
requesting that members come prepared to pay their annual subscriptions at the AGM. As advised in the last
CBC News, subscriptions etc for 2013/14 will remain the same as last year and are as set out below:
Full Member
Entrance Fee: Ladies
Junior Member
Non-playing Member
Under-21 Member
Entry to Mini-leagues
As the Treasurer’s attention will be devoted to AGM matters on the night, it would be appreciated if
members could put their cheque/cash payment in an envelope with their name(s) on it. If you are not able to
make the AGM, please give your subscription to a committee member or leave it behind the bar
Three into four won’t go
When you are 3 games to the good and only need one more to win the doms match you would expect to walk
away from the table with a smile on your face wouldn’t you? Well so did I, but I reckoned with out the guile
and determination of my opponent Bob Leslie. As you can expect, he did meekly profess some remorse for
my disappointment but I have to say it was not glaringly obvious when with a dramatic gesture reminiscent
of Sir John Gielgud in full flow; he slapped down his last dom to take the match and complete a run of 4
wins on the trot! It’s a stupid game anyway! Fortunately, however, a few of us seem to enjoy it and the
Monday games nights continue to prove a popular event. Master of Ceremonies and games organizer Willie
Stoddart advises that the pool table fund is also getting much healthier with over £700 already banked. Our
thanks go to all those who have donated raffle prizes and of course to Alister Paterson for his shoe box fund
raiser. That said, ladies and gents, there is still plenty of room for more contestants if you wish to come
along and join us or if you simply want to come and enjoy the banter.
A warm welcome to new bar staff
Bar convener, Jim Connor extends a warm welcome to Ian Sutherland, Tom Mitchell and Kenny Orr who
have now completed their training and will now be joining the rota for bar volunteers. For the past couple of
years, profits from bar sales are the largest source of income for our club. This is in no small measure due to
the fact that our bar is staffed by volunteers who give their time free of charge and also to the diligence and
Jim and his little helpers who scour the capital to source bargains for bar stock. To maintain this there is still
a need for further volunteers however, so it you feel able to help, even for a few hours, your assistance would
be very much appreciated.
Its lager Jim – but not as we know it
CBC is shortly to go where no club has gone before so put aside your replicators and tricorders, sidle up to
the barman and demand a pint of cold CBC Lager. Don’t be put off if the barman looks like a Klingon or
grasps your cash like a demonic Ferengi, it’s probably just the lighting, an over zealous volunteer or perhaps
its just time to go home. If you don’t fancy the new CBC Lager though you may wish to levitate to the other
end of the bar where you will find a soupson of Scottish Malt or a “wee sensation” as my dad would say.
The Malt of the month at the moment is The Singleton of Dufftown, a smooth mellow dram with notes of
toffee and roasted nuts from the heart of Speyside. This delight has been languishing in space surrounded by
an oak cask for 12 Federation years just waiting for a CBC member to liberate it from its galactic globe. I
am also pleased to announce that very shortly the cost of such interstellar delights will be calculated in half a
parsec on a new supercharged computerized till. Its progress Jim, but not as we know it!
Significant birthday greetings
Happy January birthday to Bob Honeyman
Any suggestions?
CBC news is produced for your information and use. Any suggestions or articles for the news would be
very welcome. Please have a word with me at any time or send an email to jandjmacp@gmail.com .
Dates for the Diary
Club AGM
Wednesday 6 February 2013
Ladies’ Annual Meeting
Tuesday 19 February 2013
Opening Day
Saturday 20 April 2013
Ladies Opening Day
Sunday 21 April 2013
Closing Day
Saturday 21 September 2013
John MacPhail