Career Plan/Portfolio


Career Plan/Portfolio

Directions: You are to develop a career portfolio that you can use to document your career path and plan for your future.

You must include the following components. Where the text is bold , you can use those as headings.


Who am I section that contains personal data such as a.

Name, address, phone, and email b.

List of values and beliefs c.

Personal styles including learning, personality, risk-taking, time management d.

Interests including results of interests inventories e.

Life Roles f.

What I have to offer g.

Work experiences h.

Home and leisure activities i.

What I can do statement (Skills or Abilities) j.

Personal qualities


A Career Exploration Section a.

Description of my ideal job b.

List of career exploration activities c.

Documentation of career exploration in a chose focus area d.

Documentation of exploring training options


A Career Decision Section a.

Model or diagram of model for career decision making b.

Schedule for decisions making c.

Gather information about oneself d.

Document exploration of what’s out there e.

Develop a career grid with ideal jobs and work characteristics, personal characteristics


A Planning and Acting sections a.

Develop a diagram of an action plan b.

Develop a career goal c.

Starting working the action plan d.

Conduct a job search e.

Prepare materials for job search (cover letter, resumes, interview questions) f.

Develop a training/educational checklist g.

Evaluate your progress


Career Portfolio Rubric


9-10 points

Exemplary- no problems, looks great, looks professional, no grammatical or spelling errors

8 points

Sound- a few problems, looks good, a few grammatical or spelling errors


7-8 Points

Beginning- major problems, looks ok, many grammatical or spelling errors

The Career Plan has an attractive, professional cover page. A table of contents is provided along with information about the author and sources used to create the plan

The Who Am I

Section includes information such as personal data, values or beliefs, personal qualities, goals, personal style, interest, life roles, strengths, capabilities, education, work experiences, home/community activities

The Exploration

Section includes information such as ideal job, list of exploration activities, networking, training options, sources of information

The Decision making section includes information on possible careers, decision making strategy, decision making tools, decisions making checklist, and career decision

7 points or less

Not Yet- looks like no time or effort was put forth, sloppy, many grammatical or spelling errors

The career portfolio contains career information provide by the author- that’s you!

The career portfolio is printed, stapled, and turned in with this rubric.

It is personal and does not infringe in copyrights. It is ready to use.

The student was on task for the duration of this assignment and did not use the computer for inappropriate means (i.e. games, email, youtube, etc)


The Planning and

Acting Section includes information on a plan for researching a career goal, training options, job seeking checklist, resumes, job search preparation, progress checklist

The completed portfolio contains all of the types of information needed for an intended audience

The completed portfolio is easy to follow, well organized, and uses a variety of fonts to make it attractive and professional

