Prentice Hall – Earth Science: Types of Rocks Igneous Rocks

Prentice Hall – Earth Science: Types of Rocks
Igneous Rocks (section 7.2)
Formed when _________ or _________ cools and hardens to form rocks
a. Intrusive Igneous :____________________________________________________________
i. Magma b. Extrusive Igneous:____________________________________________________________
i. Lava -
II. Classified according to _______________ & ______________________
a. Glassy – cools very quickly, does not form ____________
i. Examples: _____________________
b. ________-grained - Igneous rock cool relatively quickly at Earth’s surface
i. Examples: ______________________
c. ________-grained - Igneous rock that cools slowly beneath Earth’s surface
i. Examples: ______________________
d. Porphyry – ____________________________________________________________________
i. Examples:_______________________
e. What is Unique about Pumice and Scoria?___________________________________________
III. Crystal Size
a. The texture of an Igneous rock depends on the _________ it takes the rock to harden
i. This time is called the rock’s _________________
ii. Slower cooling rate = _______________________
iii. Faster cooling rate = ________________________
Sedimentary Rocks (section 7.3) About ______% of the rocks on Earth’s surface are sedimentary
I. Formed when _______________ are pressed and cemented together
II. Classified according to ____________________ & __________________(___________________)
a. Clastic Sedimentary Rock
i. Formed from ______________ of rocks
ii. Classified according to _________ & _____________ of the _________________
1. Conglomerates:___________________________________________________
2. Breccia:_________________________________________________________
3. Sandstones:______________________________________________________
4. Mudrocks:_______________________________________________________
a. Examples:________________________
b. Organic Rocks (Nonclastic)
i. Formed directly or indirectly from _________________________________________
1. Examples:__________________________________________
c. Chemical Rocks (Nonclastic)
i. Formed by __________________________ that do not involve living organisms
ii. Evaporites:_____________________________________________________________
1. Examples:________________________________
Metamorphic Rocks (section 7.4)
Formed when already existing rocks _____________________________________________________
II. Types of Metamorphism
a. Contact:______________________________________________________________________
b. Regional:_____________________________________________________________________
III. Classified by texture
a. Foliated:______________________________________________________________________
i. Tend to break along layers/bands
ii. Examples: slate from_________ and gneiss from _________
b. Unfoliated
i. Do not have ____________________________ & do not break ____________________
ii. Examples:______________ from sandstone and ____________ from limestone