• encoding
• storage
• retrieval
• measures of retention and the relative sensitivity of each measure
o recall
o recognition
o re-learning
• relationship between, and properties of (with ability to distinguish
o sensory memory (iconic and echoic)
o short-term memory and
o long-term memory
• short-term memory
o capacity
o effects of rehearsal (maintenance and elaboration)
o chunking
o consolidation theory
o working memory
• long-term memory
o types
 procedural
 declarative
 episodic
 semantic
o organisation of information in long-term memory (as illustrated by
semantic network theory)
• serial position effect;
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• theories of forgetting
o retrieval failure theory
o interference theory
o motivated forgetting
o decay
• the features of the forgetting curve
o be able to graph and interpret
• the contribution of anterograde and retrograde interference effects in
• organic causes of forgetting
o anterograde amnesia
o retrograde amnesia
• memory decline over the life span;
• memory enhancement through
o quality of encoding (organisation)
o the use of context dependent cues
o state dependent cues
o mnemonic devices (narrative chaining and method of loci);
• formation of operational hypotheses related to a memory task
• interpretation of p values;
• ethical principles in the conduct of psychological research related to
behaviours not dependent on learning (and explain their
o reflex action
o fixed action patterns
o behaviours due to maturation
classical conditioning
o Pavlov’s original experiments
o conditioned stimulus
o unconditioned stimulus
o conditioned response
o unconditioned response
o processes of acquisition
o extinction
o stimulus generalisation
o stimulus discrimination
o spontaneous recovery
one-trial learning
o taste aversion;
o distinguish from classical conditioning
trial and error learning
o Thorndike’s puzzle-box experiment;
operant conditioning,
o Skinner’s original experiments (the Skinner box)
o Processes of acquisition,
o extinction,
o stimulus generalisation,
o stimulus discrimination,
o spontaneous recovery;
ethical issues in conditioning behaviour
o Watson’s ‘little Albert’ experiment;
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comparison of classical and operant conditioning,
o role of learner,
o timing of stimulus
o response and nature of response (reflexive/voluntary);
observational learning (modelling) processes:
o attention,
o retention,
o reproduction,
o motivation,
o reinforcement;
Bandura’s experiments with observational learning in children;
‘learning set’ and its influence on future learning.
Research investigation
formation of operational hypotheses
research design methods
o be able to select an appropriate design
ethical considerations
o apply appropriate ethical principles in the conduct of
psychological research;
collection and interpretation of data
apply appropriate statistical measures
o Mean, median, mode and standard deviation must be known
reporting of findings and conclusions
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