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Lesson: Andy Warhol Pop
Art Printmaking
Grade: 4
Pacing: 3 classes
Pop Art/Printmaking
After learning about the pop artist Andy
Warhol, students will create their own pop
art prints using primary paint colors and
everyday objects.
Andy Warhol ppt.
Andy Warhol prints
Teacher made example
Bubble wrap
Primary colors of paint
Glue sticks
White and black paper
EL.15- Students will express ideas and
emotions through artistic choices of media,
techniques, visual form, and subject matter.
EL.5- Students will respond to works of art
through direct observation
Unit Questions:
Lesson Questions:
Can you relate to Andy Warhol’s STYLE of
artwork? If so, how?
What is printmaking?
What is pop art?
What are the primary colors?
What does it mean to have good
Teacher Activities:
Student Activities:
(day 1)
(day 1)
Introduce Andy Warhol and his pop
Students will work with 3 pieces of
art style by showing a power point.
bubble wrap, painting them in primary
Discuss this artist. Show a pre-made colors, and then printing them twice in
example and go over steps and goals
order to get 6 total.
for the day. Do a demonstration,
(day 2)
explaining and showing how the
Students will print either an apple
bubble wrap, once painted/printed,
slice OR a pear slice in each “box” of the
creates an interesting background
printed bubble wrap from the previous
for the printed fruit (which will be
week. Alternating the (primary)
done next class).
colors. Once printed they will cut the
(day 2)
entire square out and glue them in 2
Review color families (can play Greg rows of 3 on 12x18 black construction
Percy’s music talking about primary paper. Outline fruit with black sharpie
and secondary colors. Demonstrate
when paint is dried. Complete a lesson
how to paint the fruit in order to
print it on the already printed
bubble wrap. Prepare a lesson
Students will listen, follow directions,
and use good craftsmanship
(day 3)
throughout the lesson.
Demonstrate how the squares will be
cut out, glued to black paper, and the
fruit outlined.
Talk about craftsmanship and how it
is achieved throughout the project.