Midterm Review - Mentor High School

U.S. History Midterm – Review
Chapter 5
Define: horizontal integration
Define: vertical integration
Identify: American Federation of Labor
Identify: Knights of Labor
Identify: Industrial workers of the world
What was the impact of industrial consolidation on competition between businesses in the late 1800s?
What factors contributed to the rapid growth of industry in the US in the late 19th century?
What were the purpose and provisions of the Sherman Antitrust Act?
Explain the theory of Social Darwinism and how it influenced American society.
Describe factory-working conditions in the late 1800s. Describe how workers tried to change these conditions.
Chapter 6
Define: urbanization
Define: political machine
Define: ward boss
Define: tenement
Define: settlement house
What was the goal of the Americanization movement?
How did political machines operate and who supported them?
List reasons why immigrants came to America in the late 1800s.
Describe the problems in cities in the late 1800s.
What was the purpose of Jim Crow Laws?
List the type of obstacles that kept African Americans from voting in the South in the late 19th century.
What was the impact of the large wave of immigration of Southern and Eastern Europeans on the United States?
What was the decision in the Plessy v. Ferguson court case? Why is it important in American history?
How did Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois differ in their proposals to achieve racial integration?
Define segregation
Explain the conditions of segregation in the South in the late 1800s.
Chapter 7
Define: yellow journalism
Define: imperialism
Define: dollar diplomacy
Identify the purpose of the Roosevelt Corollary.
Define: protectorate
What areas of the world did the US control as a result of the Spanish-American War?
Why did industrial growth in the late 1800s help increase American imperialism?
There will be a reading and questions on the annexation of Hawaii.
What were the advantages of building a canal in Panama?
Explain the causes of American imperialism in the late 19th century.
Chapter 8
Identify: 16th Amendment
Identify: 17th Amendment
Identify: 18th Amendment
Identify: 19th Amendment
List the goals of the Progressive movement.
What were the goals of the NAACP?
What was the impact of the assembly line on American business and workers in the late 19th century?
What was Upton Sinclair’s purpose in writing The Jungle?
There will be a short reading and questions on the Populist Party.
Define: muckraker
Define: recall
Define: initiative
Define: referendum
Define: suffrage
There will be a short reading and questions on the suffragist movement.
Chapter 9
Define: nationalism
Define: militarism
Define: reparations
Identify the purpose of the League of Nations.
Define: armistice
What were the causes of World War I?
List the new types of weapons used in World War I?
Why did many US Senators oppose the League of Nations?
What factors helped to push the US into World War I?
There will be a short passage and questions on the Zimmermann Note.
Why did Russia’s withdrawal from World War I encourage many in the US to enter World War I?
What was the impact of the Espionage and Sedition Acts?
How did World War I influence the suffragist movement?
Explain the main provisions of the Treaty of Versailles. Describe which provisions most angered Germany.
Chapter 10
Define: isolationism
Define: anarchist
Define: communism
Define: flappers
Define: speculation
Who was A. Mitchell Palmer? What did he fear happening to America in the 1920s?
Describe a nativist’s opinion of the immigration quota system enacted in the US in 1921.
What did the Sacco and Vanzetti trials demonstrate about America in the 1920s?
What was the impact of the affordable automobile on the American society in the 1920s?
What was prohibition? Why was it difficult to enforce?
What was the Great Migration?
What was the significance of the Scopes trial in the 1920s?
What was the Harlem Renaissance?
What did fundamentalists dislike about American society in the 1920s?
Explain how Americans developed a new culture in the 1920s. Be able to cite examples of the new American culture.
Chapter 11
What caused a farming crisis in the 1920s?
What were the causes of the Great Depression?
What was Herbert Hoover’s response to the Great Depression? How effect was he?
What economic system works with free enterprise and laissez-faire?
What is buying stock on margin?
What were the long-lasting effects of the Great Depression on many Americans?
Chapter 12
What were the goals of the New Deal?
Which New Deal programs have had a long-lasting impact on American economy?
Under the New Deal, what was the purpose of decreasing farm surpluses?
What was the overall unemployment rate during the Depression?
There will be a reading and questions comparing the First and Second New Deals.
Describe were the causes and the impact of the Dust Bowl?