2015 American History Chapter 19

American History—Chapter 19-23 Questions
Chapter 19
1. What caused WWI? How did nationalism and militarism play an important role?
2. What alliances divided Europe in 1914? Who were the Allies? Central Powers?
3. What happened to Archduke Franz Ferdinand?
4. What was Germany’s plan to win the War?
5. What was trench warefare like during WWI?
6. Why did some Americans oppose the war? Why were some in favor of it?
7. What did Germany do to make the United States enter WWI?
8. What were the Lusitania and the Zimmerman Note? What did they cause?
9. How did the United States raise an army during WWI? (Selective Service Act)
10. How did the US troops affect the spirit of the Allied troops?
11. Who led American troops in WWI? What new weapons were there?
12. What does “shell shock” mean? How does that relate to today?
13. What were some important battles the US fought in?
14. What caused the collapse of Germany? What does Armistice mean?
15. What was the final death toll for the war?
16. How did the war affect the US economy?
17. How did the government raise money for the war? What is propaganda?
18. Why were people becoming so anti-immigrant? What groups were the main targets?
19. What was the Great Migration? What new roles did women have?
20. What happened during the flu epidemic? What effects did this have?
21. Who was Woodrow Wilson? What were his plans for peace? Why were they rejected?
22. What were the main points of the Treaty of Versailles? What does reparations mean? What were some of the weakness
of the treaty? How American’s respond to the treaty?
23. How did the war affect Germany?
24. How did the War affect US power and prestige in throughout the world?
Chapter 20
1. Define and explain the historical significance of the following terms:
 Isolationism
 Communism
 Quota System
 Warren G Harding
 Calvin Coolidge
 Urban Sprawl
2. Why did the United States limit immigration? Was this a good thing?
3. How did Harding’s friends damage his administration?
4. How did the automobile change life in America?
5. How did advertising and credit affect American business?
Chapter 21
1. Define and explain the historical significance of the following terms:
 Prohibition
 Speakeasies
 Bootlegging
 Al Capone
 Flapper
 Charles Lindbergh
 F. Scott Fitzgerald
 Ernest Hemmingway
 Harlem Renaissance
 Louis Armstrong
2. What was life like in the nation’s cities during the 1920’s?
3. What were some of the causes and effects of Prohibition? Was this a good idea or not?
4. What did the fundamentalist believe about the biblical account of creation? How was that different than liberal thinkers?
5. What sort of new rights did women have?
6. Why was it called the “Roaring Twenties”?
7. How did public education change during the 1920s?
8. How did various forms of media help shape American Culture in the 1920s?
9. Which heroes and events inspired America during the 1920s?
10. How did the arts expand during the 1920’s? What was literature like?
11. Why did many African Americas move to the North during this time?
Chapter 22
1. Define and explain the historical significance of the following terms:
 Credit
 Dow Jones Industrial Average
 Speculation
 Black Tuesday
 Great Depression
 Shantytowns
 Soup Kitchens/Bread Lines
 Dust Bowl
 Herbert Hoover
 Federal Home Loan Bank Act
2. What were some of the economic troubles that were occurring during the 1920s? (Farming, Industry)
3. How did the perception of prosperity influence the presidential election in 1928?
4. How did the stock market crash help cause the Great Depression?
5. What happened to banks and business during the Great Depression?
6. How did the Great Depression affect other countries?
7. How did competition for jobs impact race relations during the Great Depression?
8. Why did many farm families leave their farms during the Great Depression?
9. How did the Great Depression affect men and their families? Women?
10. What were some of the long lasting affects of the Great Depression?
11. Why was Hoover reluctant to help people during the Great Depression? What did he try to do? Was his plan successful?
12. Why did Hoover use force against WWI veterans?
Chapter 23
1. Define and explain the historical significance of the following words:
 Franklin Delano Roosevelt
 Eleanor Roosevelt
 Social Security Act
 New Deal Coalition
 Gone with the Wind
 Grant Wood
2. What was the New Deal?
3. Why were Roosevelt’s fireside chats so significant?
4. What did the critics of the New Deal say? Which acts were declared unconstitutional?
5. What was the second new deal? Why was it so popular?
6. How did the government help sharecroppers and migrant workers?
7. How were women treated in the workplace?
8. What sorts of people supported the New Deal? Why?
9. Why were movies popular during the depression?
10. How is the new deal viewed today? What effects did it have on today’s world?
11. What was unique about the New Deal’s social policies?