GMU Fall Class Voice Exam Schedule

GMU Class Voice Syllabus – As of 8/16/2012
Voice Class GMU
MUSI 368 001 (CRN71757) - deLaski Performing Arts Bldg - A323
Instructor: Patricia Hussey
M/W: 5:55-7:10
Phone: Studio – 703/734-3303, Mobile: 703/618-0184
E-mail: - Website:
Course Description
In this class you will learn about the voice, basic vocal technique, singing styles, and issues
that affect performance and vocal health and working with and/or teaching singers.
Required Text
1) The Contemporary Singer- Elements of Vocal Technique, 2nd Edition: Anne
Peckham, Berklee Press.
2) Vocal Wisdom, Maxims of Giovanni Battista Lamperti: Transcribed by
William Earl Brown, Taplinger Publishing Company, NY.
Course Objective& Value to You
Students will learn basic techniques of vocal production with a focus on the Bel Canto
technique of singing and some popular singing techniques. You will learn about breathing,
breath management, phonation, articulation, resonance, support, vocal anatomy, vocal
health and techniques for learning songs, roles and performance practice methods. The
class will also include discussions about musical styles, singing in a foreign language,
cultural influences, differences in solo and choral singing, vocal literature and the use of
IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet), and classical, pop, folk, country and musical theater
singing techniques. As music majors, this course will help you understand the key
components of healthy vocal technique, give you a broader knowledge of what it takes to
be a professional singer, and help you know how to work effectively with singers in an
ensemble, in a chorus or as a teacher or conductor.
Learning Objectives
In this course you will learn about the fundamentals related to vocal technique and come to
understand more about singing so that you can improve your own singing. We will also
discuss the discipline require to sing and perform professionally and also about how to use
the singing voice in a health production in any vocal arena in a solo performance, ensemble
or choral setting. You will learn basic vocalizes to help build vocal technique and you will
learn how to listen and critique a vocal performance. You will be required to learn 2 (two)
songs that you are expected to sing as a soloist for memory with a pianist or taped
recording and 1 (one) class songs that we will learn together. One song is to be memorized
for performance by mid-term and a second song is to be memorized for performance as
part of your final exam. You will also have two written tests: one at mid-term and a final.
Since this is a performance-based class, participation is essential to you success.
Attendance will be taken. If you do not attend class, you will be marked zero for
participation for that class. Missed quizzes and other graded exercises will be made up
only if the student presents valid documentation for having missed class.
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GMU Class Voice Syllabus – As of 8/16/2012
Required Materials:
1) The Contemporary- Elements of Vocal Technique, 2nd Edition: Anne Peckham,
Berklee Press.
2) Vocal Wisdom, Maxims of Giovanni Battista Lamperti: Transcribed by
William Earl Brown, Taplinger Publishing Company, NY.
♬ 2 Vocal Selections – with proper breath marks. (You will select 2 pieces for
performance for materials sent to you via email – song selections must come from
Legit Musical Theater List sent to you or from the Early Italian Songs and Arias
listed on Page 7 of this syllabus.)
♬ Class Song - Caro Mio Ben by Giuseppe Giordani
♬ 3 ring binder - Information to keep in your binder:
o List of Vocal and physical exercises assigned
o Hand-outs sent to you via email
o Notes from reading and class discussion
o Notes for your vocal critiques (3 required as part of your grade)
♬ NOTE - Students should have legal copies of the original songs. Your Vocal
Selections may be copied for class use only. Some music may be available on the
internet public domain for personal use. Photocopies of public domain music are
for personal use only. Please respect copyrights.
♬ How you will be graded:
Grades will be based on averaging the grade you achieve for each item described
50% of you grade will be based on class participation – Since this class requires
performance and physical effort in learning to sing, you will be graded for each
class. Your comments, questions and participation are valued and will make the
class more interesting and successful. You cannot participate if you do not
attend class, therefore you will receive a grade for attendance and active
participation in the class. In addition, Each student will be assigned a date to
lead discussion about specific sections of VOCAL WISDOM. You will receive that
assignment at the first class.
25% of grade will be based on quizzes/mid term & final written portion. Note:
Surprise quizzes may be given at the beginning of the day without notice. If you
have attended class, then questions in the quizzes will not be problematic. You
may use your class notes for surprise quizzes but you may NOT use your notes
for the midterm or the final.
20% of your grade will be based on how well you sing your solo, memorized
pieces. This grade will be based on your personal effort and improvements.
5% or your grade will be based on your Vocal Critiques. Each student is
expected to attend 3 vocal performances and/or recitals and critique the solo
performer using a class-supplied VOCAL EVALUATION FORM. Two of the three must
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GMU Class Voice Syllabus – As of 8/16/2012
be classical performances, either a recital or master class performance. A
program must be submitted along with your critique. Weekly Master Classes
are conducted by voice faculty members that you can attend – students perform
in these classes. If you attend a Master Class to listen/critique a singer, please
obtain the teaching Professor’s permission to attend and a signature on your
critique form if no program is available. Most master classes are open to GMU
music students. You may complete all three vocal critiques by observing and
evaluating three different singers in a Master Class to satisfy this requirement.
Encourage each other, be respectful and find positive things to say about everyone’s
performance. Be on time. When you are performing, dress professionally: leave the
flip-flops, extremely short shorts, bare midriffs, old T-shirts, baseball caps or torn jeans
at home. Your attire will be a part of your grade when you are required to perform.
Solo Vocal Assignments
Please select 2 pieces from the Songs Lists sent to you. You are required to memorize
three pieces, two for your solo performances and one class piece. You will perform one of
your two selections for mid-term and one for your final performance. Both pieces must be
from memory.
Class Song: Caro Mio Ben by Giuseppe Giordani
(available free online in Public Domain)
Read the required text and review the assignments for reading to prepare for classes as
listed in the Course Outline. Feel free to read ahead of the assignments. Periodic hand-outs
will be provided as part of your required reading. Each student will be asked to lead a class
discussion based on the required text.
GMU Fall Class Voice Exam Schedule
Mid Term:
Mon: October 15, 2012 – Written exam
Wed: October 17, 2012 – Perform one vocal piece for memory
(Mid Term will be at regular class time: 4:55-7:10 PM)
Final Exam:
Final Written and Performance Exam:
Monday, December 17, 2012 from 4:30-7:15 PM
The performance pieces for both mid-term and final
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GMU Class Voice Syllabus – As of 8/16/2012
8/27 (Mon)
8/29 (Wed)
9/3 (Mon)
9/5 (Wed)
9/10 (Mon)
9/12 (Wed)
9/17 (Mon)
9/19 (Wed)
Introductions, review of syllabus, required text and materials, quiz. Voice
Categorizing – VOCAL WISDOM assigned dates for each student.
Assignment: 1) Review “Selecting a Song that is Best for You” – select 2 songs by
9/10. Choose the one song you will sing for Mid-Term and one for your Final.
2) Read Chapters 1 & 2 (The Contemporary Singer-TCS)
Review Chapters 1 & 2 fro TCS
Introduce IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) and 5 Primary Vowels
Discuss Song Accompaniment process (Mid-Term, electronic accompaniment,
Final, live accompanist.)
Assignment: 1) Read Chapters 3 & 4 (TCS)
2)Begin reading Vocal Wisdom (VW) (NOTE: Each student will lead a class
discussion on assigned date) 3)Read handout – The Larynx, Basic Anatomy (sent
via email.)
GUEST ARTIST – Sarah Thomas Lennertz
-Review Song Selections and any issues related to picking the right song to sing.
-Ms. Lennertz to introduce issues related to finding a Music Teaching Job and
Challenges you might face being a first-year Music Teacher.
GUEST ARTIST – Professor John Aler - Learning a new song (Class Song example
– Caro Mio Ben – sent to you via email.)
 Review “Steps to Learning A Song” (handout – sent via email)
 Use Caro Mio Ben as sample for how to learn a song.
 Confirm each students solo song selections and have each student sing
through & discuss the song - Why you selected the song; Why is the song
“right” for you; What is the song about; and, share details about the
songwriter/composer. (Students who do not sing tonight , will sing Wed.)
GUEST ARTIST – Professor Lisa Berger – Bringing Your Song To Life (Handout
sent via email.)
 Review 10 Steps to Bringing your Song to Life
 Continue learning about your song – sing through. As time allows,
students who did not sing on Monday, should sing through his/her song.
Discuss the 10 Steps with each student.
 Professor Berger to provide input and feedback about song selections
and interpretation.
Assignment: 1) Be prepared to discuss chapters 3 & 4 (TCS) on 9/17
2)Read “The Singing Process and Your Phonation Machine” sent via email.
Review Chapters 3 & 4 TCS and “The Singing Process”
Introduce Vocal Evaluation Form and Discuss “Suggestions for Vocal Evaluations”
Assignment: 1) Read through “Suggestions for Vocal Evaluations”
2)Complete reading VW through Pp. 22 3)Read Chapter 5&6 of TCS
Review Chapters 5&6 TCS
Student # 1 – Lead Discussion of Vocal Wisdom Pp. 1-11 Q&A with students.
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GMU Class Voice Syllabus – As of 8/16/2012
9/24 (Mon)
9/26 (Wed)
10/1 (Mon)
10/3 (Wed)
10/8 (Mon)
10/9 (Tues)
10/10 (Wed)
10/15 (Mon)
10/17 (Wed)
10/22 (Mon)
10/24 (Wed)
10/29 (Mon)
Assignment: 1) Reach Chapter 7 TCS;
2)Print out Vocal Exercises and bring to class for discussion on 9/24 – sent via
2) Continue reading Vocal Wisdom
NO CLASS – Please use this time to attend a live performance or Master Class
and complete a Vocal Evaluation – First Vocal Evaluation due Mon, 10/1.
Review Chapter 7 TCS - Practicing
Student # 2 Lead Discussion of Vocal Wisdom Pp. 12-23 Q&A with students.
Sing Through Mid-Term Songs
Assignment: 1) Read Chapter 8 TCS 2)Read “Maintaining Optimal Vocal Health”
handout sent via email.
Review Chapter 8 TCS
Sing Through Mid-term Songs
Assignment Due – First Vocal Evaluation Form
Assignment: 1) Read Chapters 9 & 10 TCS 2) Read “Performance Anxiety”
handout sent via email.
GUEST ARTIST – Sarah Thomas Lennertz
Discuss Chapters 9 & 10 and “Performance Anxiety” handout
Sing Through Mid-Term Songs
Student #3 - Lead Discussion of Vocal Wisdom Pp. 24-35 Q&A with students.
Assignment: 1) Read “Arias & Art Songs” and “What is an Art Song” – both sent
via email.
COLUMBUS DAY HOLIDAY (Monday Classes will be held on Tuesday)
Musical Styles – Art Songs, Arias, Music Theater Songs, Folk Songs, other styles.
Sing through Mid-Term Songs
Student # 4 - Lead Discussion of Vocal Wisdom Pp. 36-47 Q&A with students.
Sing through Mid-Term Songs
REVIEW FOR MID TERMS (Written and Performance)
Mid Term – Written
Mid-term – Performances
Assignment: 1) Read Appendix A: Auditioning 2) Continue reading VW
Reviewing Caro Mio Ben
Discuss How to prepare for Auditions
Begin Singing through 2nd Solo Songs
Assignment: 1) Continue Reading Vocal Wisdom
Discussion about Jazz, Pop, Country and other vocal styles
Sing through Final Songs
Student #5 - Lead Discussion of Vocal Wisdom Pp. 48-59 Q&A with students.
Discuss Elements of “How to Bring Your Song to Life”
Continue Singing through Final Songs
Student #6 - Lead Discussion of Vocal Wisdom Pp. 60-71 Q&A with students.
Assignment: 1) Read “Chorus Vocal Training” sent via email.
Choral Techniques and Solo Singing; Working with a Chorus – Class Discussion
Student #7 – Lead Discussion of Vocal Wisdom Pp.72-83 Q&A with students.
Assignment: 1) Continue Reading VW 2) Read What is and Art Song/What is an
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GMU Class Voice Syllabus – As of 8/16/2012
11/7 (Wed)
11/12 (Mon)
11/14 (Wed)
11/19 (Mon)
11/21 (Wed)
11/26 (Mon)
11/28 (Wed)
12/3 (Mon)
12/5 (Wed)
12/10 (Mon)
12/12 (Wed)
12/17 (Mon)
Aria handout sent via email.
Looking at music history, the difference between art songs and arias
Student #8 - Lead Discussion of Vocal Wisdom Pp. 84--95 Q&A with students.
Assignment: 1) Do online research about “How to Select A Voice Teacher” be
prepared for discussion on Wed.
Identifying your vocal strengths and weaknesses and selecting a voice teacher
Improving your diction.
Continue singing through Final Songs
Student #9 - Lead Discussion of Vocal Wisdom Pp. 96--107 Q&A with students.
Students lead class in vocal warm- ups. – How to use the CD that is part of The
Contemporary Singer
Students sing through Final Vocal Songs and discuss key musical and
performance factors.
Student #10 - Lead Discussion of Vocal Wisdom Pp. 108-119 Q&A with students.
Assignment: 1)Review all of The Contemporary Singer 2) Complete Reading of
Vocal Wisdom
Students Perform Final Selections, Do a Self-Evaluation
Student #11 - Lead Discussion of Vocal Wisdom Pp. 120-131 Q&A with students.
Back to basics – review of all important materials and discussion.
Assignment Due – Second Vocal Evaluation Form
Discuss Vocal Evaluations – What are you learning with your critique?
Student #12 - Lead Discussion of Vocal Wisdom Pp. 132-146 Q&A with students.
Assignment: 1)Read “The Accompanist, the Unsung Hero” sent via email.
Preparing your final piece and working with your accompanist.
Sing through Final Songs
Student # 13 - Lead Discussion of Vocal Wisdom focus on area that interests you
Examples of singing techniques using class selections – discussion.
Sing through Final Songs
Open Discussion and Preparing for Final Written Performances
Assignments Due: Third Vocal Evaluation Form
Sing through Final Songs.
LAST DAY OF VOICE CLASS Prepare for Final Performance and Written Exam
Sing through Final Songs as time allows.
4:30-7:15 Written Exam, Final Performances & Celebration!
(Reception after class)
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GMU Class Voice Syllabus – As of 8/16/2012
Early Italian Songs and Arias
Alma Del Core by Cladara
Amarilli, Mia Bella by Caccini
Caro mio ben by Giordani (Class Song)
Che Fiero Costume By Legrenzi
Comme Raggio Di Sol by Caldara
Danza, Danza, Fanciulla Gentile by Durante
Gia Il Sole Dal Gange by Scarlatti, A.
Il Mio Bel Foco by Marcello
Lasciatemi Morire by Monteverdi
Le Violette by Scarlatti, A.
Nel Cor Piu Non Sento by Paisiello
Nina by Pergolesi
Non Posso Disperar by DeLuca
O Cessate Di Piagarmi by Scarlatti, A.
O Del Mio Dolce Ardor by Gluck
Per La Gloria D'Adorarvi by Bononcini
Pieta, Signore by Stradella
Pur Dicesti,O Bocca Bella by Lotti
Se Florindo E Fedele by Scarlatti, A.
Se Tu M'ami, Se Sospi by Pergolesi
Sebben, Crudele by Caldara
Tu Lo Sai by Torelli
Vergin, Tutto Amor by Durante
Vittoria, Mio Core by Carissimi
NOTE: Public Domain will give you free copies of the above music for personal use only.
"Students are expected to attend the class periods of the courses for which they register. Inclass participation is important not only to the individual student, but also to the class as a
whole. Because class participation may be a factor in grading, instructors may use absence,
tardiness, or early departure as de facto evidence of nonparticipation. Students who miss an
exam with an acceptable excuse may be penalized according to the individual instructor's
grading policy, as stated in the course syllabus." (University catalog, p. 35)
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GMU Class Voice Syllabus – As of 8/16/2012
According to the University catalog, all students and faculty are to use their GMU.EDU email
An incomplete grade (IN) is used only if the student requests it in writing. An IN counts as
a failing grade until completed, and it automatically turns into an F if a grade is not turned in
by the deadline in the Schedule of Classes. Contact the registrar for specific details
If you must miss class or will be late, please notify me by email -
You will receive an "F" for participation for that class if you do not notify me. You also must
have a legitimate reason for missing class due to illness or requirement of performance by
the University.
No Cell Phones or Electronic Devices or any kind will be used in class unless you have
my permission or if it is essential to a class assignment.
Academic Integrity: For complete information about the University’s policies on academic
honesty, please see:
GMU Honor Code:
Honor Code: To promote a stronger sense of mutual responsibility, respect, trust, and fairness among
all members of the George Mason University community and with the desire for greater academic and
personal achievement, we, the student members of the university community, have set forth this honor
code: Student members of the George Mason University community pledge not to cheat, plagiarize,
steal, or lie in matters related to academic work.
If you are a student with a disability and you need academic accommodations, please
see me and contact the Office of Disability Services at 703.993.2474. All academic
accommodations must be arranged through that office.
Students must inform the instructor at the beginning of the semester, and the specific
accommodation will be arranged through ODS.
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