chapter outline

I. Prelude to War (1933-1939)
A. The Role of Hitler
B. The “Diplomatic Revolution” (1933-1936)
1. German Rearmament
2. Occupation of the Rhineland
3. New Alliances
C. The Path to War in Europe (1937-1939)
1. Austria
2. Czechoslovakia
3. Poland
D. The Path to War in Asia
1. Japanese Goals in East Asia
II. The Course of World War II
A. Victory and Stalemate
1. Hitler’s Attack in the West
2. The Problem of Britain
3. Invasion of the Soviet Union
B. The War in Asia
C. The Turning Point of the War (1942-1943)
1. Battle of Stalingrad
2. Battle of Midway
D. The Last Years of the War
1. Allied Advances in the West
2. Soviet Offensive in the East
3. Defeat of Japan
III. The New Order
A. The Nazi Empire
1. Plans for an Aryan Racial Empire
2. Economic Exploitation
3. Use of Foreign Workers
B. Resistance Movements
1. Resistance Movements in Nazi-Occupied Europe
2. Resistance Movements in Germany
C. The Holocaust
1. Early Nazi Policy
2 The Death Camps
3. The Other Holocaust
D. The New Order in Asia
IV. The Home Front
A. The Mobilization of Peoples
1. Great Britain
2. The Soviet Union
3. The United States
4. Germany
5. Japan
B. Frontline Civilians: The Bombing of Cities
1. Luftwaffe Attacks
2. The Bombing of Germany
3. The Bombing of Japan: The Atomic Bomb
V. Aftermath of the War: Cold War
A. The Conference at Tehran
1. The Yalta Conference
B. Intensifying Differences
1. The Potsdam Conference
C. The Emergence of the Cold War
VI. Conclusion
1. Aryans
2. Lebensraum
3. “diplomatic revolution”
4. Anglo-German Naval Pact
5. Rhineland
6. Rome-Berlin Axis
7. appeasement
8. Neville Chamberlain
9. Sudentenland
10. Munich Conference
11. “peace in our time”
12. 1939 non-aggression pact
13. Blitzkrieg
14. Maginot Line
15. Dunkirk
16. Winston Churchill
17. Battle of Britain
18. Pearl Harbor
19. Manchukuo
20. Great East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere
21. Grand Alliance
22. Stalingrad
23. Battle of Midway
24. Normandy
25. Battle of Kursk
26. Nazi New Order
27. Claus von Stauffenberg
28. the Holocaust
29. Madagascar Plan
30. Final Solution
31. Einsatzgruppen
32. Auschwitz
33. Wannsee Conference
34. gas chambers
35. “land girls”
36. “Dig for Victory”
37. Great Patriotic War
38. “Night Witches”
39. Albert Speer
40. bushido and kamikaze
41. Luftwaffe
42. the Blitz
43. Arthur Harris
44. Dresden
45. Allied Strategic Bombing Survey
46. Hiroshima and Nagasaki
47. Big Three
48. Yalta
49. Potsdam
50. “an iron curtain”