in-school suspension room

School Year
Principal........................Mrs. Unruh
Assistant Principal.......Mrs. Beliveau
The building opens for use at 8:00 A.M. and closes at 3:45 P.M. You can view our school calendar and other
Mattson activities by visiting to our web site:
Attendance Office...............
Counseling Office...............
Main Office.........................
Dear Students:
Welcome to Mattson Middle School! We expect the 2014-2015 school year to be an outstanding year for you
and one that will be long remembered. As you begin this year, make the commitment to do the best that you
can do. The entire staff is here to help you achieve your goals. Get involved in one or more of the school's
extra curricular activities. With a positive attitude and enthusiastic school spirit, you will be successful and you
will have a great year!
Mrs. Tammy Unruh
Mrs. Judy Beliveau
Assistant Principal
Commitment to Excellence
Kent School District
A leader in educational achievement
Mattson’s Expectations for Success
We believe that each and every student here at Mattson is capable of great things. As such, we expect:
All students are expected to meet high academic standards. Teachers will work with you if you are
having difficulties. However, it is up to you to communicate your needs to your teachers so that they
can provide the best help possible.
Students are expected to be at school every day. If you need to be absent, for any reason, you are
responsible for bringing a note to the attendance office within 48 hours of the absence. You are also
responsible for obtaining and making up any missed work or assignments. Excessive absences and
late arrivals, whether excused or unexcused, will impact your grade.
All students to extend their learning by completing nightly homework. Parents can engage their
children in schoolwork and be an active part of their children’s education by helping ensure
homework completion and understanding.
All students to actively seek productive ways to resolve problems and conflicts. Whether the issue is
with a teacher or a student we expect our students to reach out to a trusted adult for assistance in
solving issues. We expect all students to use school appropriate problem solving strategies.
All students to use the technology provided to enhance their learning. Yes, it is fun to have your very
own computer and it will be tempting to use your laptop for gaming and social networking.
However, we expect every student to act in a responsible manner and only use the laptop for
education purposes.
Your success depends on three essential components: student effort, parent involvement, and school
President – Kevin Oywak
Vice President – Ligaya Herrick
Secretary – Carter Quinlin
Treasurer – Angel Russell
Senators (8th) – Sam Dulay, Noah Young
(Elections for 7th grade senators and classroom representatives will be held this fall)
Your ASB card will cost $15.00 and is an
excellent value! Your card will contain your
name, picture and bus route (if you ride the bus).
The ASB card indicates that you are an official
member of the Mattson Middle School Student
Body. The card allows you to take part in clubs
and activities sponsored by the ASB. You can
purchase your ASB card in the Student Center
before school and at lunch.
ASB Card………………………$15.00
Yearbook w/ASB………………$28.00
W/O ASB……………………$30.00
Art/Shop/FCS Fee………$15.00/Semester
Science Lab Fee……………….$10.00/Year
PE Uniform……………………$17.00
PE Sweatshirt…………………$15.00
Bring a note from parent/guardian excusing the absence or have parent or guardian call the
Attendance Office within 48 hours. Failure to do so may result in discipline.
Report to the Attendance Office BEFORE school.
Receive an Admit Slip from the Attendance Office.
Have teachers sign – leave the slip with your last teacher.
*Excessive absences may impact your grade!
If you have concerns about safety or other issues regarding your success at Mattson, you can make an
appointment to see an administrator by going to the Main Office or by sending an appropriate email using your
Outlook account. Administrators will also address questions and concerns about building policy, dress code and
behavior expectations.
In order to participate in athletics at Mattson, athletes must be passing in at least four subjects in the previous
quarter and have a GPA of at least 2.0. If they are failing in three or more subjects or do not have a GPA of 2.0,
they are ineligible until the 6th week of the season. After five weeks the student will have a grade check and if
he or she is passing four subjects they will become eligible in the 6 th week. To keep all of Mattson’s teams
eligible, it is important that the athletes and parents all understand the following: Students are not to be given
special treatment or privileges on a regular basis to enable them to participate in any non-school activities or
athletic activities; such as reduced practice times, special workouts, late arrivals or early dismissals. Parents, it
is very important to understand that your son or daughter is required to arrive at practice on time or leave early
from practice to participate in any non-school athletic activity. There cannot be any exceptions to this rule.
This rule was put into practice to insure that athletes are properly conditioned for competition.
Athletes may not leave Mattson turnouts to attend Snow Club or any non-school related
 Parents must pick their son or daughter up within 15 minutes of the end of practice.
The athletic program consists of four seasons as follows: 1st Quarter – football and girls’ volleyball, 2nd Quarter
– boys’ basketball and gymnastics, 3rd Quarter – girls’ basketball and wrestling, and 4th Quarter – co-ed track.
Each student at Mattson is assigned a locker; backpacks are to be stored in their locker. Students may bring a
backpack to transport their books and supplies to and from school but it is to remain in their locker during the
day. A backpack is anything that is worn on the back or off the shoulder that’s purpose is to carry books, binder,
There will be no riding of bicycles, skateboards, scooters, shoe skates, etc. on school property. Students must
walk these items on campus and lock them in the bike cage or put them in their locker during the school day.
Fees may be paid in the Main Office before school and during the lunch period. Please make checks payable to
 Cheerleaders will be expected to MAINTAIN AT LEAST A “C” IN ALL CLASSES, and grade
checks will be done periodically to ensure that this standard is being met. This is not the same as
maintaining a 2.0 GPA. You must have no lower that a “C” in all classes. Any member failing to
meet this standard will be put on probation until she brings the cheer coach a progress report showing
that her grades are up to standards.
 A cheerleader on probation will be excused from practice by the advisor until a “C” grade is met. A
probationary member is not eligible to perform at any school event or wear her uniform until off
We have several clubs and activities for students to participate in. Some of them include: Builder’s Club,
Hiking Club, Cheerleaders, S.A.V.E., Spirit Club, STANG Crew, Student Activities Council and Snow Club.
Listen to the daily bulletin for announcements as to when these groups meet.
Mattson Middle School has counseling services available to students throughout the school day. We have one
full time and two half time school counselors. The school counselors assist students with a variety of issues that
may include: peer and family relationships, academic planning and success, career exploration, and decision
making. The counselors are available to help with any issue that a student or parent may need assistance with;
no issue is too big or too small. All discussions are kept confidential unless student safety is a concern.
Referrals to community agencies are available. The school counselors also maintain a lending library of
resources addressing personal and academic topics. Parents and students are welcome to borrow these
resources. If you would like an appointment with your counselor, fill out an appointment slip in the Attendance
Office, put the slip in the box on the door of your counselor’s office, and your counselor will call you in as soon
as possible.
Bring a note from parent/guardian requesting permission to leave school at a certain time.
Report to the Attendance Office before school begins.
Receive an Early Dismissal Slip from the Attendance Office. A parent or guardian must pick
students up in the Attendance Office.
Show the slip to class teacher – report to the Attendance Office to wait for parent or guardian.
Upon returning to school, check in at the Attendance Office.
During your years at Mattson, you will be using many items which belong to the school. These include tools,
books, instruments and many other kinds of materials. If you lose or damage school equipment, you will be
fined a fair repair or replacement value. Please note that if you are using school equipment or materials and
they are stolen from you, it is still your responsibility to pay for them. Textbooks are one of the big items you
must look after; cover them, do not mark in them and do not leave them lying about. Teachers are authorized to
assess fines for uncovered textbooks. Fines are recorded on a Student Fine slip. The original is given to the
student or mailed home to the parent and a copy is kept by the ASB Cashier until the fine is paid. Fines should
be paid immediately upon receipt of notice. Fines not paid during the school year will result in grades and
school records being held at Mattson until all fines are clear. Participation in sports and clubs will not be
1. Bring a note from parent or guardian stating the reason for late arrival to the Attendance Office within
48 hours. Failure to do so will result in discipline.
2. Receive an Admit Slip from the office and report to class.
3. Excessive late arrivals may impact your grade. (Students who accumulate 10 late arrivals to school per
semester, excused or not, will risk the possibility of lower grades, including failure and loss of credit.)
Please note that the school is NOT responsible for your lost or stolen articles. We advise you not to bring items
of value to school. Also, mark with a permanent marking pen your clothing, coats and such. This enables us to
return lost items to you. Valuable items must be described by the student before they will be returned. The lost
and found barrel is in the Attendance Office. Lockers are not secured areas. The school is not responsible for
items lost or stolen (this includes textbooks). Lost and found items from the P.E. lockers are brought to the
Attendance Office at the end of the school year. ALL lost and found items not claimed by the end of June are
given to a local charity.
Students will accept the responsibility for handling their own garbage, recycling their own trays and
cleaning up their own spills, etc.
Students will behave in an orderly, reasonable manner. Running, shouting, throwing objects,
crowding into lines, having others purchase your lunch, being disrespectful to staff or other students,
or taking food out of the cafeteria is not allowed.
Students are to remain in the cafeteria or in the courtyard until the bell rings for the ending of first or
second lunch.
Lockers may be used before and after the lunch period, but not during lunch.
The consequences for violations of the above guidelines for LUNCHROOM BEHAVIOR will result
in lunch detention or other disciplinary actions.
NURSE The schedule of the school nurse is posted on her office door. Any student may see her by making an
appointment through the Attendance Office. Students who become ill should always communicate this to a
staff member so that assistance can be provided. No student is to leave campus without first checking out
through the Attendance Office. Do not report to the nurse between classes unless it is an extreme emergency.
Always go to class first, so your teacher will know where you are.
In addition to illness, family emergencies, doctor or dentist appointments and authorized school activities
cleared in advance, school district policy allows for occasional excused absences on the part of an individual
student if deemed appropriate by the school principal. The principal or his designee will authorize an absence
for prearranged family trips only after the following guidelines have been met:
The request must be made by the parent or guardian in writing to the attendance administrator at
least one week prior to the trip.
The request shall explain the nature and purpose of the trip.
Teachers may request that make-up work be completed prior to the trip. Otherwise, all make-up
work must be completed after the student returns.
The student must take the notification of absence form to each teacher prior to the trip.
If the absence occurs at the end of a semester, all course requirements must be completed prior to
leaving school.
Even if the absence is considered excused, it may adversely affect a student’s grade and/or credit.
Parents who remove their student from school for trips without one week notice may expect that the
absence will be unexcused.
Skyward Family Access allows parents or guardians to look in the teacher’s grade book. All the assignments
and scores are listed for the student. Parents and students will be able to monitor the assignments that have
been turned in, points received for the assignment, and the cumulative quarter grade. In addition, the teacher
can include general and/or individualized notes for parents to read. The Skyward system is secure. No one else
will see the student’s grade information. In order to view the grade information, parents or guardians or
students must login with their personal login and password. Parents with students in other schools can see their
other students’ information. If a computer with Internet access is not available, you can use a computer at the
public library or here at Mattson to access this information. To access your grades, go to the Mattson Website
at> click on Grades Online.
Books are provided by the school for many classes. The textbooks are your responsibility, which means you
should handle them with care and be prepared to pay for any damage that occurs while issued to you.
Textbooks should be covered at all times.
One of our goals at Mattson includes helping students become organized. We strongly encourage all students to
maintain a three-ring binder with dividers.
Remember that according to state law the bus driver is in charge of the bus and passengers. You must obey the
driver promptly and willingly or you may lose your bus riding privileges. Good bus behavior is based mainly
upon respect for others and safety. Please note that all school rules apply on the buses. Once you arrive to
school on the bus, students are to remain on campus. Students are not allowed to take a bus other than their
assigned bus unless parents have obtained prior approval from the transportation office (253-373-7442).
Mattson has a zero tolerance for harassment. It is the Kent School District Policy that all students should be
able to attend and learn in a school setting that is free from all forms of discrimination: creed, race, age, color,
religion, sex, handicap or national origin. Harassment refers to behavior which is not welcome, is personally
offensive and creates uneasiness. Any student who experiences conduct of this sort, or who feels that his or her
school environment has become a hostile environment, should report the matter to their teacher or school
administration immediately. Harassment is prohibited in the workplace or school and may result in suspension.
Some specific examples of behavior considered to be sexual harassment (but not limited to):
 staring or leering that has sexual overtones
 unwanted comments
 suggestive gestures
 sexually demeaning jokes, statements or comments
 spreading sexual gossip
The school environment is an academic setting which promotes learning. Do not bring radios, stereos, MP3
players, skateboards, toys, baseball cards or other items not related to the learning environment on campus.
Any Mattson staff member has the authority to confiscate such items during school hours. Dangerous items
such as guns, knives, chains, martial arts paraphernalia, firecrackers or explosives are not allowed on campus.
Teachers have the authority to remove students from their classes for up to one period for violations of
classroom rules. Students may be removed to stand outside the classroom door, to the In-School Suspension
room or to an administrator. If a student on school premises or in close proximity to school premises, or off
school premises at any school sponsored activity acts inappropriately, it will constitute sufficient cause for
discipline, suspension or expulsion.
In order to prevent serious injury to students and staff, snowball throwing IS NOT permitted on or near the
Mattson campus. Violation will result in disciplinary action.
To make Mattson a safe and productive learning institution, students should…..
 listen carefully and follow directions
 be in their seats and ready to work when the bell rings
 keep their informed of their progress
 bring required materials to class
 keep a neat, well-organized 3-ring binder
 use appropriate language
 show friendship in an acceptable manner
 respond cooperatively to requests from adults
 treat students and staff with courtesy and respect
 walk in the hallways
 be drug, alcohol and tobacco free
 use equipment appropriately
 keep hands and feet to themselves
 be respectful of school and personal property
 clean up after themselves in all areas of the school
 participate in school activities with pride
 be responsible for doing their own work. (Cheating copying or willfully aiding another student will
result in disciplinary action. Discipline will range from loss of credit to suspension.
Any Kent School District student who is determined to have carried a firearm or to have possessed a firearm
on school premises, school provided transportation, or school sponsored activities at any facility shall be
expelled from school for not less than one year (12 months) under RCW 28A.600.420, with notification to
parents and law enforcement. The superintendent of the Kent School District may modify the expulsion of a
student on a case-by-case basis under RCW 28A.600.010.
The school district may also suspend or expel a student for up to one year if the student acts with malice as
defined under RCW 9A.04.110 and displays a device that appears to be a firearm.
After-School Detention is also a school sanction. It is held on Wednesday of each week from 3:07 p.m. to
4:00 p.m. in the In-School Suspension Room. Students are expected to be on time or they will not be allowed
to participate. Under the supervision of an adult, students will be expected to do school work or perform a
service for the school, such as campus clean up duty. Students are required to follow the directions of the
supervisor and work for one hour. If students are dismissed early for lack of cooperation, or if they fail to show
up, further discipline will be assigned. Students should report to the Main Office or an assigned classroom for
their detention. You are responsible to remember the date of your After-School Detention without a reminder.
Failure to receive a reminder notice will not be a valid excuse for not attending. Students who don’t show will
spend the next day in I.S.S.
Lunch Detention is a school sanction. It will be held Monday through Friday during lunch period (30 minutes)
in the lunchroom. On the day of your lunchroom duty, you may bring your lunch or buy lunch in the cafeteria.
You will eat in the lunch detention area. You will not be allowed to eat with friends or go outside. If you
have lunch detention, you are expected to be in the lunch detention area at the tardy bell, you will wait there
until you’re released to get your lunch. Once you have your lunch you are to report back to the lunch detention
area promptly. If you take too long, you may be given extra days. A missed lunch detention will result in
further discipline. Teachers may assign lunch detention or it may be assigned by administration. A notice of
your lunch duty will be sent to you via email.
Lunch Detention Guidelines:
1. You are responsible to remember the date of your Lunch Detention without a reminder. Your name will
be posted on a board that is located on the Lunch Detention wall.
2. Students check in at the lunch detention table and wait to be released to get their lunch.
3. Students will sit quietly and eat their lunches. There will be no talking, passing notes, card games or
computer usage.
4. Students in Lunch Detention are not allowed to access the snack line. You will be allowed to buy a school
lunch if necessary.
5. You are not allowed to leave the Lunch Detention area. This includes bathroom and/or water breaks. This
can be taken care of during passing period before or after your lunch.
The In-School Suspension room is used for several reasons. This is a quiet place where you are expected to
work at bringing yourself under control. If a teacher feels you are out of control, or not ready to participate in
the learning activity, or for other reasons that the teacher may feel are appropriate, he/she may call a Code Blue
and you may be sent to the In-School Suspension room for the period, or part of the school day. Students must
have permission from their teacher if they are leaving class to access the In-School Suspension Room. If a
student leaves class to go to the In-School Suspension Room without permission, he/she will be considered
Students who miss any part or all of a school day without a legitimate excuse are considered truant. This
includes missing part or all of any single class or leaving a class without permission. All students who arrive
on campus, either before the start of the school day or during school hours, must remain on campus
unless given permission by a parent to leave. Students violating this rule will be considered truant and will
be referred to the administration.
The purpose of after school activities is to have fun in a safe way. We hope to avoid problems that will create a
dangerous situation for students. It is also our wish that students who attend the activities will enjoy themselves
without fear of injury. Please follow the guidelines listed below to ensure the safety of all students as well as
the continuation of activities at Mattson.
1. Doors to the M/P (Multi-Purpose) Room will not open before the starting time of the activity.
2. Only Mattson students are allowed at activities. It is a closed campus situation.
3. Once you enter, you must remain inside. You will not be allowed to leave unless a parent/guardian is
present to pick you up.
4. No horseplay is allowed (e.g. running, piggyback riding, standing on tables, throwing objects, etc.) Rule #4
is a safety rule. If the activity you want to do is unsafe, then it is not allowed.
5. There will no inappropriate or offensive style dancing (e.g. moshing, slam dancing, bump and grind, etc.).
6. The school dress code will apply for all activities.
7. There will be no physical display of affection. This includes kissing, inappropriate embraces or hands in
inappropriate places.
8. All school rules including those concerning alcohol and tobacco are in effect at the activity.
9. Students are expected to be picked up within 15 minutes following the end of the activity.
Students who fail to comply with the rules will be removed to the office and parents will be notified.
Further disciplinary action may be taken, including exclusion from future activities.
Students at Mattson Middle School who have accumulated fifteen (15) absences per semester, regardless of
being excused or unexcused, face the possibility of failing the class. Failure to attend school for twenty (20)
consecutive days will result in an automatic withdrawal. An unexcused tardy to class that is more than ten (10)
minutes late will be considered an unexcused absence. A letter will go home after the tenth absence to inform
parents of their student’s standing. After the tenth absence from any one class, an administrator may request a
parent-student conference to discuss an education plan for the student to avoid possible failure and to discuss
any extenuating circumstances. Teachers may provide student work for those days missed due to extended
family trips during the school year. Parents must notify the school at least five (5) days prior to leaving for
a family trip or vacation. School planned field trips/activities DO NOT count as one of the fifteen absences.
Absences are only excused for the following reasons: illness, doctor/dental appointment, religious observance,
funeral or court date, family emergencies, disciplinary actions, or school-approved activities. Oversleeping is
not considered an excused absence or excused late arrival, unless there is reason given in writing, (i.e. overslept
because was not feeling well.) Absences or late arrivals must be excused within 48 hours or they will be
counted as unexcused.
Accumulated unexcused absences will cause students to become subject to the BECCA Bill (Washington
State’s Compulsory Attendance Law, RCW 28A.225). Any failure to comply with the law may subject the
student to legal sanctions.
Unexcused tardies to any one class will be assigned the following discipline:
1st: Verbal warning
Teacher assigns lunch detention and contacts parent
Teacher assigns 2 lunch detentions and contacts parent
Administrator assigns After School Detention, tardy contract signed, and contacts parent
Administrator assigns one day of In School Suspension and contacts parent
Parent, Student, Administrator meeting required and progressive discipline will be assigned.
This policy is to provide direction and clarification to students for the use of any audio-visual, computer and/or
electronic equipment. Hardware and software at Mattson is to be used by students under the supervision of a
staff member. Students are not to use any electronic equipment in a dangerous manner which could cause
injury or damage to the student, others and/or equipment. Students are prohibited from using any equipment to
intimidate, harass and/or disrupt the curricular function of the school. Electronic equipment used to view or to
express verbal and/or written communication must meet the guidelines of the Kent School District Policies
8420, 3320 and 3221. These policies prohibit the use of vulgarity and/or offensive terms; being libelous,
obscene or profane; causing a substantial disruption of the school; invading the privacy of others; demeaning
any race, religion, gender or ethnic group; advocating the violation of the law; or advertising tobacco products,
liquor, illicit drugs or drug paraphernalia. Failure to comply with the usage policy will result in loss of
privileges and may include additional school discipline.
A student shall not intentionally cause the substantial and material disruption of any school operation (e.g.
horseplay, academic dishonesty, inappropriate display of affection, insulting or verbal abuse to any staff
member, etc.). Failure to comply will result in school discipline.
Students who report to school wearing clothing that is distracting to the educational process or is dangerous to
health and safety will be directed to change into appropriate clothes. The following guidelines pertaining to
wearing extremely brief clothing will be in effect throughout the entire school year:
 No bare midriff or showing of underwear (eg. boxer shorts, etc.)
 No upper attire with plunging necklines that shows cleavage
 Skirts and shorts must be longer than fingertip length
 No blankets
 Hoods are not permitted to be worn during school hours
 No slippers
 No wearing of mouth art (grills, glow sticks, etc.)
Also, clothing that advertises/promotes drugs, sex, tobacco or alcohol, or clothing that displays representations
of hate or anti-establishment (eg. swastikas, confederate flags, anarchism) are not permitted. Hats are not to be
worn or displayed during the school day (see hat rule below). Additionally, clothing or behaviors that are
identified with gang affiliation (eg. wearing of colors, bandanas, head bands, sagging) is not allowed. The
wearing of chains (metal or otherwise) is not allowed.
Electronic devices/toys are not allowed during school hours from 8:30 a.m. to 3:01 p.m. (e.g. music players,
headphones, cd’s, pagers, cell phones, electronic games, etc). Cameras are only allowed during the last week of
school. Items will be confiscated and school discipline enforced. Confiscated items must be picked up by
parents/guardians. The school is not responsible if any of these items are stolen. The progression of discipline
for cell phone confiscation is as follows:
 First offense: Student’s phone will be confiscated, turned in to the Main Office and will be returned
only to the parent.
Second Offense: Student’s phone is confiscated and the parent must make an appointment to
conference with an administrator.
Third Offense: Student will be suspended for two school days for non-compliance with school
Mattson Middle School has a zero-tolerance for harassment. It is a strongly upheld belief that all students
should be able to attend school and learn in a social environment that is free of any and all forms of harassment
and discrimination. Students have the right to be treated with respect and civility and have the responsibility to
treat others the same. Harassment is prohibited in the work place and school and may result in a suspension.
Sexual Harassment: Occurs when sexual or other gender based physical or verbal conduct interferes with an
individual’s work or school performance. It also occurs if the conduct creates an intimidating, hostile or
offensive work or school environment. Sexual harassment includes offensive sexual flirtations, advances or
propositions, continued or verbal abuse of a sexual nature, graphic or degrading verbal comments about an
individual or about his/her appearance, the display of sexually suggestive objects or pictures, any offensive or
abusive physical contact or otherwise making another individual feel threatened or uncomfortable.
Racial Harassment: Occurs when racial or other ethnic based verbal conduct or use of physical gesture(s)
interferes with an individual’s work or school performance. It also occurs if the conduct creates an
intimidating, hostile or offensive work or school environment. Racial harassment includes racial slurs,
regardless of intent, gestures, name calling, taunting, teasing, jokes, demeaning comments or graphic
representations (e.g. swastikas, confederate flags, and display of anarchism) or otherwise making another
individual feel threatened or uncomfortable. Notification Procedures: If you feel you have been harassed, you
have a right to file a complaint that will be investigated. Please report your complaint to any staff member in
the building. If that adult is not an administrator, the adult must report your complaint to an administrator.
In keeping with the school board policy, hats or any type of headwear that is not culturally approved are not to
be worn or displayed inside Mattson. This means hats must be removed upon entering the building &
immediately stored in their locker. In other words, they are to be kept out of sight. If you choose to bring a
hat to school, either keep it in your locker or in your bag. If you choose to wear or display your hat on campus,
it will be confiscated and can be picked up after school by your parents.
Mattson Middle School library is located in the center of campus and is staffed with a full-time librarian /
library teacher and a library assistant / secretary. The library houses over 10,000 books, A-V materials and
equipment for staff, various magazines and newspapers, and vertical file items (pamphlets, brochures, pictures,
maps) – in addition, there are 18 computers, one teaching station (computer + projector), one scanner, and two
printers. A carefully monitored color printer is also available.
 Hours – Our goal is to have the library open as much as possible for student use. Toward that end, we
are open during the entire school day, including all three lunch periods. We also try to be open at least
15 minutes before school starts and 15 minutes after school ends. Exceptions are made to accommodate
meetings and special performances or functions. The open hours are posted on the library door, where
notices of special hours or changes are also noted.
 Passes – To use the library during school hours, a building pass is required. These are obtained from
classroom teachers and/or administrators. To come to the library during what remains of a student’s
lunch time, a special lunch pass must be obtained from and signed by a faculty member. This pass
indicates what materials/equipment the student will be using and for what purpose.
 Check-out/Check-in Policies – Each student should have at least one book to read during the special
reading time (15 minutes) each day. Please take care of your books and be aware of the following
library policies:
o Each student may have three items checked out at the same time.
o Loan periods: Books - three weeks
Magazines – one week
Reference – library use only, or sometimes overnight
Renewals – one week at a time, as needed
o Your ID card is used for checkout; please remember to bring it!
o Books can be returned to the library or the attendance office.
Fines – We do charge for overdue, damaged, or lost books and magazines! All fines are payable in the
library. Failure to take care of library issues may result in loss of certain privileges (library checkout,
participation in special extracurricular activities).
o Overdue items – A charge of 10¢/day (excluding weekends, holidays, etc.) is charged for late
books. Since all items are stamped with due dates and since students may renew as many
times as needed (within reason), the number of overdues should be minimal.
o Lost items – Replacement costs are determined by the cost of the book, plus an additional $2
- $3 fee to cover processing, barcodes, labels, jackets, protective coverings,
shipping/handling, and tax. If an item has been paid for, the student has two more months in
which to find the lost item. After that time, the payment is not refundable, as the library will
have ordered a replacement copy. Exceptions may be made only for out-of-print books.
Translation: If you find a book less than two months after you have paid for it, please return
it to the library immediately so that you can get a refund. If you find a book more than two
months after you have paid for it, the book is now yours.
o Damaged items – Fines will be assessed for damage that goes beyond the normal wear-andtear expected with library books. They will vary with the degree of damage. Please do not
attempt to repair books on your own. This often results in more damage and makes it
impossible for us to do the necessary repairs.
Computers – Computers are to be used only for school-related work.
o There is to be no messaging, downloading, or unauthorized e-mailing on school computers.
o All students using the Internet must display their ID card, with a “net” sticker attached.
Common-Sense Rules – Use your brain before you act or speak!
o Watch your behavior.
 Enter and leave the library quietly.
 Use quiet voices.
 No horseplay, running, pushing, etc.
o No food or drink is allowed in the library. (We do have a drinking fountain, though!)
o Take care of library materials.
 Use bookmarks; please do not dog-ear (bend) the pages.
 Keep books away from water, food, and pets.
 Do not loan library books to friends; they are checked out to you.
o Be polite and respect the right of others to work in peace.
o Return all items to proper place when you leave.
 Push in your chairs before you leave.
 Completely log out of computers when you are done.
 When in doubt, put it on a cart! (To preclude books being put in the wrong place,
please put stray books on one of the shelving carts.)
 Clean up your work area.
Setting off false alarms, discharging or stealing fire extinguishers, damaging a fire extinguisher or the alarm
system will not be tolerated. School discipline and restitution will apply. Police may be notified.
(With regard to tobacco, alcohol and/or substance abuse)
Please refer to the Kent School District Student Athletic Handbook for a comprehensive look at the rules
and sanctions.
Alcohol and/or Substance Abuse Definitions/Terms:
The act of having a substance in one’s custody or control. Actual possession
occurs when the item is in the physical custody of the person charged with
Actual Possession:
Constructive Possession: In the absence of physical possession, if there is dominion and control over
the substance - such as knowledge that alcohol, tobacco, legend drugs or
illegal substances are available and/or being used by others - student athletes
have a responsibility to remove themselves, beyond all reasonable doubt and
proximity, from the situation. At off campus events, where drugs, alcohol or
other illegal substances are evident, student athletes who have made a willful
choice to remain at the event, are in violation of this rule.
Physical consumption of a substance by means of inhalation, snorting,
drinking, absorption, injection or any other method which produces an
intoxicating or mental/physical altering effect.
The act of distributing an illegal substance by means of exchanging
substances for an agree sum of money or other valuable consideration.
Close in distance, time or relationship (commingling or interacting) with
other students coming or going from a social gathering, whether inside
location or outside (yard/street/ neighborhood).
The process by which an administrator/coach arrives at a conclusion
regarding a student’s involvement in an athletic code infraction. The
decision will be based on evidence, either verbal or written.
Discovery-Self Admittance Student athletes who admit to their involvement in an athletic code
infraction and who are cooperative and honest in the investigative process
regarding alleged code infractions.
Student athletes who report self-infractions to school administrator prior to
any investigation or inquire by school administrators or staff.
 Sanctions will carry over from eighth grade to senior high school and from seventh grade to eighth
grade. Seventh grade infractions will not carry over to senior high school.
ALCOHOL TOBACCO AND/OR SUBSTANCE ABUSE: For on or off campus violations in regard to use
of alcohol, tobacco and/or substance abuse for student athletes, the following sanctions apply:
1st Violation: IN SEASON
Means of Discovery
Actual Possession,
Constructive Possession
Expulsion – 25 days or Expulsion – 20 days or
Self Admittance
Self Referral
length of current season,
whichever is longer
Suspension – 25 days/10
days maximum may be held
in abeyance by the principal
Suspension – 25 days/15
days maximum may be held
in abeyance by principal
length of current season,
whichever is longer
Suspension – 20 days/12
days maximum may be held
in abeyance by the principal
Suspension – 20 days/15
days maximum may be held
in abeyance by principal
1st Violation: OUT OF SEASON
The student athlete will be placed on suspension for the first 15 turnout days during the next completed
sports season in which the student athlete participates; also, the student athlete will miss the first
interscholastic contest to follow this suspension if no interscholastic contest should fall within the
suspension period.
2nd Violation: IN OR OUT OF SEASON
Whether in season or out of season, a second violation of the athletic code for alcohol and/or substance
abuse will result in expulsion from all sports in the Kent School District for one calendar year. If a student
athlete completes tobacco, drug/alcohol dependency assessment and subsequent recommendation, the
principal may reduce sanction to suspension from the first 50% of game contests for the next completed
sports season.
3rd Violation: IN OR OUT OF SEASON
Whether in season or out of season, a third violation of the athletic code for alcohol and/or substance
abuse will result in expulsion from all sports in the Kent School District.
Application for reinstatement following any form of athletic discipline will be accepted by the principal upon
completion of the following:
 Letter of intent and purpose for reinstatement
 Drug, tobacco and/or alcohol assessment by an individual or agency that is acceptable to the school
district. Results will be shared with family and school administration.
 Proof that a tobacco, drug/alcohol, counseling, or preventive education program has been completed.
The principal may waive any and or all of the requirements above if deemed appropriate. Final decision for
reinstatement resides with the school principal.
Compulsory Attendance Law
Parents of any child eight years of age and under eighteen years of age will cause such child to attend school
and the child will have the responsibility to attend for the full time when school may be in session, unless the
child is enrolled in an approved private school or is receiving home-based instruction. If a parent enrolls a child
who is six or seven years old in a public school, the child is then required to attend and that parent has the
responsibility to ensure that the child attends school while it is in session.
Exceptions may be granted by the superintendent for children who are fifteen years of age or older if the child
has the following circumstances:
The student is physically or mentally unable to attend school:
The student is attending a residential school operated by the Department of Social and Health
The student’s parents have requested a temporary absence for purposes agreed to by the district and
which will not cause a serious adverse effect on the student’s educational process;
The student is sixteen years of age, regularly and lawfully employed and either has parent
permission or is emancipated pursuant to R.C.W. 13.64;
The student has met graduation requirements;
The student has received a certificate of educational competence (GED).
Any law enforcement officer authorized to make arrests can take a truant child into custody without a warrant
and must then deliver the child to the parent or to the school.
The district will not require enrollment in coursework which exceeds the enrollment time necessary for a
student to meet established course, credit and test requirements for high school graduation.
Kent School District Discipline Policy
All certificated teachers, school administrators, school bus drivers, and any other school employees designated
by the board shall have the authority to discipline students for any disruptive or disorderly conduct while under
his/her supervision on or off the campus. The sanctions will be the same whether the violation was on or off
No form of discipline shall be administered in such a manner as to prevent a student from accomplishing
specific academic grade, subject or graduation requirements or adversely affect a student’s academic grade or
credit in a subject or course because of tardiness or absences except to the extent that the student’s attendance
and/or participation is related to the instructional objective of the subject or course and such attendance and/or
participation has been identified pursuant to school district policy as a basis for grading.
Detention may be given for up to 75 minutes after regular student dismissal time, but will not extend beyond
bus departure time, unless prior arrangements have been made with the student’s parents or guardians.
Emergency removal shall continue only until the danger or threat ceases or the principal imposes discipline,
suspension, or expulsion. The principal shall meet with the student as soon as reasonably possible following the
student’s removal in order to initiate corrective action and not later than the commencement of the next school
Corporal punishment is not authorized, but district staff may use reasonable force when deemed necessary to
restrain a student or prevent harm to others.
Discipline: All forms of corrective punishment other than suspension or expulsion. It shall include, but not be
limited to, the removal of a student from a class or activity by a teacher or administrator.
Emergency Removal: Immediate removal of a student from class or activity because, in the opinion of the
teacher or administrator, that student poses either an immediate and continuing danger to him/herself, other
students, or school personnel, or poses a threat of substantial disruption to the educational process.
Suspension: The denial of the right of attendance at any single class or any full schedule of classes, or at any
other activity conducted on or by the school district for a stated period of time.
Short-Term Suspension: A suspension for all or any portion of a calendar day up to and not exceeding ten
(10) consecutive school days.
Long-Term Suspension: A suspension for more than ten (10) consecutive school days.
Expulsion: The denial of the right of attendance at any single class or any full schedule of classes, or at any
other activity conducted on or by the school district for an indefinite period of time. Emergency Expulsion is
immediate removal of the student from school for posing an immediate and/or continuing danger or disruption.
Exceptional misconduct: Is a violation of school district rules of student conduct which is so frequent in
occurrence or so serious in nature and/or is so serious in terms of the disruptive effect upon the operation of the
school(s) as to warrant an immediate resort to short- or long-term suspension.
Short-term suspension: No student in grades kindergarten through four (4) shall receive a short-term
suspension for more than a total of ten (10) school days in any semester or trimester, and no loss of grades or
credit shall occur because of the suspension. No student in grades five (5) and above shall receive short-term
suspensions for more than a total of fifteen (15) school days in a single semester, or ten (10) days in any
trimester. Any student so suspended may make up assignments and tests if they have a substantial effect upon
his/her grades or if failure to make up the work would cause him/her to fail the course.
Prior to the suspension, a conference with the student shall be held in which an oral or written notice of the
alleged misconduct and violations, the evidence in support of the charge, and the corrective action to be taken
shall be provided. The student shall then be given the opportunity to present his/her explanation. If the
suspension exceeds one (1) calendar day, the parent shall be notified of the reasons and the right to a conference
to discuss the length of the suspension and to resolve any other grievance relative to the suspension.
Grievance Procedure for Discipline and Short-Term Suspension: Any student, parent, or guardian who is
aggrieved by the imposition of discipline and/or short-term suspension has the right to an informal conference
with the principal and staff members involved for the purpose of resolving the grievance. If, after the
conference, the student, parent, or guardian is still aggrieved, he/she may, upon two (2) school business days
prior notice, present a written and/or oral grievance to the superintendent or his/her designee. If the grievance is
not resolved, the student, parent, or guardian, upon two (2) school business days prior notice, shall have the
right to present a written and/or oral grievance to the board at its next regular meeting. A closed meeting will be
held for the purpose of considering the grievance. Notification of the decision shall be delivered, in writing,
within ten (10) school business days following the meeting. The disciplinary action or short-term suspension
shall continue throughout the grievance process unless the principal decides to postpone such action.
Long-Term Suspension and Expulsion: No student in grades kindergarten through four (4) shall receive a
long-term suspension and no loss of grades or credit shall occur because of the suspension. No student in grades
five (5) and above shall receive a long-term suspension that causes him/her to lose academic grades or credit for
in excess of one semester, or equivalent, during the same school year. No long-term suspension shall be
imposed until written notice has been delivered by certified mail or in person to the student and parent. The
notice shall specify the violation; notify the student of his/her rights to a hearing and indicate that a request for a
hearing must be received by the school authority by the end of the third day after the suspension letter was
received. If a reply is not received within this three (3) day period, the right to a hearing shall have been
considered waived and the suspension may be imposed.
Expulsion: No student shall be expelled unless other forms of corrective action or punishment have failed
unless there is a good reason to believe that other methods would fail if employed. Carrying a firearm onto
school premises, school-provided transportation, or areas of facilities while being used exclusively by public or
private schools shall result in expulsion. Notice procedure for expulsion shall be the same as for long-term
suspension. See above.
Emergency Expulsion: This sanction may be imposed if the expelling authority has good and sufficient reason
to believe that the student poses an immediate and continuing danger to him/her self or others or is a threat of
substantial disruption to the educational process. The expulsion shall continue until a hearing is held and a final
determination reached or until the danger or disruption has been determined to no longer exist. Notice
procedure for emergency expulsion shall be the same as for long-term suspension and expulsion with the
following exceptions: The written notice must be delivered or post marked within 24 hours of the expulsion
and attempts to telephone the parent or guardian shall be made as soon as reasonably possible; the student or
parent shall have ten (10) school business days in which to submit a written request for a hearing.
Hearing Procedure for Long-Term Suspension and Expulsion: Long-term suspension or expulsion hearings
will begin within three (3) school business days after the school authority receives such a request and will be
conducted by an officer appointed by the superintendent. Documentary and other physical evidence may be
inspected by students, parents, and school authorities prior to the hearing. The students shall have the following
rights at the hearing:
The opportunity to be represented by counsel;
The opportunity to express his or her explanation;
The opportunity to present evidence and witnesses; and
The opportunity to question witnesses appearing for the district.
Appeal Procedures to Board of Directors: Notice that the student wishes to appeal the decision from the
hearing shall be provided to the superintendent’s office within three (3) days of receipt of the hearing decision.
The board of directors shall schedule and hold an informal conference to review the matter within ten (10)
school business days from the receipt of the appeal. The suspension or expulsion may be imposed during the
appeal period subject to the following conditions and limitations:
A long-term suspension or non-emergency expulsion may be imposed during the appeal period of no
more than ten (10) consecutive school days or until the appeal is decided, whichever is the shortest
An emergency expulsion may be continued during the appeal period so long as the student continues
to pose an immediate and continuing danger to the student, other students, or school personnel, or an
immediate and continuing threat of substantial disruption of the educational process of the student’s
school; and
Any days that a student is temporarily suspended or expelled before the appeal is decided, shall be
applied to the term of the student’s suspension or expulsion and shall not limit or extend the term of
the student’s suspension or expulsion.
The board shall render a decision within ten (10) school business days or schedule a second meeting to hear
further arguments and render its decision within fifteen (15) school business days, or schedule and hold a
meeting within ten (10) school business days after the date of the informal conference to hear the case anew.
Any further appeal shall be made to the Superior Court within thirty (30) days of the board’s decision.
Readmission: Any student who has been suspended or expelled may apply for readmission at any time by
written application to the superintendent. The letter shall include the reasons for readmission, evidence which
supports the request, and a statement assuring that the problems will not reoccur. The superintendent shall reply
in writing.
Students with Disabilities
Decisions made regarding corrective action or sanctions upon students in the abovementioned groups will be
made following special education programming and legal procedures. The superintendent or designee shall have
the authority to discipline, suspend, or expel students. The superintendent or designee shall direct the
identification of conditions under which a teacher may exclude a student from his or her class and shall also
designate which staff have the authority to initiate or to impose discipline, suspensions, or expulsions.
KSD supports efforts to bring about a positive learning climate in the school. The district strives to employ staff
who are skilled in the most effective instructional techniques and who are sensitive to the unique needs of
students. The need for order in the school and classroom is basic to learning. Rules are established to preserve
the integrity of classroom and school in order to accomplish this need. Students who are in violation of school
rules deprive themselves of the opportunity to learn and interfere with the progress of others. All students shall
submit to the rules of the district. Refusal to comply with written rules and regulations established for governing
the school shall constitute sufficient cause for discipline, suspension or expulsion. Corrective action and/or
punishment for misconduct must reflect good faith effort on the part of the staff. For the purposes of the
district’s policies relating to correcting action or punishment:
"Expulsion" is the exclusion from school or individual classes for an indefinite period.
"Suspension" is the exclusion from school, or individual classes for a specific period of time, after
which the student has a right to return.
Short-term suspension is for a period of ten (10) consecutive school days or less.
Long-term suspension exceeds ten (10) consecutive school days.
"Discipline" constitutes all forms of corrective action or sanction, including brief exclusions from a
class for not more than the remainder of the class period, including exclusion from any other type of
activity conducted by or for the district. Discipline will not adversely affect specific academic grade,
subject or graduation requirements, so long as all required work is performed.
Discipline procedures for students with disabilities are consistent with the Individual with Disabilities
Education Act (IDEA). These procedures apply when:
The student has an Individualized Education Program (IEP).
The student has been referred to special education (the referral is in process but eligibility has not yet
been determined).
The school has knowledge that the student has a disability before the behavior that precipitated the
discipline action occurred.
Knowledge of the disability is defined as:
Parent has expressed a concern in writing that the student is in need of special education and related
The student’s behavior or performance demonstrates a need for services;
The parent has requested an evaluation of the student;
The teacher, other school staff or an outside agency has expressed concern about the performance or
behavior of the student to the director of special education or other school personnel.
Chapter 392-400 WAC contains the following restrictions for suspensions:
Kindergarten through grade four - No student in grades kindergarten through four shall be subject to short-term
suspensions for more than a total of ten school days during any single semester or trimester as the case may be,
and no loss of academic grades or credit shall be imposed by reason of the suspension of such a student.
Grades five and above program - No student in grade five and above program shall be subjected to short-term
suspension for more than a total of fifteen school days during any single semester or ten school days during any
single trimester, as the case may be.
In all cases where sanctions are imposed, a reasonable effort to contact parents or guardians will occur prior to, or
contemporaneous with, the imposition of the sanction, in addition to any written notice required by law. When a school
administrator determines that there is an immediate and continuing threat to the student or school staff, or an immediate
and continuing threat of substantial disruption of the educational process, immediate emergency removal or emergency
expulsion may be appropriate.
In conjunction with the following sanction guidelines, administrators may also consider any alternative form of corrective
action—including programs intended to lessen the time of exclusion from class attendance—which has been approved by
the Board of Directors and/or Superintendent. The district encourages the use of alternative forms of correction action
when possible and practicable in light of the duty to maintain safe and orderly school environments conducive to student
In addition to school sanctions, administrators should determine whether restitution for damage or injury should be
Implementing the Guidelines for School Offenses
It is presumed that school administrators will sanction a student for the following offenses within each listed standard
range, beginning at the presumptive sanction and determining whether mitigating or aggravating factors warrant a
sanction higher or lower within the standard range. School administrators are expected to use their professional judgment
and experience when assigning students sanctions and will, to the best of their abilities, attempt to apply these sanctions
to all similarly-situated students in a fair and equitable manner. The administrator’s judgment and discretion will
carefully balance the duty to maintain order and discipline in a safe school environment, the appropriate corrective action
needed to address the student’s misconduct, and the student’s long-term educational success.
The sanctions below do not prohibit administrators from considering approved alternatives to out-of-school suspension
or expulsion, including in-school suspension. The standard range for each offense does not prohibit a school
administrator from exceeding the range, up to and including expulsion, if sufficient aggravating factors warrant such
corrective action or if the threat of danger or substantial disruption supports an emergency expulsion under WAC 392400-295.
For purposes of school discipline, “arson” means any intentional or reckless setting of a fire or other burning of personal
or public property. “Reckless” means that the student understood, but acted with disregard for, the consequences of his
or her conduct.
STANDARD RANGE: 0-20 Day Suspension
Elementary: Short-Term Suspension of 1 Day
Secondary: Short-Term Suspension of 5 Days
For purposes of school discipline, “assault” means actual or attempted hitting, striking or other wrongful physical contact
inflicted on another either directly or indirectly through an object. For verbal threats, see Harassment, Intimidation, and
STANDARD RANGE: 0-10 Day Suspension
Elementary: 0 Days
Secondary: Short-Term Suspension of 5 Days
It is expected that a student must always first retreat from any threat of harm and/or contact an adult staff
member for assistance before engaging in any type of physical response to an assault. However, an administrator
may decide not to subject a student to discipline if, following a reasonable investigation, the administrator
determines that all of the following are true:
a student who is being assaulted or witnesses another student being assaulted acts only in a manner that
is defensive and protective of himself/herself or others;
the student is acting in a manner that a building administrator determines is reasonable and necessary in
light of the circumstances; and
the student did not instigate, provoke, or promote the violence by his or her words or conduct
immediately prior to the assault.
A reasonable physical response to an assault may include holding the assailant’s hands or arms to prevent the assault, or
pulling two fighting students apart and holding them until adult staff can arrive and intervene.
For school discipline purposes, means the unauthorized, intentional damage to district property or the property of others
(other than arson, above).
STANDARD RANGE: 0-10 Day Suspension
Elementary: Discipline other than Suspension
Secondary: Short-Term Suspension of 3 Days
Restitution will usually be required.
Note: Under RCW 28A.635.060 (1), the school district may withhold the grades, diploma, and transcripts of a pupil
responsible for intentional damage or loss to the property of the district, a contractor of the district, an employee, or
another student until the pupil or the pupil’s parent or guardian has paid for the damages. If a student has been
suspended or expelled, the student may not be readmitted until the student or parents or legal guardian has made
payment in full, or until the superintendent directs otherwise. If the property damaged is a school bus owned and
operated by the district, a student suspended for the damage may not be permitted to enter or ride any school bus until
the student or parent or legal guardian has made payment in full or until directed otherwise by the superintendent.
When the pupil and parent or guardian are unable to pay for the damages, the school district will provide a program of
voluntary work for the pupil in lieu of the payment of monetary damages. Upon completion of the voluntary work the
grades, diploma, and transcripts of the pupil shall be released. The parent or guardian of the pupil is liable for damages
as otherwise provided by Washington state law.
Refusal to obey reasonable requests, instructions, and directives of any school personnel, including volunteers or
contractors working for the school. Defiance includes dress or appearance in violation of Policy 3224 that the student
either refuses to correct at the directive of a school administrator, or that is a persistent and repeated violation of Policy
3224. Defiance of school authority can also include intentional disruptive behavior.
STANDARD RANGE: 0-10 Day Suspension
Elementary: Discipline other than Suspension
Secondary: Discipline other than Suspension
The possession, consumption, use, storage, or distribution of drugs, alcohol, and other similar chemical substances on
school grounds, at school activities, or on district-provided transportation is prohibited. For purposes of student conduct
 This section applies to any controlled substance, medication, stimulant, depressant, or mood altering compound,
including simulated compounds intended to produce intoxication or euphoria, whether or not such compounds
have been designated a controlled substance by state or federal law;
 This section applies to marijuana or substances containing marijuana;
 This section applies to legally-prescribed drugs which a student is nevertheless not lawfully authorized to possess
on school grounds, at school activities, or on district-provided transportation;
 This section applies to students who enter school grounds, school activities, or district-provided transportation
following the unlawful use or consumption of drugs, alcohol, and other similar chemical substances, including
students who appear to be under the influence of such substances; and
 This section applies equally to the possession or use of paraphernalia or other items used to possess, consume,
store, or distribute drugs, alcohol, and/or other illegal chemical substances, including marijuana or substances
containing marijuana.
STANDARD RANGE Elementary: 0-10 Day Suspension
STANDARD RANGE Secondary: 3-20 Day Suspension
Elementary: Short-Term Suspension of 1 Day
Secondary: Short-Term Suspension of 10 Days
Elementary: Short-Term Suspension of 5 Days
Secondary: Long-Term Suspension of 20 Days
Generally, a suspension for possession, use, or consumption should not exceed ten (10) days, and a suspension for
distribution should not exceed twenty (20) days. A suspension for secondary students in either case should not fall below
three (3) days.
An expulsion may be imposed for such conduct when sufficient aggravating circumstances are present and in
consultation with the superintendent or the superintendent’s designee. Emergency expulsion may be imposed when the
student’s conduct meets the requirements of WAC 392-400-295.
An administrator may draw up a contract with a student serving a suspension, and a maximum of fifty percent (50%) of
the suspension may be held in abeyance when the student successfully complies with the terms and conditions of the
In all cases in which a student possesses or is distributing on school grounds, at school activities, or on district-provided
transportation a substance prohibited under this section that is also a violation of the law, a report will be made by school
officials to law enforcement.
Includes instigating, promoting (including promotion by presence as a spectator), and escalating a fight, as well as the
failure to disperse at the scene of a fight.
SANCTIONS: See Assault
For school discipline purposes includes:
the creation, display, or communication of gestures, language, imagery, or symbols as defined below
commonly associated with gang culture
the promotion of gang culture and/or gang violence, and/or
the solicitation or recruitment of gang members.
Gang imagery and symbols include, but are not limited to:
 apparel (including shoelaces, bandanas, belts, or hats) which by virtue of color, arrangement, trademark,
symbol, or any other attributes indicate or imply gang membership or affiliation
 displays of gang affiliation on personal belongings including clothing, school assignments, notebooks, body,
STANDARD RANGE: 0-10 Day Suspension
Elementary: Discipline other than Suspension
Secondary: Discipline other than Suspension
Expulsion or Long-term suspension for gang conduct alone, absent any other misconduct, may only occur under
extraordinary circumstances following consultation with the Superintendent or Superintendent’s designee.
For school discipline purposes, “harassment, intimidation and bullying” includes:
 intentional hurtful, threatening, or intimidating verbal and/or physical conduct in violation of Kent School
District Policy 3207 and procedure 3207P;
 unsolicited or unwelcome verbal or physical conduct that is harassing or intimidating that can be of a sexual,
religious, racial or ethnic nature, or based on disability;
 a threat to cause bodily injury, property damage, or to cause the physical confinement or restraint of the person
threatened, or any other act causing substantial harm to the physical or mental health of the person threatened.
STANDARD RANGE Elementary: 0-10 Day Suspension
STANDARD RANGE: Secondary: 3-20 Day Suspension
Elementary: Discipline other than Suspension
Secondary: 3 Day Suspension
For purposes of school discipline, this includes, but is not limited to, lewd, obscene or profane language, gestures or
materials that are unrelated to authorized school curriculum. Prohibited “materials” includes digital or electronic text,
images, or sounds that are possessed, displayed, or transmitted while under the supervision of school authorities.
STANDARD RANGE: 0-10 Day Suspension
Elementary: Discipline other than Suspension
Secondary: Discipline other than Suspension
Any conduct under this section that could constitute a criminal act will be reported to law enforcement. Any conduct
under this section that involves the use of district resources or equipment may result in the loss or restriction of a
student’s use of district systems, resources, or equipment.
Schedule a conference or conferences with the custodial parent or guardian and student, at a time reasonably convenient
for all, for the purpose of analyzing the causes of the student’s tardiness. Take steps to eliminate the tardies, including
adjusting the student's school program, or school/course assignment.
Possession of another person's or district property, regardless of value, without the person's permission with the intent to
deprive the owner of such property. As part of the sanction, restitution will usually be required.
STANDARD RANGE: 0-10 Day Suspension
Elementary: Discipline other than Suspension
Secondary: Short-Term Suspension of 2 Days
Restitution will usually be required if property is not recovered and returned.
Note: Under RCW 28A.635.060 (1), the school district may withhold the grades, diploma, and transcripts of a pupil
responsible for intentional damage or loss to the property of the district, a contractor of the district, an employee, or
another student until the pupil or the pupil’s parent or guardian has paid for the damages. If a student has been
suspended or expelled, the student may not be readmitted until the student or parents or legal guardian has made
payment in full, or until the superintendent directs otherwise. If the property damaged is a school bus owned and
operated by the district, a student suspended for the damage may not be permitted to enter or ride any school bus until
the student or parent or legal guardian has made payment in full or until directed otherwise by the superintendent.
When the pupil and parent or guardian are unable to pay for the damages, the school district will provide a program of
voluntary work for the pupil in lieu of the payment of monetary damages. Upon completion of the voluntary work the
grades, diploma, and transcripts of the pupil shall be released. The parent or guardian of the pupil is liable for damages
as otherwise provided by Washington state law.
Students may not participate in smoking, use of tobacco products or products containing nicotine, or possess tobacco
products on the school premises or at school-sponsored functions.
Elementary Students
See sanctions for Defiance of School Authorities
Secondary Students
First Offense: Complete Tobacco Intervention Packet. [Refusal or failure to complete Tobacco Intervention
Packet shall be considered to be a tobacco related offense for which students may receive school discipline
sanctions as set forth in Defiance of School Authorities]
Second Offense: Complete Tobacco Intervention Packet and attend extended after school detention. [Refusal to
complete Tobacco intervention Packet shall be considered to be a tobacco related offense for which students may
receive school discipline that includes short-term suspension with days that may be held in held in abeyance for
community service].
Third Offense: Complete Tobacco Intervention Packet and attend extended after school detention. [Refusal to complete
Tobacco Intervention Packet shall be considered to be a tobacco related offense for which students may receive school
discipline that includes short-term suspension with days that may be held in held in abeyance for community service].
See Policy and Procedures 3122.
This section addresses the possession or use of actual weapons in violation of Kent School District Policy 3245, including
firearms, dangerous weapons, and other items listed within that policy. This includes when a student acts with malice as
defined under RCW 9A.04.110 and displays a device that appears to be a firearm. Objects and conduct that fall outside of
Policy 3245 should be addressed under other sections, as appropriate.
STANDARD RANGE: 0-20 Day Suspension
Elementary: Short-Term Suspension of 3 Days
Secondary: Long-Term Suspension of 11 Days
SANCTION FOR FIREARM AT SCHOOL: Emergency Expulsion (see below)
Any Kent School District student who is determined to have carried a firearm or to have possessed a firearm on school
premises, school-provided transportation, or school sponsored activities at any facility shall be expelled from school
for not less than one year (12 months) under RCW 28A.600.420, with notification to parents and law enforcement. The
district superintendent or the superintendent’s designee is authorized to modify the expulsion of a student on a caseby-case basis.
The school district may also suspend or expel a student for up to one year if the student acts with malice as defined under
RCW 9A.04.110 and displays a device that appears to be a firearm.
Expulsion may result based upon the administrator's judgment of the seriousness of the act or circumstances surrounding
the act, and/or the previous record of the student.