Name: Chapter 6 Study Guide: Of Mice and Men Vocabulary

Chapter 6 Study Guide: Of Mice and Men
Belligerently (102)—showing hostility or being aggressive, violently
Study Questions:
1. Write down 1 quote from the beginning of chapter 6 that shows that Lennie does not realize
how severe his actions in chapter 5 really were.
“I di’n’t forget, you bet, God damn. Hide in the brush an’ wait for George” (100)—he doesn’t
realize how bad things are. He just thinks if he hides in the brush for George, things will be okay.
2. What is Aunt Clara symbolic of in Chapter 6?
She explains that he doesn’t appreciate George; he does all these nice things for her and all
Lennie does are bad things. She symbolizes Lennie’s conscience.
3. What is the talking rabbit symbolic of in Chapter 6?
The talking rabbit tells Lennie that George is going to leave him. It mocks Lennie. He won’t be
any good at tending rabbits. The rabbit symbolizes Lennie’s fears.
4. What word best describes George as he is talking to Lennie in chapter 6?
Calm, slow, emotional (holding back his own emotions), comforting, wants Lennie to feel as
good as possible before he kills him, stays quiet
5. On page 106, George explains something to Lennie, something that he has never told him
before. What does he tell him, and why is this an important statement for George to make?
George tells Lennie that he’s not mad and he’s never been mad at Lennie. It’s important
because he wants Lennie to be calm and he wants Lennie to be happy. Plus, George says this to
make himself feel better. He’s making peace.
6. What lie does George tell to Carlson at the end of chapter 6? Why do you think George tells this
George says that Lennie had the gun. He lies because then they won’t think about what George
knew when they set out. He doesn’t want them to know that he planned this and sent them the
wrong way. He wanted to shoot Lennie first to prevent as much pain as possible.
7. Looking back now, what does Candy’s dog symbolize? Complete the following chart:
Candy’s Dog
What do they look like?
Old, shaggy, unhealthy
Smells awful
Blind, pale, old eyes
Why are they loved?
-Candy has had the dog since
he was a puppy
-Best sheep dog ever, good
-Used to having his dog
How did they end?
-shot in the back of the head
-shot in the back of the head
**comment on whose ending
was better
-Carlson shot the dog
-George shot Lennie
-Candy realizes that he should
have been w/his dog
-Lennie dies thinking about
their dream and his best
friend was with him at the
Why did they have to die?
-The dog is in pain and wasn’t
useful anymore.
-Because Lennie killed
Curley’s wife…he’s not safe
-Must be put out of his misery
Big, huge man
Large, pale eyes
Strong, not bright
Compared to a bear, an
-Good company
-George has known him since
they were young
-George got used to having
Lennie around
-If he didn’t die, life would not
be good for him. He would
end up in the insane asylum if
he didn’t die or Curley would
have killed Lennie in a painful