The Brain Game

The Brain Game
These are the questions from our in-class review game. To see the answer, highlight the yellow area and change
the text to some dark color.
1. Which area of the brain is affected by alcohol, thus producing jerky, uncoordinated movement?
Cerebellum. In fact, someone with cerebellum damage may seem drunk.
2. A person who is not appropriately hungry or thirsty (too little or too much for what’s good for the
body), might have brain damage to which area?
Hypothalamus – life-sustaining drives/behaviors. 4 Fs: Feeding, fighting, fleeing, mating
3. The star of the soccer team hits his head on the goal post and then has difficulty with language
comprehension and production. Which hemisphere was most likely hit?
Left: specifically, Wernieke’s area (language comprehension, temporal) and/or Broca’s area
(language production, frontal)
4. Damage to which area of the brain is most likely to be fatal?
Brainstem (pons, medulla). Located in the hindbrain.
vital reflexes (breathing, heart rate, swallowing). Caution: not to be confused with basic lifesustaining drives/behaviors (voluntary) connected with the hypothalamus.
5. Which of the five senses goes directly to the brain (do not pass thalamus, do not collect $200)?
Smell. goes to olfactory bulb directly.
6. After young athlete takes a hard fall on the basketball court, she sees stars for several minutes. Which
lobe of her brain was affected?
7. A patient walks into your office with a half-shaven face. In which lobe do you expect to find the
Parietal (hemi-neglect)
8. After hitting her head in a car accident, a woman has difficulty controlling movement in her left hand
and fingers. Which lobe, in which hemisphere, was most likely affected?
Frontal (primary motor cortex) / Right (control over opposite side of body)
9. A person is no longer able to form new memories. Which lobe is the damage most likely in?
Temporal (hippocampus is in the deep temporal lobes)
10. A patient with a severed corpus callosum sees the word TRAIN - WRECK (centered in front of their
visual field) and asked to state the word. What will she most likely say?
Wreck (info in right visual field  left hemisphere  language production)
11. … If given a pen, what will she write with the left hand
Train (info from left visual field  right hemisphere  write with left hand)
12. …If asked verbally, “Is the word Train? Give a thumbs up or thumbs down.” What will she likely do?
right thumb: down (left hemisphere did not see “train”)
left thumb: up (right hemisphere did see “train”)