Etruscan - Orem High School

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B.C.- 509 B.C.
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Unit Concepts:
1. The Etruscans greatly influenced Roman art.
2. Many architectural features thought to be
Roman originated with the Etruscans.
3. Etruscan art is typically very lively, realistic,
and practical.
Historical Background:
1. Where did the Etruscans come from?
2. Life in the Etruscan city-state
Porta Augusta, Perugia: (Draw some of the new architectural elements)
Draw an arch with the keystone and voussoirs:
Draw a barrel vault:
Draw a cross barrel vault:
Draw a groin vault:
Etruscan Temples:
Etruscan Sculpture:
Draw the Plan:
Sarcophagus of Cerverteri:
Apollo of Veii:
Similarities to Greek:
Differences from Greek:
Tumulus of Cerveteri:
Tomb of Reliefs:
Etruscan Painting:
The Revelers, Tomb of the Leopards:
Tomb of the Lioness:
She-Wolf of the Capitol: