Answer B

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市场营销学 》课程考试卷(B)答案
200 7——2008 学年第二 学期
Part One
d-e-c-b-b; c-a-c-d-b; b-b-a-b-c; e-b-d-b-c
Part Two
T-T-F-T-T; T-F-T-T-F
Part Three (5*4=20)
1.Distinguish between the concepts of value and satisfaction.
Suggested Answer: The offering will be successful if it delivers value and
satisfaction to the target buyer. The buyer chooses between different offerings on
the basis of which is perceived to deliver the most value. Value reflects the
perceived tangible and intangible benefits and costs to customers. Value can be
seen as primarily a combination of quality, service, and price (called the customer
value triad). Satisfaction reflects a person’s comparative judgments resulting from
a product’s perceived performance (or outcome) in relation to his or her
2. Customer delivered value is based on two components. What are those
Suggested Answer: The two components of customer delivered value are total
customer value and total customer cost.
3. Explain the differences between a belief and an attitude.
Suggested Answer: A belief is a descriptive thought that a person holds about
something. An attitude is a person’s enduring favorable or unfavorable
evaluation, emotional feeling, and action tendencies toward some object or idea.
4. Explain the concept of a hybrid channel distribution system.
Suggested Answer: A hybrid channel distribution system is when firm use a
combination of different channels to reach differing target markets. For example,
IBM uses its sales force to sell to large accounts, outbound telemarketing to sell to
medium-sized accounts, direct mail with an inbound number for small accounts,
retailers to sell to even smaller accounts, and the Internet to sell specialty items.
Part Four:
Application (10*2=20)
Suggested Answer:
Marketers try to reach opinion leaders by identifying
demographic and psychographic characteristics associated with opinion
leadership, identifying the media read by opinion leaders, and directing
messages at opinion leaders.
Suggested Answer: The questions can be derived from the Marketing
Memo found in the appropriate text section as shown below. The questions
could be: (1) how do people become aware of their need for your product
and service; (2) how do consumers find your offering; (3) how do
consumers make their final selection; (r) how do consumers order and
purchase your product or service; (5) what happens when your product or
service is delivered; (6) how is your product installed; (g) how is your
product or service paid for; (7) how is your product stored; (8) how is your
product moved around; (9) what is the consumer really using your product
for; (10) what do consumers need help with when they use your product; (11)
what about returns and exchanges; (12) how is your product repaired or
serviced; and, (14) what happens when your product is disposed of or no
longer used? Students may pick any five.