Dr. Liedtke was enthusiastic about informing Council members that

Case Western Reserve University
School of Medicine
May 14, 2012 – 4:00 p.m., T-501
Mark Chance, M.D., Chair, Research Committee
Carole Liedtke, Ph.D., Chair, Admissions Committee
Siu Yan Scott, Registrar SOM
Jill Barnholtz-Sloan, Ph.D., Chair of Faculty Council
Dr. Barnholtz-Sloan opened the meeting at 4:00pm. Minutes from the previous meeting (April 23,
2012) were unanimously approved with minor word changes. Dr. Barnholtz-Sloan reminded
Council members that this was the second to last meeting of the academic year and that Council
would hear several additional reports from the standing committees of the School of Medicine. It
was discussed and requested that Dr. Cliff Harding be reminded to provide an update on the
graduates of the MSTP program and what percentage of them are currently doing research or
practicing medicine. In addition, Dr. Joseph Carter will shortly provide a summary of Faculty
Council Steering Committee activities over the last year to Faculty Council.
Carole Liedtke, Ph.D., Chair, Admissions Committee
Dr. Liedtke summarized past and current events of the Admissions Committee. This year has
been very active. Dr. Liedtke stated the Admissions Committee has met 12 times during this
academic year. The Admissions Committee also reviewed and approved the admissions
decisions from the MSTP Steering Committee and the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of
Medicine (CCLCM).
Dr. Liedtke informed members that this year, the Admission Committee, was asked to compose a
class of 199 (153 for the University Track, 32 CCLCM, and 14 for MSTP). In total, the Medical
School received 5,494 applications for all of our MD tracks; up 3.7% from the previous year. Dr.
Liedtke stated the 2011-2012 applicant pool for the University Track was 4,861, reflecting a 2.0%
increase from 2010-2011. Nationally, medical school applications increased by roughly 2.0%
compared to the previous year. The secondary application completion rate for the University
Track was 77% (3,732 of 4,861) which was a 3% increase compared to 2010-2011.
To date, the Committee has offered 392 acceptances for the University Track to achieve a class of
153. We continue to lose well-qualified candidates every year largely due to two factors;
geographic location and financial determinants. The admissions office received quite a large
number of emails from applicants stating they truly desired to come to Case, but were financially
obligated to choose another school with a lower tuition cost. The need for scholarship dollars
remains a top priority for us to be able to recruit the best and the brightest students.
The Admissions Office, in conjunction with Undergraduate Admissions, interviewed
approximately 60 students who have been accepted to CWRU for undergraduate studies for the
undergraduate Pre-Professional Scholars Program (PPSP) in March. Nine PPSP students
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committed to enroll in the undergraduate Class of 2016 and we anticipate three to enroll in the
School of Medicine Class of 2016. Dr. Mehta and Mr. Essman worked closely with Dr. Sheila
Pedigo, the PPSP advisor, and attended several meetings throughout the year to discuss the
application process, the curriculum, and the expectations of PPSP undergraduate students in an
effort to better prepare them for their future medical school experience.
Dr. Liedtke was enthusiastic about informing Council members that the average MCAT score
was 35.2 in all medical school tracks for the incoming class which exceeded national averages.
Regarding the current make-up of students, about 15% are ohio residents; 46% are female; and
the average age is 24. There also seems to be a good distribution of minorities for the entering
class of 2012.
Dr. Liedtke pointed out that recruitment is challenging. The overall goal remains to recruit
exceptionally talented students from across the country through targeted recruitment trips by Dr.
Mehta and Mr. Essman. Last year, visits to college campuses were somewhat limited due to
budget restrictions. Despite these limitations, they were able to visit Yale University, Johns
Hopkins University, University of Maryland, Duke University, Notre Dame University, Purdue
University, Cornell University, Miami University, University of Michigan, Case Western Reserve
University, and Kent State University. Additionally, medical students represented the School at
the American Medical Students Association (AMSA) National Conference. Considering the rising
costs of travel and limited availability, Dr. Mehta and Mr. Essman have started conducting
“Virtual Medical School Visits” using webinar software, Adobe Connect, which is free through
the University. This has been extremely productive and has aided in the effort to reach more
prospective applicants and to promote the School through Social Media. Dr. Mehta and Mr.
Essman have created an Admissions Facebook Fan Page, Twitter account, and YouTube Channel.
The response has been very positive thus far to these methods of communication with
prospective and current students.
Dr. Mehta has played an integral part in acquiring and creating a new scholarship for a Health
Professions Pipeline Program (H3P) for minority students; the Joan C. Edwards Charitable
Foundation has committed to making a significant investment in the city of Cleveland to create a
medical education pipeline for students from traditionally underrepresented minorities and lowincome backgrounds. The H3P will provide this scholarship opportunity to one student per year
from the Cleveland Metropolitan School District’s Cleveland School of Science and Medicine at
John Hay Campus (CSSM). The first recipient of this award has been identified by the
undergraduate admissions office and will matriculate in the Fall of 2012.
Dr. Liedtke concluded her presentation by announcing that the Admissions Office continues to
operate using a nearly paperless system. Beginning in 2012-2013 AMCAS will no longer be
delivering hard copy primary applications. This will require the admissions office and
interviewers to use a paperless system. Student involvement continues to be very good, but more
faculty are needed to conduct interviews.
Cost was mentioned as a factor for all students. Other schools have better financial aid packets
which makes it harder for Case Western to compete. Previous state mandate policies were
discussed where the proportion of state students has dropped from 67% to 14%, although some
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money still comes into the school from the state. Social media is becoming and will continue to
play an important role in recruiting for the future.
Capital Campaign funds, specifically for scholarships, were discussed as a possible way to
increase recruitment. Carol Moss, Vice President, Medical Development and Vice Dean, External
Affairs, is aware of this and it will be a priority for the Capital Campaign.
A comment was made regarding the little success that some clinical departments are having with
recruiting medical students graduating from CWRU into their residency programs in Cleveland.
The situation is really bad was the sentiment in the room. Council members discussed the
exceptional students that are out there and the best ways to attract them and especially
underrepresented minorities.
Mark Chance, Ph.D., Chair, Research Committee
Dr. Chance discussed recent activities of the Research Committee. Dr. Chance indicated that he
took over as Chair of this committee after Dr. Robert Miller become the Vice President for
Research for Case Western Reserve University.
Dr. Chance briefly outlined the following summary of items that the Research Committee had
reviewed over this last year:
(1) Stanton Gerson presented the Strategic Plan for the Cancer Center
 Current Organizational structure of CC
Areas of Cancer research and Principal Investigators
Center’s Core Facilities
List of recent awards
Strategic priorities for 2012-18
Creating a balance between the Center’s current strengths with its areas of new
commitment, such as starting a Preclinical Therapeutics Core Facility which would
facilitate Pharmacokinetics, Pathology, Toxicology, Imaging etc., and integration of
currently existing animal services such as Athymic animal service; and developing an
integrated Pre-/Post-Doc Cancer Training Program to offer candidates a comprehensive
(2) The state of Zebrafish facility
 The committee’s feedback included: Finding details on how the additional 20 users
would translate to 14 new racks that are being requested; The funding trends (from NIH
and others) for the use of Zebrafish as the model system; CWRU projects (funded or
otherwise) that directly utilize Zebrafish as the model systems; The ability of the
Core/Core Director to provide technical expertise (or participate in other research
programs) in addition to being a service provider.
(3) Ruben Papoian presented an overview of the collaborative efforts between CWRU and
University of Cincinnati with respect to High Throughput Screening
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(4) William Harte and Blair Geho were hired on December 1, 2011 as the Chief Translational
Consultants (CTCs) to help identify & establish NEW relations with commercial entities.
(5) Alison Hall discussed ‘Biomedical Workforce Needs’ for CWRU-SOM
(6) Timothy Nilsen provided an update on the GTAC core facility
Dr. Chance then discussed the Research Committee’s outdated charge and that it has not been
updated since 1995. The charge as it stands now is ambiguous in language and committee
objectives. Dr. Chance asked Council members for advice and guidance for the future operation
of this committee. Currently, the Research Committee does fulfill its designated charge
(according to the current by-laws) by reviewing existing policies related to research; evaluate
availability, utilization, need and allocation of research space; etc, but further review is necessary
for this committee to operate under current research conditions. Dr. Chance reminded Council
members of the upcoming elections and that there are plans for appointments to this committee
for a year or longer, but again more guidance would be beneficial. Dr. Chance continued to offer
other suggestions for a revitalized Research Committee including the possibility of him shifting
to an ex-officio member so that the Chair of this committee would be one of the elected faculty
members from the SOM or possibly co-Chairs. .
The Council discussed Dr. Chance’s report. There was general agreement that Dr. Chance, given
his role as Vice Dean for research, becoming an ex officio member would make sense. Further
discussion led to Council members suggesting that an ad hoc committee be formed to review the
charge of the Research Committee. Dr. Barnholtz-Sloan indicated that there are processes in place
for systematic regular review of standing committees by the Faculty Council on a rotating basis
and presently, the Admissions Committee is being reviewed. A motion was made to review the
Research Committee this calendar year, seconded, and unanimously approved.
In additional discussion regarding the Research Committee, Dr. Chance said historically the
Dean would bring issues for discussion and or implementation to the committee for review. Dr.
Chance also indicated that there are now additional scientific pilot funds available and the
Research Committee needs to discuss how to shape the RFP for these monies. A question was
asked if whether training programs have been evaluated by external reviewers. Dr. Chance said
that there has been review at the Provosts’ level, but not an external review.
Approval of the 2012 Graduates (upon motion of Christopher Brandt and the Committee on
Dr. Barnholtz-Sloan discussed with Council members Christopher Brandt’s motion that Faculty
Council approve the list of 2012 graduate from the School of Medicine as provided by the
Registrar. There are 164 students from the University Program and 33 students from the College
Program who have fulfilled the requirements for graduation. Siu Yan Scott, Registrar, was
present to answer any questions. The lists were officially approved by the Committee on
Students at their last meeting.
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After positive comments, a motion to approve the list of graduates was made, seconded, and
unanimously approved.
Discussion: Faculty Council Elections
Dr. Barnholtz-Sloan reminded Council member of the very productive year we have had thus far
and the many issues that have been discussed and addressed by Faculty Council this year. We
need to continue that momentum. Dr. Adnan Cobanoglu will be chairing next year and now is
the time to elect members for Chair-elect, Steering Committee, and the Nominating Committee in
addition to nominations for other standing SOM committees. Dr. Barnholtz-Sloan explained that
those eligible for chair-elect must have at least 2 years remaining on their term to Faculty Council
(i.e. term ending in 2014 or later). All others, who are not rotating off this year (i.e. term ending in
2013 or later), are eligible for Steering Committee and the Nominating Committee.
Dr. Barnholtz-Sloan stressed the importance for Faculty Council members to nominate
themselves or others who want to participate on these committees. Dr. Anker will be sending an
email asking for nominations for these committees and other standing committees in the SOM to
be sent to Preston Pugh at plp5@case.edu. Elections for these committees will take place next
month. Descriptions for all the committees are available via the Faculty Affairs website.
In regards to the IDEAL ad hoc Committee, Dr. Barnholtz-Sloan stated that the final report has
been sent to the entire faculty and is also available via the Faculty Affairs website. All individuals
wanting to serve on this committee are eligible to serve. Dr. Barnholtz-Sloan will be appointing
the chair for this committee.
Council discussed the purpose of the IDEAL ad hoc Committee and how it might relate to the
Faculty Climate Task Force Committee that is already in place. Some members thought there
could be overlapping issues and some thought there was room to expand on certain issues not
addressed by the Faculty Climate Task Force Committee. Dr. Barnholtz-Sloan suggested that the
two committees could certainly work closely together and possibly have a member from the Task
Force Committee on the IDEAL ad hoc Committee. Ruth Siegel was suggested as an excellent
choice to be that member given her service as a member of both the IDEAL and Faculty Climate
Dr. Barnholtz-Sloan then discussed changing the name of this committee. The IDEAL ad hoc
Committee really is no more and we would like the newly proposed ad hoc committee to be
continuous and inclusive for both basic science and clinical faculty. There was a general
agreement that a name change for this committee made sense, but members thought it would be
important to keep the name IDEAL in the title. The Council members suggested the name the
IDEAL ad hoc Action Committee. Council members further discussed differences between the
Task Force Committee and the IDEAL ad hoc Committee. A motion was made to name the
committee the IDEAL Action ad hoc Review Committee, seconded, and unanimously approved.
In other business, the Nominating Committee was discussed and specifically what role
this committee has played in the past with regards to elections. Past practices were too subjective
and sometimes relied on who on the Nominating Committee knew. Also, the same faculty were
being nominated for multiple committees. Hence, a variety of recommendations were made by
members: all nominated or self-nominated faculty who provide a statement of interest would be
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included on the ballot and the Nominating Committee should not nominate any individual
faculty member for election to more than one committee in one election year, although an
exception to this might be to permit a willing individual to be listed on a second ballot when
fewer than 4 others are willing to run.
If these recommendations are followed, the Nominating Committee’s role would become
somewhat limited as now virtually all interested faculty would be listed on the ballot. Dr.
Barnholtz-Sloan said that it would be wonderful to have a full slate of candidates for all
committees, but in reality it is difficult to locate faculty who are interested in participating. A
comment was made that perhaps at some point when there are great numbers of candidates, then
the Nominating Committee would have a greater role in review and selection of appropriate
A comment was made that some faculty members on committees do not attend on a regular
basis. A suggestion of recording and keeping track of attendance for faculty on these committees
was made.
A Council member raised the concern that 16 departments on Faculty Council presently do not
have representation and that the medical student representation is also vacant. Dr. Carter, pastChair of Faculty Council acknowledged that there have always been vacancies and there has been
a push to contact the chairs of each of those departments to have them conduct their own election
or have the Faculty Affairs Office complete an election on their behalf. This matter and the issue
of graduate student representation will be reviewed and reported on at the next Faculty Council
A motion to adjourn was approved and the meeting concluded at 5:15pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Preston Pugh - Faculty Secretary
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Faculty Council (2012-2013)
Jill Barnholtz-Sloan, chair
Voting Members
Department Representatives
Scott Simpson (13)
Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine-UHC
John Glick (15)
Focco van den Akker (13)
*Biomedical Engineering
Xin Yu (12)
Susan Nedorost (13)
*Emergency Medicine-UHC
Dennis Guy (13)
*Emergency Medicine-Metro
Christopher Wyatt (14)
Environmental Health Sci’s
David McCoy (13)
*Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Daniel Tisch (14)
*Family Medicine & Community Health
Sybil Marsh (14)
*Family Medicine-Metro
Christine Alexander (13)
Family Medicine-CCLCM
*General Medical Sci’s
Kristian Baker (14)
Thomas La Framboise (13)
Ashley Faulx (12)
Mark Mayer (12)
*Molecular Biology & Micro.
Cathy Carlin (14)
Molecular Medicine-CCLCM
Neurological Surgery-UHC
Michael Devereaux (13)
David Katz (12)
Michelle Puchowicz (13)
*Ophthalmology and Visual Sci-UHC
Johnny Tang (13)
Molecular Medicine-CCLCM
Philip Howe (12)
Otolaryngology, HNS-UHC
*Otolaryngology, HNS-Metro
Stephen Houser (13)
*Pathology- UHC
Nick Ziats (14)
Dan Cai (12)
Lydia Furman (12)
Skyler Kalady (12)
Susan Carlin (13)
You-Wei Zhang (12)
*Physical Med. & Rehab-Metro
Richard Wilson (12)
*Physiology and Biophysics
William Schilling (13)
Plastic Surgery-UHC
Arun Gosain (13)
Jeanne Lackamp (14)
*Radiation Oncology-UHC
Janice Lyons (13)
Dan Hsu (12)
Michael McNamara (13)
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Reproductive Biology-UHC
Sam Mesiano (13)
*Reproductive Biology-MH Sylvie Hauguel-de Mouzon (13)
Adnan Cobanoglu (13)
Bram Kaufman (12)
Sanjay Gupta (14)
At-Large Representatives
**Jim Bruzik (14)
**Maureen McEnery (12)
*Wen-Quan Zou (12)
*Robert Petersen (13)
*Richard Zigmond (13)
David Kaelber (12)
*Qing Yin Zheng (12)
*Katherine Lee (14)
**Sandy Werner (13)
*Ronald Triolo (13)
Institutional Representatives
University Hospitals of Cleveland
Veterans Administration
MetroHealth Medical Center
Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Vice Dean for Educ & Acad Affrs
CME Chair
Faculty Senator
Medical Student I
Medical Student II
Medical Student III
MSTP Student
Non-Voting Members
Barbara Snyder
Pamela Davis
Clint Snyder
Keith Armitage
Nick Ziats
Zachary Nevin
Steering Committee
(One-year term of office)
Jill Barnholtz-Sloan, chair
Joseph Carter, past-chair
Adnan Cobanaglu, chair-elect
Maureen McEnery
Michael McNamara
Robert Petersen
Richard Wilson
Richard Zigmond
Dan Anker, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs & Human Resources
Preston Pugh, Secretary
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