Biology Digital Agenda: 8/15-8/16

Biology Digital Agenda: 8/6-8/7/2012
Essential question(s):(answer the highlighted question below)
1. How is data measured in science?
2. What is the process of scientific inquiry?
3. What are similarities and differences between a hypothesis and theory?
Standard(s) from Instructional Guide:
 IE.a. Select and use appropriate tools and technology (such as computer-linked
probes, spreadsheets, and graphing calculators) to perform tests, collect data,
analyze relationships, and display data.
 IE d. Formulate explanations by using logic and evidence.
 IE.g. Recognize the usefulness and limitations of models and theories as
scientific representations of reality.
 IE.k. Recognize the cumulative nature of scientific evidence.
 IE.f. Distinguish between hypothesis and theory as scientific terms.
Student objective:
 gain an understanding of the basic units of measurement in science.
 use a basic tool of measurement to gain accurate data, graph the data, and analyze
 identify the different elements of scientific inquiry
 differentiate between a hypothesis and theory
 recognize the usefulness and limitations of models and theories as scientific
representations of reality.
 to collect and analyze multiple sources of data/scientific evidence.
How will student learning and progress be assessed during the lesson?
 Formative Assessments- Review of Do-Nows, Exit Slips
How will student learning and progress be assessed after the lesson or at
the end of the unit?
 Exit Slips-students will complete a multiple choice assessment on standards IE d.
 Summative Assessments-Unit 1 Quiz- will complete a multiple choice assessment
on standards IE d. IE.g. IE.f. IE.k
 District/State Assessments-Benchmark I. Oct.3-7
Bloom’s level of these assessments:
Quizzes and Exit Slips-Comprehension, Synthesis, Analysis
Unit 1 Quiz-all levels
Daily Agenda: (check off each assignment after completion)
 Attendance/Pass-out seating chart-attendance will be taken and students will be
assigned a seat for the first 10 weeks.
(Direct Instruction) to Mr.Carr-students will
observe a presentation introducing them to their teacher.____
(Direct Instruction)PPT/Interactive Notes-Biology Course Syllabus-students will
complete interactive notes on the PPT listed above by editing, highlighting, and
posing further questions. The students will then answer several short questions on
the information they learned.____
(Collaboration Station)Get to Know Your Classmates Survey-students will
independently complete a survey that requires them to find classmates that have
similar attributes as them.___
(Collaboration Station) Biology Project (due 8/24)-students will
independently create a website presentation covering the major
concepts in Biology by creating a multimedia presentation on the 10 Biology
standard strands. This presentation will serve as visual aide for CST review at the
end of the year.____
Computer Checkout-students will be assigned laptops and check them out.
(Independent Station)Digital Content Organization-students will create three
folders (First Initial Last Name Biology-within Biology Folder -General
Information and Unit 1) on the H:/drive to organize their Digital Content.___
(Independent Station)Exploration of Simon Tech website-students will be
introduced to the CRAHS#11 website ( and
be given time to explore the website.____
(Independent Station)Student Profile-students will independently complete a
profile and goal setting Word document to be saved in their General Information
folder. ____
 Complete 2 Biology Project (due 8/24)-students will create a website presentation covering the major concepts in Biology by
creating a multimedia presentation on the 10 Biology standard strands. This
presentation will serve as visual aide for CST review at the end of the year.
How will students reflect on what they’ve learned?:
 Exit Slips-students will complete a multiple choice assessment on standards IE d.
Weekly Reflection: Complete each section below. After completing each section
submit your agenda on the school website.
Assignment Completion Check:
 How many assignments did I complete this week? (review your daily
Essential Question(s) Check-Answer the questions below:
Standard(s) Check for Understanding-Write what you learned about this
standard this week and rank your understanding of the standard (1-5)::
Understanding of Standard Scale:_____(1-5)