HR 0279 Managing Self and Professional Skills

BA (Hons) Leadership and Management Stage 3 – Distance Learning – Student Journey
Programme Schedule
The BA (Hons) Leadership and Management programme will begin with an induction session, followed by three modules and a
professional project in which you will be supported by named tutors from across Newcastle Business School. The modules you will
study are:
Module One – HR0383 Contemporary Management Practice
Module Two – SM0377 Understanding Strategy
Module Three – HR0376 Leadership
HR0374 - Professional Project
The following pages provide you with a module by module breakdown of your learning Journey
Student Journey - Module One – HR0383 Contemporary Management Practice
Module Overview
Module Outcomes
This module is intended to develop your
ability to understand organizational
behaviour, contemporary management
issues and their implications for
improved management practice,
alongside developing your capacity and
confidence as a learner.
At the end of the module you will be 
able to:
1. Analyze a contemporary
organization, identify and
apply relevant theories,
relating to contemporary
management concepts to
different organizational
The module aims to:
 Assist students' application of
contemporary management
concepts and research to their
Introduce a range of processes
and tools and techniques for
creating innovation and
managing change.
Introduce theories of motivation
that will promote innovation and
increase resilience in times of
Equip students with the practical
ability to apply the techniques to
improve performance at work.
2. Identify the need for change
and make robust supporting
Module Content
organizational culture
aesthetics and design
Learning Organisation
Management Practice
and critique
Power and politics in
management practice
Leading and managing
for improved employee
Ethical management
Organizational change
Summative Assessment
You will complete a 2000 word
report which critically reviews a
contemporary management
approach based on learning from a
given formative case study. The
case study will include: analysis of
a real organizational issue and will
include the requirement for you to
make robust recommendations for
The analysis will require you to
contextualize a range of theories
and frameworks; related to
organizational behaviour and
management practice.
Formative assessment
Will take place through directed
activities, assignment discussion
and reflection.
Formative feedback relating to
specific tasks will be provided to
the you throughout the module via
email and the e-Learning portal
discussion forums.
Student Journey - Module Two – SM0377 Understanding Strategy
Module Overview
Module Outcomes
This module is intended to develop your
awareness and critical evaluation of
strategic management by assessing the
impact of the business environment on
At the end of the module you The module’s curriculum will
focus on the evaluation of the
following broad issues:
1. Have developed a creative
and critical approach of
1. The impact on
assessing the dynamic
organisations of the
nature of developments in
external environment:
the global business
environment and how
industry, markets.
modern organisations can
deal the challenges of
2. The strategic choices
global markets and
available to
organisations to
improve strategic
2. Have developed sound
position and promote
research skills and critical
commercial success.
appreciation when
assessing complex and
3. The alignment of
dynamic strategic issues of
strategic directions with
the corporate social
responsibility and
ethics framework
The nature of practising strategy will be
evaluated by reviewing the tools and
activities involved when formulating
The module aims to:
 To develop the student’s skills,
knowledge and confidence in order
to increase their engagement and
contribution to their organisation’s
strategic decisions.
 To develop the student’s
methodological and synthesis skills in
order to conduct an assessment of
the business environment and an
evaluation of strategic choices in
accordance to corporate social
responsibility expectations.
Module Content
Summative Assessment
Comprises a single 3000 word work
related report requiring you to apply
and critically evaluate strategic
analysis concepts and tools to a case
study or your own employing
Furthermore, you are required to
maintain a weekly learning log and
submit a 1000 word reflection of
Formative Assessment
Formative assessment will take place
through directed activities,
assignment discussion and reflection,
discussion board activity on the elearning platform, case study activity
and theory/practice related
Formative feedback relating to
specific tasks will be provided to you
throughout the module via email and
the e-Learning portal discussion
Student Journey – Module Three – HR0376 Leadership
Module Overview
Module Outcomes
Module Content
This module is intended to develop your
understanding and practical skills in
leadership alongside reflecting on areas for
future leadership development.
At the end of the module you
will be able to:
 Introduction to
 Contemporary leadership
 Leadership v
 Leadership and business
 The role of leaders in
motivating, inspiring and
empowering employees
 Team leadership and
 Effective delegation,
coaching and mentoring
 Leadership development
 Qualities of effective and
successful leaders
 Leaders as change agents
 Leadership, ethics and
Summative assessment
Will consist of a 3500 word
assignment linking theory,
principles and techniques to
individual and/or organisational
practice. You will be expected to
show evidence of critical
reflection and the ability to apply
theory and best practice to your
work and work place.
The module aims to:
 Equip the student with knowledge and
skills that will help them to evaluate the
significant processes involved in leading.
 To increase understanding and
appreciation of the complexities involved
in leading organisations.
 To understand theories and principles
relating to effective leadership and apply
them to an organisational environment.
 To understand the contribution that
effective leadership at all levels can make
to business success and effectiveness.
1. Identify and evaluate the
issues involved in leading
2. Apply best practice and
appropriate leadership
strategies to relevant
work situations and
relate these to personal
Formative assessment
You will be required to complete
a number of directed exercises
included in the leadership
Student Journey - HR0374 Professional Poject
Module Overview
Module Outcomes
This is a nine month project in which you At the end of the module you will be able
will complete a 14000 word study on a to:
business, leadership and management
topic of your choice, guided by an
 Design, develop, apply and evaluate
individual named tutor.
practically sound research skills and
techniques, taking into consideration
The module aims to:
appropriate ethical, commercial
confidentiality and data protection
 Enhance your individual
effectiveness, employability and/or
business competitiveness by locating
the learning and development in
 Critically evaluate the themes/issues
your organisation or an organisation
drawing upon concepts, models and
with which you are familiar.
theories to develop innovative
thinking and informed, justifiable and
2. Extend your capability, promote
feasible solutions informing
personal development and a range of
recommendations for organisational
inter-personal, intellectual and
development relating to a
practical (functional) skills and
business/leadership issue.
knowledge based around and
demonstrated through an
 Present findings through oral/visual
individually negotiated real-time
and written presentations
work-based project that will be of
appropriate to both management and
benefit to you and/or your
academic audiences
 Critically assess and evaluate
3. Ensure that you are able to
personal learning and development
appropriately address relevant
outcomes resulting from undertaking
ethical, commercial confidentiality
the project and identify ongoing
and data protection issues.
personal and leader development
Module Content
The subject of the
professional project will be
unique to each individual
learner and will be
supervised by a university
guidance tutor.
Summative Assessment
A 1,000 word project
proposal (indicating the
scope, aims, proposed
methods and required
resources for the project)
The face to face or on-line
taught sessions will address
business research methods,
The structure, sections and
content of a professional
Professional Project quality:
what makes a good
professional project?
Qualitative and qualitative
research methods
Analysis, discussion and
Ethics in research
A 10,000 word report (plus a
1,000 word Executive
Summary) report in
appropriate academic and
business format (to include
reflection on learning
achieved through having
studied the module). In
addition, you will be
expected to reflect on the
personal and leadership
learning and development
derived from carrying out
the project, through a 3,000
word reflective statement,
included as an appendix to
the final report. 80%
A poster presentation of the
study and its findings. 10%
Managing time and