Factsheet Singapore - Nederlandse ambassade in Singapore

Factsheet Singapore
Edition: 2013
Singapore Key Figures 2012
Salary Indicators 2012
Market Approach
Useful Info & Business Conduct
Useful Addresses
Dutch Organisations in Singapore
Internet Addresses
Trade Events/Shows 2013-14
Chambers of Commerce
Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB)
International Enterprise Singapore (IE)
Despite the care with which the data in the 'Factsheet Singapore' are mentioned, no responsibility can
be accepted for its accuracy
Singapore Key Figures 2012
GNP 2012
S$ 342 billion
GDP 2012
S$ 345 billion
GNP per capita 2012
S$ 64,300
Real GDP Growth
8.4% (2004)
6.4% (2005)
8.2% (2006)
7.7% (2007)
English, Chinese, Malay, Tamil
No. Of Tourists
5.3 million
14. million4
Time Difference with the Netherlands
2009 (1USD = SGD1.45) 2012 (1USE=SGD1.24)
2010 (1USD = SGD 1.29)
2011 (1USD = SGD 1.30)
+6 hours (summer) / +7 hours (winter)
Unemployment rate
% Share in GDP : Financial Services
% Share in GDP:
% Share in GDP : Trade
% Share in GDP: Transport &
% Share in GDP: Construction
1.5 (2008)
-0.8% (2009)
14.5% (2010)
5.4% (2011
1.3 (2012)
source: Econ Survey of Singapore Annual 2012 (Éxch. Rate: USD 1= SGD 1,24 / Euro 1 = SGD 1,60)
Imports 2012: S$ 474.5 billion
(Top 5 Trading partners)
(1) 12,5% from the EU
(2) 10,6% from Malaysia
(3) 10,1% from the U.S.
(4) 10,3% from China
(5) 6,7% from Korea
--> 2,0% (S$9,8billion) from the Netherlands
(fuels, medicines, semicon & ICs & data
processing equipment, Xray machinery, industrial
machinery and parts, valves, lifting equipment,
construction equipment, marine parts, vehicle
parts, aeroplane parts and frozen meats)
Exports 2012: S$ 510.3 billion
(Top 5 Trading partners)
(1) 12,2% to Malaysia
(2) 10,9% to Hong Kong
(3) 10,6% to China
(4) 10,6% to Indonesie
(5) 8,9% to the EU
--> 1.7 % (S$8,8bilion) to the Netherlands
(medicines, fuels, ICs/electronics equipment,
parts, waste/scrap, communication equipment
waste, chemicals, industrial instrumentation and
tooling equipment, tyres, aeroplanes parts)
R&D expenditure in 2011 (% GDP)
S$7,4 billion (2.2% GNP)
2011 – Total investments in
production facilities/
Total Foreign Investors : S$107
million /Top 3 Foreign Investors in
(NL: No.1 investor within the EU/ No. 3 bilateral investor from 2000 to 2010)
(1) US: 33,5%
(2) Japan: 13,9%
(3) EU: 28% (NL : S$12,4 billion/11,5%)
Dutch Companies/Business in
No. Of Dutch people (incl. children)
In Singapore
Potential Opportunities in Singapore:
260 (2012)
3800 (2012)
Water technology (incl.maritime), biomedical,
high-technology, energy (sustainability); food and
Source: Census of Manufacturing Activities 2011 (EDB); Econ Survey of Spore 2012 (MTI)
The average amounts are gross salaries per month, excluding social (mandatory retirement
fund contributions) and other allowances.:
Unskilled Labourer
Production Asst (unskilled)
Production Asst (skilled)
Office Assistant/Receptionist
General Manager (GM/MD)
Sales & Marketing Manager
Marketing Manager
Office Secretary
Personal Asst/Exec. Secretary
800 - 1.300
1.000 - 1.400
1.500 - 2.000
1.300 - 1.600
1.500 - 2.500
11.000 - 15.000
3.500 - 5.000
3.000 - 8.000
3.000 - 6.500
3.500 – 6.500
1.800 - 3.500
2.500 - 4.500
Source: Adecco Manpower : www.adecco-asia.com
Why Singapore?
At the crossroad of international trade routes and the junction of East and West, Singapore is a top-class world
city to live, work and play. The multi-cultural cosmopolitan city is the most competitive in Asia and is officially the
world’s easiest place to do business. Since 14 consecutive years Singapore is ranked second as the city with the
best investment potential worldwide.
The city is Asia’s most “network ready” country and is rated to have Asia’s best business environment. The
workforce is the best skilled in Asia Pacific and the most motivated in the region while labour regulations are the
most business conducive in Asia.
Foreign talent is very welcome and immigration laws are the least restrictive in the world. Companies benefit from
a range of Free Trade Agreements, Double Taxation Agreements while being served by over 500 local and
foreign financial services and more than 4,500 companies offering services such as audit and accounting,
management consulting, market research, legal and human capital services.
The Government is well known for its pro-business policy regardless of world economic situations and crisis,
while promoting assets such as integrity, quality, reliability, productivity, rule of law and enforcement of
intellectual property rights.
Besides, Singapore is a top transportation hub for sea and air cargo with its busy container ports hosting 200
shipping lines with links to 600 ports in over 120 countries. Changi International Airport offers over 4,000 weekly
flights into 57 countries.
Source: www.entersingapore.info Similar information: www.edb.gov.sg; www.business.gov.sg
Cultural Practices for Doing Business in Singapore
Business Cards
After initial introduction Business (name) cards are exchanged with both hands. Examine the card
carefully before putting them in a business card case. Treat the card with respect. This is indicative
of how one will treat the relationship.
Communication Styles in Singapore
Due to the diverse ethnic mix in Singapore, there are 4 languages in common usage - Malay,
Mandarin Chinese, Tamil and English.
English is widely used as the 'common' language because of its apparent neutrality as well as its
importance in the international business arena. Many Singaporean schools run the curriculum in
English. Therefore, levels of English are extremely good in Singapore and foreign business people
who also have a good command of the English language will have little difficulty communicating.
As in many Asian cultures, 'no' is a difficult word and other ways of expressing disagreement
should be sought. Disagreement can affect the harmony of the situation as well as possibly making
somebody lose face and needs to be avoided. Vagueness and substitutions are often used to avoid
disagreement. Thus 'no' becomes, 'Yes, but it might be difficult' and 'yes' might merely imply 'I
have understood your point.' It is therefore important that everything, which is said, is not taken
Ask lots of open questions and go over important points several times. However, should your
probing reveal a flaw in the logic of an argument or an actual mistake, try not to point it out in
public. Be aware of the 'face' of the other side. Pay attention to non-verbal communication (facial
expression, tone of voice and posture).
Humour can often be misunderstood or not understood at all and as such is best avoided. It is
better to underplay your personal merits, majoring rather on the merits of your organisation or
department. Conversation about deeply personal issues should be avoided, as should comments
about the Singaporean 'system'
Singaporean Meetings
Appointments are necessary and should be made at least 2 weeks in advance, whenever possible.
The most formal way to schedule a meeting is to write to the person concerned, although most
Singaporeans will schedule an appointment by telephone, fax or email. One should arrive at a
meeting on time. Punctuality is a virtue, as lateness implies a lack of respect.
It is important that meetings should remain as harmonious and non-confrontational as possible,
with due regard being given to the preservation of 'face'. Thus, it could be very detrimental to the
long-term health of any business relationship should a meeting descend into openly expressed
frustrations. Bear in mind that the quality of the relationship is the key determinant of a successful
and mutually fruitful partnership. (Although, once again, when dealing with Western educated
Singaporeans working with MNC's, it is possible to encounter US style frankness.)
The focus of any meeting should be on co-operation and the preservation of harmony. Therefore, it
is often a good idea to let any sticking points drop, returning to them later through another
approach or even saving them for later in the negotiation process when further progress has been
made and the relationship has been further strengthened
Respect should be given to the hierarchy during the meeting, which includes thoughtful pauses
prior to answering questions posed by Senior Managers. Do not leave your junior members to deal
with their senior team whilst you attend to something more important!
Building Relationships
Personal relationships are the cornerstone of all business relationships. Business is a matter of
being tied into the proper network which is the result of long standing personal relationships or
proper introductions. This is a group-oriented culture, so links are often based on ethnicity,
education or working for the same company. Relationships take time to develop. One must be
patient as this indicates that your organisation is here for the long term and not looking for short
term gains. Rank is always respected. Most Singaporeans are soft-spoken and believe a calm
demeanour is superior to a more aggressive style. Watch one’s body language and facial
expressions (non-verbal communication).
Management Style in Singapore
As befits a hierarchical structure, Managers tend to be older which in itself lends them an air of
authority. As in the rest of Asia, age still implies wisdom and people will be more comfortable
dealing with an older Manager than a young 'whizz-kid'. Managers delegate decisions to their
teams and expect the decisions to be overtly respected. This does not mean, however, that the
rationale behind the decision is never debated - it is merely that any dissension is likely to be aired
in a more private manner than in the full view of an open meeting. (This, again, may not hold true
when dealing with a Singapore-based MNC.)
As in all basically Confucian business cultures, the Manager expects to be respected and obeyed
and in return for loyalty and dedication to the cause, he will show a much more holistic interest in
the wellbeing of his team. This includes an almost paternal regard for many aspects of a
subordinate's life. The Manager's relationship with the team does not necessarily finish at the end
of the working day
Outside family ties, promotion will be based on merit and performance criteria rather than
connections. The performance criteria may, however, differ from those in the West and top of the
list may be the ability to create a harmonious team in which people feel at ease
Gift Giving
The government has introduced very tight legislation governing the issues around gift giving wishing to avoid the corruption scandals which have tainted other Asian societies in the past. It is,
therefore, less common for gifts to be given and received in Singapore than in many other
countries in the region.
It is possibly better to give one gift to the group as a whole, but if individual gifts are to be given
they should be merely tokens (pens with corporate logos etc.) As with other Asian countries, gifts
should be wrapped and are unlikely to be opened in front of the giver.
Dress Code
Due to its position on the equator, Singapore is hot and humid all year round. Dress codes in
business reflect the climatic conditions and tend to be more informal than in many Western
countries or even other Asian countries such as Japan and Korea
Thus, men will often wear shirt and trousers with no tie (jackets are not usually worn.) Colours can
be lighter than the dark blues and greys of the UK and Japan.
Women tend to wear lightweight business suits. Accessories should be of good quality but not
overly ostentatious
Source from : www.World business culture.com
Dutch Organisations in Singapore
Ambassade van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden
541 Orchard Road #13-01
Liat Towers, Singapore 238881
Tel: (65) 6737 1155
Fax: (65) 6737 1940
E-mail: sin@minbuza.nl
Website: http://singapore.nlambassade.org
Opening hours for Public: Mon. to Fri. 9.00 to 13.00 ; 14.00 to 17.00
Office hours: Mon. to Fri. 8.00 to 12.30 & 13.30 to 16.30
Opening hours for Visa application: Mon.to Fri. : 9.00 -13.00
Ambassador Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary
H.E. Mr. Jaap Werner
Administrative office
Ms. Jenny Born, personal assistant
Tel: +65 6739 1116
Ms.Katrijn de Ronde, information and communication officer
Tel: +65 3739 1129
Fax: +65 6737 1940
E-mail: sin@minbuza.nl
Economic Department
Mrs. Pauline Eizema, Deputy Head of Mission
Tel: +65 6739 1116
Fax: +65 6737 1940
E-mail: sin@minbuza.nl
Mrs. Liz Ng, Senior Trade Officer
Tel: +65 6739 1113
Fax: +65 6737 1940
E-mail: liz.ng@minbuza.nl
Mrs. Susan van Boxtel, Advisor Science and Technology
Tel: +65 6739 1127 E-mail: svb@nost.org.sg
Mrs. Susanne van Loon, Project Manager Science and Technology
Tel: +65 6739 1111
Fax: +65 6737 2431 E-mail: sl@nost.org.sg
Ms. Suzanne Sweerman, Area Director (Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency)
Tel: +65 6739 1135
E-mail: sweerman@nfia-singapore.com
Ms. Adeline Tan, Senior Project Manager NFIA
Tel: +65 6739 1137 Fax: +65 6737 1940
E-mail: tan@nfia-singapore.com
DutchCham - Nederlandse Kamer van Koophandel
1 Philip Street #12-01 Royal One Philip
Tel: 65 65367750
Executive Director: Ms. Nele Cornelisl
E-mail: info@dutchcham.sg
Website: www.dutchcham.sg
Association of Dutch Businessmen in Singapore (ADB)
Secretariat: c/o 22 Camden Park, Singapore 299814
E-mail: adb@org.sg
Website: www.adb.com.sg
Hollandse Club
22 Camden Park
Singapore 299814
Tel: (65) 6464 5225
Fax: (65) 6468 6272
E-mail: info@hollandseclub.org.sg
Website: www.hollandseclub.org.sg
Hollandse School Ltd
65 Bukit Tinggi Road
Singapore 289757
Tel : (65) 6466 0662
Fax: (65) 6467 7582
E-mail: adminhsl@hollandseschool.org / directiehsl@hollandseschool.org
Website: www.hollandseschool.org
Netherlands Charity Association (NCA)
c/o 22 Camden Park
Singapore 299814
E-mail: ncasingapore@hotmail.com
Website: www.xpatxperience.com/nca
Embassy of the Republic of Singapore
Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 198
1050 Brussel, België
Tel: (32) 2 - 660 29 79 t/m 81
Fax: (32) 2 - 660 86 85
E-mail: singemb_bru@sgmfa.gov.sg
Ambassadeur: Mr. Ong Eng Chuan
Singapore Consulate-General,
Westerlaan 10
3016 CK Rotterdam
Tel: 010 4403650
Fax: 010 4403651
Honorair Consul-Generaal:
Singapore Economic Development
Board (EDB)
(promotion of foreign investments in
250 North Bridge Road #28-00
Raffles City Tower
Singapore 179101
Tel: (65) 6832 6832
Fax: (65) 66832 6565
Website: www.sedb.com
London Office EDB
Grand Building
1-3 Strand
London WC2N 5HR
Fax: (44) 20 – 7484 2700
Email: jane.chen@edb.gov.sg
Ms. Jane Chen, Centre Director
SPRING Singapore
(cross promotion of Singapore SMEs and
SME network)
1 Fusionopolis Walk
#01-02 South Towers, Solaris, S-138628
Tel: (65) 6278 6666
Fax: (65) 6278 6667
Website: www.spring.gov.sg
E-mail: enterpriseone@spring.gov.sg
International Enterprise Singapore (IE)
(trade promotion board of Singapore and
registration of foreign “representative
offices” in Singapore)
230 Victoria Street Level 10
Bugis Junction Office Tower
Singapore 188024
Tel: (65) 6337 6628
Fax: (65) 6337 6898 / 6337 3638
Website: www.iesingapore.gov.sg
E-mail: enquiry@iesingapore.gov.sg
IE Resource Centre: tel: (65) 6433 4431
JTC Corporation
(leasing on industrial land and factories)
8 Jurong Town Hall Road
The JTC Summit
Singapore 609434
Tel: (65) 6560 0056
Fax: (65) 6565 5301
Website: www.jtc.gov.sg
E-mail: feedback@jtc.gov.sg (feedback)
askjtc@jtc.gov.sg (enquiries)
Accounting & Corporate Regulatory
Authority (ACRA)
(national registrar for companies and
10 Anson Road #05-01/15
International Plaza
Singapore 079903
Tel: (65) 6248 6028 (Gen Enq)
Fax: (65) 6225 1676
Website: www.acra.gov.sg
E-mail: acra_feedback@acra.gov.sg
Singapore Customs
55 Newton Road #10-01
Revenue House
Singapore 307987
Tel: (65) 6250 8668 /6355 2000
Fax: (65) 6250 8663
E-mail: customs_documentation@customs.gov.sg
Website: www.customs.gov.sg
The Controller of Immigration
Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA)
ICA Building10 Kallang Road
Singapore 208718
Tel: (65) 6391 6100 (general enquiries)
Fax: (65) 6298 0837 / 6298 0843
ICA 24 hour Call Centre: 6391 6100
Website: www.ica.gov.sg
E-mail: ica_feedback@ica.gov.sg
(Application for Work Permits)
Employment Pass Department
Ministry of Manpower
18 Havelock Road
Singapore 059764
Tel: (65) 6438 5122
Fax: (65) 6534 4840
E-mail: mom_epd@mom.gov.sg
Website: www.mom.gov.sg
Useful Internet Addresses
A prominent local source of business contacts/trade directory
database covering the scope of industrial, commercial and consumer
Singapore Government with links to all ministries, statutory boards, www.gov.sg
agencies and others
“Enterprise One” – one stop agency to facilitate “Doing Business
in Singapore” for foreign companies as well as local businesses
in Singapore to start, sustain & grow their operations. Use this
site to find out and learn more about Government laws,
regulations, assistance, licences and permits for your business.
Singapore Government Electronic Business Partner (GeBiz Partner)
is the Singapore Government’s e-procurement portal. All the public
sector’s invitations for quotations and tenders are posted on GeBiz.
Suppliers can search for procurement opportunities, download tender
documents and submit their bids online.
National Trade Promotion Agency, (I.E.) International Enterprise
Singapore promotes Singapore's external trade interests; resource
rich in trade statistics, sector directories and databases imports/export
procedures and customs requirements. Daarnaast ook informatie over
internationale handelsmogelijkheden en handels-aanvragen (o.a. over
Singapore Economic Development Board; National economic
agency's homepage profiles Singapore's economic growth,
business investment opportunities, information on setting up
companies/businesses in Singapore, policy guidelines and
incentives; specific industry profile write-ups and useful links
ACRA is the national registrar for companies and businesses; to
start, register or grow a business in Singapore; its registry
provides potential businessmen to Singapore with user friendly
and transparent services/functions, online directory searches of
companies and businesses names, purchases of company profile
(background info) extracts
Agency for Science Technology and Research; promotes and
encourages excellent science engineering and biomedical research
and nurtures talent to help Singapore's transition to a knowledge
based economy; listing of a network of research engineering institutes
and centres is also found on this website.
National agency focusing on nurturing pro-business environment that
encourages SMEs and industries formation and growth; enhance
productivity,innovation and capabilities of enterprises; help increase
access to markets and business opportunities; national measurement
and standards authority.
Info-Communications Development Authority of Singapore is
responsible for fostering a competitive world-class infocomm industry
in Singapore, living, working in "New Economy"; spearheading delivery
of e-governmental services; building/operating government's IT
National statistical authority responsible for disseminating official
statistics on Singapore; variety of info/data are freely accessible at this
Name of Trade show/conference
Spore International Energy Week 28
Oct to 1 Nov-Asia Future Energy Forum/ Asia
Smart Grid
Brief Description
Singapore AirShow 2014
11-16 Feb
(Holland Pavilion via Netherlands Aerospace Group)
Spore International Furniture Fair
9-12 March
Furniture fair for Asean and Int'l market/institutional
buyers and suppliers
incorporates: Hospitality Design Furniture Converge Asia Conference
Bio-Pharma Asia Convention 2014
14 - 16 March
Pharma, Biotech & R&D community/Pharma Manufacturing World
Asia Pacific Maritime 2014
19-21 March
Shipbuilding, maritime engineering, harbor and port technologies
(Holland Pavilion via Holland Marine Equipment Group)
IDEM 2014
4-6 April
Dental Equipment Tradeshow
Food & Hotel Asia 2012
8-11 April
Food & Drinks, Hotel, Restaurant, Bakery and
Food service equipment, supplies and services
Singapore Maritime Week 2014
Int'l Conferences : Asia Green Shipping Summit/
Annual FPSO/Offshore Support Vessels + Spore Shipping
Conference/Piracy & Sea Robbery Conference
Singapore Yacht Show 2014
10-13 April
(Holland Pavilion via FME CWM Cleantech Group)
Showcasing international luxury yachting and boating
Cards & Payments Asia 2011
23-24 April
There are 6 co-located shows in one venue
RFID/Near Field Communic/Prepaid Card/Retailworld
Digital ID world/Transport Ticketing/Mobile Money World
Semicon Show 2014
23-24 April
Wafer fabrication/semiconductors/high-tech microelectronics industry
Enterprise IT
17-20 June
incorporates: Comgraphics & Animations / CG O/Drive
Singapore International Water Week
1-5 June
public governance and sustainable development
(Holland Pavilion by NWP, Netherlands)
World Cities Summit 2014
1-4 June 2014
WasteMETAsia 2012
2-4 June 2014
17-20 June
Singapore Garden Festival
16-24 August
Medical Fair 2014
9-11 Sept
Incorporates Computer Graphics & Animations/CG O/Drive
Pumps Systems/Heating/Ventilation
Air Filtration and purification
10-12 Sept
BEX Asia
8-10 Oct
Eco-Build/Singapore Green Building Council Conference
Singapore International Energy
End October
Offshore South East Asia
2-5 December
Oil and Gas Indust
Oil and Gas/Petroleum Refining/Petrochemical Industries
(Holland Pavilion by HME and IRO)
Source: www.yoursingapore.com (conventions & trade exhibitions calender “Business Events” )
Fax: (65) 6223 1707
Association of Small & Medium Enterprises
167 Jalan Bukit Merah Tower 4 #03-13
Singapore 150167
Tel: (65) 6513 0388
Fax: (65) 6513 0399
E-mail: ir@asme.org.sg
Website: www.asme.org.sg
Executive Director: Mr. Bryan T e h
Singapore Business Federation (SBF)
10 Hoe Chiang Road #22-01, Keppel
Singapore 089315
Tel: (65) 6827 6828
Fax: (65) 6827 6807
Website: www.sbf.org.sg
CEO: Mr. Ho Meng Kit
Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce &
Industry (SCCCI)
47 Hill Street 9th Floor, SCCCI Building
Singapore 179365
Tel: (65) 6337 8381
Fax: (65) 6339 0605
E-mail: corporate@sccci.org.sg
Website: www.sccci.org.sg
Secretary General: Mr Tham Poh Cheong
Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce
31 Stanley Street
Singapore 068740
Tel: (65) 6222 2855
E-mail: sicci@sicci.com
Website: www.sicci.com
CEO: Mr. Kumaran Barathan
Singapore International Chamber of
Commerce (SICC)
6 Raffles Quay #10-01, John Hancock
Singapore 048580
Tel: (65) 6500 0988
Fax: (65) 6224 2785
E-mail: SA@sicc.com.sg
Website: www.sicc.com.sg
Executive Director: Mr Philip Overmyer
Singapore Malay Chamber of Commerce
15 Jalan Pinang
Singapore 199147
Tel: (65) 6297 9296
Fax: (65) 6392 4527
E-mail: inquiry@smcci.org.sg
Website: www.smcci.org.sg
Exec Dir: Mr. Mohd Ismail Hussain
Singapore Manufacturer's Federation (SMA)
2 Bukit Merah Central #03-00
Spring Singapore, S-195835
Tel: (65) 6826 3000
Fax: (65) 6822 8328
E-mail: hq@smafederation.org.sg
Website: www.smafederation.org.sg
Sec-Gen : Mr. Lam Joon Khoi
American Association of Singapore
Swedish Business Association
Austrian Business Association
Swiss Business Association
Belgium-Luxembourg Association
Of Singapore
American Chamber of Commerce
British Business Association
Canada-Singapore Business Association
Danish Business Association
Finish Business Council
French Business Association
Australian Chamber of Commerce
British Chamber of Commerce
Canadian Chamber of Commerce
Dutch Chamber of Commerce
European Chamber of Commerce
Irish Business Association
Singapore-German Chamber of
Italian Business Association
German Centre for Industry and Trade
Norwegian Business Association
Italian Chamber of Commerce
New Zealand Singapore Business Council
Japan Chamber of Commerce and
Dutch Service Providers/Consultants assisting with Incorporating Companies in
Singapore :
(1) Dutch Chamber of Commerce (Dutch Cham) - Nederlandse Kamer van Koophandel
Contact: Ms. Nele Cornelis, Exec Dir Tel: 65 65367750
E-mail: info@dutchcham.sg/ Website: www.dutchcham.sg
(2) Accelerasia Pte Ltd : Managing Director: Mr. Frank Bomers www.accelerasia.com Tel: 65
91136803 email: frank@accelerasia.com
(3) DR Consultancy Services Pte Ltd : Managing Director: Mr. Richard Soemita email:
richard@drc.sg Tel: 65 83336404
Dutch Lawyers in Singapore:
(1) Loyens & Loeff : Partner: Mr. Pieter de Ridder www.loyensloeff.com Tel: 65323070 email:
(2) Voskamp Lawyers : Partner: Mrs. Barbara Voskamp www.voskamplawyers.com Tel: 65
65630535 email: info@voskamplawyers.com
Investor's Guide to Singapore/Expat Living Costs (Annual publication)
Annual publication by Singapore International Chamber of Commerce,
Singapore, website: www.sicc.com.sg email: publications@sicc.com.sg
Living in Singapore, a reference guide
Annual publication by the American Association of Singapore:
10 Claymore Hill, Singapore 229573, Tel: (65) 6738 0371 Fax: (65) 6738 3648
Email: aas@aasingapore.com
Singapore Government Directory
Online version: www.gov.sg/sgdi
Annual Economic Survey of Singapore 2012
By : Department of Statistics (DoS) (released : March 2013)
website: www.singstat.gov.sg
Wie Wat Waar in Singapore by Helutrans Group
Website: www.helutrans.com