October 20, 2010 Minutes - Monroe County, Wisconsin

Finance Committee
October 20, 2010
Present: Ed Westphal, Keith Kenyon, Rick Irwin, James Kuhn, Brian Buswell
Others: Catherine Schmit, Tina Osterberg, Annette Erickson, Pam Pipkin, Sharon Nelson, Lisa Josvai,
Alison Elliott, Sharon Folcey, Carol Las, Member of the public, Press
The meeting was called to order in the Highway Department, Conference Room at 9:00 a.m.
Next meeting date – November 17, 2010 at 9:00 a.m. in the Highway Committee Conference Room
Minutes Approval – Motion by Ed Westphal second by Brian Buswell to approve 10/12/10 minutes as
printed and mailed. Carried 5-0.
Notice of Budgetary Adjustment
a. Health – Sharon Nelson explained budget adjustment in the amount of $24,482 from the
Division of Public Health to enhance and promote WIC Services. Discussion. Motion to
approve budget adjustment by Rick Irwin second by Ed Westphal. Discussion. Carried 5-0.
(Original budget adjustment is attached to minutes in County Clerk’s office.)
b. Finance – Tina Osterberg explained budget adjustment in the amount of $45,515 for the 2010
revised Shared Revenue. Discussion. Motion to approve budget adjustment by Rick Irwin
second by Brian Buswell. Discussion. Carried 4-1, Westphal. (Original budget adjustment is
attached to minutes in County Clerk’s office.)
Dog Control – Alison Elliott explained budget adjustment in the amount of $11,438.92 for the
increase in revenue from the sale of dog licenses and donations for the purchase of a new
truck. Discussion. Motion to approve budget adjustment by Rick Irwin second by Brian
Buswell. Discussion. Carried 4-1, Kenyon. (Original budget adjustment is attached to minutes in County
Clerk’s office.)
d. AG & Extension – Catherine Schmit explained budget adjustment in the amount of $24,027
for job vacancies. Catherine explained that this amount was amended by $1,000 at the AG &
Extension meeting. Discussion. Motion to by Rick Irwin second by Brian Buswell to amend
the budget adjustment by $1,000 from $24,027 to $23,027 changing the final budgeted
numbers. Approval of the original budget adjustment as amended. Carried 4-1, Wetsphal.
(Original budget adjustment is attached to minutes in County Clerk’s office.)
Motion by Brian Buswell for department heads that have both budget adjustments and line item transfers
to be located in the same section of the agenda so they won’t have to stay around the meeting so long.
Motion died for lack of second. Discussion.
Line item transfers –
a. Health – Sharon Nelson explained line item transfer in the amount of $1,500 for mileage due
to an increase of referrals for home visits within Monroe County. Discussion. Motion by Rick
Irwin second by Brian Buswell to approve line item transfer. Carried 5-0. (Original line item
transfers are attached to minutes in the County Clerk’s office.)
b. Child Support – Pam Pipkin explained line item transfer in the amount of $1,500 for an
increase in minor paternities which require a Guardian Ad Litem. Discussion. Motion by Ed
Westphal second by Rick Irwin to approve line item transfer. Carried 5-0. (Original line item
transfers are attached to minutes in the County Clerk’s office.)
Dog Control – Alison Elliott explained line item transfer in the amount of $7,000 for the
purchase of a truck through donations. Discussion. Motion by Brian Buswell second by Rick
Irwin to approve line item transfer. Carried 3-2, Westphal, Kenyon. (Original line item transfers are
attached to minutes in the County Clerk’s office.)
d. Maintenance – Catherine Schmit explained line item transfer in the amount of $525 for
adding a telephone line for the security desk. Discussion. Motion by Ed Westphal second by
Keith Kenyon to approve line item transfer. Discussion. Carried 5-0. (Original line item transfers
are attached to minutes in the County Clerk’s office.)
The minutes are not official until approved by the Finance Committee at their next regular meeting.
e. Clerk of Court – Tina Osterberg explained line item transfer in the amount of $43,000 for
attorney fees, doctor exam and transcripts. Discussion. Motion by Rick Irwin second by
Brian Buswell to approve line item transfer. Discussion. Carried 5-0. (Original line item transfers
are attached to minutes in the County Clerk’s office.)
AG & Extension – Catherine Schmit explained line item transfer in the amount of $1,000
for clerical support. Discussion. Motion by Keith Kenyon second by Rick Irwin to approve
line item transfer. Discussion. Carried 5-0. (Original line item transfers are attached to minutes in the
County Clerk’s office.)
Sheriff Department request for credit card approval – Jim Kuhn pulled this item from the agenda per
request of the Sheriff Department Office Manager as the credit card is no longer needed.
Patrolman Vacancy – Jim Kuhn pulled this item from the agenda per request of the Sheriff
Department Office Manager as the vacancy was handled through the Personnel committee.
Fiscal Note on Resolution
a. Resolution ratifying arbitration award for 2010-2011 collective bargaining agreement between
Monroe County and the Monroe County Professional Police Association – Jim Kuhn pulled
the resolution from the agenda as the resolution did not pass the committee of jurisdiction.
a. Annette Erickson, gave the monthly report. Discussion.
b. Positive Pay – Annette Erickson explained that with the banking industry, security is a
number one concern. Our bank has suggested positive pay, this would be additional
protection of the county accounts from hackers. Annette explained that this would be a
monthly charge. Discussion. Jim Kuhn recommended Annette should gather information
and provide a proposal to the committee.
c. Approval of monthly Treasurer’s vouchers by Rick Irwin second by Keith Kenyon.
Discussion. Carried 5-0.
Finance Director
a. Tina Osterberg, gave the monthly report. Discussion.
b. Progress on Finance Department Implementation – Tina Osterberg explained that currently
she has been working with Mary Brieske of the Highway Department in transitioning the
position to the finance department. Mary will be working physically at the Highway
Approval of monthly Finance vouchers by Rick Irwin second by Keith Kenyon. Discussion.
Carried 5-0.
d. Petty Cash Policy Review – Tina Osterberg reviewed the petty cash policy with the
committee. The committee provided suggestions to the petty cash policy. Discussion. The
committee will look over the petty cash policy and will return with suggestions at the next
e. Cash Receipt Policy Review – Tina Osterberg reviewed the cash receipt policy with the
committee. The committee provided suggestions to the cash receipt policy. Discussion. The
committee will look over the petty cash policy and will return with suggestions at the next
meeting. James Kuhn suggested that Tina meet directly with Senior Services to review
policy and provide the information back to the committee at the next meeting.
2011 Budget – Discussion/Action – James Kuhn opened the table for discussion on the 2011 budget.
Catherine Schmit provided an amended budget to committee members adjusting prior year columns.
Catherine explained that page number 573 for Solid Waste was amended, this had no change in the
budget; also the detail page for Highway Department IT pool was missing. Discussion. Ed Westphal is
concerned that the last page of the budget levy is wrong. Catherine explained that the number is
correct, the allowable levy numbers are provided by the state. Annette Erickson asked the
The minutes are not official until approved by the Finance Committee at their next regular meeting.
Administrator if money was taken out of the general fund to reduce the levy. Catherine explained that
she is not taking money out of the general fund to reduce the levy. On pg 7 Peggy Thorson, Justice
Programs Coordinator had let the Administrator know she had only figured in one month of dental
insurance. This will have to be adjusted in the budget. Keith Kenyon explained concerns with the HRA
account. HRA should be shown as a benefit. Catherine suggested that HRA benefit could be noted on
the bottom of personnel cost sheets. Catherine explained that Dispatch is currently carrying a
telephone line that is currently being used only by the Wilton fire department. Darlene Pintarro may be
removing this from her budget. Catherine explained that Ho Chunk requires as a specific line item in
which the funds will be used. It was explained that the money was placed in the IT budget. Catherine
has corresponded directly with Ho-Chunk regarding using funds for IT, Ho-Chunk has been notified to
contact the Administrator if there are any concerns. The IT fund was developed to be used directly in
each department. The IT Department will still fund software, maintenance and the network system.
Catherine will develop a schedule and invite committees of jurisdictions for next weeks Finance
meeting on the 25, 26 & 27. The committee would like to see the following departments; Human
Services, Justice, Rolling Hills, Solid Waste, Extension starting Monday at 15 minute intervals.
Catherine explained that if any of the supervisors have changes to the budget, please contact the
Vouchers - Motion by Ed Westphal second by Keith Kenyon to approve the monthly expenses and
per diems. Discussion. Carried 5-0.
Items for next month’s agenda – Petty Cash, Cash Receipts
Adjournment - Motion by Ketih Kenyon second by Ed Westphal to adjourn at 12:10 p.m. Carried 5-0.
Shelley Bohl, County Clerk
The minutes are not official until approved by the Finance Committee at their next regular meeting.