- Bottesford Parish Council

Bottesford Parish Council
Mrs. B Taylor
Devon Farm
NG13 0BZ
Tel 01949 843611
E-mail clerk@bottesfordpc.org.uk
Mr. D Daly
The Green, Devon Lane
NG13 0BZ
Tel 07778 351935
Miss T Patchett
6 The Square
NG13 0EY
Tel 01949 842173
Minutes of Parish Council meeting held on Monday 9th Sept 2013 at 7.15 p.m. in the The Old
School, Main Street, Muston
Councillors Present D Daly, A Ablewhite, K May, L Busby, A Raper, G Broome, H Stokes, A
Also Present B Taylor (Clerk), T Patchett (Assistant Clerk), P Chandler & D Wright (Borough
Councillors) B Rhodes (County Councillor)
Members of the public 11
7.15 Public Session (including presentation on Destination Bottesford)
Member of public raised issue about lack of bus service in Muston, the only bus that runs does not
accept bus passes as it runs early in the morning.
Mr. C Love raised issues with a letter received from the Parish Council ‘Letter banning me from
writing to Parish Clerk or Assistant Clerk’ Mr. Love requests evidence of when his correspondence
has been a cause of harassment. Mr. Love also raised issues with a dead cherry tree and weeds in
Howitts Road amenity area.
Nancy Forster from Normanton raised issue of flooding in Normanton, property has flooded 3
times in recent months, since found out that budget for repairing drainage in Normanton has
been withdrawn, requesting help from Parish Council to request urgent works to be carried out.
Chairman stated this will be covered on the agenda later.
Mick Maltby – also resident of Normanton requesting help with flooding issues
Councillor Wright requested update on stocks and railings, stocks have now been repaired, new
railings and bollards have been received and will be installed soon.
Member of public spoke about the need for a street light at the end of Main Street in Muston in
dip close to junction with A52. Four other Muston residents supported the need for this street
light; one member of public requested the light to be on a timer or sensor so it is only on when
Member of Public raised concerns about planning application for a wind turbine at Orston.
Destination Bottesford
Ophelia Marshall & Maria from Zaro’s gave a verbal report on the event; over 1000 people
attended the event. Thanked Parish Council for its time and support of the event. Forming a retail
and business forum to meet once a month to support all businesses in the local area. Forum will
use any monies raised for future promotion and possible small grants for local businesses.
Parish Council Meeting
90 To hear and agree Apologies from absent Councillors and to welcome newly
elected Councillor Lynn Busby. Chairman welcomed Lynn Busby and Karen May
Councillor Davies – work commitments – all agreed to accept these apologies.
91 Agree Minutes of parish council meetings held on:
a. 8th July 2013 all agreed the minutes are a true record, minutes duly signed by
b. 2nd August 2013 all agreed the minutes are a true record, minutes duly signed by
92 External Reports
Police Report It would be helpful if we have more detail on what items are being taken
and an update of when any crimes are detected. Trends would be more useful to show
increase/decrease in crime levels. Attached appendix A
b) County Council Report Councillor Rhodes present and gave a verbal report on the
following, there has been a number of thefts from vehicles, and police are doing work
on crime in the vale. Council dealing with reduction in budget of £110 million per year.
Please complete questionnaire in Leicestershire Matters to help Council shape services
for the future. Councillor Daly asked about the reduction in hours at the local recycling
site – Councillor replied that sites will open 5 days a week, days will vary including
c) Borough Council Report Councillor Chandler gave a verbal report on the following
items - there is a lot of fly tipping in Muston, Melton Local Plan reference groups
meeting at Parkside on 27th Sept at 6pm all welcome. Councillor Ablewhite questioned
planning decision for bungalow to be turned into a 3 bedroomed house – Councillor
Chandler replied that it meets housing need in the village.
Councillor Wright gave a verbal report on the following items – handed out leaflets and
cards for the reference groups, recycling increased by 13%, waste to landfill reduced by
2%, council properties in Walford Close having new bathrooms and kitchens fitted, pilot
scheme for computer benefit claims to run in children’s center– Agreed to check
liabilities re Youth club cover and liabilities..
93 Planning
a) Approvals and refusals received since last meeting
12/00827/LBC Barn Cottage, Manor Road, Easthorpe – Approved
12/00837/FUL Barn Cottage, Manor Road, Easthorpe – Approved
13/00269/FULHH 16 Main Street, Muston – Approved
13/00401/FUL Cricket Club, Bottesford. Replacement of brick built score box –
13/00407/FULHH 2 Manor Road, Easthorpe – Approved
13/00415/FULHH 83 Grantham Rd, Bottesford, Boundary wall & gate –
13/00427/FULHH 84 Grantham Road, Bottesford. Erection of double garage to
front garden – Approved
13/00465/FULHH 3 Lime Grove, Bottesford, demolition of back garden wall and
replace with fence – Refused
13/00485/TCA 33 Main Street, Normanton – Approved
b) Plans to be discussed
13/00356/FUL Mrs. J Porter, Cart shed adjacent to Easthorpe Manor, Manor Road,
Easthorpe. Alterations necessary to convert existing cart shed to residential use as a single
dwelling, including necessary repairs to the existing fabric – Can it be checked that this
historic building has been recorded before conversion, can access for protected species be
incorporated into the build especially for bats, owls, swifts and swallows. Otherwise no
13/00483/VAC Belvoir Fruit Farms LTD, site adjacent to vale view, Barkestone Lane,
Bottesford. Change of use of existing agricultural store to relocate existing process, also
production unit including demolition of dwelling – Council would like to see the security
fencing softened by planting, otherwise no objections.
13/00524/FULHH Mr. & Mrs. I Brooks, 14 Lime Grove, Bottesford. Proposed single and 2
storey side extension – Parish Council object to this application on the grounds of over
intensive use of the plot, light impact on the neighbouring property.
13/00550/TCA Mr. Martin Lilywhite, 5 Castle View Road, Easthorpe. T1/2 birch 40%
crown reduction, T3 spruce fell, T4 Poplar x 2 50% reduction, T5 Leylandii fell. Reasons for
work to allow more daylight into garden – Limited information received % reductions are
drastic and likely to result in early demise of the trees otherwise no comments.
13/01426/FUL (Rushcliffe) Mr. M Clarke, Land east of spa lane Orston. Installation of
single wind turbine (74m to tip) with ancillary development and access road – Visible
impact on the setting of St Mary’s Church, Bottesford, visual impact from Beacon Hill and
Belvoir Castle. Will be prominent from a number of viewpoints in the area. Repeat
comments from previous application.
13/01609/FUL (Rushcliffe) lightsource SPV 62 ltd, Lodge farm, Longhedge Lane, Orston.
Installation and operation of a solar farm and associated infrastructure including
photovoltaic panels, mounting frames, inverters, transformers, substations, communication
building, fence and pole mounted security – Industrial development in open countryside,
concern over potential height and visual impact from Bottesford including the setting of St
Mary’s Church, Bottesford and view from Beacon Hill.
c) General planning matters to be discussed
94 Finance
a) Review Budget/Actual report – Report attached appendix B
b) Agree accounts for payment – All agreed to pay accounts as listed. Report attached
appendix B
c) To agree modification of financial procedures following internal audit report
– Report circulated prior to the meeting.
d) Agree mandates for direct debit payments – Utilities being changed to Direct
Debit as invoices arrive.
e) Status of maintenance contracts re-letting exercise – Councillor Stokes to meet
with Clerk.
f) Status of asset list consolidation - ongoing
g) To accept external auditors report – report circulated at meeting all agreed to
accept the report.
95 Review of current charity involvement
a) Bottesford Youth – Bottesford Parish Council are sole trustees. Trustees met and
agreed to refresh objects and governing documents to bring them up to date, Councillor
Stokes to prepare documents for Trustees to meet and agree changes.
b) Hands Charity – Should be 2 Councillors and 2 representatives from Church Council,
Clerk to organize meeting.
c) Flemings Hospital – Earl of Rutland Hospital Trust, Barbara Taylor represents Parish
Council on Committee meetings. Meets 2 or 3 times a year.
96 Working party & project reports
a) Communications – report circulated prior to meeting attached appendix C
b) HR Working Party – Collecting information
c) Transport / MVAS – report circulated prior to the meeting attached appendix D
d) Neighbourhood Plan – report circulated prior to meeting attached appendix E
e) Old School refurbishment – arranging quotes for essential maintenance
f) Youth Club – Chair of youth club committee has resigned, committee meeting
arranged for tomorrow night.
g) Playground Improvement – Numerous quotes have been received ready to submit a
bid to WREN for funding.
h) Good Neighbour Scheme – so far 6 volunteers, meeting arranged for next week.
i) Destination Bottesford - next steps – heard in public meeting, plans for a
Christmas event on 7th December.
j) Review of projects list - on-going
97 Agree the formation of an Allotment Working Group – informal meeting at rent
collection evening.
98 Announce winners of allotment competition 2013 and agree purchase of prizes.
Large Allotments
Small Allotments
1st G Sentence £20 voucher
1st R Pritchett £20 voucher
2nd R Parker £15 voucher
2nd J Pryce Brown £15 voucher
3rd R Money £10 voucher
3rd G Pearson £10 voucher
99 Discuss and agree supplier and order for Bottesford public noticeboard – all agreed
to purchase a notice board at a cost of £1470 + delivery installation pending search of ground for
100 Discuss and agree attendees for
a) Safer Melton Partnership meeting 13th Sep 10.00-12.00 – meeting on 27th Sept
not 13th Councillors to check availability and book places if available.
b) LRALC Melton Branch meeting 10th Sep 19.00-20.30 – A Ablewhite, D Daly, A
101 Report from meeting with Highways – report circulated prior to the meeting attached
appendix F
102 Discuss and agree next actions for a fire evacuation procedure for the Old School
Councillor Broome obtaining a suitable procedure.
103 Discuss and agree next actions on reported withdrawal of funding for drain
improvements in Normanton – Agreed that Council needs to contact Mike Sheldrake at
LCC to push for action on this issue. Flood warden to report issues on a regular basis,
Councillor Raper to organize a meeting with all parties.
104 Discuss and agree next actions on reported lack of bus services in Muston Agreed
to seek information on Dial-a-ride services.
105 Discuss and agree next actions on a request for a streetlight in Muston – Agreed
that Parish Council install a streetlight as per quote from E-on
106 Discuss and agree next actions for annual inspection on play areas – Agreed that
we go ahead with Wicksteeds at a cost of £45 per play area.
107 Agree the donation of the Youth equipment gifted by LCC to the Youth Club – list
of equipment provided by youth club to be checked by Assistant Clerk, to come back to Parish
Council for agreement.
108 Discuss and agree recommendations from the solicitors on current and required
leases and licenses – One quote circulated prior to the meeting, further quotes discussed at
meeting, proposed and agreed we use Cleggs to produce leases and licenses required.
109 Review and agree insurance policies for
b) Old School Building
c) Old School Content
c) Third Party Liability
– Agreed to check liabilities re Youth club cover.
110 Agree the review of the website content and controls – Councillor Raper and Assistant
clerk to review website.
111 Clerks Actions
a) Footpath 76 – heard nothing from magistrates
b) Disposal of the large table in the Fuller Room – no takers all agreed to dispose on
c) Dog Bag dispensers – agreed to position at Village Hall end of Daybells field & Church
field at Church end.
d) Muston Cross progress – waiting for contractor
e) Bottesford cross barrier repair progress – Stocks repaired, bollards and rails have
been delivered and will be installed in next 2 weeks.
f) Tidy of Muston Centenary Garden – Hedge and grass have been cut, contractor to
be tasked to tidy the garden.
112 Discuss and agree next actions for a salary review for Clerk and assistant clerk –
this is in terms of reference for HR Committee.
113 Discuss and agree membership of Society of Local Council Clerks for assistant
clerk to submit CiLCA at a cost of £86 – not agreed
114 Discuss and agree in principal the relaunch of the Heritage Trail – all agreed to
progress this idea.
115 Discuss the possibility of Bottesford Youth Council meeting in the Youth Club
room every other Monday – All agreed
23.00 meeting closed
Signed……………………………………………………………… Date…………………………………….
Appendix A Police Report
Report of recordable crime for 29 days up to 05/07/2013 for Bottesford parish council
meeting 08/07/13
Please note that certain details may have been redacted from the following report at
the request of crime victims.
Also note that crime involving persons noted as vulnerable is not included in this
There is/are ten page/s in this report
A police representative will not/ will be in attendance at this meeting.
Prepared by Community Volunteer 5920 Hugh Spencer on behalf of Melton Rural North Beat L25
Appendix B Budget/Actual report
Appendix C Communications report
Communications Working-Party Update Sep 2013
1. Facebook now has 200 followers. This is an increase of 24 in the two months since July.
Between 1 Jul and 31 Aug we made 32 postings. This is lower than normal due to the Aug
holiday period. These posts were read 11,555 times in total, giving us an average reading
per post of 361 people. Popular posts remain missing cats and dogs. The highest outside
this category was the Destination Bottesford posts which attracted 1315 readings in total.
A summary of our demographic is as follows.
 63% of our followers are female. 37% male. This is against Facebook trends, which
have a 46% F and 54% M following globally.
Our highest category is 35-44 year-olds. 38% of our followers (27% F and 11% M)
come from this age-range. Between 18-24 years olds we have 7% of followers (this
is low compared to FB averages). Over 65 year olds, we have 5% of followers (this
is higher than FB averages).
2. Our website statistics are as follows:
Number of hits
1-July – 31 Aug
(two month period)
Most popular pages
1 Jun – 30 Jun
1 May – 31 May
1 Apr – 30 Apr
1 Mar – 31 Mar
1 Feb – 28 Feb
1-31 Jan 2013
Meetings: 221
Parish Councillors: 133
Fault report: 123
Guest book: 107
Flooding issues: 105
Fault report: 130
Parish Councillors: 68
News: 54
Meetings Calendar: 46
Meetings calendar: 121
Fault report form: 95
PC details: 66
Events 58
Fault report form: 210
Meetings calendar: 97
Parish Councillors: 73
Finance and precept 69
Fault reporting: 222
Meeting calendar: 131
Finance and precept:
Fault reports: 90
Meetings calendar: 73
Meetings calendar:
Current issues: 70
3. Our Twitter account has 10 followers. The Twitter account is used mainly to re-tweet
appropriate message from LCC, The Police and local charities. We have tweeted 48 times in
4. The Bottesford pages of Leicestershire Villages has had 599 visits between 1 July and 31
Aug. The most popular pages were Community Heritage, Village History and Church Parish
Walk and Burial Records
5. Our deadline for the Village Voice is 20 Sept. This will be for publication in early Nov. I
have had two articles from Annie (thank you): Dog Wardens and Notice-Board outside
Spar. Please let me know what else you would like adding.
6. I will be circulating a reminder for this year’s Parish Digest soon. I will need articles by
October 31 at latest. Please consider what you would like to include.
7. Karen has now been issued with a Bottesford PC e-m address. I have ordered one for
Lynn. We need to decide whether to migrate fully to the UK Local Councils’ web-mail
facility. This would give us a lot more functionality and would remove the need for us to
reply from our personal e-mail addresses.
Appendix D
Transport Working-Party Update Sep 2013
MVAS and Speedwatch
 Mike Wilson (LCC) has now confirmed that we may now purchase the MVAS, as he has
completed the site surveys. There are a couple of issues outstanding:
a. Two posts need structural testing in Muston. They are our posts, so LCC would
charge us for doing so. I have asked for the cost. This will be £126.57. E-mail
circulated 9 Sept for comments.
b. We need a new post sited in Normanton. This will be £200.
c. Received quote from the recommended suppliers (Radarlux). This will be £2702.62
+VAT. We will also need to increase our insurance, buy two high-viz jackets
(estimated £45) + a short step-ladder (£35.00).
Speedwatch completed 12-24 August 2013. Quieter period this year with only 8 active
volunteers. Thank you to everyone who contributed. Will move campaign to spring or
autumn next year.
Youth/Facilities Update Sep2013
Skate-Park Awards
 Awards evening now 19 Sept. Dermot attending on behalf of BPC. Have not heard anything
from skate-board committee.
Appendix E
Neighbourhood Plan: Sep 2013
Had a number of discussions and e-mails with Mick Downs of Locality. We now have the areas
designated and we are in the 6-week consultancy period.
Anne and Annie have kindly organised the contact details from the original consultation. These
have now been uploaded to excel and double-checked.
We need to write to this group of interested parties asking whether they would be interested in
forming a steering group. Mick Downs has offered to chair an initial meeting. I have asked him to
set out the skills and knowledge we would be looking for within the steering group. E-mail
distributed today.
We therefore need:
Contact details uploaded onto an e-mail distribution list (check with Teresa for Mail-Chimp).
I don’t have availability to do this.
E-mail written (happy to do this).
Organise a date Mick Downs to chair the meeting (happy to do this).
Further conversation with MD scheduled for Tuesday 10 Sept.
Appendix F
Outside the Spar - this was discussed as to whether we could do anything that would slow traffic
down/improve parking - speeds bumps were mentioned - these however are apparently difficult given the
number of school buses that use the street. The parking issue was governed by 1980 Highways act.
Village Sign Decluttering - there was an acceptance that this would improve the village and needsto be
done, as the village was still marked up as if the a52 was running through it. They are doing a similar e
scheme in Melton and he seemed quite sure something could be done.
Barkestone Lane - he seemed to think they were in the process of getting a closed order in place to prevent
traffic using this. Once this was in place Sat nav companies would be informed.
Barkestone Lane cycle Path - this was discussed with him and we raised our concerns about the children
riding on the Path and road and suggested this might be a way forward. He agreed to look at it.
Disabled Parking at the Station 5 barred Gate & Blocking it opening - we raised concerns that once the
station bridge was installed, disabled people would need to go through the bridle way gate and they would
have to go on the road to reach it as there is no pathway.
Cycle Path to Football Club
We discussed the need for it, at that time we were meeting with the Community Action Team the following
day and Stuart seemed to think they might be able to help the Community Action team do a pathway.
However, when we met with the Community Action team the following day
It transpired it was a lot bigger than any other project they had done and thought it beyond them. Having
looked at a proposed pathway with Heather, it is also very problematic as there is a small bridge on the route
and you could not have a pathway on the road side through that.
Devon Lane.- Discussed the problems here with him. that it is an accident waiting to happen, but that
doesn't bother them. they only become interested when an accident actually happens. The problem is that
traffic becomes busier and busier and they go through the ford so fast and then hit a 90 degree blind bend.
Planters in the Village - he was very supportive of us putting these up and also things like small gates on
the entrance way to the village. These are known traffic calming measures. We will just need to apply for a
licence to put them in.