Unit 6 Summer 2 : Alternative

Mid-term planning
Year 5: Unit 6
Term: Summer 2
What is best for our world? Does religion help people
Key Concepts: Inspiration; Christianity; Charity; Islam Zakkah
Learning Objective: to explore how and why believers
help others through charity and service
Attainment Target Focus:
 AT1 Knowledge about religion – Believing;
 AT2 Learning from religion – Making sense of right
and wrong
Syllabus Questions addressed:
 Do religious people lead better lives?
 Is it possible to hold religious beliefs without trying
to make the world a better place?
Assessment Criteria: (L3 & L4)
 Make links between beliefs and sources (L3), describe an understanding of concepts, making some
comparisons between religions (L4)
 Identify impact religion has on believers life (L3) describe and show understanding of feeling and experiences
 Describe key features of religion and religious expression (L3) suggesting meanings for religious forms and
practices (L4)
 Identify what influences them (L3) raising and suggesting answers to questions of identity and belonging (L4)
 Ask important questions about religion and beliefs (L3) raising and suggesting answers to questions of
meaning, purpose and truth (L4)
 Make links between values and commitments and their own attitudes and behaviour (L3) raising and
suggesting answers to questions of values and commitments (L4)
 How helpful are you? Pupils conduct a class/school survey on being helpful. What does it mean to be
helpful? Write about the most helpful thing that they have ever done. What made them do it? What were
the consequences? Why are some people more helpful than others? What kind of people need to be
helpful in their work? Design an advert for a “helpful” person. What qualities would they need to have?
Enquire & Explore: (AT1)
 Explore some of the helpful things that the disciples did, focusing on the early stories in the book of the Acts
of the Apostles. Consider also the letters of Paul. Were they helpful? Why did they do them?
 Research a Muslim charity, such as the Red Crescent and link it to Islamic teaching – one of the Five PillarsZakkah.
 Research Christian Aid and how they set about helping people in Africa.
 Perhaps research Band Aid, Medecins sans frontiers or another non-religious organisation and what it has
achieved, looking for the inspiration behind these charities.
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Evaluate: (AT2 Impersonal)
 What’s important for our world? A diamond nine activity would be good at this point, exploring the needs to
the world. Ask the question about whether people have to be religious to want to do these things? Is it only
religious people who are prepared to sacrifice themselves for others?
 What’s important for our world?
 Do religious people make a difference to the world? Is it a positive difference? Do you think they should do
that or is belief a private matter? Address the key question about whether it is only people of faith who help
others and discuss why that might be. Do the religious charities make a greater difference than the nonreligious charities? Does it matter? Would they consider working for a charity? Why? Why not? If there were
no charities, what would the world be like? Does the world need charities?
Reflect & Communicate: (AT2 Personal)
 What do the children think is the most important thing that needs to happen in the world and how they
would go about making a difference? Would they want to make a difference? Make a poster/leaflet giving
the information about the charity they would most want to support or help. Do the children want to change
any of the ideas they had at the beginning about being helpful? Is there anything that they need to do
 What went well?
 Even better if:
Some suggested resources:
 www.request.org.uk
 www.reonline.org.uk
 RE today publications: Faith in Action, People of Faith, Christianity Topic folder Units 5 and 6
 Books about Mother Teresa, Desmond Tutu etc.
 Christian Aid - What’s best for our world DVD and Booklet (available free from Christian Aid)
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Assessment opportunities & activities
Year 5: Unit 6
Term: Summer 2
What is best for our world? Does religion help people
Higher ability - Pupils working at Level 4 will be able to use a developing religious
vocabulary to:
 Show understanding of how different people interpret the needs of the world in
different ways
 Use the right words to explain how and why Christian Aid tries to meet the needs
of the world
 Describe and link Christian or Muslim teaching with Charity work, referring to
specific teachings of Jesus/sayings from the Qur’an
 Connect the work of Christian Aid with three sayings of Jesus about poverty
 Create a statement about own views of what the world needs, comparing them to
religious beliefs and suggesting ways in which these problem might be solved by
religious or non-religious believers
 Examine a news story about charity work from the perspective of either a
Christian or a Muslim
Pupils working at Level 3 will be able to use a developing religious vocabulary to
 Describe some of the ways in which believers aim to meet the needs of the world
 Use the correct words to describe simply the work of a religiously based charity
 Ask questions and suggest answers about why religious believers aim to meet the
needs of the world
 Make a link between Christian Aid and the teachings of Jesus and the Bible
 Make a link between their own helpfulness and the work of various charities
 Give a presentation/ prepare a leaflet about a need they have identified and how
they think it should be tackled
Pupils working at Level 2 will be able to use religious words and phrases to:
 Hot-seat as Christian or a Muslim and answer questions about the needs of the
 Give a reason based on religious beliefs for why charities aim to help people in
 Identify some ways in which Christian charities seek to make the world a better
place and some ways in which Muslims try to make the world a better place
 Talk about their views of what the world needs
 Recognise the things that motivate them to care for others in the world and the
things that motivate others, including religious believers
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