Silvia M I H A L I K O V A
Personal data
Home address: Furdekova 5, 851 04 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, tel: 421 7 / 6231 6659
Work address: Institute of European Studies and International Relations, Faculty of Social and
Economic Sciences, Comenius University, Odbojarov 10/a, 820 05 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Born:December 3, 1952, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia
Citizenship: Slovak
Maritial status: married, son Martin /age 30/
July 2009, Professor in Political Science, Matej bel University, Banska Bystrica
July 1997, Associate Professor in Political Science, Comenius University, Bratislava
June - July 1994, "International Human Rights Training Programme" organized by
Canadian Human Rights Foundation in Quebec, Canada, received Certificate of
1987, CSc. (Candidate of Social Science - PhD. equivalent), Thesis: Political Culture in
Socialist Countries , Comenius University, Bratislava
1985, PhDr.(M.A.equivalent) in Sociology, Comenius University, Bratislava
1971 - 1976 Graduated from Department of Sociology, Comenius University, Bratislava
October 2005 – Present: Director of the Institute of European Studies and International
Relations, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Comenius University
2003 – Present : Guestprofessor at the Institut of Political Science, Vienna University
August 2002 – Present : Chairholder of Jean Monnet Chair in European Integration Political Science Issues, Comenius University, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences,
September 1999 – September 2000, Reserach Fellow, Research Institute for Easteurope,
Bremen University
January 1990 – September 2005: Associate Professor, Department of Political Science,
aculty of Arts, Comenius University
September 1976 - December 1989: Assistant Professor, Institut of Social and Political
Sciences, Comenius University
Teaching Experience
Institute of European Studies and International Relations, Faculty of Social and Economic
Sciences, courses: European Political Cultures, Comparative Politics: Theories and
Principles, Symbols and Myths of European Integration, Gender Politics in the EU,
Policies of the EU, Minority Rights in the EU, 2001 - 2006
Forschungsstelle Osteuropa, Universität Bremen, course: Politische Symbolik in die
Postkommunistische Länder, 1999 – 2001
Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Universität Wien, courses: Political Representation,
Actors and Institutions in Enlarged EU: The Civic and Political Participation in EU
Candidate Countries, What does it mean Gender-Sensitive and Woman-Friendly Public
Policies in ECE, Public Discourse on Enlargement in ECE (dominant issues, symbols,
taboos), Politics and Society in Slovakia in the Past and Nowadays, Guestprofessor since
Department of Political Science, Comenius University: Undergraduate Courses:
Introduction to Political Science, Comparative Politics; Political Sociology; History of
Political Science in the 20th Century; Political Culture in Slovakia; Feminism in Theory
and Practice; Postgraduate Courses: Political Culture in Eastern and Central Europe;
Literature as Political Communication; Theory of Consociational Democracy; Transition
Concepts in East Central Europe, Political Symbolism in Postcommunist World
Police Academy, Bratislava, serie of lectures Human Rights and Refugees, February March 1995
University of Waterloo, Department of Political Science, lecturing on Slovakia after the
Collapse of Communism, November 1995
Carleton University, Institute of Central and East European Studies, lectures on Velvet
Divorce of Czechoslovakia in Retrospect, October 1995; serie of seminars Transition in
East Central Europe, October 1995
University of Ottawa, Human Rights Research and Education Centre, lectures on Political
and Legal Status of Ethnic Minorities in East Central Europe, October 1995
St.John`s University, New York, Department of Government and Politics, course: The
Path of Transition - East Central Europe, winter semester 1995
Department of Government, Strathclyde University, Glasgow, Scotland. Visiting Fellow,
May 1994; Undergraduate Courses: Communist Power and Political Change; Gender,
Participation and Public Policy
Academia Istropolitana Bratislava, Institute of Advanced Studies, Summer School
"European Citizenship and Competencies". September 1994. Lectures and seminars on
Characteristics of the Slovak Political Culture
Geschwister-Scholl Institut for Political Science, Munich, Germany, lecturing on
nationalism and political culture in Slovak Republic, May 1993
European University Center for Peace Studies, Stadtschlaining, Austria , Retraining
Course for high school teachers from Central Europe, December 1993
Department of Political Science, Katolieke University, Leuven, Belgium. Visiting Fellow.
March - June 1992; Course: Federalism in Eastern Europe
Institut of Social and Political Sciences, Comenius University: Undergraduate Courses:
Sociological Theory; Political Sociology; International Relations; Marxist Theory of
Revolution, 1980- 1989
Research Activities
The Role of Political Culture in Transition of Post-communist Countries /Czech Republic,
Slovakia, Roumania/ country consultant, supervising comparative research activities; reserach
headed by Zdenek Strmiska, C.N.R.S. Paris, 1991 - 1994
Central European and Scottish School-leavers Study. A Cross-National Survey of the
Aspirations, Expectations and Civic Orientations of Young People coordinating and
supervising data collection in Slovakia for the comparative reserach headed by Jenny Chapman,
Department of Government, Strathclyde University, Glasgow, research supported by British
Council, 1993 - 1994
Les societes post-communistes sont-elles au seuil d une nouvelle differentiation?, associated
contractor of Slovak Republic, C.N.R.S.Paris, 1994
Building Democratic Institutions in Post-socialist Societies. Comparative Study of
Integrativ Symbols and New Political Actors in Poland, Hungary, Czecho-Slovakia,
Osteuropa Institut der Freie Universität, Berlin, current state of research: Slovak report on
"Lustration Law Discourse befor and after the Split of Czecho-Slovakia" printed; "National Fests
Discourse in Slovakia 1990-1994" printed
Social-Economic Development and Democracy - Towards an Institutional Model for
Slovakia, research headed by Prof.Frank Delmartino, Leuven University; coordinating and
supervising Slovak data collection, co-editor of the published Slovak volume, 1994
Education for Democracy, Tolerance and Human Rights, Slovak-Austria Program
coordinated by Slovak Academic Information Agency, cooperated Austrian institution:
L.Bolzano`s Institut for Human Rights, Vienna, „Ethnic Minorities in Slovakia“ printed, 1995 1998
Diploma Program Study - Political Science, team member, headed by Prof. Miroslav Kusy,
Department of Political Science, Comenius University , 1991 - 1994
How to Study and Understand Slovak Politics: The Painful Birth of Slovak Democratic
Political Culture grant holder of The Central European University, Prague , 1993 - 1995
Slovak Political Culture in the Period of Transition grant holder of The Ministry of Education
and Science, Slovak Republic, 1991 - 1994
Democratic Political Culture as a Pre-Condition for Developing Stable Democracy in
Eastern European Countries. The Case of Slovakia. - Visiting Scholar Fellowship awarded by
Social Science Research Council-Mac Arthur Foundation Committee on International Peace and
Security, New York, New School for Social Research, September 1995 - March 1996
Democratizing Slovak Society - Civil-Military Relations after 1989. September 1997 December 1998, research supported by Centre for European Security Studies, University of
Groningen, Netherlands
Slovakia on the Verge of Isolation? Divided Society - Divided Political Culture and the
Process of EU Enlargement. January 1998 - March 1998 research fellowship at Robert
Schuman Centre, European University Institute, Florence
European Political Cultures - Concepts and Realities. September 1997- September 1998, grant
holder of the Open Society Institute, Budapest; purpose: curricula development and course
Between Tradition and Modernity – Political Symbolism in Slovakia – individual research
project, Bremen University September 1999 – November 2001, printed monograph Zwischen
Kreuz und Europastern. Politische Symbolik in Slowakia. LIT, Hamburg , 2004
Cultural Patterns of European Enlargement Process (CULTPAT) – 5th framework program
of the EC, international co-ordinator of research teams from Austria, France, Swiss, Hungary,
Bulgaria, Slovakia, 2003 - 2005
Wider Europe – Deeper Interation? „Constructing Europe“ Network (CONSENT) 2005 –
2008 national co-ordinator of the Network of Excellence in the 6th framework program of the
EC (main co-ordinator University of Cologne)
Professor of the Jean Monnet Chair in European Integration Studies – Political Science
Issues, 2002 - 2005
Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence - head of the project awarded by the EC, 20052008
Cultural Identity as a Frame for Future EU Enlargement? Supported by Austrian Science
and Research Liaison Office (2006- 2007) (principal investigator: Silvia Miháliková)
Zahraničná politika EÚ a inštitucionálne súvislosti európskej integrácie (APVV 2007 –
2009) (hlavní riešitelia: Silvia Miháliková, Jozef Bátora)
Communicating Europe: Developing Strategies for the European Public Space, European
Science Foundation, Strategic workshop 2009, (scientific coordinator: Silvia Miháliková)
Forward Look: Central and Eastern Europe beyond Transition: Convergence and
Divergence in Europe, European Science Foundation, Standing Committee for Social Sciences
(2009 – 2011) (principal investigators: Karen Henderson, Silvia Miháliková)
Round Tables organized
"Democracy and Human Rights" - International Round Table organized in cooperation with
Austrian Institute for East and South East Europe, Comenius University, Bratislava, March 24,
1994, presentation: Political Culture in Empirical Data
"Social Dimension of Human Rights" - International Round Table organized in cooperation with
International Institute for Political Science, Masaryk University, Brno in Bratislava, Comenius
University, May l6, l994
Conferences organized
Election l994 in Slovakia - reasons, consequences, perspectives organized by the Slovak
Political Science Association and Friedrich Ebert Fondation, November 9, l994
Regional Human Rights Seminar - Democracy and Human Rights in East Central Europe international seminar sponzored by Canadian Human Rights Foundation and Comenius
University, Bratislava, May 22 - 27, 1995
Local Power in Transition Period - international seminar organized by the Slovak Political
Science Association in cooperation with the Czech Political Science Association; Bratislava, June
15-18, 1995
Socio-Economic Development and Democracy - Towards an Institutional Model for
Slovakia organized by Comenius University Bratislava and Katolieke University Leuven in
Trencin, sponzored by Flemish Government, April 28-30, 1996
Comparative Political Culture Research on National Identities and European Identity – coordinated by the Austrian Institute for East and Southeast European Studies, 1999 – 2002,
workshop, Bratislava 25. – 26. October 2002, printed report
Administrative Responsibilities
Since 2010 member of the Accreditation Commission of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
Since May 2006 – October 2009 President of the Central European Political Science
Since October 2005 Director of the Institute of European Studies and Intenational
Relations, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Comenius University
Since October 2005 Vice-dean for foreign affairs, Faculty of Socail and Economic
Sciences, Comenius University
Since 2004 member of the Standing Committee for Social Sciences, European Science
Since 2004 member of the PhD Collegium for Human Sciences, Akademie der
Wissenschaften, Wien
March 1991 - March 1995 member of the Grant Commission for Social Sciences
nominated by the Ministry of Education, Slovak Republic
Since September 2002 – Chairholder of the Jean Monnet Chair in European
Studies/Political Science Issues; since October 2005 Head of the Jean Monnet European
Centre of Excellence, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Comenius University
Since February 2002 – member of the Center for Gender Studies at Comenius University
Since January 1998 – member of Slovak UNESCO Committee MOST
Since May 1999 - member of editorial board of Politological Review, quarterly journal
published by Czech Political Science Association , Prague
Since January 1996 - member of advisor´s board of Kritika & Kontext, quarterly journal
published in English and Slovak and member of editorial board of Political Sciences,
quarterly journal published by Institut for Political Sciences, Slovak Academy of Sciences
Since January 1995 - member of the editorial board Limes Europae, bilingual journal for
social sciences, Foundation Perspectives
Since March 1995 - member of international reserach group Forum Eastern Europe, chair
of European branch
Since May 1995 - member of Collegium for Sociology and Political Science at the Slovak
Academy of Sciences
March 1994 - March 1998 President of the Slovak Political Science Association
Since May 1993 - executive director of UNESCO Chair for Human Rights Education at
Comenius University, Bratislava
Since December 1992 - Secretary of the Slovak UNESCO Commission for Social
Since March 1993 - member of the scientific board at the Slovak Institute of Political
Science , Slovak Academy of Sciences
Reading, speaking and writing: Slovak, Czech, English, German. Good knowledge of French and