Summer newsletter 2012

Summer 2012
Welcome to all our supporters and members. Thank you to all those who have volunteered their
time and energy over the last few months: we hope you enjoy our Summer Newsletter.
Sustainable Merton office and drop in centre
We are currently open on Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday and Friday from 10am to 3pm, so
do drop in if you would like to discuss projects
or ideas.
Sustainable Merton office and drop
in centre Page 1
Phipps Bridge Community Garden
Page 2
Low Carbon Zone Page 2
Sustainable Food for Merton Page 3
Transition Town Wimbledon Page 4
Energise Merton Page 5
Living Green Centre Page 6
Campaign for Morden Tavern/St
Helier Pub Group Page 7
Local Events Page 8-9
National Events Page 9
Become a Member Page 10
The Old Boiler House, Morden Hall Park,
Morden Hall Rd, SM4 5JD.Tel – 020 3417
0476 Email:
Directions – From the Morden Hall Park
garden centre go through the archway into
the park and turn right. Then enter by the
door marked ’Boiler House’ and we are
upstairs on the left.
Charity no 1123041
SM Office, The Old Boiler House, Morden Hall Park, Morden Hall Rd, SM4 5JD
Office phone 020 3417 0476 Mobile 07779 879091
Phipps Bridge Community Garden Project
In March, sixty seven volunteers worked
a total of 674 person/hours, which is
double the amount done in the same
month last year. The numbers are of
course very weather dependent and
dropped during rainy April, only to
increase again in May.
We are now into our fourth growing
season since this project started. It was
in the Autumn of 2008 when work first
started to clear brambles and rubbish
from an area the size of six allotments,
which was within the mainly unworked general allotment site mentioned above. See the full story,
with pictures, on our website.
Our busiest day seems to be Wednesday, when there are often sixteen or more people, which
makes taking a break for tea, coffee and snacks into a real social occasion.
If you would like to join us please contact Gillian Leigh –
The really great news is that all the allotments on the main council site (other than the SM
Community Garden), have now been taken up by people on the general waiting list for individual
allotments. This is mainly through the hard work of the active Allotment Association. There is also an
enthusiastic group of people called ‘The Friends of Phipps Bridge’.
Allotments will continue to become available so if you are interested please see
Low Carbon Zone (LCZ) Project
The final event in the LCZ was held on 31st March at the South Mitcham Community Centre and we
had 40 people attend. The event was a great chance for those most involved to get together and
Tom Walsh thanked all those that had been involved, including the project partners and the local
street champions.
To celebrate the end of the two year LCZ project, a celebration of the project was held at the
Guardian Centre on 17th May and was attended by 80 people. All the project partners were at the
event as well as representatives from other low carbon zones, particularly Richmond; we also had
Ross Hudson from the Mayor’s Office attend and Councillor Andrew Judge kindly spoke at the event.
The main achievement of the project was visiting 830 homes in the Low Carbon Zone with the Green
Doctor scheme, just 30 short of the target set at the beginning of the project. Through the Green
Doctor scheme, residents saved a massive £50,558 a year on their energy bills and 834 tonnes of
CO2 is saved each year. With the schools, we installed solar panels on Haslemere and Benedict
primary schools, and water saving measures was installed at Haslemere and Melrose schools.
One of the big successes of the project was the creation of the Friends of Phipps Bridge; they are a
community association created in early 2011 focusing on local social aspirations. The group has been
well received in the area and run events such as litter picks with the local school, eco-focused
training and their successful summer event. The event saw over 400 people turn up to share food,
have fun in the games and races and listen to live music; as the event was well received by the
community last year they are having another fun day this year on 1st July (further details below in
Other highlights include the draught proofing day at Mitcham Parish Church which saw faith groups
and local residents come together to share new skills and get to know each other. The refurbishment
of the South Mitcham Community Centre was another success, as the hub of the community it was
important for them to lead the way and in the times of cuts was good news for them to have savings
of around £2420 a year. As part of the project, the project partner’s hosted 11 young people in
Future Job Fund placements that were given a 6 month paid placement with the project and its
partners. Six months after their placements have finished nine of the young people have found a job
either full or part time and two young people have returned to further education, this is in contrast
to national figures which saw 40% of participants reclaiming job-seekers within seven months of
their placement.
One of the good things to come out of the project was to find out that 18 months after a Green
Doctor visit, 95% of those surveyed considered themselves either fairly or very aware of
environmental issues, 92% remembered the advice given and 85% still had the information pack
they were give. All of those that were surveyed reported that they had stuck to their behaviour
Much was learnt through the Low Carbon Zone project through trial and error and Sustainable
Merton is becoming better prepared for the future and how to engage with people in all types of
community. We would lastly like to take the opportunity to thank those that have been involved in
the project in some way and to thank those that have supported the project.
Sustainable Food for Merton
On Friday 20th and Saturday 21st April we gave away
over 50 packets of free salad seeds outside Merton
tube stations, to encourage local residents to grow
their own food this summer. Seeds were given out at
Morden, South Wimbledon, Colliers Wood and
Wimbledon park stations. We also gave out around
200 leaflets telling people more about Sustainable
Merton’s community gardens and about our Capital
Growth role in encouraging more food growing
spaces to be set up – the aim is to set up 2,012
spaces in London by the end of this year. People passing
through the four stations seemed happy to be given the free
seeds and excited about the prospect of starting to grow their
own food.
Sustainable Merton is still working with Capital Growth to set
up 2,012 food growing spaces across London by the end of
2012. When registering a new food growing space or your
existing one with Capital Growth you will have access to
practical help, training, grants, discounts, a local network of
food-growing projects and much more (all for free).
Sustainable Merton runs the Phipps Bridge Community Garden
project (opposite Deen City Farm) and already works with
various schools in Merton. We also work with Transition Town Wimbledon Food Group, which has 3
community and school gardens in Wimbledon.
If you have an idea for a new ‘Capital Growth’ growing space, please get in touch by emailing
As part of our work with Capital Growth, Sustainable Merton is running a competition open to all
community/school food-growing projects in Merton. The categories are:
Best new “Capital Growth” space* (registered in 2012);
Most creative existing “Capital Growth” space (registered before 2012);
Most productive “Capital Growth” school garden.
The winner from each category will receive a voucher for a Capital Gardens garden centre.
To enter please send your contact details, your Capital Growth space number and your category to by 15 July 2012 with the subject “Competition”. Judging will
take place in September 2012.
*If your space is not yet registered with Capital Growth, please register free on before entering the competition. Registration will provide you with free
training, grants, discounts, networking etc.
Transition Town Wimbledon
Abundance Fruit Day will be held on Saturday 15 September 2012 from 11.00am to 2.00pm in the
garden of St Mark’s Hall, St Mark’s Place, Wimbledon SW19 7ND – next to St Mark’s Church, right
behind Wimbledon Library. Entrance is free.
Bring along your own fruit to make juice at the fruit press; make a pie to take home; learn more
about fruit-growing; buy some jam, chutney, cakes, pickles and pies. There will be activities for
children, too.
Abundance Wimbledon was set up to make the most of locally-grown fruit and reduce food waste.
Last year, over a tonne – 1,000 kilos - of apples, pears, cherries, plums, damsons and quince were
picked and used. More than 300 kilos were given to local charities. Abundance Wimbledon now has
a brand new website, showing pictures and a video of last year’s fruit harvest activities: go to
If you are likely to have more fruit than you need, know of a local charity which could distribute fruit
or would like to join in with fruit-picking, then send an email to
or ring 020 8946 3750. You can join an email network of people who are updated with news of fruitpicking and all other Abundance activities.
Abundance Wimbledon is run by community groups from across Wimbledon. It was initiated by
Transition Town Wimbledon, aiming to harness the power of community to improve and conserve
our local environment.
Look after your street tree
Merton Tree Wardens and the Tree Council are urging us all to look after the trees near where we
live. Trees need watering three times a month from April to September - and newly planted trees
need special attention.
Banish the Bag EDM
Zac Goldsmith is supporting the Banish the Bag Campaign by submitting an EDM (Early Day motion) see here. If enough MPs sign up to this EDM, this sends a strong signal to parliament that they
should do something about the issue. So if you want to see the end to single use plastic bags, tell
your MP to support the EDM. You can find your MP here.
Energise Merton
In March Sustainable Merton worked in partnership with the London Sustainability Exchange on a
project to see how Merton residents can gain maximum benefit from all sorts of energy saving
technologies. The results of the project was released in April and showed that 22 champions
surveyed 101 households across the borough. The champions talked about appropriate energy
saving measures for householders and their relative cost benefits, and they explained government
and local policies on topics such as Renewable Heat Incentive, Feed-in-Tariff and the Green Deal. The
project also ran two focus groups, the first with residents and the second with the champions.
The main results from the project showed that 75.9% of those surveyed were very conscious of
energy saving and the three most important factors in energy use in the home are: cost, the
environment and being comfortable. The survey also showed that very few people knew about the
Green Deal or had much knowledge about the Green Deal. The main barriers found from the survey
in reducing energy use were: maintaining comfort, the cooperation of others and cost; the Green
Deal will only help in the final barrier. From the survey it was established that Sustainable Merton
has strong outreach to homeowners across the borough through its social networks. This will vital in
future of Sustainable Merton’s role in educating residents about behavior change in reducing their
energy use and facilitating access to schemes like the Green Deal. We would like to thank all those
that took part either by being champions or being surveyed.
Living Green Centre
At National Trust Morden Hall Park, the
newly renovated stable yard with its
Livinggreen Exhibition continues to prove
very popular with visitors – over 18,000 have
been counted coming into the exhibition
since it opened in November 2011. The
project recently received a Design &
Innovation award from the RICS (Royal
Institution for Chartered Surveyors) London
Awards, which is a real achievement (the
Tower of London won the Building
Conservation award). The second phase of
the project is currently underway – the
installation of an Archimedes Screw hydroelectric turbine into the River Wandle which flows through the park. The turbine is expected to be
finished at the end of August, after which it is expected to generate 59,000 kWh each year. A
“Turbine Taster” evening will be held on Thursday 26 July, for those who want to find out more – it is
hoped to include a short talk about the old mills and the archaeology found on the site recently too call 020 8545 6856 to book a free place.
Sustainable Merton now has a stall in the craft
units of the stable yard, where we are providing
advice on Tuesdays and Saturdays. We will also be
making good use of the seven “Livinggreen
Guides” which have just been produced by the
National Trust – short technical guides to solar
panels, solar glazing, insulation, air source heat
pumps, wood burning stoves, lime plaster and
underfloor heating. The Guides are available at
our stall and in the Livinggreen Exhibition
(donations are requested) and will soon be
available to download free on the park’s website.
For more details and updates about the project, see
Campaign for Morden Tavern/ St Helier Pub Group
The St Helier Pub Group is a group of local volunteers trying to prevent the redevelopment of a
historic local pub on the St Helier estate, Morden. We have developed a business plan to purchase
the lease hold of the site to turn the Morden Tavern into a co-operative pub and community centre.
We are in the process of securing various sources of funding, including many local people looking to
buy shares.
It is a very exciting project. The Campaign has been gathering support for some time now and has
been very successful. In our view, there is ample housing in Morden and we would favour a social
facility as opposed to yet another block of flats, as the developer hopes to replace the pub with.
There are scarce social activities in Morden. With pubs closed down, lack of community centres,
social clubs, spaces to hire or activities to take part in, the people of Morden are bored and
frustrated. If successful, this facility could empower the community and be an instrument of
community cohesion, integration and inclusion.
The St Helier Pub Group can be contacted via
The Chair of the SHPG David Smith on: 07969368242.
Dale Ingram, Planning Consultant and CAMRA SW London Pubs Preservation Officer and SHPG
Committee member on: 07958641154.
Facebook: Campaign for Morden Tavern.
Drax not all bad
Drax, the massive coal-fired power station in south Yorkshire, is the largest individual source of
carbon dioxide in the UK. But it is not all bad: it is just completing a turbine upgrade that will
improve its efficiency by 5%, cutting its emissions by about a million tonnes a year. And about nine
percent of its output also comes from burning wood and other biomass, cutting its emissions even
Greenest government: never?
MPs and environmental professionals have laid into the coalition government’s claims to be the
‘greenest ever’.
In a report published on 21 May, the House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee said:
"There appears to be little priority in government attached to moving to a green economy, and it is
not clear how all government departments are taking this agenda forward. In particular, we are
concerned that the Treasury sees the environment as a cost or block to economic development."
Justin Taberham, the Chartered Institute of Water and Environmental Management's policy director,
said it had been "another year of sidestepping, delay and cuts" for environmental legislation, funding
and commitments.
Green Deal ‘depends on public engagement’
The success of low-carbon initiatives such as the Green Deal and smart meters depends on public
confidence and engagement, says a recent report from think-tank the Green Alliance.
The Green Deal will allow householders to pay for energy efficiency upgrades through low-cost
loans, tied to energy bills. Debts would be passed on to new occupiers when a property is sold.
But so far, government publicity for the Green Deal has been low-key and it has no plans to remedy
this. Private firms that will fund the scheme are expected to advertise it, potentially leading to
confusion among the public. Looks like Sustainable Merton is going to have to ride to the rescue...
Remember the Green Coffee Mornings which take place at the cafe - 40 Wimbledon Hill
Road, SW19 7PA, 9.30-11am on the first Tuesday of the month.
Merton Green Drinks - now suspended
The Prince of Wales Pub, 98 Morden Road, Merton, SW19 3BP
This event was held successfully for many years, initially at the Sultan pub in Colliers Wood and more
recently at the Prince of Wales, Morden road. The current organizers are not able to continue and
are looking for anyone who would like to take up the baton and organize the event. If you
are interested, please contact the SM office on 020 3417 0476.
Wimbledon Farmers’ Market A chance to get your groceries direct from local farmers. Every
Saturday, 9am-1pm, Wimbledon Park Primary School, Havana Road, SW19 8EJ.
Living Green Centre Sustainable Merton has volunteers in the Living Green Centre every Tuesday
and Saturday to answer any questions you have about green living and specific technologies.
New Morden Hall Farmers’ Market New farmers market started on Saturday 23rd June. Fresh fruit
and veg, free range from Kent, tasty preserves and relishes, Somerset cheeses, cakes and bakes,
artisan stalls. Organised by City and County Farmers’ Market and the National Trust. Every Saturday
10am-3pm, Morden Hall Park.
Meadow Safari (Family Holiday Activity) Learn about the plants and animals that call Morden Hall
Park a home and the importance of meadows as a habitat. £4 per family group, run by the National
Trust. Thursday 26th July 11:00-3:00pm, Snuff Mill, Morden Hall Park.
Turbine Taster For those that want to find out more about the water turbine, it is hoped to include a
short talk about the old mills and the archaeology found on the site recently, run by the National
Trust. Call 020 8545 6856 to book a free place and find out more. Thursday 26th July, Morden Hall
Park 6.30-8.30pm.
Help the Hedgehogs (Family Holiday Activity) Discover more about our prickly friends and how we
can help them. £4 per family group (4 members), run by the National Trust. Thursday 2nd August
11:00-3:00pm, Snuff Mill, Morden Hall Park.
Rag Rug Making Come along and learn how to use recycled materials to make beautiful bags and
rugs. Call Thelma on 020 8540 2536 or email Joyce for more
information. Saturday 4th August 11am.
Pop Up Market If you have homemade or home grown produce and want to take a stall then
contact the theatre and ask for Kim. Stalls will be £20. Sunday 5th August 11am-4pm, The Polka
Make your own shopping bag Come along and join this friendly group. Learn some basic sewing
techniques or help others to do so. Bring your own fabric or select from the range provided. Monday
13th August 2-4pm, Chapter Room, St Mark’s Church, SW19 7ND (behind Wimbledon Library).
Ladybird Spotting (Family Holiday Activity) Learn about the different British ladybirds and follow a
trail around the park. £4 per family group (4 members), run by the National Trust. Thursday 16th
August 11:00-3:00pm, Snuff Mill, Morden Hall Park.
Wildlife Trust Workday You are invited to the workday – wear strong shoes or boots. Fishpond
Wood and Beverley Meads. Leader Paul Pickering 020 8330 4479. Sunday 19th August 9.30am, meet
in Beverley Meads Car Park, Barham Road, SW20M.
Year of the Bat (Family Holiday Activity) Discover more about bats and their night time habitats and
have a go at our batty crafts and activities. £4 per family group, run by the National Trust. Thursday
23rd August 11:00-3:00pm, Snuff Mill, Morden Hall Park.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (Family Holiday Activity) Learn about conserving resources, the importance
of reducing and re-using as well as recycling. Craft activities included. £4 per family group, run by the
National Trust. Thursday 30th August 11:00-3:00pm, Snuff Mill, Morden Hall Park.
Abundance Fruit Day will be held on Saturday 15 September 2012 from 11.00am to 2.00pm in the
garden of St Mark’s Hall, St Mark’s Place, Wimbledon SW19 7ND – next to St Mark’s Church, right
behind Wimbledon Library. Entrance is free.
National Events
Friends of the Earth’s Conference Speakers include Caroline Lucas and Polly Higgins (author of
Eradicating Ecocide). Learn more about current campaigns – the Bee Cause and Clean British Energy.
Find out more at Friday 14th-Sunday 16th
September at Imperial College.
Become a member of Sustainable Merton
I.......................................................................would like to become a member of Sustainable Merton.
I enclose a cheque/cash for £10 for my annual membership fee
I am a UK taxpayer and I want Sustainable Merton to gift aid this donation and to treat all previous
donations for the charity’s current financial period and the previous four and all donations I make in
the future, until I notify you otherwise, as Gift Aid donations. I am currently paying UK Income Tax or
Capital Gains Tax that is at least equal to or more than the tax Sustainable Merton reclaims in the
current tax year.