Beyond Fasting Isaiah 58:1-12 Intro:

Beyond Fasting
Isaiah 58:1-12
My sermon today is entitled “Beyond Fasting”
It’s an unusual title because when Christians discuss spiritual maturity and growth in Christ –
fasting is one of those activities that we think belong in the upper reaches of our Christian
o I mean, only truly dedicated and spiritually mature people fast!
o What could be “beyond” fasting?
When you read the Bible and focus in on the subject of fasting you see that it is helpful in
sharpening one’s focus when praying and seeking God’s will as you’ve probably seen with your
experience this weekend for Prayer & Fasting.
o i.e. In Acts 13:1 we see the leaders of the church fasting and praying before selecting
Saul and Barnabas to go on a missionary journey.
But aside from this we do not see fasting, in itself, as a spiritual exercise that builds up the
church or is especially pleasing to God as a constant practice.
Isaiah, the prophet, explains that there are things that can be done that are far more pleasing
than fasting and certainly more edifying for the church.
*In the 58th chapter of his book Isaiah describes 3 things better than fasting, 3 activities that go
far beyond fasting in their ability to please God.
Beyond Fasting – Isaiah 58:1-9
Read vs. 1-5
In these first verses Isaiah rebukes his fellow Israelites for their hypocrisy and their constant
o They love to be known as the people of God.
o They delight in thinking that they know God’s ways and have His divine guidance.
Even though these things have been true in the past, in recent times their nation has stumbled,
they find themselves in political and military trouble.
So they make a show of their great religiosity with a fast and public prayer but their situation
persists, there is no relief in sight.
o Now they question God asking why He doesn’t respond to their prayers, their
fasting…which they think is the ultimate spiritual act of devotion.
At this point God does answer them through the mouth of the prophet Isaiah, and He says to
them that their fasting before Him is not acceptable because it is not accompanied by the things
He truly desires from them.
Three things that go beyond fasting:
1. Minister His Justice – vs. 6
Read vs. 6
Denying yourself is a good exercise but obtaining freedom and justice for those who are denied
these things is better.
Whether it be an effort to support and defend those who are oppressed by injustice in any form
in our society..
Or freeing those enslaved by sin through the power of the Gospel – this type of service is far
superior to merely creating an artificial hardship for ourselves through fasting.
*Fasting may help one see God and His will a little more clearly, but freeing the oppressed
establishes God’s justice for others and allows them to see God working on their behalf through
2. Minister His Love – vs. 7
Read vs. 7
Denying ourselves food and drink for a time is not an act of love, it’s an act of discipline.
Of course discipline is a good thing and necessary to cultivate in a Christian’s life but it’s not the
way God wants us to show our love for Him.
Fasting focuses the attention on self and is about mastering self.
Love requires us to focus on others and showing our love to God demands that we focus our
attention on others, not self.
Isaiah mentions 2 examples of ministering God’s love in vs. 7:
A. Benevolence (sharing food / clothing, etc.).
B. Taking the responsibility for the needs of one’s own family.
Fasting provides a demonstration of one’s self-control before God (it’s a private thing, no one
else is supposed to know).
*Ministering God’s love, however, creates a triple witness that glorifies and honor’s Him:
o It is a witness to God Himself that you love Him.
o It is a witness to others that you are a sincere Christian.
o It is a witness to the world that God is love and God’s disciples in Christ minister His
3. Ministering God’s Peace – vs. 9b
Read vs. 9b
The good feeling we get from fasting is that of self-satisfaction – the pleasure we experience
when we master our flesh.
o Don’t get me wrong, this is ok. This is a legitimate pleasure, when we take control over
our flesh.
But our fasting doesn’t create “good feeling” in others – it has no power to do this.
o As a matter of fact, fasting causes jealousy, fear and hatred in others because it focuses
on their weakness as opposed to our strength.
 i.e. A good example of this is the trend in Hollywood towards extreme thinness.
Being thin is a “power” statement.
o This is why the Lord says that fasting, when it is done should be done in secret – only
between ourselves and God. Mt. 6:17-18
Isaiah says, however, that when we create unity and peace among others by removing what
burdens them and refrain from speaking wickedly and critically..
o These actions combined with the other ministry deeds will provide light and joy to
Ministering God’s peace means that arguments, disputes, criticisms, divisions and other such
things are on the decline when we are involved.
We bring healing, we lift up, we speak kindness, wisdom, love…and like salt or light, our
presence fills the situation with what Paul the Apostle referred to as, “..the aroma of Christ.” II
Cor. 2:14
Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called Sons of God.” Mt. 5:9
In contrast to this, the Lord never demanded, blessed or spoke in positive terms about fasting
because as a spiritual exercise it was rather limited…
*Limited especially when compared to the results that ministering His justice, love and peace
would have.
The Rewards of Ministry
Now I don’t want you to misinterpret what I am saying.
This lesson is not a harangue about fasting – fasting is a useful spiritual exercise for the
individual Christian when accompanied with study, meditation and prayer.
This is why we have a prayer and fasting weekend.
My point here is that whatever benefits that derive from fasting pale in comparison to the more
mature spiritual activities described by Isaiah.
Note the rewards he mentions that come forth from ministering God’s justice, love and peace.
1. Powerful witness of faith – vs. 8
Read vs. 8
Isaiah says that whatever people thought of you before you ministered, will be replaced by the
unmistakable light of a true and sincere witness of the Lord.
In other words, there will be no doubt in anyone’s mind (yours included) that you are a genuine
child of God.
*Everything you do will be bathed in the light of God’s glory – you will look blessed from every
2. Powerful prayer life – vs. 9a
Read vs. 9a
It is the prayers of the righteous that availeth much, James says in his epistle. – 5:16
The keys to powerful prayer are faith and righteousness – not just a believing person praying but
a righteous believer praying.
Ministering God’s justice, love and peace demonstrates a sincere faith and a sincere faith
produces righteousness and a righteous life produces power in prayer.
*When it comes to prayers being answered it’s more important that you are righteous than
loud, repetitious, eloquent or fasting.
3. Powerful ministry – vs. 11-12
Read vs. 11-12
Isaiah, in context, was speaking to his Jewish countrymen and he was exhorting them not to
think that their outward religious exercises (like fasting) was what empowered them to do great
things in God’s name for His people.
Power in ministry doesn’t find its source in religious ceremony.
Power in ministry comes from doing God’s will in ministering to people.
The Jews were promised that they would be the people through whom the Christ would come
and they could provide a powerful ministry to the world by preparing the world to be ready for
Isaiah is telling them that they can get the world’s attention by their:
o Ministering of God’s justice
o Ministering of God’s love and peace
Now, we know that they failed to take Isaiah’s warning.
o The Christ still came according to promise but was born to a nations whose reputation in
the world was as religious hypocrites, cultural bigots, and political rebels.
Jesus, therefore, was born into a nation 1000 years past its glory and a scant 70 years away from
its final ruin.
*We should note carefully Isaiah’s message because it still speaks powerfully and prophetically
to us today.
Summary / Exhortation
You see, like the Jews of Isaiah’s day, we in this age have been charged with the preparation of
the world for the return of Christ.
o This time however, not for the work of saving the world, but rather for the task of
judging the world and issuing a reward and condemnation to those deserving each.
We, as God’s people, as Christians, accomplish this task though:
o The preaching of the gospel and the witnessing of the power of our regenerated lives as
 Minister Christ’s Justice
 Minister Christ’s Love
 Minister Christ’s Peace
We are also preparing our fellow saints for His return through the power of our prayer life, our
faith and ministry.
And these spiritual activities, that go far beyond mere fasting, are like the combustion chamber
that moves the kingdom of God to that inexorable moment when Christ will appear.
o Peter says we, the saints, will hasten the day when the Lord will come – 2 Pet. 3:12
Now you’re probably wondering what all of this has to do with fasting – that I’m rambling and
pretty far off the subject.
Let me try to put this together for you, let’s try to get to the point.
Isaiah was rebuking the people for thinking that a largely ceremonial, fleshly thing like fasting
could somehow have a tangible effect in moving God – in creating some kind of spiritual
In many ways the same is true today.
We need to realize that:
o That we clap in worship or not changes nothing in the heavens.
o That one teacher or group is honored more than another in our brotherhood advances
not a whit the cause of Christ in the world.
o That our nation is rich or poor, first or last – influences nothing insofar as the kingdom of
God is concerned.
o That we consciously pour ourselves out in achieving God’s justice for those who are
o That we spread God’s love in caring for the needs of others.
o That we truly become salt and light wherever we are in the name of Christ.
This will make a difference.
o Here, in the world, because God’s light will shine in dark places because of us.
o Here, in our hearts, because we will grow in power and others will see it, be
strengthened by it, be moved by it.
It will make a difference.
o Here, in the kingdom, the church, because it will bring us closer to that day when the
kingdom of heaven in heaven will become one with the kingdom of heaven on earth at
Jesus’ return – I Thess. 4:15-17
We need to realize that the Bible doesn’t tell us to simply wait stoically for Jesus’ return – it says
to pray for; work for; remain faithful; do all we can to hurry the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Every generation brings us closer but some speed it up faster than others.
Let’s let our generation be a golden era where we made great strides in moving the heavens
towards the coming of that day.
We’re only held back from spiritual greatness by the things we’ve tied ourselves down with here
on this earth.
Let’s break free and allow God to make of us a spiritual wonder, a Christian phenomenon.
Let’s cross the divided sea of doubt and fear ; let’s walk on the water of materialism without
Let’s do the “great” things that Jesus spoke of: justice, love peace.
o We could do it.
o We could do it.
o We could do it.