Exam 1 Quarter 2 Review Sheet posted 11/27/12

Exam 1 – Quarter 2 Review Sheet
AP Biology
Exam 1 will cover:
ALL of Chapter 6 and extra PowerPoint info
(STOP HERE…have you studied yet? If yes, continue… If no, GO STUDY FIRST! DO
1. Study the Prokaryote vs Eukaryote Chart under notes section
2. Study the Organelle Chart under notes section
3. What is the name of the artist who painted the painting shown in the PowerPoint?
What do art historians believe this is a painting of? Explain.
4. Describe the significance of the Dutch microscopist Anton van Leeuwenhoek (16321723) and the English Robert Hooke (1635 – 1703). Describe cell theory and identify the
three scientists accredited with this theory and their contributions.
5. Explain why hydrophilic molecules like proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates, nucleic
acids, Na+, other salts, etc… are NOT able to move through a plasma membrane, while
small hydrophobic molecules can. Why do you think large hydrophobic molecules have
trouble crossing?
6. What is a hormone? Give an example and include the origin of the hormone, the target
organ, and the affect on the body. Why does this hormone not target any other cells when
it is all over the body?
7. Explain why amino acid/polypeptide/protein hormones require a cell surface receptor
(embedded in the membrane) protein in order to send a signal to the cell (talk to the cell),
while steroid hormones typically have protein receptors inside the cell, soluble in the
8. Compare and contrast the three different types of microscopes we learned about. How
are they similar? How are they different? What are the advantages and disadvantages?
How are samples prepared for each? Magnifications? Resolutions? Know when to use
each if you were working in a lab.
9. Identify and describe the different types of light microscopes available. Explain how
the fluorescent microscope works – give a real like example.
10. What is the definition of resolution? What is a better resolution, 5um or 120nm?
Explain why.
10.5 Be able to calculate the magnification of a light microscope knowing the ocular and
objective magnifications.
11. You should be able to calculate either the FOV under high power, FOV under low
power, high power magnification, or low power magnification when you know three of
the four variables. Sample questions are in the PowerPoint.
12. Explain what happens to the size of the FOV under high power as compared to low
power. Why does this happen? Why can one not use a ruler under high power to measure
the FOV?
13. Explain the orientation of an object as viewed through a microscope as compared to
its orientation on the slide itself. Check out the virtual microscope under the misc section
on the lab page if you don’t recall what happens to the letter “e”.
14. Describe how to prepare a wet mount.
15. Describe how you would estimate the size of an object under low power if you know
the FOV diameter.
16. Explain how to focus a light microscope under high power beginning with placing the
slide on the microscope.
17. How many microns in a millimeter? How many nanometers in a micron? How many
nanometers in a millimeter? Be able to convert. Draw a ruler indicating a meter as we did
in class and show the definitions of mm, um and nm using the picture by breaking the
distances up into a 1000 equal lengths each time.
18. Give a structure-function example in terms of cells.
19. Explain why cells are limited in how big a cell can be. Be sure to discuss the surface
area to volume ratio. Use an example to show your reasoning.
20. What limits how small a cell can be?
21. Be able to label prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
22. Compare and contrast prokaryotic to eukaryotic cells. Be able to explain the function
and location of every structure.
23. Explain how a protein, made in the cytoplasm, can gain entrance to the nucleus. Give
an example of a protein that needs to gain entrance to the nucleus.
24. Download and master the eukaryotic organelle chart. “Master” means to be able to
reproduce the entire chart without looking at it and be able to teach another person about
each organelle in a conversation. When I say eight time eight, you say 64. When I say
smooth endoplasmic reticulum, you say lipid synthesis, detox, Ca++ storage in muscle. It
should be automatic.
25. Draw a single membrane like in lysosomes and a double membrane like the nucleus
has showing how they are different. What other organelles have a double membrane?
How do we theorize this occurred?
26. Explain how 6ft of DNA is packed into a tiny nucleus at a diameter of 1/1000th of a
27. What is a ribosome made of? Where is it made? What genes (segments of DNA)
would you hypothesize to find located at the nucleolus?
28. How does the cytosol and cytoplasm differ?
29. Compare and contrast chromatin, chromosome and DNA?
30. How many chromosomes (books) are there in a human nucleus? Are all of these
books completely different/unique? Explain. Where did your chromosomes come from?
31. Explain why I call cytoskeletal elements an example of extreme quaternary structure.
32. Make a chart that details the organelles present only in animal cells vs. those that are
present only in plant cells.
33. Explain in great detail, starting with the chromosomes in the nucleus, how a secretory
protein like insulin is made and transported out of the cell. Explain what a “secretory
protein” is...
34. Explain how new membrane (phospholipids) are added to the cell membrane when a
cell is growing in size or needs to replace phospholipids that have broken down.
35. Explain how a transport vesicle is sent from the RER to the golgi.
36. A cell needs to make a few new lysosomes. Explain how it goes about doing this.
37. THIS IS A QUESTION: You are inside a liver cell taking a cytoplasmic swim. On
the outside, you observe insulin molecules bind insulin membrane receptors. This causes
the genes for the glucose transporter, an integral membrane protein that allows glucose to
enter cell, to be turned on so that the liver cell can take up the excess extracellular
glucose. Starting from the gene, explain how glucose transporter proteins will find their
way to the plasma membrane so that they can do their job.
Make sure you include the following terms:
RNA polymerase, nucleus, chromatin, chromosome, DNA, nuclear pore, N-terminal
signal sequence, SRP, SRP receptor, Translocon, ribosome, small ribosomal subunit,
large ribosomal subunit, translocate, dehydration synthesis, codon, anticodon, A-site, Psite, E-site, stop codon, release factor, 5’ to 3’, cap, poly-A tail, AUG, peptide bond
formation, mRNA, tRNA, rRNA, amino acids, ER, Golgi, transport vesicle, secretory
vesicle, fusion, cis-maturation model, cis, trans, rough ER, randomly, thread, pinch,
microtubule, kinesin, ATP, glycosylation (two sites), ER resident enzymes, golgi resident
enzymes, transcription, translation.
38. The golgi has two different sides. A receiving or CIS cisterna and a shipping or
TRANS cisterna. Explain how proteins arriving in vesicles to the golgi make their way
from Cis to Trans. You should watch the protein trafficking video (cisternal maturation
39. You should be able to describe what is happening in every figure in chapter 6 as well
as be able to label them without exception. Cover them with a piece of paper and describe
them to yourself, you friend, a stuffed animal…I don’t care. Be able to label and
40. Explain the two lysosomal storage diseases and come up with a hypothetical method
of treating or curing these conditions. Watch the Tay-Sachs movie under misc section of
website – chapter 6. Why are they called storage diseases?
41. Be able to describe how a protein is synthesized. Watch the protein synthesis
animation under misc on website – virtual cell animations. Remember that the tRNA
brings the amino acid and base pairs with the mRNA and the ribosome catalyzes the
formation of the peptide bond (dehydration synthesis) etc… Watch the video over and
over and over and over and over until you get it.
42. Explain the premise/evidence behind the endosymbiotic theory.
43. Compare and contrast both the structures and functions of chloroplasts and
mitochondria. How, when working together, do these two organelles illustrate energy
flowing through an ecosystem and matter/nutrients cycling through it?
44. You should be able to draw both a simple chloroplast and mitochondria and be able to
label your drawings.
45. Explain the structure and function of flagella/cilia.
46. Explain how flagella/cilia move.
47. What is meant by an MTOC?
48. How are the centrosomes from plants different from those of animals.
49. Compare and contrast the structures of centrioles, basal bodies, and the core
microtubule structure of flagella and cilia.
50. Compare and contrast the three different fibers of the cytoskeleton in terms of
structure and function.
51. Describe the structure and function of the three types of cell junctions and give real
life examples of where they are found.
52. THIS IS A QUESTION(S): You must watch the inner life of the cell video and
know exactly what you are observing throughout the entire video. There will be
video/still shot questions pertaining to this animation. It can be found under the misc
section of the website.
53. Explain what is meant by the cytoskeleton is “dynamic”.
54. Make sure you know the central dogma.
55. Compare endergonic to exergonic.
56. Define and give lots of examples of energy coupling.
55. THIS IS A QUESTION: Water to water question. You are an electron in a water
molecule in the soil. Describe your travels from this water molecule to another as you
pass through photosynthesis and cellular respiration within a plant. End in a water
molecule in the atmosphere. Draw out the overall reactions of photosynthesis and cell
resp and use these as figures to refer to when you write your text.
The following terms must be included and in proper context within your answer. If I
cannot tell that you know what the word means then I cannot give you credit.
Oxidize, reduce, cellular respiration, photosynthesis, chloroplast, thylakoid disc, grana,
thylakoid membrane, stroma, mitochondria, matrix, inner membrane, cytosol, glycolysis,
Krebs, ETC, Grooming, Light reactions, Dark reactions, Calvin cycle, electronegativity,
light, kinetic energy, potential energy, affinity, ADP, P, ATP, exergonic, endergonic,
energy coupling
56. Discuss the importance of peroxisomes and include the reactions occurring within
them. Why do these reactions need a special compartment?
57. Describe the different types of plastids and how they arise.
58. That is all I can do…the rest is for you.