Systems Analysis and Design Sergey V. Samoilenko

Systems Analysis and Design
Spring 2003
Sergey V. Samoilenko
Test 2 Study Guide
Make sure you know and understand all of the following terms:
Systems Design
packages, package diagram, factoring, foundation layer, problem domain layer, system
architecture layer, human-computer interaction layer, data management layer, design strategies
(in-house development, outsourcing, packaged software), alternatives matrix, RFP
System Architecture Design
server-based , client-based, client-server based, DOC, OMG, CORBA, object request broker,
object wrapper, DCOM, scalability, network model, hardware/software specifications, global
issues, security issues, controls, disaster recovery plan, firewall
User Interface Design
six design principles: layout, content awareness, aesthetics, user experience, consistency,
minimal user effort
use scenario, window navigation diagram
interface standards design: metaphor, objects, actions, icons, templates
interface design prototyping: storyboard, HTML, language
interface evaluation: heuristic, walk-through. interactive, formal
navigation design basic principles, types of navigation controls, messages
input design basic principles, on-line processing, batch processing, source data automation, types
of inputs, input validation
output design basic principles, types of outputs
Data Storage Design
persistent objects, sequential file, random access file, RDBMS, OODBMS, ORDBMS
master file, transaction file, look-up file, audit file
data modeling: entity relationship diagram, entity type, entity instance (occurrence), attribute,
primary key (identifier), foreign key, relationship, cardinality, modality, intersection entity
(associative or association entity)
data normalization: first normal form, second normal form, third normal form
de-normalization, clustering, indexing
System Construction and Installation
unit testing (black-box, white-box), integration testing, system testing, acceptance testing
alpha testing, alpha version, beta testing, beta version
system documentation, user documentation, types of documentation (reference, manual, tutorial)
direct conversion, parallel conversion
pilot conversion, phased location conversion, simultaneous location conversion
whole system conversion, phased system conversion
conversion strategy selection, change management, post implementation activities (support,
maintenance, project assessment)