GHMGC Monthly Meeting

Greater Huachuca Men’s Golf Club
P.O. Box 2186
Sierra Vista, AZ 85636
15 March 2007
1. The regularly scheduled meeting of the Greater Huachuca Men’s Golf Club
(GHMGC) for the month of March was convened and called to order by the President on
4 March 2007 at 1400 hours.
2. Roll call: The following members were present:
Craig Engel, President
Lee Elaban, Vice President
Bart Waldo, Treasurer
Steve Montgomery, Secretary
Cliff Gray, Chairman Tournament Committee
3. Reading of the minutes: Mr. Montgomery stated that the minutes of the last meeting
had been posted on the GHMGC Bulletin Board, sent electronically to all members of
the board, posted to the GHMGC Web Page and forwarded to the Ft Huachuca Private
Organization’s Coordinator. Mr. Engel motioned that the reading of the minutes be
waived and that the minutes be approved. Mr. Waldo seconded the motion; the motion
carried unanimously.
4. Officers Reports:
a. President: There was no Golf Council meeting in February; they have moved the
meeting to every other month.
b. Vice President: Nothing to report.
c. Treasurer: The January and February report was presented to the board,
discussed and approved as written.
d. Secretary: See paragraph 3.
5. Committee Reports:
a. Tournament:
(1) The April tournament will be the “Whiners and Moaners”. This format gives
each player one mulligan (do over) for each handicap point.
(2) The committee continues to work with the Turquoise Valley Golf Course
Men’s Club and with the management of the Mountain View Golf Course to
set up a Home and Home event. This will be a team competition. The
projected format is a Two-man Net Best Ball matches at Turquoise Valley and
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Single Net Match Play at Mountain View. It is expected that the event will be
open to the first 24 members that sign-up.
b. Handicap: The March report has been posted. Mr. Okamoto is this month’s
most improved golfer.
c. Publicity: We are still looking for a volunteer to serve as Publicity Committee
Chairman. Primary duties include providing Tournament Notices and Results to
the Sierra Vista Herald and the Fort Huachuca Scout and working with Mr. Marco
Spellacy to put the Tournament Notice on the Mountain View Golf Course
electronic notice board on Buffalo Soldier Drive.
d. Auditing: Nothing to report
e. Entertainment: Nothing to report.
f. Ethics: Nothing to report.
g. Rules: Nothing to report.
6. Special Orders (Important business previously designated for consideration at this
meeting): None to report.
7. Unfinished Business: None to report
8. New business
a. The Greater Huachuca Women’s Golf Club have asked for volunteers as
Greeters and Bag Handlers for their 26 April Tournament starting at 0700 hours.
Mr. Engel will write a note to all members asking for this support.
b. We currently are operating two web sites; Mr. Waldo recommended that the
original non-AGA site be paid through June and then closed. This will give all
members opportunity to become familiar with the new website. Mr. Engel
motioned that the recommendation be approved, it was seconded by Mr.
Montgomery and carried unanimously. Mr. Waldo confirmed that all information
will transition to the new website and the old website will point to the new site.
9. Announcements:
a. The membership would like to pass on it condolences to Mr. Jeff Sharock on the
passing of his Mother.
b. The next GHMGC meeting will be on 1 April at 1400 hours in the Mountain View
Golf Course 19th Hole. All GHMGC Members are encouraged to attend and
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10. The meeting was adjourned at 1500 hours.
C. Stephen Montgomery
Secretary, GHMGC
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