Workshop tentative program

Workshop venue: Hotel “Timisoara” , “Atena” Hall)
Wednesday, 30.05.2012
08oo – 09oo
09oo – 093o
093o – 11oo
11oo – 113o
113o – 13oo
13oo – 143o
15oo – 16oo
16oo – 163o
163o – 173o
Opening Session
Session 1a: Structural design, design codes (4 papers)
Coffee Break
Session 1b: Structural design, design codes (4 papers)
Session 2a: Methods of analysis (3 papers)
Coffee Break
Session 2b: Methods of analysis (3 papers)
19oo – 22oo
Welcome Reception
Thursday, 31.05.2012
09oo – 104o
104o – 111o
111o – 123o
123o – 14oo
143o – 153o
153o – 16oo
16oo – 17oo
183o – 23oo
Session 3a: Connections for seismic effects (5 papers)
Coffee Break
Session 3b: Connections for seismic effects (4 papers)
Session 4a: Connections for structures with hollow sections (3
Coffee Break
Session 4b: Connections for structures with hollow sections (3
Conference Dinner (Recas vineyards)
Friday, 01.06.2012
09oo – 104o
104o – 111o
111o – 125o
125o – 142o
143o – 161o
161o – 164o
164o – 173o
Session 5a: Bolting and special connections topics (5 papers)
Coffee Break
Session 5b: Bolting and special connections topics (5 papers)
Session 6: Bracings and trusses connections (5 papers)
Coffee Break
Session 7: Concluding panel
173o – 183o
Farewell Drink
Saturday, 02.06.2012
073o – 21oo
Post-conference Tour
Wednesday, 30.05.2012
08oo – 09oo
09oo – 093o
093o – 13oo
Opening Session (D. Dubina, F.S.K. Bijlaard, C.J. Carter, R. Bjorhovde, L. S. da Silva)
Session 1: Structural design, design codes
Chairmen: Charles J. Carter, Riccardo Zandonini
1. C.J. Carter, C.J. Duncan: Recent changes in U.S. connection design practice
2. A. Marinopouloulou, E. Kardaras, I. Palamas: Comparative design of certain steel
connections according to USA and European provisions
3. K. Weynand, R. Oerder, J.F. Demonceau: Distortional eigenmodes and solutions for
thin-walled beams
4. P. Moze, D. Beg: On the bearing resistance of bolted connections
11oo – 113o
Coffee Break
5. M. Latour, V. Piluso, G. Rizzano: Column-base plate joints under monotonic loads:
theoretical and experimental analysis
6. E. Bayo, A. Loureiro, M. Lopez, B. Gil: Behaviour of trapezoidal shear panels in steel
7. J.J. dos Santos, A.T. da Silva, L.R.O. de Lima, P.C.G. da Silva Vellasco, S.A.L. de
Andrade, J.G.S. da Silva: Structural assessment of the tension capacity of carbon &
steel plates with staggered bolts
8. Lip H. Teh, D.D.A. Clements: Block shear failures of bolted connections
13oo – 143o
15oo – 173o
Session 2: Methods of analysis
Chairmen: Robert Trambley, Luis Simoes da Silva
1. A. M. Girao Coelho, F.S.K. Bijlaard: Finite element evaluation of the rotation capacity of
partial strength steel joints
2. A. Kozlowski, L. Sleczka: Simplified formulas for assessment of steel joint flexibility
3. F. Charney, A. Verma, M. Bajwa, C. Moen: The Influence of true base connection
stiffness on the computed drift of metal building frames
16oo – 163o
Coffee Break
4. R. Montuori, V. Piluso, M. Troisi: Influence of connection typology on the seismic
behaviour of MR-frames
5. A. Ciutina, G. Danku, D. Dubina: Influence of steel-to-concrete connection of seismic
resistant frame beams loaded in bending or shear
6. A. Pop, D. Grecea, A. Ciutina: Low cycle performance of T-stub components of bolted
moment beam -to-column connections
19oo – 22oo
Welcome Reception
Thursday, 31.05.2012
09oo – 123o
Session 3: Connections for seismic effects
Chairmen: Finley Charney, Vincenzo Piluso
1. J.D. Schippers, D.J. Ruffley, G.A. Rassati, J.A. Swanson: A design procedure for bolted
top-and-seat angle connections for use in seismic applications
2. J.M. Schroeder, M.A. Barber, G.A. Rassati, J.A. Swanson: Using finite element
modelling to create moment-rotation curves for shear tab connections
3. L. Comeliau, J.F. Demonceau, J.P. Jaspart: Innovative bolted beam-to-column joints for
seismic resistant building frames
4. H. Chi, J. Liu: Design and behaviour of post-tensioned column bases for self-centering
moment resisting frames
5. Y. Shi, M. Weng, G. Shi, J. Xiong, Y. Wang: Study on the damage behavior and
calculation model of welded connections in steel frames under severe earthquakes
104o – 111o
Coffee Break
6. M. Latour, V. Piluso, G. Rizzano: Experimental behaviour of friction T-stub beam-tocolumn joints under cyclic loads
7. C. Aguirre: Non linear behavior of shear lugs and steel buildings response
8. F. Dinu, D. Dubina, C. Vulcu, C. Neagu, I. Both: Experimental and numerical evaluation
of a RS Coupling Beam for moment steel frames in seismic areas
9. C. Vulcu, A. Stratan, D. Dubina: Seismic resistant welded connections for MRF of CFT
columns and I beams
123o – 14oo
143o – 17oo
Session 4: Connections for structures with hollow sections
Chairmen: Jeffrey A. Packer, Jean-Pierre Jaspart
1. A.B. Sabbagh, T.M. Chan: Development of I-beam to CHS column moment connections
with external diaphragms for seismic applications
2. H. Perttola, M. Heinisuo: Experimental study on flanged joints of tubular members under
biaxial bending
3. M.R. McFadden, M. Sun, J.A. Packer: Weld design and fabrication for RHS connections
153o – 16oo
Coffee Break
4. R.S. da Silva, L.R.O. de Lima, P.C.G. da Silva Vellasco, J.G.S. da Silva, A.M.S. Freitas,
G.V. Nunes: Overview of tubular joints - EC3 X new CIDECT formulations
5. K. Horova, J. Tomsu, F. Wald: To base plates of hollow sections columns
6. M. Couchaux, M. Hjiaj, I. Ryan: Behaviour of bolted circular flange joints subjected to a
bending moment and an axial force
183o – 23oo
Conference Dinner (Recas vineyards)
Friday, 01.06.2012
09oo – 125o
Session 5: Bolting and special connection topics
Chairmen: Luciano Lima, Frantisek Wald
1. A. Surovek, B.K. Jasthi, C.A. Widener: Friction stir welding of steel connections
2. C. Haremza, A. Santiago, L.S. da Silva: Experimental behaviour of heated composite
steel-concrete joints subject to variable bending moments and axial forces
3. J. Henriques, L.S. da Silva, I. Valente: Design model for composite beam to reinforced
concrete wall joints
4. N. Baldassino, V. Mancini, R. Zandonini: Experimental and numerical investigation on
unstiffened and stiffened T-stubs
5. D. Ungermann, R. Trillmich: Tension tests on welded threaded studs with a tensile
strength of 800N/mm2
104o – 111o
Coffee Break
6. A.M. Gresnigt, F.S.K. Bijlaard: Injection bolts in steel structures with short duration high
7. F.S.K. Bijlaard, A.M. Gresnigt: Verification models for the bearing resistance of bolts in
lap joints
8. Z. Nagy: Virtual testing of cold-formed steel bolted joints in pitch-roof portal frames
9. R. Gabor, J. dos Santos: FSW application in steel construction: recent advances
10. A. Dogariu, S. Bordea, D. Dubina: Steel brace-to-RC frame post-tensioned bolted
125o – 142o
143o – 161o
Session 6: Bracings and trusses connections
Chairmen: Gian Andrea Rassati, Daniel Grecea
1. A. Davaran, A. Gelinas, R. Tremblay: Experimental seismic response of slotted
connections at the intersection of HSS braces in X-bracing systems
2. L. Tirca, C. Caprarelli, N. Danila, L. Calado: Modelling and design of dissipative
connections for brace-to-column joints
3. J. Szlendak: Behaviour of steel truss frame with laser shaped double side non-welded
RHS joints
4. R. Moreau, C. Rogers, R. Tremblay, J.A. Packer: Finite element evaluation of the
"modified-hidden-gap" HSS slotted tube-to-plate connection
5. A. Stratan, D. Dubina, R. Gabor, C. Vulcu, I. Marginean: Experimental validation of a
pinned connection for centric braced frames
161o – 164o
Coffee Break
164o – 173o
Session 7: Concluding panel
Moderators: Reidar Bjorhovde, Frans Bijlaard
173o – 183o
Farewell Drink